[ Il leader del Partito Comunista Operaio della Bosnia-Erzegovina
(RKP-BIH - http://www.rkp-bih.cjb.net ), Goran Markovic, ha perso il
suo lavoro da informatico all'Universita' (privata) di Bijeljina perchè
è comunista.
È opportuno inviare lettere di protesta all'indirizzo univerzitet @
slobomirp.com , e per conoscenza a gmarkovic @ rstel.net.
Come modello si può usare il seguente:

<< To the University Authorities
We have received news of the sacking of Goran Markovic from his
position as teaching assistant at your university. We understand that
the reasons for this are his political ideas and affiliations. The
Labour Act of your country prohibits the violation of the right to work
on the basis of political conviction or membership in a political
party. What you have done is a denial of Markovic’s basic rights. We
are taking this issue up in our country and call on you to withdraw
this act of blatant victimisation and reinstate Markovic in his
Yours... >> ]

*WCP** of **Bosnia** & **Herzegovina**, CP Leader Expelled From the


*From:* *Workers’ Communist Party* *of **Bosnia & Herzegovina, **Sat.,
Mar. 19, 2005***

http://www.rkp-bih.cjb.net , mailto:gmarkovic@...


*Communist Party Leader Expelled From The University*

Bosnia and Herzegovina could hardly be recognized as a democratic
state. Violence of basic human rights of nations, religions and trade
unionists has been known for many years. Until now, however, violence
of right to have own political opinion has been less known, although
not recognized by many human rights activists and organizations. The
newest example of such violence is expulsion of the Communist Party
leader from the university where he has worked. Namely, Goran Markovic,
President of the Main Board of the Workers’ Communist Party of Bosnia
and Herzegovina, yesterday was fired out from the private university
where he worked as a teaching assistant for sociology.

The problems occurred six months ago, during electoral campaign in
Bosnia and Herzegovina, when comrade Markovic headed list of his party
for municipal elections. After his speeches have been delivered on TV,
university authorities attended secret meetings where they decided to
expel him from the university. Considering the fact that the Labor Act
abandoned possibility of violence of right to work on basis of
political conviction or membership of an employee, university
authorities had to find formal excuse to fire out comrade Markovic.

Knowing that there is no possibility for expelling him without great
danger for the university to be sued, university authorities proposed
to comrade Markovic signing of agreement on rupture of employment
relationship, which he rejected. After that he was invited on two
interviews with the owner of the university. The owner is a Serb who
left Yugoslavia thirty years ago and went to the United States. There
he established contacts with Serbian fascist emigration around chetnik
organizations and made great capital. At the beginning of the war in
Yugoslavia he came back and started with investments. After the process
of privatization started, he used good connections with political elite
to earn more capital buying state owned enterprises cheaply. One of his
greatest successes on this plan was buying of “Semberska Bank” (now
“Pavlovic International Bank”) from Bijeljina for three times less
price. After this “successful” buying he fired many workers and cut off
salaries to those who reserved working places.

The owner of the university Slobodan Pavlovic wanted to know reasons
why comrade Markovic became a communist and whether it would be
possible for him to retreat from the party. Even few professors earlier
talked with comrade Markovic and told him that real reason for his
expulsion from the university is his communist conviction. They advised
him to write a letter in which he would admit his mistake of being a
communist with promise that he would quit political activity. After
comrade Markovic refused to “admit a mistake” and condemn his own party
and himself, the owner of the university said it would not be possible
for comrade Markovic to stay on the university anymore because “as a
communist he could not educate children” and that if communism wins he
would lose his capital.

Considering the fact that all activities taken by university
authorities as well as by the owner of the university have been illegal
and anti-constitutional, that they are flagrant violence of human
rights and expression of tyranny, comrade Markovic decided to continue
his struggle against these illegal acts and to try to achieve his
rights through legal process in front of the court.


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