From: Blagovesta Doncheva
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2004
Subject: North Ossetia, September 2004

As early as at the beginning of the 90-ies the present "Bulgarian"
Minister of Foreign affairs, SOLOMON PASSI, announced with gusto that
Russia will fall apart into three Russias (or more) - and at the end
(of the Mission!) it will disappear from the political card of the

Just as They managed to do that to Yugoslavia.

To Macedonia.

As their plan for Iraq is: it should disintegrate into three Iraqs
along religious lines.

North Ossetia, 1-3.09.2004

Bulgarian TV Channels:

The Russians attacked the Beslan school, it was blown up, 100 of
Russian troops were killed and hundreds of the hostages.

It was most arrogantly insisted that information was coming from the
Russian channels.

The Russian channels themselves repeatedly announced that it was the
murderous mercenaries that had started blowing the school and shooting
at the running children.

In his program "Odnako" Russian journalist Michael Leontiev commented
on the real criminals who hired - paid - trained the children-murdering
mercenaries. In connection with that he commented also on the way the
"French" Liberacion gloated over the Beslan tragedy.

Leontiev gave us the opportunity to have a look at an excerpt from the
"French" Liberacion: it called the children-murdering mercenaries
"guerrillas" and accused Russian authorities for the tragedy.

BBC kept accusing Russia - Russians - Putin for the Beslan tragedy.
Kept GLOATING. Kept underlining THEIR actual reason for Beslan horror:
Putin's hard politics towards Chechnia. Kept discussing the expected
fall of his rating. Now, they said smugly, Putin could not escape the
discussion of Chechnia at high EU Forums.

Was that the end aim of those who ORDERED the murders?

We were also informed that the BBC journalists and cameramen in Beslan
managed to enter the school and count the dead bodies (at least 100 of
them) - while the Russian journalists and cameramen were kept at 300
meters at least (or more) from the school and while the Russian troops
were still fighting the murderers in the school itself!

Was the real plan to take the school - to keep it as long as it proves
possible - to kill at least a 100 children and as many as possible of
the Russian troops - the aim being to achieve international resonance
and a basis for attacking Russia and Russian authorities for their
politics in Chechnia?

That is what a Russian journalist from the Russian newspaper
"Kommersant" announced on one of the Russian TV channels.

And his conclusion seems quite logical having in mind the fact that the
Children-murderers had no clear demands (!) - refused any negotiations
- any proposals - and simply stayed there and terrorized the town - the
country - the world.

It is interesting that yesterday nobody commented any demands.

Today at last BBC dig out and clearly formulated the mercenariesí
demand: independence of Chechnia.

Yesterday EUroNews commiserated with Russia - Russians - Putin was
indignant at the terrorists.

Today they joined BBC and started talking about the bloody "seizure" of
the school by the Russian troops and asked an explanation for the
action of the Russian troops and the many victims.

So it seems that the Grand Idea behind the bloody Beslan terrorist act
and the other terrorist acts in Russia in the last 15 years and
especially the recent ones is:

1/ "Independence" of Chechnia (from Russia)

2/ Full dependence of Abhazia and South Ossetia from Georgia of USrael.

3/ Joining North Ossetia to South Ossetia - i.e. to USraeli Georgia.

4/ Independence of Ingushetia, Dagestan, Vladivostok, Stalingrad,
Leningrad, Moscow, Ural, Kamchatka, etc. from Russia.

So they have started the long planned full destruction - TOTAL

Look at Yugoslavia.

Remember it - and cry.

Blagovesta Doncheva



My comments for yesterday, today and tomorrow:

The Soviet Union existed quite by itself for 28 years ... 1917-1945 ...
hated by all the powerful countries in the world.

During that tense period of time they tried non-stop to destroy it -

Terrorist acts against the population were UNTHINKABLE -
notwithstanding the hostile surrounding!

The boundaries were SAFELY S-E-A-L-E-D.

The Soviet Union's Security agencies were stimulated, adamant, and

Russia's surroundings of today are EVEN MORE HOSTILE than they were. A
practical plan for its full destruction is most diligently followed -
and recently definitely accelerated!

And still its boundaries are DEMOCRATICALLY opened for the USraeli
terrorists and their mercenaries!

And still the army and the security agencies of new Russia are pitiably
INCOMPARABLE to those of the Soviet Union!

Conclusion: the terrorist acts inside Russia will continue - till
Russia does not start really fighting for itself ... as the Soviet
Union did!

I accuse Russian authorities and Putin for squandering their
countrymen's lives by giving in to the demands for "democratization" of
Russia - all in the interest of its Destroyers - all against the
interests of its victimized population!