[ Un significativo comunicato del Partito Comunista di Slovenia sul
ruolo deleterio svolto dall'imperialismo germanico non solo ai danni
della economia slovena, ma ai danni di tutte le nazionalita' dello
spazio jugoslavo.
(Chi potesse tradurre questo testo in tempi brevi e' pregato di
inviarci subito la versione in lingua italiana - grazie!) ]


Arhiva : : April 2004.

Austro-German financial imperialism strongly endangering nations and
nationalities in the place of the SFRJ

Communist party of Slovenia expresses its concern about even greater
destruction of Slovenian economy, that was built up by Slovenian
natives with the help of all Yugoslav nations and nationalities and the
working class of the SFRJ as well as federal governmental financial and
political institutions of the SFRJ, and National Bank of Yugoslavia,

Communist party of Slovenia points to the rising destruction of
factories as well as to crisis and chaos spreading, to great state
debts, which are officially 50-times higher than they were before 1989,
as well as to the overtaking of national firms by Austrian financial
capital in several hundred factories, and in five banks. As Federal
Republic of Germany became owner of Austrian banks, influence of German
financial imperialism was automatically transferred to Slovenia.

Slovenian factories and firms (2600 at the time of Marshall Tito) had
been constructed to bring about social development of the SFRJ, not for
reanimation of Austrian economy or for exploitation on the part of
Austro-German financial imperialism, therefore regular membership of
Slovenia in the European Union is unlawful and just a coat to hide
exploitation in Slovenia as well as in the Balkans.

In other regions too, where there the wild privatisation was practised,
and legalised robbery of the factories carried our, the destruction of
the nationalised folk's property to the benefit of Austro-German
financial capital took place. In the other republics their debts to
Germany are increasing to the height where there is no coverage in
state reserves not even for bank interests.

Regarding Slovenia, its only possibility to cooperate in the Union is
in the same form as SFRJ had done with EWG (European economic
community). Its full membership means an attack on the whole region of
the SFRJ and a complete destroyal and colonisation of Slovenian
economy, finances and the state, nation and nationalities.

Regarding the NATO, the Balkans nations have firstly think of
themselves, that means that no membership is allowed for any form of
cooperation taht differs the one of the SFRJ time. The endeavours of
the Haag group of the investigated persons from Slovenia, to come
closer to NATO in exchange of prevention of charges in the Haag!
Slovenia has already been a member of Partnerstvo za mir, and a
regular NATO membership would not be in conformity neither with
Slovenian Constitution nor with a conference on Yugoslavia-SFRJ, and
not with AVNOJ decisions, and other international conferences.

The Haag Court investigated the former President of Slovenia and some
other persons, who participated in criminal activities.

Besides economic destruction in Slovenia and catastrophy like growing
debts, several time greater than ever in the history before, the wild
privatisation is strongly felt � that is a legalised robbery of 2600
factories, parallel with factories destruction and debts without
guarantee, an economic and land colonisation will follow upon demand of
creditors, the life standard is falling daily, slowly but persistently
the situation is worsening.

It had started with violation of the SFRJ Constitution, and dismantling
of socialism, followed by the establishment of wild privatisation and
wild bourgeois states with fascist elements. And after dismantling of
socialist system, material robbery followed and after it non-material
robbery, that is no respect for people, workers, communists, atheists,
national masses, dishonoured and deprived of justice.

Starting withArticle 238 of the Constitution stating that no one in the
place of the SFRJ or in any part of the SFRJ can sign any capitulation.
After dismantling of socialism, introduction of wild privatisation,
and robbery of the factories and firms, science was ruined, scientific
invention given to Germany for evaluation. After destroyal of several
hundred firms the massive state debts started.

In the interest of capitalist pressure groups � some factories were
blown up by dynamite. Slovenian media and press centres have launched
warnings about series of heavy pressure groups from violation of
Constitution to the destruction of irms, under high penalties �
imprisonments, the individuals causing constant criminal acts, bringing
them according to legal measures, several 20 years of imprisonment or
correspondingly, dealth penalties.

In the meda amd pther organisations there are strives to put in the
court nost only the Haaginvestigated persons but also other destroyers
and the actors of heavier criminal acts. Complaintsin Austria and
Germany, about their activities in the Balkans were not responded.

Even pressure upon Slovenian regions in Austria are becoming stronger,
the import of the right extremists from the Danube basin to K�rnten and
Steiermark additionally. It violates the 5th Article of Austrian
neutrality contract. Austria has obstructed its own neutrality by
entering membership of the EU.The signature to participate in military
units will upgrade this obstruction.

Because of the attacks of imperialist pressure greoups, aimed to
Slovenia, Croatia, Serbian nation and national masses respectively, the
whole Balkans, progressive organiations and associations demand
immediate cooperation and common coordination among nations nd
nationalities to defend interests of their own as well a s future
generations in th place of the SFRJ.

24.12.2003 and 07.01.2004

Central committee of the CPS

[Sono state eliminare la parti non di testo del messaggio]