BELGRADE,18 July 2000 No.3112


Announcement: Meeting of the day

What are the effects of embargo imposed by the West on Yugoslavia - it
one of the questions that Jumana Tammur asks the Foreign Minister of
Yugoslavia in the "Meeting of the day", which is currently on the air

Meeting of the day

Dear viewers, welcome to our today's show "Meeting of the day". This is
meeting with the Yugoslav Foreign Minister, Mr. Zivadin Jovanovic. The
topics we shall address will include internal political and economic
situation in Yugoslavia, the attitude towards the opposition and his
on the future of Kosovo and Metohija, Yugoslavia, Montenegro and the
Balkans in general.

Q: Mr. Jovanovic, welcome to TV Al-Dzazira show. First of all, what are
factors that have determined and are determining your Government's
concerning the crisis in Kosovo and in the Balkans in general?

A: The Kosovo problem is one of separatism and terrorism. It has been
present for some time, but it has been intensified in the last few
Separatism has been supported from the outside to destabilize the region
and aggravate the situation in the region in pursuit of their own global
interests in Europe, Asia and the world at large. Province of Kosovo and
Metohija has been the birthplace of the statehood of Serbia. Medieval
Serbian State was situated in Kosovo and Metohija. Some cultural
still testify to that. Separatist movement caused chaos in the region,
endangering international principles and stability.

Q: You say terrorism, separatism but the people there say they want

A: First of all, people in Kosovo and Metohija are not of one ethnic
national community. Serbs, Albanians, Muslims, Turks, Egyptians,
and members of other nationalities have been living there for centuries.

Q: What about the majority? Can you illustrate that?

A: Majority in Serbia are Serbs and Kosovo has always been in Serbia.
you cannot take a city or a district and say majority in this city are
those and those and claim separation of the city or a district. One
not simplify the situation. Kosovo and Metohija is a multi-ethnic,
multi-cultural, multi-religious region of Serbia and Yugoslavia and
solution over there has always been community and tolerance, solidarity
all. Albanians make most of the population in Kosovo and Metohija, this
true. But they are citizens of Serbia and Yugoslavia and there they are
national minority. These are international standards. Why would
live outside prosperous Serbia and Yugoslavia, which is better than any
other in the region? Who would take Albania as a model anyway and in
respect, with chaos, crime and instability over there?

Q: You are giving a nice picture of the situation, while most analysts
that you handled roughly the crisis in Kosovo and Metohija?

A: All depends who the analysts are. If you had been in Yugoslavia, in
Kosovo and Metohija you would have seen quite a different picture from
one presented in Western media. NATO was no longer necessary in Europe.
With the break-up of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, as a global
factor NATO remained without a global adversary, without a global
Linked with military-industrial complex, it had to justify its existence
and even expand to the East although there is no reason for that in the
newly-created conditions. Therefore, it started to openly encourage
separatism and terrorism, to create problems and crises to justify its
expansion to the south and south-east of Europe, towards the Caspian
central Asia, region of the Middle East, towards the sources of energy,
strategic raw materials and big markets.

Q: Then, you are saying that foreign interference has led to that. But
you really think so why did you allow the soldiers to kill civilians? We
saw on TV that women were slaughtered, just like that.

A: Pictures have been falsified on TV. You could see pictures from
and Metohija from the winter while it was spring. Many pictures were not
from Kosovo at all, and cars or vehicles were from other countries. This
simply technology they use to prepare and justify the aggression.

Q: But we saw Albanians talking about their relatives, fathers, mothers,
daughters and it was confirmed by independent journalists, as seen on

A: Those pictures appeared after the aggression of NATO and what
happened only after 24 March 1999. There have been no refugees in
Macedonia, Albania or any other country before the aggression but only
after the aggression. Can you blame the people running from NATO bombs,
cruise missiles, cluster bombs, bombs with depleted uranium. Even the
western media now admit that they have been manipulated, and even
to censorship.

Q: Are you saying that the Albanians ran to Macedonia because they were
afraid of NATO?

A: They were running because and after NATO bombing because Pristina was
centre of bombings. Bombs were falling all over Pristina and other towns
Kosovo and Metohija. How can you expect the people to stay in towns and
villages with NATO bombs falling and hundreds of civilians getting

Q: What about massacres that happened before?

A: Which massacres? Where did you get these information?

Q: From agencies.

A: What agencies, whose agencies? News agencies, intelligence, NATO.
are a lot of agencies, you will agree. There were no massacres at all in
Kosovo and Metohija. There were provocations by a terrorist organization
calling themselves Kosovo Liberation Army, ambushing and killing Serbian
policemen and people. Police responded in accordance with the law and
authority to stop the terror from being spread, to protect the law,
peace and order. Fighting terrorists is an obligation, and it is in the
interest of peace and stability, and life in peace of all citizens.

Q: How did they react, the police?

A: Police reacted proportionate to the situation and the danger. Serbia
tried to get rid of the terrorist organization KLA. You have to know
this terrorist organization was on a list of terrorist organizations in
Washington but they removed it when they considered that it can be
as a tool for destabilization of the region, they proclaimed it a
liberation organization, although it was all along the same

Q: You call it terrorist, maybe the Americans used to call it terrorist
for Kosovars they are heroes. They are heroes, they are working for
independence, they are working for a better life of Kosovars.

A: No State in the world, including ours, can legitimize terrorist and
separatist objectives, nor should we identify their aims with ordinary
people, citizens. Even today, regardless of NATO foul play and its links
with terrorist "KLA", hundreds of thousands of people of Albanians link
their future with Serbia and Yugoslavia. They understand that terrorism
separatism are a disaster for Albanians, that secession is a great
deception of NATO, that they have been manipulated and that they can
peace and prosperity only in Serbia and Yugoslavia as equal citizens.

Q: Do you really think that you have the support of the Serbian people?

A: Who is we?

Q: Your Government and your regime, of course.

A: How do you think I became Minister, that I was imposed? You should
to Serbia and Yugoslavia and hear what the people have to say, their
opinion on the Government defence, reconstruction, reforms. You should
be relying too much on the CNN and the like, they are a part of NATO war

Q: It is not just listening to the news. I saw thousands of people
gathering, saying no to Milosevic, no this Government, they said they
wanted early elections. Why don't you go?

A: We shall have regular elections this year. Why do you think we should
have them couple of months in advance? Who would want that?

Q: Why not? If people like you and people want you. Then you would be
to say to the opposition, OK we did it and we came back because people
wanted it.

A: This is what will happen at regular elections. We have no reason to
please minority. We have to care about majority. That is why we were
elected. Majority is with the Government, with the leadership of
Milosevic. This is a reality and you can see that for yourself. You
mentioned demonstrations. If they gather and express their views that is
O.K. What about millions who feel differently?

Q: You are saying that they are paid from the outside, that the tell
to say that they want a better life.

A: Search on INTERNET you will find that the USA allocates 25 million
dollars for opposition in Belgrade. If Americans are publicly saying
they are paying, those who are receiving they are paid, are they not?
do you know how the Western countries react if somebody interferes in
elections by payments from outside? They say it is a gross violation of
democratic principles. But how do they dare to pay political parties in
country? Everybody knows that they are doing it for their own benefit,
for the benefit of Serbia.

Q: Let us talk about the opposition. The opposition in your country
complained bitterly about the censorship and sometimes even harsh
against journalists. What would make your Government more lenient
this opposition?

A: Media in Serbia, in Belgrade, are the most developed in south-eastern
Europe, in terms of quality, in terms of number, circulation and so on.
in Serbia have more than 650 radio and TV channels and stations. We also
have more than 3,000 dailies, weeklies and publications. For example, we
have some 15 TV channels.

Q: It is not the number that counts, what about the freedom of speech
freedom to act and to move?

A: Listen, 12 TV channels in Belgrade are private, opposition,
and they are responsible only to those who are paying them, as private
owners. There is no censorship. There is no discrimination or dismissals
speaking of the freedom of the press. If you were referring to
ownership from one TV to the State, the reason is that they were calling
for the uprising in Serbia, liquidation of leadership and so on. Is
there a
responsible Government that considers such activity as a democratic
or would tolerate that.

Q: But some observers went as far as accusing your Government of some
complicity in assassination attempt on Vuk Draskovic? Why did they
you of that?

A: Those observers, where do they come from? This question should be
to them, on what basis do they level charges? It is easy to publish
information. It is more difficult to, but the only right thing to do to
stick to the facts and rely on analyses not on observers.

Q: Is there anything new concerning assassinations in Yugoslavia?

A: Those were terrorist acts as you know, one of our Ministers was
and a representative from one of the Serb Provinces while he was
an international fair. These were terrorist acts aimed at destabilizing
country from the inside.
You should know that the last year's aggression of NATO on
Yugoslavia contributed only to the strengthening of solidarity and
of the people of in defence of its freedom. The aggressors know that
did not succeed, so they are continuing by other methods to destabilize
Yugoslavia, seeking to portray Yugoslavia as a problematic country. But
they cannot succeed because the truth is increasingly prevailing.

Q: Let us go back to the accusations against you. Don't you think that
those accusations cast a shadow of distrust against your government?

A: I know that the aim of certain foreign factors is to provoke distrust
against our Government, but I know that the trust in the Government is
strengthened. The Government is reconstructing what NATO had destroyed
is building even better. In a short period, it repaired electricity,
highways, bridges, railways, hospitals, kindergartens. People in
and all over the world know that we are not weak, that we are stronger

Q: But you have many economic problems, don't you?

A: What country does not have economic problems? Our problems come from
sanctions which are illegal, totally inhuman. It is inadmissible that
children and people suffer because someone in the world does not like
regime. We lost 150 billion dollars. Consequences of NATO aggression
Yugoslavia with losses of 100 billion dollars. Sanctions and aggression
the amount of 250 billion dollars for a nation of the size and capacity
Yugoslavia is too much. Despite of all this, you talk about economic
problems of Yugoslavia. We have 1 million refugees in Yugoslavia now. In
addition, we have no access to the World Bank and IMF.

Q: But thanks to the policy of Milosevic, you have no foreign donor, you
have been denied international financial assistance, because of your

A: It is true that we conduct an independent policy. It is true that it
does not suit the forces that seek domination. Despite that, Yugoslavia
a free and independent country. Yugoslavia has not given in to NATO
enormous force employed to destroy a sovereign country. Our current
problems are not due to a wrong policy but to the NATO aggression and
Despite that, Yugoslavia is economically a leading country in
region. In the last five years, we have had an average of 5-6 per cent
GNP rise compared to all our neighbours which have only 1.7 per cent.
they did not have refugees, sanctions and embargo and other
limitations. This can be done only by the people and the Government
are united.

Q: You talked a lot of sanctions. Don't you think that handing over
Karadzic and Ratko Mladic and cooperation with Montenegro, The Hague
Tribunal might enhance your respect and reputation and will help ease

A: We are not ready to deceive our people and State to be patted on the
shoulder. We do not care much compliments from others, especially we
need compliments from aggressors, from NATO countries. As for Karadzic,
is not a citizen of Yugoslavia and he is not in Yugoslavia. Let us not
forget that The Hague Tribunal is an extended arm of NATO, and creation
NATO, serving its interests and not the interests of justice. The
International in its last report stated that NATO committed war crimes
against humanity against peace in Yugoslavia, particularly by bombing
television in Belgrade, killing 16 of its employees. Is International
Tribunal to be trusted when in the case of certain personalities it
justified killing journalists, destroying bridges, destroying
train in and they say it is legitimate military objective.

Q: But isn't Slobodan Milosevic an instigator or maybe rather
in this whole Balkan conflict from the first, and his campaign in
it was along purely ethnic lines?

A: Yugoslavia, that is previous Yugoslavia was destroyed because it
represented an obstacle to hegemonism and an obstacle to domination.
is the essence. And those who were destroying Yugoslavia were playing on
separatism to disintegrate it into small states and peoples in order to
rule over them. Slobodan Milosevic has always been an advocate of the
Yugoslav federation. He had nothing to do that Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia
and Macedonia decided to go it alone and resort to force. We have
normalized relations with Macedonia, Croatia we are to normalize
with Bosnia and Slovenia. We are an open country. But, attributing to
victim responsibility for destruction, responsibility for civil wars in
Bosnia and Croatia, etc, is aimed at diverting the attention from those
are responsible. They need a scape goat and they need to divert
from those who are really responsible. They want a scape goat to divert
attention from themselves and from their own people. We filed charges
the International Court of Justice in the Hague, we accused them of
against peace and humanity, for genocide against Yugoslavia and we asked
for compensation. Many peoples from all European countries are accusing
NATO and leaders leading the aggressive the war against. That wave of
protest and clear condemnation is growing.

Q: In the end, Mr. Jovanovic, what is the scenario regarding the future
Kosovo, Yugoslavia and Montenegro and the Balkans in general?

A: I see the solution, peace and stability and progress in that part of
Europe under by respecting Yugoslavia as an equal partner and as a key
factor of peace, stability and development in the region. Second, to
abolish and remove all sanctions and measures of isolation which are
illegal from the point of view of international law. The third, to
immediately resume Yugoslavia's full legitimate role in European and
international organizations and institutions, including the United
and Movement of Non-Aligned Countries. The fourth, to solve Kosovo and
Metohija respecting territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia and
Yugoslavia, and that the Serb province be granted autonomy within
based on equality of all national communities and all citizens living
there. The doors to cooperation in the Balkans should be fully opened.
Balkan states have a prosperous future only if they are integrated at
regional level. In that respect, Yugoslavia is of importance in
economic, cultural, information, scientific integration and development.
Yugoslavia considers that the future of countries of the size and
as is the case is in trans-border links, mutual respect and integration.
this basis, the whole of the Balkans would secure modern economic and
technological development and integration with other developed European

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