Serbs, Jews, gypsies mark jubilee of liberation of Jasenovac camp

18.04.2005, 01.11

BELGRADE, April 18 (Itar-Tass) - Thousands of people gathered in the town
of Donja Gradina in the Serb Republic of Bosnia Sunday to mark the 60th anniversary
since liberation of the Jasenovac Nazi concentration camp, where more than
700,000 Serbs, Jews, gypsies, and antifascists died during World War II.

?A most atrocious form of genocide was committed at Jasenovac, as hundreds
of thousands of innocent elderly, women and children died there just because
they belonged to a different creed or different ethnic groups,? said the
President of the Bosnian Serb Republic, Dragan Cavic.

He urged the attending people ?to continue punishing the butchers by gathering
here every year and reminding them about their victims?.

?Such butchers can appear in other places, at other periods of time, and
speak other languages,? Cavic said.

He called on the Balkan nations to break the vicious circle, which turns
today?s victims into tomorrow?s hangmen and transforms today?s hatred into
tomorrow?s revenge.

?All of us need exceptional responsibility so that our region wouldn?t be
regarded as a place of crimes anymore,? said Boris Tadic, the president of

His mother, Nevenka Tadic came to Donja Gradina, too. Her own father was
killed in a concentration camp on Bosnian territory during World War II.

Donja Gradina has nine fields of communal graves of the victims, and the
remembrance function held there Sunday under the motto of Let Us Remember
brought together diplomats from the Russian, German, Slovene and other embassies
in Bosnia, as well as representatives of the World Jewish Congress and the
World Gypsy Congress.

Serb Orthodox, Jewish and gypsy clergy served remembrance services for the
victims of wartime genocide.

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