(english / srpskohrvatski / italiano)

Messaggio telefonico di Milosevic alla nazione: La Serbia deve essere

Slobodan Milosevic: Srbija mora da bude slobodna!

Serbia has to be free! - Slobodan Milosevic phone address to SPS on the



(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 3 DIC - Per la prima volta dalla sua estradizione
all'Aja nelle carceri del Tribunale penale internazionale, il 28
giugno del 2000, l'ex presidente jugoslavo Slobodan Milosevic si e'
rivolto a voce ai suoi sostenitori, in un messaggio registrato e
ritrasmesso dal quartier generale del suo Partito socialista serbo
(Sps). Il comizio telefonico, che verteva sulla campagna in atto
per le elezioni politiche serbe del 28 dicembre, alle quali
Milosevic ha deciso di presentare la sua candidatura, e' stato
trasmesso dalla 'Radio S', l'emittente del Sps. ''Il partito
socialista - ha detto Milosevic - ha la capacita' e il dovere di
mobilitare le forze per rivoluzionare la triste realta' del paese. La
vittoria del Sps e' nell'interesse dei contadini, degli operai, degli
intellettuali e dei martiri del Kosovo'', la comunita' serba rimasta
nella provincia. L'ex uomo forte di Belgrado ha designato come
premier, in caso di vittoria del partito, Milutin Mrkonic, che fu il
responsabile del programma di ricostruzione seguito ai bombardamenti
della Nato della primavera 1999. Quanto al processo di integrazione
con le istituzioni europee, ''La Serbia - ha detto Milosevic - e' gia'
in Europa e non ha motivo di sostare come una mendicante
nell'anticamera di nessuno''. (ANSA). OT 03/12/2003 19:18


NOTA: L'ANSA riporta anche le dichiarazioni "preoccupate" del
presidente dell'assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d'Europa Peter
Schieder (
), e spiega che verra' impedito ad ogni costo il rispetto delle libere
scelte degli elettori serbi se queste ultime non piaceranno alla NATO
ed alla UE: "A seggi chiusi ... tutti i candidati eletti dovranno
superare il vaglio di una commissione di verifica [SIC], che
provvedera' a eliminare quelli piu' compromessi con il passato
regime. Milosevic sicuramente figura in questa categoria..." (
http://www.ansa.it/balcani/serbiamontenegro/20031201190432772957.html )


 (Telefonsko obracanje clanovima Glavnog odbora Socijalisticke partije
Srbije na sednici odrzanoj 3. decembra 2003. godine, na kojoj je
MILOSEVIC, za vanredne parlamentarne izbore zakazane za 28. decembar

Dragi drugovi,

Zelim da vas pozdravim i da vam porucim da svi mi zajedno imamo obavezu
da se borimo za pobedu i da pobedimo.U interesu celog naroda, svake
porodice i svakog pojedinca. I iz perspektive i pojedinca i porodice i
celog naroda, svako zeli da zivi u bogatoj i razvijenoj, bezbednoj i
srecnoj zemlji. A da bi Srbija sve to bila mora da bude slobodna. Zato
je sloboda cilj koji mora biti ispred svih drugih ciljeva.Taj cilj je
ostvariv i tezak. Ostvariv jer je istina najmocnije oruzje.Tezak jer je
potreban ogroman trud, ogroman rad i cvrsto jedinstvo da ta istina
dopre i do glave i do srca svakog gradjanina.

Na ovim izborima srpski narod ima istorijsku obavezu da se opredeli za
istinu. Pre tri godine upozorio sam gradjane Srbije sta ce se dogoditi
ako na vlast dodju eksponenti stranih sila, odnosno njihovih vlada.Sve
se tacno tako dogodilo i to danas ne moze niko da porekne.

Socijalisticka partija Srbije ima obavezu i ima sposobnost da okupi i
mobilise snage koje ce da preokrenu tok koji predstavlja zalosnu
realnost Srbije, u interesu seljaka, u interesu radnika,
intelektualaca, u interesu kosovskih mucenika, u interesu svih koji
zive od svog rada i u interesu srpskog naroda i nacionalnog
dostojanstva i dostojanstva svakog gradjanina.

Predlozio sam Milutina Mrkonjica za predsednika Vlade zato sto je
graditelj koji se potvrdio u najteze vreme. Srbiji treba milion novih
radnih mesta, stanovi, bolnice, skole, putevi, pruge, mostovi, ubrzani
rast i opsteg i pojedinacnog standarda, od beba u porodilistima do

Srbija je u Evropi, ona nema razloga da ponizno stoji u bilo kom
predsoblju. Ne postoji srecan prosjak ni bogata kolonija. Ubrzana
integracija u savremeni svet moze da se ostvari samo uspesnim razvojem,
a ne ni miloscu ni dekretom stranih faktora.

Zato Srbija treba da glasa za istinu, da glasa za Srbiju.

U to ime zelim bar jos jednom da porucim da svi mi zajedno imamo
obavezu da se borimo za pobedu.

Do pobede!


Belgrade, 3 December 2003

President Slobodan Milosevic has addressed today by phone the session
of the Head Committee, the highest organ of his party, the Socialist
Party of Serbia. According to the Party Statute, the Head Committee has
adopted today the party ticket for the forthcoming early parliamentary
elections, scheduled for 28 December 2003, with the names of candidates
for 250 seats in the Serbian parliament.

It has been also decided that according to the electoral law
provisions, the SPS party ticket will have the name: SOCIALIST PARTY OF

Candidate with number one on the party ticket will be President
Milosevic himself. The composition of the list of candidates,
containing the most prominent names of both “reformists” and
“consequent socialists” is considered to be a manifestation of unity of
Serbian socialists, reached in the crucial moment and achieved in
accordance with the expectation of the people, around the principal
goal – to offer a socialist and patriotic alternative to the colonial
regime that brought the country and the people into misery, humiliation
and desperation. At the same time, the way the socialists appear in the
elections proves that Slobodan Milosevic is still, and even more than
in the last years – a politician with the highest personal rating in
Serbia. It is, without any doubt, a result of his successful struggle
against the NATO puppet court at The Hague, which became a paradigm of
the colonial domination over Serbia.

The socialists with Slobodan Milosevic will fight for at least 20% of
seats in the Serbian parliament, which, if achieved, will make them
unavoidable factor in the future political life of Serbia.

Below we give the full text of President Milosevic’s today’s address to
the Head Committee of the Socialist Party of Serbia.

Dear comrades,

I wish to greet you and to tell you that we all together have a duty to
struggle for victory and to win. It is the interest of the whole
people, of every family and each individual. And looking from the
prospective of individuals, of families and of the people – everyone
wishes to live in prosperous and developed, safe and happy country. In
order to be all that, Serbia has to be free. That is why freedom is a
goal that has to be above all other goals. That goal is reachable
although it is hard to reach it. It is reachable since truth is the
most powerful weapon. It is hard since great efforts, lot of work and
firm unity are needed for that truth to access brain and heart of every

In these elections Serbian people has historical duty to choose the
truth. Three years ago I warned citizens of Serbia what was going to
happen if the exponents of foreign powers, i.e. of their governments,
come to power. Everything happened exactly as I said – nobody can deny
it today.

The Socialist Party of Serbia has duty and ability to gather and
mobilize forces that will reverse the processes which are the sad
reality of Serbia – in the interest of peasants, in the interest of
workers, intellectuals, in the interest of Kosovo martyrs, in the
interest of everyone who lives of his own work – as well as in the
interest of Serbian people, national dignity and dignity of every

I have proposed Milutin Mrkonjic for Prime Minister because he is a
builder who proved himself in the hardest time. Serbia needs a million
of new employments, it needs apartments, hospitals, schools, roads,
railways, bridges, it needs accelerated improvement of living
standards, both social and individual, for all – from babies in
nurseries until pensioners.

Serbia is in Europe; it has no reason to stand submissively in
anybody’s waiting room. There is no happy beggar or wealthy colony.
Fast integration into contemporary World can be achieved only through
our own successful development – not by mercy or decree of the outside

That is why Serbia should vote for truth, should vote for Serbia.

In that name I wish to send you at least one more time a message that
we all together have a duty to struggle for victory.

Until victory!