--- In yugoslaviainfo @yahoogroups.com, "Darkita" wrote:

Zvonimir Trajković [Zvonimir Traykovitch] in the authorized text:

I was evacuating civilians from Srebrenitsa

Srebrenitsa, lies and media games

Karagitch's war consultant truly on Srebrenitsa


Belgrade, June 22, 2005

§ What was really happening in Srebrenitsa?

§ Why has been just now, after ten years, shown the short movie
on the liquidation of six Muslims?

§ Will this media euphoria, in which the highest level
statesmen have been included themselves, lead to a national catharsis,
or it is only the fulfillment of the obligations of our Government
marionettes, which they accepted before October 5, 2000?

§ How much will cost us that political exhibitionism of our
politicians and who will pay for that?

The operation Srebrenitsa was leading and planned in the form of the
horseshoe, intentionally leaving open space for the Muslim army and
civilians to be able to move towards Tuzla. It is the distance of 36
Km and the landscape is such that every man with an average condition
can it pass walking. Such a manner of the operation performance was
conducted in order to minimize the number of victims since Muslims
brought therein serious military forces. If they had been hermetically
closed, then there would have been violent fighting in which the army
of the RS would have had also serious losses, which was the reason to
accept the horseshoe plan.

All this can be seen on the American map of the withdraw of the Muslim
army by noting that there was not any ambush at Snagovo but the main
part of the Muslim army had planned to infiltrate into Zvornik and to
create a new city problem to the army of RS. The clashes at Nova
Kasaba in the Konyevitch Field occurred due to the Muslim blockade of
the magisterial road Belgrade – Zvornik -Vlasenitsa –Han Pyesak –
Sarayevo, i.e. Pale.

According to the data of the army of RS there were killed between 600
and 700 Muslim fighters in that operation, who were trying at some
places to break the horseshoe ring in order to join some of their
dislocated parts of units. The main Muslim force, as well as a part of
civilians went to Tuzla across free mountain trails.

In Srebrenitsa and in Zhepa, in which Muslims were staying almost for
three years, there were between 6.5 - 7 thousands of Muslim soldiers
that were, under the protection of the UN forces, permanently going
out from the protected enclave by attacking the neighboring Serb
villages. With such strategy of the permanent aggressions in the
vicinity of Srebrenitsa there were destroyed 128 Serb villages and
killed 2400 Serb civilians. In order to tie the significant part of
the Serb military for the defense against the continuous Muslim
attacks, so that that part of the Serb army could not be transferred
to the Sarayevo front to enforce the siege of Sarayevo. Besides, as
suggested by Croatian - Occidental strategists it was necessary to
disconnect the Republic of Srpska from the frontier with Serbia in
order to ease its later destruction. Therefore, there were created by
the UN the protected enclaves along Drina such as Srebrenitsa, Zhepa,
and Gorazhde. Moreover, the sever propaganda about thousands of killed
was aimed at keeping the tension of the world community and to push
into the full oblivion Muslim atrocities in Bratunats, Kravitsa,
Skelani and in other burned out Serb villages around Srebrenitsa, in
which were destroyed only Serb civilians.

On the territory of East Bosnia there were fighting's against the
Muslim forces taking place all three years and all their perished
soldiers as well as the Muslims civilians were burying in that bent space.

Often also, in mass graves, which are now opening as alleged genocide
victims. Several months after the fall of Srebrenitsa our pathologists
led by General Stankovitch and together with Occidental pathologists
found in all mass graves 1,284 carcasses that had to be identified by
the DNK and other well known methods. Those investigations were
lasting up to the mid of 1997 and just then the West ordered to halt
the investigations because they considered that that number was fairly
approximate final number of victims. Moreover, after five years of the
intensified search by KFOR and Hague investigators on the territory of
Srebrenitsa there were not found more than 1,700 carcasses in all mass
graves altogether.

After the bombing of Serbia 1999 Srebrenitsa has been again actualized
and new mass graves have been appearing, but now occidental experts
under the protection of the Hague Tribunal have been the exclusive
investigators. Those investigations have not been yet ended, even new
graves are appearing so that there are about 3,000 alleged carcasses.
Nothing will surprise me if the number grows and reaches 12 - 15
thousands. They will perhaps take care not to exceed the overall
number of all civil population from that region.

I was the consultant of Radovan Karagitch during the execution of the
operation Srebrenitsa and I was with him. Immediately after the end of
the military operation I was sent in Srebrenitsa in order to ensure
buses and lorries for the transport of Muslim civilians, up to the
Tuzla region. Nothing was indicating any such massacre neither the UN
soldiers, who were there present during the whole operation
performance, were pointing out to something like that. They did not
give then any declaration or comment that would point out that the
massacre happened. Only later under the instructions from their
headquarters they were beginning to declare that there were killings
of civilians and mass executions, and all in the concatenation of the
media propaganda dictated from lobistic and other world centers of power.

Besides, this photo shows clearly grown up men, and not only women and
children. Srebrenitsa has literally two streets since it is a little
mining settlement in which about 35,000 civilians and soldiers of
Naser Oric were crowding. It is evident on the photo that nobody was
wailing or crying that would be logical if 1/4 of the total number of
the inhabitants were killed, which is claimed today.

A question raises how is that possible that during such alleged
massacre, none of the commandants of Muslim forces under the command
of Naser Oric did not suffer any damage, but they withdrew safely to

During the first elections after the Dayton Agreement due to Muslim
incautiousness and wish to gain as strong as possible vote score there
appeared at the voting places throughout Bosnia several thousands of
those "massacred" in Srebrenitsa and Zhepa. Later all of them were
getting urgently new documents with other names in other to exploit
further freely this farce on Srebrenitsa.

A particular role in that region there had also the French Legion of
Strangers because General Morillon was the commandant of the UN forces
for the protected zones for the long period. He was tolerating, out of
the agreement on the protected zones, thousands of armed Muslims so
that he was regularly arming them through humanitary convoys. Our
state has about that several video recordings in which was established
beyond dispute with cameras at the place that there was delivering in
lorries with the humanitary aid the arms and munitions to Srebrenitsa
Muslims. Besides, we have a rich video documentation of the massacre
of Serbs in the villages around Srebrenitsa, but it is not convenient
to this marionette Government to show them to the public. Then our and
world community could get another insight in the events in Srebrenitsa
and why it was necessary to neutralize that "Free zone".

Zhepa has been lost in an unbelievable manner from this constructed
Srebrenitsa story because there were imprisoned 1,500 soldiers with a
reach arsenal of arms. All of them were safely transferred across
Drina in Serbia, later in Bosnia, without losing a hair from the head.
Before they were returned to Bosnia, numerous "humanitary expeditions"
were visiting those imprisoned soldiers, among whom there was Ms
Ogata, in order to confirm that fair treatment of the prisoners. That
is why Zhepa is nowhere mentioned because it could be a strong proof
how our army was behaving during that clash. It is to notice that the
operations of Srebrenitsa and Zhepa were carrying out simultaneously
under the command of the same commandants against whom there is the
claim that they were leading the massacre in Srebrenitsa, but perhaps
because Muslims from Zhepa were more likeable to them and therefore
they transferred them safely into Serbia without killing anybody.

Why the video recording made 10 years ago is shown just now

The video recording of the execution of six Muslims, which is turning
around on all media these days, and which was lanced by Soros B92, who
could be else, is only a part of the organized campaign before the
important negotiations on Kosovo.

It does not concern any facing with the truth because that crime does
not have any connection with Srebrenitsa. It was committed in the
vicinity of Trnovo near Sarayevo, i.e. 170 km far from Srebrenitsa.
Linking that crime with Srebrenitsa is aimed at refreshing the myth
about the suffer of Srebrenitsa Muslims before the denotation of the
decade of the event at which our President Taditch should appear with
the apology. It is the continuation of the propaganda war, which is
aimed at representing the Serbs as the genocidal nation to the world.
Against such nation, all is justifiable including the bombing of 1999.
Such a nation does not deserve to retain Kosovo in its state, so that
the hands will be tied to our "statesmen" as the representatives of
the genocidal people in any international negotiations. RS Srpska is
in that case the genocidal creation that should be destroyed as such
and a tutor should be imposed on the Serbs. That is why everything has
been being done in order to force the Serbs "to face" with their
"truth" in order the West to stay pure and moral. For this purpose,
all available means are used, such as diverse "non-government"
organizations and foundations, our venal intellectuals and world
propaganda machinery.

For this purpose of driving into "truth", Peddy Ashdown has nimbly
included himself. He split up angrily the report of the independent
commission of RS about the crimes in Srebrenitsa and under the menace
of the replacement he ordered to president Chavitch and to other
leaders of RS that there were killed 8,000 Muslims and that he
expected such a report from them. Also, in order to drown RS into the
united Bosnia this English democrat kicked out "democratically" 73
legally elected RS statesmen from their leading positions because they
dared to think with their heads and to defend the rules of the Dayton

Many are working on building an image about the Serbs, starting with
the known to us the International Crisis Group (ICG) up to the office
of David Barnow, which is often mentioned as the source of
"information" about massacre of 6,000 later 8,000 Muslim civilians in
Srebrenitsa. That office is well paid Muslim lobistic center in the
United States, which created and which has conducted the campaign
about Srebrenitsa, as earlier lies about thousands raped Muslim women,
concentration camps for Muslims…

Irresponsibility of politicians and of the actual Government

Our tragedy is not Srebrenitsa, nor even other Serb scaffolds. Our
problem is the existing marionette government that does not try to
fight for the truth, to defend national dignity and Serb interests.
Our tragedy is the fact that our state politics is in the hands of
Natasha Kanditch and other band of foreign hirelings, because our
President apologizes under the order from West without caring possible
consequences for the state and nation.

Miloshevitch was hiding the truth in order not to irritate the West by
trying to "buy" for himself couple years more of the presidential
mandate, and now he is in Hague. Will he at least now present the full
truth will depend on the availability to him of all the documentation
we have, or he will finally accepted a negotiation with the tribunal
in order to smooth the punishment, so as many other have done so far.

For Serbian people it would be ideal if the whole truth could be
presented. We Serbs, just for the sake of the truth, we are obliged to
respond sharply against the lies and constructions for it is the only
way for the nation to escape the real catharsis. It is crime to kill
one man, and not to speak about cold killing of six fellows. However,
such crimes are acts of ill-minded individuals who have the name and
the family name and who should be doubtless charged juridical. In
these civil - religious clashes in our spaces there were various awful
crimes on all sides, there we should not create epopees from some of
them, and we should not forget others as that they had not happened.

In these civil - religious clashes, the Serbs have been ethnically
cleansed from Slovenia, Croatia, from a part of Bosnia and from Kosovo
and Metohiya, but only we are accused for ethnic purification. Others
were starting the wars, but they accuse only us for the war

and the disintegration of Yugoslavia. See

the map and you will see clearly that the

Great Croatia has been created, but they

accuse us for the creation of the Great Serbia. Until when those lies
and falsification of facts will continue. When will

our state leadership submit under the nose of the West all those very
clearly evident and provable facts. When will they say to the United
States and EC that Shiptars can get that degree of the autonomy that
the same West gave to the Serbs in Croatia, i.e. RSK. I hope that
soon, if not this then a new leadership will do this.

Zvonimir Traykovitch

Translated by

Lyubomir T.


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