[ Il valore del dollaro statunitense, a partire dagli anni Settanta,
non e' stato piu' legato al valore dell'oro bensi' e' stato determinato
dal fatto che il dollaro viene imposto "manu militari" come mezzo di
pagamento del petrolio... Dopo la aggressione all'Iraq, anche la
tensione con Arabia Saudita, Iran, Venezuela, eccetera, sono dovute al
fatto che questi paesi negli ultimi anni hanno incominciato a
rifiutarsi di accettare i dollari per il pagamento del petrolio, e
vorrebbero pagare in euro. La corsa all'accaparramento degli
idrocarburi, e, piu' grave ancora, il previsto "picco di estrazione"
del petrolio (2015-2030) rappresentano percio' fattori di instabilita'
a dir poco devastanti per l'economia USA e mondiale. Se poi andiamo a
vedere lo stato dell'economia reale USA, ovvero l'abissale deficit
statunitense, ci rendiamo subito conto che i dollari sono solo (tigri?)
di carta... (a cura di I. Slavo) ]


Geopolitical Catch 22: Uncle Sam's Paper Tiger Dollar
by André Gunder Frank

www.globalresearch.ca 18 January 2005

The URL of this article is:

Uncle Sam has reneged and defaulted on up to 40% of its trillion-dollar
foreign debt, and nobody has said a word except for a line in The
Economist. In plain English that means Uncle Sam runs a worldwide
confidence racket with his self-made dollar based on the confidence
that he has elicited and received from others around the world, and he
is also a deadbeat in that he does not honor and return the money he
has received.
How much of our dollar stake we have lost depends on how much we
originally paid for it. Uncle Sam let his dollar fall, or rather
through his deliberate political economic policies drove it down, by
40%, from 80 cents to the euro to 133 cents. The dollar is down by a
similar factor against the yen, yuan and other currencies. And it is
still declining, indeed it is apt to plummet altogether...


To read part I of this article click America's Spiralling External Debt
and the Decline of the US Dollar: Why the Emperor has no Clothes, at
