
[Gli attentati che si susseguono - ed in particolare quelli di Londra
- hanno per ora come unico effetto quello di criminalizzare le
comunità immigrate e specialmente quelle islamiche dei paesi
occidentali; l'ondata repressiva e discriminatoria in atto, ai danni
dei musulmani, può essere paragonata alla "Notte dei cristalli"
scatenata all'epoca dai nazisti contro gli ebrei nel silenzio delle
opinioni pubbliche occidentali.
Peraltro, l'attribuzione degli attentati, nonostante le urla dei
media, crea molti più dubbi che certezze: tra le "chicche" di questi
giorni, segnaliamo il servizio di Fox News in base al quale i membri
del gruppo Al-Muhajiroun, arrestati dai britannici in relazione agli
attentati, alla fine degli anni Novanta erano stati impiegati dagli
stessi servizi segreti britannici in Kosovo (SIC) per "difendere i
diritti dei musulmani albanesi"...
(la trascrizione del servizio su:
http://www.uruknet.info/?s1=1&p=14324&s2=03 ;
il documento audio su:
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,164377,00.html )]


Terror Expert: London Bombings Mastermind is MI6 Asset
Group was used by Brits in Kosovo in the late 90s
(Steve Watson, Infowars)

The July 29 edition of FOX News Channel's Day Side programme revealed
that the so called mastermind of the 7/7 London Bombings, Haroon
Rashid Aswat, is a British Intelligence Asset. Former Justice Dept.
prosecutor and Terror expert John Loftus revealed that the so called
Al-Muhajiroun group, based in London had formed during the Kosovo
crisis, during which Fundamentalist Muslim Leaders (Or what is now
referred to as Al Qaeda) were recruited by MI6 to fight in Kosovo.
(SIC) Loftus stated that "...back in the late 1990s, the leaders all
worked for British intelligence in Kosovo. Believe it or not, British
intelligence actually hired some Al-Qaeda guys to help defend the
Muslim rights in Albania and in Kosovo. That's when Al-Muhajiroun got


London 7/7 Terror Suspect Linked to British Intelligence?
(Michel Chossudovsky, GlobalResearch.ca)

A British citizen named Haroon Rashid Aswat, living in Lusaka, Zambia
is wanted for questioning in relation to the 7/7 London bomb attacks.
Haroon Rashid Aswat comes from the same town in West Yorkshire,
Dewsbury, where three of the alleged bombers lived. "He is suspected
of visiting the bombers in the weeks before the attacks." (New
Republic, 8 August 2005). "Scotland Yard declined to shed any light
on claims Mr Aswat was the possible mastermind of the July 7 attacks."
Haroon Rachid Aswat is said to have played a central role in the
London attacks: "Cell phone records show around 20 calls between him
and the 7/7 gang, leading right up to those attacks, which were
exactly three weeks ago." (Fox News, 28 July 2005...


Bombing Mastermind Aswat Works for MI-6
(Kurt Nimmo, Another Day in the Empire)

As Fox News tells it, at the very moment the British police were
supposedly looking high and low for Dewsbury resident Haroon Rashid
Aswat, pegged as the London bombing "mastermind," MI-6 was quietly
stowing him away for safe keeping. In fact, they were protecting him
as an asset, although we should not expect Fox News to admit this
"embarrassing" fact (watch this Fox video). "The Times said Aswat was
believed to have had a ten-year association with militant groups, and
met Osama bin Laden at [a CIA-ISI built] al-Qaida training camp in
Afghanistan," Breaking News reported almost two weeks ago. "The
newspaper said it had obtained FBI documents indicating he was sent to
America in 1999 where he had firearms and poison training."





"Kristallnacht"; when the public said nothing

Mike Whitney
July 31, 2005

"Kristallnacht (Crystal Night) reveals one thing in stark clarity -
the lack of any sense of involvement or feeling of sympathy on the
part of those who had stuck their heads in the sand before that
violent night." Walter Pehle; Holocaust victim

There have been numerous comparisons drawn between the Reichstag fire
and 9-11. Both served to consolidate the power of the political
establishment and wipe away the opposition in a paroxysm of fear.
After all, the Fatherland was being attacked and the nation was
expected to fall in line behind a strong leader.

We mustn't forget, though, that the Reichstag fire was just one of
many terrorist strategies employed by Hitler to erode the rule of law
and reinforce his stature as supreme leader. There was also the less
renowned Kristallnacht.

"On the nights of November 9 and 10, gangs of Nazi youth roamed
through Jewish neighborhoods breaking windows of Jewish businesses and
homes, burning synagogues and looting. In all 101 synagogues were
destroyed and almost 7,500 Jewish businesses were destroyed. 26,000
Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps, Jews were
physically attacked and beaten and 91 died (Snyder, Louis L.
Encyclopedia of the Third Reich. New York: Paragon House, 1989:201)."

Didn't we just see a facsimile of this following the London subway
bombings when hooligans roamed through the Muslim areas of London
vandalizing mosques and intimidating the local people? Certainly, the
incidents of racial and sectarian violence are up considerably in
England just as the suspicion of Muslims has grown exponentially
throughout the West since 9-11.

Tony Blair has played a major role in feeding the current
racial-religious frenzy; using every opportunity to rail against the
"evil ideology" that (allegedly) animates international terrorism.
Blair's no fool; he knows full well that the average man will
translate his palavering into ethnic hatred; the likes of which has
enhanced Blair's miserable career and promoted the objectives of his

Deception and demagoguery have now become the central imperatives in
the apocryphal war on terror. Blair immediately used the London
bombings to push for supplementary anti-terror legislation; greater
restrictions on free speech, more repressive litigation directed at
minorities, more intensive security measures like the universally
despised national ID card, and more Mossad-trained thugs to apprehend
or shoot people on the public transit system.

At the same time the media have swung into high gear; slapping every
detail of the attacks on the front page of the newspapers to maintain
the high level of public hysteria. Every day there are lengthy stories
about the police dragnet; bomb-making facilities, suspicious-looking
swarthy men from the Middle East and the ever-present threat of
another attack.

Fear is a blunt instrument, but the Blair administration seems to be
working it with remarkable precision. Anti-Muslim sentiment is at
record highs and the "clash of civilizations" theory that underscores
the global resource war is now firmly ingrained in the national

"By 1935, the Nuremburg Laws deprived Jews of German citizenship. By
1936, Jews were prohibited from participation in parliamentary
elections and signs reading "Jews Not Welcome" appeared in many German
cities…. In the first half of 1938, numerous laws were passed
restricting Jewish economic activity and occupational opportunities.
In July, 1938, a law was passed (effective January 1, 1939) requiring
all Jews to carry identification cards."

On our present trajectory, are we really that far from similar laws
directed against Muslims?

One Jewish shop-owner, Zindel Grynszpan, whose property was
confiscated before he was deported over the Polish border, decided to
retaliate for the injustice to him and his family. In a fit of
desperation, he entered the offices of the German Ambassador to France
and, discovering that he wasn't in, shot and killed an assistant,
Ernst vom Rath.

This was the pretext that Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Chief of
Propaganda, needed to launch a pogrom against German Jews. He framed
the incident as an attack by "International Jewry" against the Reich;
a term that is reminiscent to Blair's "evil ideology".

Following the two night rampage called "Night of the Broken Glass,
(Kristallnacht) Goebbels argued that the demonstrations were
spontaneous eruptions and said, " (We have) decided that such
demonstrations are not to be prepared or organized by the party, but
so far as they originate spontaneously, they are not to be discouraged
either." (Conot, Robert E.Justice at Nuremberg. New York: Harper &
Row, 1983:165)

Weeks later, Hitler's regime decided that German Jews were
responsible for Kristallnacht and, thus, would have to be penalized
with even more stringent anti-Semitic laws. It wasn't long after that
Death Camps were erected applying that very same logic.

The pattern of "blaming the victim" is identical to what we see
transpiring in England today, although the reaction to date has been
considerably less extreme. Although 85% of the British people believe
that there is a direct connection between the illegal war in Iraq and
the London bombings, all of the instruments of state-power and media
have been mobilized to fuel public hysteria and express rage against

There may in fact be a real threat to western societies from Islamic
extremism; that cannot be denied, although its real origins are widely
disputed. That threat, however, is minimal compared to the danger of
rogue governments that are openly hostile to lives and civil liberties
of their own people. Blair's England has become the mirror-image of
Bush's America; where the twin forces of fear and deceit are
alternately invoked to advance the corporate agenda and steer policy.
The risk to British society could not be greater. In case we have
forgotten the lessons of Kristallnacht, we should seriously consider
the prospects for widespread suffering and bloodshed when the powers
of the state are put into the wrong hands and the public says nothing.

Courtesy and copyright © Mike Whitney
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