(In calce: una nota sulla MOLDAVIA a cura di Mauro Gemma)


Da: RicK Rozoff
Data: Lun 29 Dic 2003 18:15:17 Europe/Rome
Oggetto: NATO's Assault On Yugoslavia Opens Political Pandora's Box In
Eastern Europe

[Note: Today's news items do not include information
concerning the contentious and, as always in today's
volatile politico-military atmosphere, war-fraught
territorial disputes between Croatia and Slovenia over
fishing and water rights, between currently pan-Magyar
Hungary, which is issuing passports to ethnic
Hungarians in three other nations, and Serbia over the
latter's province of Vojvodina, Lithuania and Russia
regarding the Kaliningrad enclave, pan-Albanian
designs on Kosovo, South Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro
and Northwestern Greece, the ongoing and overtly
military contretemps between Russia and Western-backed
Ukraine over the Kerch Strait/Tuzla Island gateway
from the Black Sea to the Sea of Azov, etc.
Rest in peace to the Yalta and Potsdam Accords, the
United Nations Charter, the Helsinki Final Act and all
other treaties and arrangements designed to prevent a
resumption of land grabs on the European continent
which last resulted in a world war that cost humanity
some fifty million lives.
The last time a comparable scramble for Central and
Eastern Europe occurred commenced in 1938.]

1) Slovakia vs Hungary, Hungary vs Slovakia
2) Romania vs Hungary
3) Romania vs Moldova
4) Greater Romania vs Moldova
5) Western Europe vs Russia With Troops Ready For
6) Transdniester vs Romania And Western Europe


Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
December 29, 2003


Foreign Minister Eduard Kukan told TASR on 27 December
that Slovakia is considering appealing to the
Hague-based International Court of Justice (ICJ) over
its unresolved dispute with Hungary over the
Gabcikovo-Nagymaros dam. Kukan implied that
negotiations with Hungary are going nowhere and
Budapest is showing no willingness to resolve the
long-standing dispute. Kukan said the only progress so
far has been fixing a date for the next round of talks
on the issue. In 1997, the ICJ ruled that Hungary
violated international law by abandoning a bilateral
agreement to build a hydropower network on the Danube
River, but at the same time the court concluded that
Slovakia was wrong in pressing ahead with the project
and diverting Danube waters from Hungary to Slovakia.

Responding to criticism by Foreign Minister Laszlo
Kovacs, the Hungarian opposition FIDESZ party's
leadership issued a statement on 23 December calling
Kovacs "unfit" to serve as Hungary's most senior
diplomat, local media reported. The statement said
FIDESZ rejects "with shock and consternation" Kovacs's
criticism of its support for autonomy for the
Hungarian minority in Transylvania. "The fact that
Laszlo Kovacs...repeatedly takes the side of Romanian
interests on this issue bears witness to such a level
of malevolence and insensitivity to national interests
that we can state with justification that Laszlo
Kovacs is unfit to represent Hungary at any
international forums as foreign minister," the
statement charges. Kovacs had criticized the chairman
of FIDESZ's national council, Laszlo Kover, who
reportedly told a recent ethnic Hungarian forum in
Transylvania that "it is regrettable that the peaceful
and constitutional aspirations of the Hungarian
minority [in Romania] for the assertion of its
interests have thus far received less attention and
supportive benevolence from European public opinion
than the demands of those ethnic groups who have
resorted to force". Kovacs said anyone who believes it
is expedient to resort to violence to achieve autonomy
and publicly expresses such a position is acting
irresponsibly and harming the cause of autonomy for
Transylvania's ethnic Hungarians. MS

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
December 29, 2003


Alexei Tulbure, Moldova's permanent representative to
the Council of Europe, said in an interview with
Novosti-Moldova on 23 December that Romanian President
Ion Iliescu would be well advised to be more careful
in his statements about Moldova, Flux reported.
Tulbure, who was commenting on a statement by Iliescu
calling Moldova's nationalities policies "Stalinist"
(see "RFE/RL Newsline," 18 December 2003), said
Iliescu will have to recognize the existence of a
Moldovan national identity separate from the Romanian
identity sooner or later. Tulbure added that if
Romania refuses to do so, recognition will be
"imposed" on it from outside. Iliescu would be forced
to recognize the separate Moldovan identity just as
foreign pressure forced Iliescu to acknowledge the
perpetration of the Holocaust on Romanian territory,
Tulbure said. "Nobody doubts that the Moldovan and
Romanian language are identical, but every people has
the right to self-determination and the Moldovan
people has exercised that right," he added. On 23
December, Gheorghi Prisacaru, chairman of the Romanian
Senate's Foreign Affairs Committee, called Moldova's
recently adopted Concept of the State's Nationalities
Policies a "historical and judicial
aberration...reminiscent of attempts dating back to
the Stalinist times," Mediafax reported. MS

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
December 29, 2003


Speaking in parliament on 26 December, President
Vladimir Voronin charged that the opposition's stance
regarding the Concept of the State's Nationalities
Policies is motivated by its desire to recreate the
"single-nation [Romanian] empire...expanded from the
Tisa River to Tiraspol," Infotag reported. Voronin
claimed that the Council of Europe has approved the
concept, which has drawn heavy criticism from the
opposition opponents who labeled it "an example of
Stalin-style propaganda." Differences between the
Moldovan and Romanian languages might not be readily
apparent, Voronin said, but "to be 100 percent sure,
we still need the qualified expertise of professional
linguists." "One mustn't forget that for six centuries
we have been calling our language Moldovan, while in
the neighboring state, the designation of the language
as Romanian is of rather recent vintage," he added.
Voronin said the Concept of the State's Nationalities
Policies was not conceived to outlaw Romanian identity
or the Romanian language but, "on the contrary, it
grants everyone the right to decide what his or her
ethnic origin is." MS

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
December 29, 2003


The European Parliament recently approved a resolution
saying the EU is willing to join an international
peacekeeping force under an OSCE mandate in the
Transdniester, Flux reported on 23 December. The
agency said that at its 15-18 December session, the
European Parliament criticized the Russian plan for
Moldova's federalization, saying the rejected scheme
was "aimed at legitimizing the current situation in
the region" and its approval would have created a
serious obstacle to Moldova's democratization. The
European lawmakers deplored Moscow's actions, saying
that "despite the obligations it has assumed, Russia
does not intend to withdraw its troops from the
Transdniester region by end 2003" and thus is
essentially contributing to the status quo and the
maintenance in power of the Tiraspol secessionist
regime. The resolution also said the evacuation of
Russian troops and military equipment from
Transdniester must in no way be linked to the
negotiations for a peaceful solution of the
Transdniester conflict. MS

The separatist authorities in Tiraspol on 26 December
announced that they have "suspended" the process of
Russian troop and weapon withdrawal, ITAR-TASS
reported. The authorities said the withdrawal has been
halted until "at least" 8 January, when separatist
leader Smirnov is to make a statement explaining the
decision. Smirnov recently threatened to halt the
process in retaliation for Chisinau's last-minute
refusal to approve the Russian plan for the country's
federalization. The Russian Defense Ministry announced
that two military-transport planes evacuated portable
surface-to-air missile systems and guided antiaircraft
missiles from Transdniester on 26 December. According
to ITAR-TASS, that decision was taken "in order to
minimize the potential threat of these weapons being
seized or used by terrorists." MS



I paesi “democratici” dell’est, entrati nell’Unione Europea, devono
prendere esempio dalla Moldavia governata dai comunisti e minacciata
dalla NATO


Oleg Ghibu, REGIONS.RU


La lingua russa ha ricevuto in Moldavia il riconoscimento ufficiale di
lingua “di contatto tra le nazionalità” (si intende lo status di lingua
nazionale a pari dignità con il moldavo). Ciò viene sancito dalla
cosiddetta “Concezione della politica nazionale della Moldavia”,
approvata dal parlamento della repubblica ed entrata in vigore il 25
dicembre, dopo la pubblicazione del decreto di approvazione di tale
documento da parte del presidente della repubblica Vladimir Voronin.

La “Concezione” è indirizzata alla realizzazione della concordia
civile, allo sviluppo di corretti rapporti interetnici, alla rimozione
delle conseguenze del conflitto sul Dniestr, ed è basata sul rifiuto
dell’ “assimilazione forzata” (dei russi e delle altre minoranze) da
parte dei moldavi. L’elemento basilare del documento è rappresentato
dal rafforzamento del bilinguismo moldavo-russo e russo-moldavo.

Traduzione dal russo di Mauro Gemma