Il "presidente kosovaro" Ibrahim Rugova ha conferito pochi giorni fa a
Pristina una medaglia d'oro alla ex segretario di Stato USA Madeleine
La Albright è stata premiata per avere contribuito in maniera
determinante a scatenare i bombardamenti della NATO contro la RF di
Jugoslavia nel 1999 - violando il diritto internazionale, commettendo
crimini di guerra, e ponendo le basi per la ennesima secessione su
base etnica-razziale sul territorio jugoslavo: quella della provincia
serba, dove, dal tempo dei bombardamenti, vige infatti un regime di
apartheid e discriminazione ai danni di tutte le nazionalità
non-albanesi nonchè ai danni degli albanesi non-secessionisti.

Il "presidente kosovaro" Rugova si era già distinto, quest'anno, tra
l'altro, per avere festeggiato l'anniversario dei bombardamenti NATO
sul proprio paese.
A Pristina, vie e piazze sono state in questi anni rinominate in onore
dei leader statunitensi ed occidentali (primo tra tutti: Bill Clinton)
che ordinarono quei bombardamenti.

(a cura di IS)

--- In yugoslaviainfo @ yahoogroups.com, Rick Rozoff wrote:


Agence France-Presse
July 5, 2005

Albright honoured with medal in Kosovo

-"Six years ago you gained your liberty. In the time
since, you have made good use of that freedom and in
the years to come you will be tested continually by
the demands of democracy," [Albright] said.
-Kosovo Albanians see Albright's efforts as crucial to
the international intervention, which went ahead
without United Nations approval and in the face of
opposition from Russia.
-Six years after the UN took control of Kosovo the
province remains economically paralysed and wracked by
ethnic hatreds, with the Serb minority in need of
constant protection from NATO peacekeepers.

PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro - Former US Secretary of
State Madeleine Albright was presented with a 'Golden
Medal of Liberty' during a ceremony in the Kosovo
capital Pristina.

President Ibrahim Rugova presented the medal in honour
of Albright's efforts to end a Serbian crackdown
against ethnic Albanian separatists in the breakaway
Serbian province in 1998-1999.

The war ended after a NATO bombing campaign forced
Serbian forces under then Yugoslav president Slobodan
Milosevic to withdraw. Kosovo is now a UN protectorate
but its ethnic Albanian majority still demands

"She will always be respected and loved," Rugova told
reporters Tuesday, after the decoration ceremony.

Albright also addressed the provincial assembly
Tuesday as part of her visit to promote democratic

"Your name commands respect throughout Kosovo. Without
you the world would be completely different and Kosovo
wouldn't have brought its dream to fruition,"
parliamentary speaker Nexhat Daci said in his
introductory remarks.

Albright stressed economic stability, the rule of law
and minorities' rights as the biggest challenges that
Kosovo would face in the coming years.

"Six years ago you gained your liberty. In the time
since, you have made good use of that freedom and in
the years to come you will be tested continually by
the demands of democracy," she said.

"Your future is up to you, as it should be," she added
in the speech which was broadcast live by Kosovo's two
main television channels.

It is Albright's first visit to Kosovo since 1999 and
she would have been impressed by the Kosovo Albanians'
lingering affection for former US president Bill
Clinton, whose name adorns everything from hotels to
shopping malls.

Kosovo Albanians see Albright's efforts as crucial to
the international intervention, which went ahead
without United Nations approval and in the face of
opposition from Russia.

Albright arrived Monday on a three-day visit to the
province in her capacity as chairwoman of the National
Democratic Institute, a non-profit US-based

Six years after the UN took control of Kosovo the
province remains economically paralysed and wracked by
ethnic hatreds, with the Serb minority in need of
constant protection from NATO peacekeepers.

--- End forwarded message ---


Tanjug (Serbia and Montenegro) - March 24, 2005

Rugova congratulates citizens on anniversary of NATO
air strikes

PRISTINA - Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova said on
Thursday that this province "has achieved big progress
in all areas in the six years of freedom".

In a message to citizens on the occasion of the 6th
anniversary of the onset of the NATO bombardments of
the FR Yugoslavia, Rugova said that "the direct
recognition of Kosovo's independence would make that
progress even greater."
