[ "...Ecco, questi sono tra quei 20mila mujaheddin che sono stati
portati sulla scena europea grazie alle politiche di Bill Clinton, e la
maggior parte di loro ci sono rimasti, qualcun altro e' andato in
America ed in altri paesi, e tutti circolano per l'Europa. E allora,
quando incominceranno a decapitare la vostra gente, nelle guerre
prossime venture, allora vi renderete conto del problema..."
Slobodan Milosevic, 27 settembre 2002 ]


Michael Zegarac: Nicholas Berg was beheaded as terrorists beheaded
Serbs - 05/13/2004 08:00


  Following the beheading of the American Nicholas Berg in Iraq, your
readers might benefit by reading the prophetic words of President
Slobodan Milosevic during his "Trial" at The Hague.

  Taken from the official Transcript of the Trial of Slobodan
Milosevic, Friday, 27 September 2002. (I have added information in


  MILOSEVIC: These are crimes from the 26th of March, 1992, in

  The units (Mujahedin) crossed the Sava River and slaughtered the
Serbs. Please put the big picture on the overhead projector.

  That's it. That's what they did. That's what the Mujahedin did, the
ones we saw yesterday. And we saw Izetbegovic (leader of the Bosnian
Moslems) reviewing them yesterday. What's the matter? Is it not on the

  JUDGE MAY: It's on the screen. Do you want the next photograph shown?

  MILOSEVIC: But I haven't seen it on the screen. I only see you on the

  JUDGE MAY: It's on our screen. Make sure you've got the right button.

  MILOSEVIC: All right. All right. You don't want to show this. You
don't want to show this to the public.

  JUDGE MAY: Mr. Milosevic, it is on our screen.

  MILOSEVIC: It's not on the screens that the public sees. Right. I see
it on this screen now. But this internal screen only. So he is holding
a head, the head of a Serb that he cut off.

  So those are the 20.000 Mujahedin that were brought to the European
theatre of war through Clinton's policy, and most of them remained
there and some went to America and to other countries, and they went
all around Europe. And then when they start beheading your own people
in wars to come, then you will know what this is all about.


  Peace and security in the Balkans, Chechnya and the United States
have been compromised by the policies of Clinton, Albright, Holbrooke
and George Soros, all of whom have promoted, financed, trained and
armed Islamist terror groups around the world.

  Until the Americans recognise the folly of their actions in creating
Islamist terror groups, then their so-called "War on Terror" will have
no chance of success, and more innocent Serbs, Russians and Americans
will die.

  Michael Zegarac, England