(english / srpskohrvatski)

„Milosrdni andjeo" sedam godina posle

1. „Milosrdni andjeo" - sedam godina posle (Sekretarija SKOJ-a)
NATO AGGRESSION OVER FR YUGOSLAVIA (League of Yugoslav Communist Youth

2. Serbian TV marks anniversary of NATO bombing, details plight of
Kosovo Serbs

=== 1 ===

DOWNLOAD the document prepared by SKOJ:

League of Yugoslav Communist Youth (SKOJ), 2006



„Milosrdni andjeo" - sedam godina posle

Jugoslovenski narodi su 1999. godine tokom NATO agresije na SRJ
pružili herojski otpor najveæoj vojnoj mašineriji koja je od Drugog
svetskog rata do danas pokrenuta protiv jedne suverene i nezavisne
države u cilju ostvarenja imperijalistièkih ciljeva zapadnih zemalja
na èelu sa SAD. Cilj je bio da SRJ kapitulira i odrekne se svoje
slobode, suvereniteta i teritorijalnog integriteta.
Rat u koji je bila uvuèena SRJ je, sa jugoslovenske strane bio
pravedan odbrambeni rat, jer je vodjen za oèuvanje sopstvenog
suvereniteta i integriteta, kao i za oèuvanje celikopnog medjunarodnog
pravnog sistema.
Lideri NATO zemalja su dokazali da za imperijaliste ne važe ni osnovne
odredbe medjunarodnog prava.Agresijom NATO alijanske flangrantno su
prekršeni povelja OUN, medjunarodno ratno i humanitarno pravo i mnogi
drugu medjunarodni pravni dokumenti, od konvencija iz oblasti
ekologije i meðunarodnog humanitarnog prava do konvencija o zaštiti
civila u ratu.
Na SRJ i njenih 12 miliona stanovnika nemilosrdno se obrušila
najmoænija svetska imperijalistièka sila.
Bombardovanje SRJ, divljaèko, surovo i nehumano prouzrokovalo je
velike patnje i pogibiju naroda, rušenje i uništavanje materijalnih i
kulturnih dobara i proizvelo jednu od najveæih ekoloških katastrofa XX
veka na prostoru Evrope.
Cilj NATO agresije bio je okupacija Kosova i Metohije i njegovo
pretvaranje u vojnu bazu za nove agresije i osvajanja, što je
imperijalistima upkos herojskom otporu pošlo za rukom Kumanovskim
NATO-ofanzivno oruðe amerièkih hegemona agresijom na SRJ krenulo je u
novu ofanzivu u cilju jaèanja svetskog diktata imperijalistièkog bloka
na èelu sa SAD.
Herojska odbrana i borba naroda Jugoslavije protiv ataka na njenu
slobodu, suverenitet, integritet i nezavisnot ima univerzalnu
vrednost. Ona predstavlja uzor za sve narode sveta kojima je stalo do
slobode i mira.
NATO snosi svu odgovornost za razaranja privrede i infrastrukture SRJ,
za namerna ubistva i sakaæenja hiljada gradjana svin nacionalnosti i
mora æe pre ili kasnije da snosi sve pravne i materijalne posledice
svojih postupaka.
NATO agresija dovela je do okupacije Kosova i Metohije. Ni formalno
potèinjvanje snaga NATO-a, koju su instalirani na Kosovu, komandi UN
ne može izmeniti njihov imperijalni karakter jer se nebrojano puta
NATO pokazao kao obièno orudje imperijalista.
SKOJ se zahvaljuje svim revolucionarnim komunistièkim i progresivnim
partijama i pokretima na pruženoj bezrezevnoj podršci koju smo dobili
tokom rata vodjenog protiv SRJ.
Borba se nastavlja sve dok se i poslednji NATO vojnik ne protera sa
teritorije Kosova, Bosne i Hercegovine i celog Balkana.

Sekretarija SKOJ-a



Between 24 March and 11 June 1999, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
and its 12 million inhabitants were faced with the ruthless attack of
the strongest military force in the world. Bearing in mind the human
potential of the aggressor countries 764 million inhabitants, the
ratio was 1:70. The territorial ratio was 1:234, and economic power
1:676. A comparison of the military might is hard to set, due to the
complete qualitative and quantitative disproportion.
In the NATO aggression on FR Yugoslavia, nearly 27.000 sorties,
were made. More than 8.200 involved the use of weaponry.. About 2.300
strikes were carried out against 995 sites ("targets") in the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia.
A significant number of infrastructure facilities have been destroyed,
more than 50 bridges were demolished
The Serbian Broadcasting Corp (RTS) Building in the heart of Belgrade
was bombed, causing the death of 17 RTS employees. The Novi Sad
Radio-Television building was also destroyed, as well as several other
electronic when the "Usce" business tower in Belgrade was targeted. 37
radio and TV relay towers and broadcasting facilities have been
bombed. The telephone-telecommunication installations throughout the
country were also raided. The list includes the TV tower on Mt. Avala,
relay towers on Mt. Kopaonik, Mt. Jastrebac and Mt. Cer, the "Prilike"
satellite station near Ivanjica, and the post office buildings in
Uzice and Pristina.
The aggressor planes bombed 53 medical facilities, and direct hits or
aftereffects of bombing damaged or destroyed more than 300 preschool
facilities, schools and tourism facilities. the "Dr. Dragisa Misovic"
Hospital, the Surdulica Health Center, the Nis Clinical Center, the
"Marija Bursac" elementary school in Belgrade, the elementary schools
in Resnik, Batajnica and Rakovica, the "Jugoslavija" Hotel in Belgrade
and the "Baciste" Hotel on Mt. Kopaonik are just a few examples of
what the military structures pharisaically called legitimate military
objective or collateral damage.
The history of warfare will also mark the bombing of the embassy of PR
China in Belgrade, when three Chinese citizens were killed.
The overall damage to the economy and infrastructure is estimated at
100 billion dollars
In the aggression on FR Yugoslavia, NATO breached dozens of
international conventions, amongst others the convention on damages
caused by oil pollution, on benzol poisoning, on the prevention of
cancer risks, on transborder air-pollution over great distances, on
the ozone layer protection, on the preservation of flora and fauna...
Out of the 1.200 civilians killed 30 per cent were children , and out
of the 5.000 wounded, as much as 40 per cent were the small ones.
NATO aggression over FRY was imperialistic attack. The goal of western
imperialists was very clear, they want to bring occupation troops on
territories of Kosovo and Metohija.

SKOJ thanks all communist, workers', revolutionary, guerilla and
anti-imperialist organizations in the world which support SR
Yugoslavia by organizing demonstrations and other actions against NATO
intervention. We, communists of Yugoslavia, will never forget the
internationalist solidarity of our comrades all around the world.

Marijan Kubik, League of Yugoslav Communist Youth (SKOJ)

=== 2 ===

Serbian TV marks anniversary of NATO bombing, details plight of Kosovo
BBC Monitoring Europe (Political) - March 24, 2006, Friday
Source: RTS 1 TV, Belgrade, in Serbian 1100 gmt 24 Mar 06

Text of report by Serbian TV on 24 March

[Presenter] The NATO bombing of our country started on 24 March seven
years ago. In an operation which the representatives of 19 NATO
countries called Merciful Angel, over 2,000 civilians and 1,002
members of the Yugoslav Army and police were killed during the 78 days
of the bombing.

[Reporter] The humanitarian disaster in Kosovo-Metohija and protection
of ethnic Albanians were cited as reasons for the aggression while the
immediate trigger was a clash between members the police and OVK
[Kosovo Liberation Army, UCK in Albanian] in Racak village.

The bombing was preceded by Belgrade's refusal to sign an agreement in
Rambouillet whose articles envisaged the arrival of NATO troops. The
first missiles fell on Pristina on 24 March at 1945 [1845 gmt], and
then the airport, radar installations but also civilian targets were
also hit. The attacks lasted over 11 weeks. There is almost no town in
Serbia which has not been targeted by bombs or rockets on several

Bombs hit downtown areas of Aleksinac, Nis and Cuprija, a hospital and
a house for the elderly in Surdulica, but also Novi Pazar, bridges in
Varvarin, Grdelicka Gorge, and coaches in Luzane village and Savine
Vode. An RTS [state-owned Radio-Television Serbia] building and
Dragisa Misovic Hospital were also hit in Belgrade. On 23 April at
0206 past midnight, two missiles hit the Radio-Television Serbia
building in Aberdareva Street [central Belgrade], killing 16 employees
and wounding several others. Two refugee columns in Kosovo - on a road
near Djakovica and in Korisa village - were also bombed. NATO
officials most often used the term collateral damage to describe the
death of civilians.

The bombing ended on 10 June, which was preceded by the signing of the
Kumanovo Agreement and withdrawal of Serbian forces from Kosmet
[Kosovo-Metohija], whom 250,000 Serbs followed.

The UN civilian mission and Kfor [NATO-led Kosovo Force] troops took
control over Kosovo-Metohija after the [UN] Security Council passed
Resolution 1244. Since the arrival of Kfor, attacks, murder and the
abduction of the Serb and other non-Albanian population have continued
throughout Kosovo. During the ethnic clashes on 17 March 2004,
according to UNMIK [UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo], 19
persons were killed and more than 900 were wounded. During those
incidents, several thousand Serbs left their homes and 1,500 refugees
have not yet returned.