[A Sarajevo, dopo sette anni, e' rientrato nelle proprie case solo il 3
per cento della popolazione serba... Il 3 per cento di quelle 160mila
persone che sono dovute scappare dopo gli accordi di Dayton, per non
avere accettato di essere sottomesse al regime di Izetbegovic. E chi e'
ritornato subisce tutte le discriminazioni...
Nel frattempo, e' stato celebrato l'11 anniversario del massacro di
Bratunac, ad opera dei banditi di Nasir Oric...]

In Federal Sarajevo, local Serb returnees deprived of their rights

Tanjug - January 6, 2004

13:46 SARAJEVO , Jan 6 (Tanjug) - Manager of the Association of
Citizens of Democratic Initiative Jovo Janjih said on Tuesday that
less than three percent of the 160,000 local Serbs, who had lived in
Sarajevo before the war, had returned to the city, and that they were
now completely kept down.
"The fact that local Serbs are being deprived of their rights is
evident in all fields of life, such as employment, education, health
care, social welfare, right to pensions and other," the manager of the
Sarajevo local Serbs association told the Republika Srpska (RS) media.

Copyright 2004 Tanjug News Agency
Posted for Fair Use only.


Memorial service held in token of victims of Kravica massacre

Tanjug - January 7, 2004
17:37 KRAVICA , Jan 7 (Tanjug) - A memorial service was held in the
Orthodox church in Kravica, near Bratunac, on Wednesday on the occasion
of the 11th anniversary of a great massacre of local Bosnian Serbs
killed in this local district and its neighbouring villages during the
At the dawn of January 7, 1993, Bosniak forces from Srebrenica, under
the command of Naser Oric, now prisoner of The Hague tribunal, invaded
the village of Kravica and killed and massacred 46 local Serb
civilians, mostly women, children and old people, at their thresholds.

Copyright 2004 Tanjug News Agency
Posted for Fair Use only.