(english / italiano)


Dopo il Montenegro, perchè no? Euskadi, Corsica, Sudtirolo, Rep.
Serba di Bosnia, Transnistria, Irlanda del Nord, Catalogna, Bretagna,
Fiandre, Alsazia, Valle d'Aosta, Istria, Trieste e Valli del
Natisone, Sardegna, Abkazia, Padania... Tutto con l'approvazione ed
il "bollino di garanzia" OSCE-UE-NATO-USA, naturalmente.


Agence France-Presse - May 23, 2006

Montenegro vote opens separatist Pandora's box

Calin Neacsu

Zagreb, Croatia - Montenegro's independence could
open a Pandora's box for other separatist movements in
Europe and the former Soviet Union, with some already
claiming the right to follow the same path.
Separatists in Spain's Basque and Catalan regions were
among the first to welcome Montenegro's independence
vote as a positive omen for their aspirations of
loosening ties with Madrid.
But Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos
stressed the situations in his country and Montenegro
were "politically, diplomatically, juridically"
incomparable and that making such a comparison would
represent a "great irresponsibility".
His view was supported by European Union foreign
policy chief Javier Solana, who said any such
comparisons would be "delirious". [Delicious?]
A total of 55,5% of Montenegrin voters who took part
in Sunday's referendum opted for independence from the
tiny Balkan state's federation with Serbia.
Podgorica's union with Belgrade was the last vestige
of the former Yugoslav federation, consisting of six
republics that broke apart in a series of wars in the
However, after Montenegro the EU has to immediately
tackle the issue of the United Nations-administered
Serbian province of Kosovo, where ethnic Albanians are
the majority. Kosovo Albanians hope to gain
independence this year, a demand Belgrade fiercely
"Although some refuse to establish a link, possible
independence of Kosovo, which would be internationally
recognised, would legitimise the ambitions of other
separatists who never had their own state," a Western
diplomat based in the Croatian capital Zagreb told
Agence France-Presse, wishing to remain anonymous.
Bosnian Serbs have already said Montenegro's
independence was a good model to be followed by their
entity of Republika Srpska, which, along with the
Muslim-Croat Federation, has made up post-war Bosnia.
For those fighting for the independence of the
Germanic Tyrol region of Italy, and its annexation to
Austria, the outcome of Montenegro's referendum
inspired dreams to organise a similar vote.
A senior Russian lawmaker estimated that Montenegro's
decision to separate from Serbia would spur debate on
the status of Kosovo and could set a "heavy" precedent
for other countries with separatist minorities.
Konstantin Kosachev, chairperson of the Russian
Parliament's foreign-affairs committee, warned of
setting a precedent over Kosovo.
"This will create a precedent heavy with consequences
for other regions," he said, citing in particular
Turkish northern Cyprus and Spain's Basque
But even in the former Soviet Union, several regions
are hoping to follow the lead of Montenegro. They were
unilaterally proclaimed during the bloody conflicts
that followed its 1991 collapse and supported by
Moscow, but not recognised by the international
Among them, the breakaway republics of Transdniestr in
Moldova and Abkhazia in Georgia, were the first to say
the vote serves as a model of "self-determination".
"One can only welcome such a civilised method for
gaining self-determination," said the president of
Abkhazia, Sergei Bagapch, quoted by Interfax.
The foreign minister of Transdniestr, Valeri Litskai,
said the outcome of Sunday's referendum in the tiny
Balkan republic was a day for celebration.
"The chief diplomats of all the unrecognised republics
of the former Soviet Union were satisfied" with the
referendum result, he said after a meeting with
representatives of regional minorities in Moscow.

(Source: R. Rozoff on http://groups.yahoo.com/group/yugoslaviainfo/ )