(ANSA) - BRUXELLES, 31 GEN - Il Tribunale penale internazionale
dell'Aja (Tpi) ha condannato l'ex generale jugoslavo Pavle Strugar a
otto anni di prigione per il ruolo avuto nell'assedio e nel
bombardamento della citta' medievale croata di Dubrovnik nel 1991. I
giudici hanno concluso che Strugar non ha ordinato [SIC] il
bombardamento della citta', considerata patrimonio mondiale
dell'umanita', ma che non ha fatto nulla ''per fermare l'attacco quando
invece avrebbe potuto farlo'' [SIC]. Il generale Strugar era al comando
delle forze dell'armata jugoslava nella regione di Dubrovnik, al
momento del conflitto tra Croazia e l'ex [SIC] Jugoslavia. (ANSA). OS
31/01/2005 13:33


Risposta di Peter Maher all’articolo “Distruzione di Dubrovnik” del
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

J.P. Maher: Le mensonge de Dubrovnik
oppure JUGOINFO Mar 3 Ago 2004 13:31:28

Miodrag Jokic agreed to accept non-existent guilt

JUGOINFO Mar 2 Set 2003 17:10:17

The ethnic cleansing of Dubrovnik

JUGOINFO Gio 2 Ott 2003 11:41:56


> discussion.cgi?id=217548;article=3544;show_parent=1

Nico Tarzanovic
Dubrovnik chief of artillery testifies at Strugar trial
Mon May 3, 2004 20:26

Sense News Agency

April 23, 2004

Ivan Negodic testified about what artillery the defenders of Dubrovnik
had and where it was located Dubrovnik citizens, contradicting the
testimony of previous witnesses that there had been no mortar positions
or armed people anywhere near the Old Town.

THE HAGUE, 23.4. (SENSE) - In the fall of 1991, Ivan Negodic was the
Dubrovnik defense forces? chief of artillery. As early as June, he was
involved in "administrative preparations" for the defense of Dubrovnik,
which were set in motion after ?the events in Vukovar in the summer of

At the trial of Pavle Strugar, commander of the 2nd Operations Group
and commanding officer of the JNA?s Dubrovnik operation, Negodic
testified about what artillery the defenders of Dubrovnik had and where
it was located between October and December 1991.

As Negodic testified, artillery was deployed in several locations
around Dubrovnik: Gospino polje, Lazareti, Mala Petka, and Lapad. The
weapons were Sagger missiles, recoilless guns, mortars, rocket
launchers and ZIS cannon. The witness confirmed that in the second half
of December 1991, one mortar was located in Bogesica Park, a location
near the walls of the Old Town. In its cross-examination, General
Strugar's defense was particularly interested in that location.

By calling Negodic, one could say that the prosecution risked
impeaching some of its own witnesses ? mostly Dubrovnik citizens ? who
stubbornly denied there had been mortar positions or armed people
anywhere near the Old Town or an organized defense of Dubrovnik.

Ivan Negodic pointed on a map to the artillery positions the defenders
of Dubrovnik had, specifying when each position was active and to what
extent ? in other words, when each was used to open fire on JNA

According to Negodic's testimony, the artillery sector had no
professional soldiers and the level of training of his personnel was
"mediocre." The units were mostly composed of reservists ? people who
had done their national service in the JNA ? and the best-trained among
them operated the weapons. Negodic said there were no National Guard
Corps members in the artillery.

The witness states that the weapons arrived from the direction of
Metkovic/Ploce, from the Peljesac peninsula, from the islands of Mljet,
Sipan, Lopud, and Kolocep. The ammunition was transported to the
islands from the same direction. The islands "were toured by
speedboats, which gathered the ammunition and unloaded it in Lapad, on
the main beach." Describing the small incidents that would occur in
these "weapons supply" operations, Negodic said, "This was a David
against Goliath situation." When asked to explain who was David and who
was Goliath, Negodic said that David was "the Croat in a speedboat,
only he did not have a sling."

Ivan Negodic's testimony is set to continue.