( vedi anche / see also:
http://it.groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/message/4502 )

The Pakistani Connection: The London Bombers and "Al Qaeda's Webmaster"
Where are the Maps of the London Underground?
(Michel Chossudovsky, GlobalResearch.ca)

British investigators have uncovered that the "London bombers" had
connections to a mysterious Pakistani engineer named Mohammed Naeem
Noor Khan, also known as Abu Talha, who was allegedly behind last
year's planned terror attack on Wall Street, the World Bank and the
IMF. Recent press reports suggest that the attacks on the London
subway were part of a coordinated plan, which also targeted financial
buildings in the United States...



Un'agenzia di consulenza con contatti con il governo e la polizia
stava effettuando un'esercitazione per una compagnia, il cui nome non
e' ancora stato reso noto, che prevedeva la simulazione di un
attentato nella metropolitana di Londra, esattamente nello stesso
tempo e nello stesso luogo in cui si sono verificate le reali
esplosioni la mattina del 7 luglio


Die Service-Provider des Terrors

The following companies are involved in providing services to Mr.
United States - web servers: Everyone's Internet, Houston, TX
Canada - domain name registrar: Tucows, Inc., Toronto, ON
United Kingdom - domain name registration service: PIPEX
Communications Hosting Ltd (dba 123-reg.co.uk), Nottingham
Germany - email for Al-Fagih: Lycos Europe GmbH, Gutersloh ...


More Explosions in London: Psy-ops in Progress
(Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones /Prison Planet)

Ask the question, who benefits? Today is the last day of parliament
before an 80 day break. So if the governmen wanted to get those
anti-terror measures through which were proposed after the 7/7
bombing, then this status of high alert is the perfect climate to get
them rammed through without dissent. Sky News reported that members of
parliament could be recalled tonight in a special session for the
express purpose of passing that legislation. And what does the
legislation include? Designating anyone who writes articles or puts
out a website that advocates or gives aid and comfort to the terrorists...


Strategy of Tension Continues
(Kurt Nimmo, Another day in the empire)

More "incidents" in London. "This incident has shaken me out
completely and I am afraid to say I have lost my calm," a poster on
the BBC site admits. "This cant be happening to us, not again," writes
another. "Only one person was reported wounded, but the explosions
during the lunch hour caused major disruption in the city and were
hauntingly similar to the July 7 bombings in which 52 people and four
suicide attackers were killed," reports the Associated Press....


How Black Ops Staged the London Bombings
(Fintan Dunne, BreakForNews.com)

...That's the tale of the "suicide bombers." The big problem with this
account is that a terror group would never deliberately waste valuable
human resources in suicide attacks, when suicide tactics are not
needed. In answer, mainstream media are now also pushing the line that
they may have been duped --and didn't know the bombs would explode
immediately they were set. In alternative media some are also pushing
the idea that they simply thought they transporting drugs. Both
explanations assume the four did actually carry the bombs onto
London's Underground trains and a bus. Which of course, they didn't.
All this has been misdirection...


The "Magic Bomb" Theory
(Mark Faulk)

... In a seemingly innocuous article in the British newspaper
Cambridge Evening News, 32 year-old dance instructor Bruce Lait, in an
interview from his hospital bed, said that "The policeman said 'mind
that hole, that's where the bomb was'. The metal was pushed upwards as
if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was
left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was,
or any bag." Read that last part again, very slowly, and let it sink
in. "The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the
train." "They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't
remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag"...


UK Channel 4 Whitewash London Underground Exercise Story
(Paul Joseph Watson, Prison Planet)

A firestorm erupted amongst alternative media after this website first
highlighted the inconceivable coincidence of Visor Consultants holding
an exercise which centered around bombs exploding in the exact areas
and at the same time as happened during the real 7/7 London
Underground attack. However, no mainstream media has reported on this
massive story, instead focusing on drills that had taken place months
and years before the actual event. Until now. British Channel 4 News
has produced a special report which whitewashes the entire affair as
one big coincidence and attacks this website for even questioning the
unusual nature of the concurrent exercises and attacks on 7/7...


British Cops trained in Israel
"Operation Kratos": London Met Police Special Operations Unit "Shoot
to Kill"
(Michel Chossudovsky, GlobalResearch.ca)

The cold blooded murder of Jean Charles de Menezes, in the Stockwell
underground was no accident. London Metropolitan Police had approved a
policy of "shoot to kill": "a controversial tactic deployed only in
the most extreme circumstances but one police have been preparing to
use for the last two weeks.". The shoot to kill policy was undertaken
under the auspices of "Operation Kratos", named after the mythical
Spartan hero. It was carried out by the London Metropolitan's elite
SO19 firearms unit often referred to as the Blue Berets. The latter
are described as the equivalent to the US SWAT teams, yet in this
particular case, they were not wearing uniforms...


The London Police's Mossad-style Execution of a 'Suspect'
(Professor John Gardner, Globalresearch.ca)

Like many of my fellow-Londoners I am less alarmed by suicide bombers
than I am by the police's Mossad-style execution of a 'suspect' (who
turned out to be a completely innocent passer-by) on Friday 22 July.
This is not because we are at greater risk of death at the hands of
the police than at the hands of the bombers. (Both risks are pretty
tiny, but of the two the risk posed by the police is clearly smaller)...


Punishment for looking like a terrorist -- Five shots to the head
(Stan Moore, MMN)

If you happen to be Brazilian or a Sikh or Portuguese or some other
swarthy, dark-haired culture, don't enter the London subway systems
looking suspicious. As far as police are concerned, your
suspiciousness carries with it the death penalty. You can't be allowed
to trigger a hidden bomb, even if you don't have a bomb. Your looks
combined with the terror in the hearts of the police and the citizenry
means you will be shot and killed, and then it can be determined if
you are a real threat. Or the police will shrug and say, "Oops. Sorry."...


Was a "Bomber" Superimposed onto Metropolitan Police Surveillance
Camera Photo?
(Citizens For Legitimate Government)

...The CLG has also inspected this image. "The white-hatted man was
apparently superimposed onto the photo. Not only is his arm 'behind' a
railing that is supposedly several feet behind HIM, but also, upon
magnification in Photoshop, part of the bar actually goes into his
head. This was 'touched-up,' but pixels of his head mix unmistakably
with pixels from the railing." --Michael Rectenwald...


No Video of the 3 Bombers Inside the London Subway Cars before they
blew up?
(Dick Fojut, GlobalResearch.ca)

EVERY London bus and Underground train car has multiple Video Cameras!
The Police claim the bus videos malfunctioned, but made no similar
claim about the video cameras in the Underground train cars. The
Muslim men are claimed to have ridden from Luton to King's Cross where
they split up to take separate trains. I've also read it takes about
25 minutes to ride from Luton station to where the bombs were
detonated. Therefore, there MUST be some 25 minutes continuous video
of first four men, riding from Luton, then video of each (supposed)
"Muslim" Bomber, seated with his rucksack on each of the 3 separate
Underground cars, riding from King's Cross - to where the 3 bombs


The July 21 Attack: The Pictures of the Four Suspects: Where are the
Other Passengers?

A Guardian Report has released a set of images "of four men they
'urgently need to trace' in connection with July 21's failed bombings
on three tube trains and a bus in London. All of the suspects entered
Stockwell underground station just before 12.25pm, apart from the
fourth suspect who is wanted for the failed attack at Shepherd's Bush
station." What is striking in these images from the CCTV cameras is
that there seem to be very few other passengers in the London subway
at a very busy of the Day In fact the train carriage in the picture
below is, with the exception of the suspected terrorist, empty at.
12.53 pm...


(MARK FAULK, Comedonchisciotte.org)

Questa è una storia di terroristi che scompaiono, borse che non
esistono, indagini raffazzonate, ma soprattutto, questa è una storia
di bombe magiche.E' la puntata pilota di Crime Scene Investigation. E'
la legge di base della fisica. E' così elementare, mio caro Watson,
che anche un ballerino - sconvolto dallo shock di essersi seduto
proprio davanti al sedile in cui una delle bombe fu piazzata due
settimane fa, in un treno del Tube - potrebbe capirlo...


(Massimo Mazzucco, LuogoComune.net)

Offro mille dollari a chiunque riesca a farsi fotografare
completamente solo, in un qualunque vagone o corridoio della
metropolitana, o su un qualunque autobus di Londra, a mezzogiorno di
un qualunque giorno della settimana. E offro centomila dollari a
qualunque quartetto di amici, che riesca a fare la stessa cosa
contemporaneamente, su quattro diversi autobus o vagoni della
metropolitana, negli stessi orari della stessa giornata. Capodanno,
Ferragosto e Lunedi di Pasqua compresi. Curiosamente, l'ultima volta
che si registrò un tale caso di "isolamento sociale", fu nel
riconoscimento di Timothy McVeigh, l'uomo che avrebbe, secondo l'FBI,
demolito mezzo Murray Building di Oklahoma City con un semplice
furgoncino carico di "bombe al letame"...
