(srpskohrvatski / english / brevissimi titoli in italiano)

Neverending pogroms in Kosmet (2)

1. U slučaju proglašenja nezavisnosti Kosova UN se spremaju za novi
egzodus Srba

2. NEWS (mostly distributed by R. Rozoff through yugoslaviainfo @

- Three injured in Kosovo blast, sparking fears of fresh violence /
- Another Bus with Serbs Pelted with Stones / SASSAIOLA CONTRO I SERBI
- Wounded young Serbs in critical condition / IL BENZINAIO SERBO
- Serbia War Crimes Prosecution interested in arrested KLA
- Kosovo to Become Independent By the End of the Year /
- Kosovo set to open office in Brussels / "UFFICIO DI RAPPRESENTANZA"
- Former NATO commander, retired Gen. Wesley Clark to visit Kosovo /
- Kosovo Serb convoy stoned, UN fires tear gas / NUOVA SASSAIOLA
- Kosovo To Be Independent in Months: Clark / CLARK: VI
- Kosovo's premier says that province's independence is inevitable /
- Dnevnik: DUI, PRP to Take Part in Macedonian Elections Together /
- Shekulli: Sali Berisha and Agim Ceku Say Kosovo’s Independence
- Kosovo Parliament Speaker: Serbia Is Hampering Kosovo Status Talks
- UN braced for Serb exodus from Kosovo: report / L'ONU PREPARA LA
- UN preparing to leave Kosovo, Jessen-Petersen says / L'ONU SI
- Kosovo Serb Killed in Northern Kosovo / SERBO AMMAZZATO PRESSO
- Bridge Connecting Serbian Villages in Kosovo Blows up / SALTA IN


Dnevni list „Politika“, 31. maj 2006., izvod

U slučaju proglašenja nezavisnosti Kosova
UN se spremaju za novi egzodus Srba

„Politika“ je došla u posed internog i poverljivog dokumenta
Ujedinjenih nacija koji predstavlja plan postupanja svih lokalnih
agencija svetske organizacije u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori u slučaju da se
pregovori o statusu Kosova okonačaju proglašenjem nezavisnosti
južne srpske pokrajine. Ujedinjene nacije predvifjaju da će srpski
živalj masovno da beži sa Kosmeta i za svaku eventualnost se
spremaju za prihvat izbeglica, medju kojima će, kako piše u tajnom
dokumentu, biti najviše žena, dece i staraca.
UN predvidjaju da će, u slučaju da Kosovo i Metohija dobije
nezavisnost i albanski ekstremisti napadnu Srbe u pokrajini, čak 70
000 ljudi potražiti spas bekstvom u Srbiju. S prvom verzijom „Plana
za hitne slučajeve za potencijalni priliv interno raseljenih lica sa
Kosova u Srbiju i Crnu Goru“, koji je načinjen 1. aprila ove
godine, upoznate su sve nadležne organizacije UN koje brinu o
raseljenim osobama, od UNDP-a, Unicefa, Svetske zdravstvene
organizacije, kancelarije UN u Beogradu, UNHCR-a, kao i relativno
tehničko osoblje.
Činjenica da se u dokumentu pominju tri moguće (*) opcije
statusa, kao i da se srpski egzodus predvidja samo u slučaju
nezavisnosti, ukazuje da su svi medjunarodni čelnici savršeno
upoznati s tim da bi nezavisnost Kosova mogla da znači i kraj
multietničkog sastava Kosmeta.
Plan do kojeg je došla „Politika“, prvi medjunarodni dokument
u kojem se razmatraju posledice eventualne nezavisnosti Kosova odnosi
se samo na prihvat raseljenih na teritoriji centralne Srbije i Crne
Gore. Gotovo je sigurno da je sličan plan pripremljen i za samo
Kosovo,gde bi, ako dodje do progroma Srba, Roma i ostalih manjina,
trebalo osigurati koridore za njihov do bezbednih teritorija. U
izveštaju se uopšte ne pominje mogućnost da vojnici Kfora
eventualno spreče nasilje i izgon.

(*) 1. Nezavisnost Kosova bez menjnja granica, sa dve varijante-
jedinstvenom Kosovskom Mitrovicom ili sa autonomnim srpskim oblastima
pod valšću Prištine. Planovi za prihvat izbeglica detaljno su
razradjeni za slučaj nezavisnosti: A) U slučaju političkog rešenja
koje bi dovelo do nezavisnosti Kosova u sadašnjim granicama i bez
nasilja, očekuje se da bi 57 000 ljudi promenilo mesto boravka, od
čega bi 33 000 prebeglo u Srbiju; B) U slučaju da dodje do nasilja
prilikom sticanja nezavisnosti KiM nad Srbima, UN procenjuje da bi
oko 70 000 ljudi pobeglo u Srbiju 2. Nezavisnost sa podelom
pokrajine, što bi značilo da bi neki delovi ostali pod
nadležnošću Srbije. 3. Teritorijalna autonomija u okviru Srbije

=== 2 - NEWS IN ENGLISH ===


Agence France-Presse May 12, 2006

Three injured in Kosovo blast, sparking fears of fresh violence

PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro - Three people, among them
a child, were injured in a blast of unknown origin in
the Kosovo capital Friday, sparking fears of fresh
violence amid talks of the province's future status,
an official said.
Kosovo police spokesman Veton Elshan told AFP that an
explosion "happened at 1:00 pm (1100 GMT) in the
Vranjevac area, wounding badly three females in their
"One of the wounded is a four-year old child. They
were immediately transferred to the hospital," Elshan
The site of the blast was close to an elementary
school in the area, but Elshan said there had been no
casualties among the pupils.
"Police and NATO-led peacekeepers removed children
from the school and have sealed off the area and begun
an inquiry," Elshan said.
However, he refused to speculate on the type of
explosive or device that had caused the blast.
The explosion was the latest in a series of incidents
in the past weeks. On Wednesday, two Serbs were
seriously injured in an armed robbery in the
Serb-populated northern part of the mostly ethnic
Albanian province, run by the United Nations since
Kosovo, with an ethnic Albanian majority, has been
under UN administration since NATO bombing forced the
end of the 1998-1999 war between Serbian forces and
ethnic Albanian separatists.


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - May 12, 2006

Another Bus with Serbs Pelted with Stones

Kosovska Mitrovica - A large group of children threw
stones at a bus transporting Serbs from village of
Osojane to Kosovska Mitrovica, Montenegrin agency MINA
None of the passengers was injured. The bus with UN
signs on it is damaged.
This is the second similar case this week, the agency


Blic (Serbia and Montenegro) - May 12, 2006

Wounded young Serbs in critical condition

Jovan Milosevic, 19, and Jablan Jevtic, 21, who were
seriously wounded yesterday by an unidentified
attacker who opened fire on them at petrol station in
the village of Grabovac, are still in critical
'They are stable as far as their vital functions are
concerned, however, we are expecting complications and
their lives are still at risk. In Milosevic's body
there are still parts of the exploded bullet not taken
out yet and that is why complications are expected',
Doctor Milena Cvetkovic said.
Regional spokesman of Kosovo Police Sami Mehmeti said
that the motif of attack was robbery and that certain
sum of money was taken.
However, the owner of the petrol station Dragisa
Milovic claims that the attack on two young Serbs was
a terrorist act.
'No money has been taken. The attackers were shooting
to kill', he said.


Blic (Serbia and Montenegro) - May 12, 2006

Serbia War Crimes Prosecution interested in arrested KLA commander

The Serbian Prosecution for War Crimes shall request
from UNMIK insight in court documentation related to
former KLA leader Dzemail Gashi.
He was recently arrested in Germany at the request by
UNMIK for suspicion to have been involved in the
abduction, torture and killing of Serbs in Kosovo in
According to our source it is possible that the name
of this former KLA commander is connected with some
other crimes in the area of Djakovica and Prizren as
well as with the crimes against the Gypsies committed
by Anton Lekaj presently on court trial in Belgrade.
Several witnesses in Lekaj's court trial mentioned a
man with beard from Germany.


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - May 19, 2006

Kosovo to Become Independent By the End of the Year

Belgrade - The member-states of the Contact Group
reached the conclusion the only solution for Kosovo’s
future status is independence.
In July they will give the green light to UN Special
Envoy for Kosovo’s Status Marti Ahtisaari to prepare a
final decision by the end of the year that would be
imposed to Serbia if it rejects this plan, Serbian
newspaper Blic reports citing sources close to the
Contact Group.
It is expected that in July Ahtisaari will introduce
the report to the UN Security Council which will read
that Belgrade and Pristina’s positions have not got
any closer and will request a new mandate during which
to prepare the final plan.
According to this plan Kosovo could become independent
as early as November this year.
Blic’s source points out the biggest problem for
implementing this plan is Russia’s position.


MakFax (Macedonia) - May 24, 2006

Kosovo set to open office in Brussels

Pristina - Kosovo is due to open soon an office in
Brussels, the headquarter of the European Union (EU),
to operate under administration of UNMIK and the
Kosovo's institutions.
This was announced on Tuesday by the UNMIK chief Soren
Jessen-Petersen and Kosovo's Prime Minister Agim Ceku.
"The opening of an Office is especially important in a
period when Kosovo's institutions are due to present
their plan of activities within the European family",
Petersen said. He added that EU High Representative
for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier
Solana, also backed the idea.
According to Kosovo's Prime Minister Ceku, the opening
of the Office will contribute to Kosovo's efforts
aimed at integration in EU and NATO, and the date of
the opening "is merely a matter of technical details".
Petersen, who paid a visit to New York and Washington
recently, announced that UN approved opening of
Kosovo's Office in Brussels, under administration of
UNMIK and Kosovo's institutions.


Associated Press - May 24, 2006

Former NATO commander, retired Gen. Wesley Clark to visit Kosovo

PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro - Retired U.S. Army Gen.
Wesley Clark will arrive Wednesday for a three-day
visit to Kosovo, officials said.
Clark was the supreme allied commander of NATO from
1997-2000 and was the commanding general in NATO's war
in the Serbian province in 1999 which halted Serb
forces' crackdown on independence-seeking ethnic
He will visit Kosovo at the invitation of Kosovo's
Prime Minister Agim Ceku, said Ulpiana Lama, the prime
minister's spokeswoman.
Clark, who made an unsuccessful bid for the Democratic
nomination in the U.S. presidential elections, is
considered a hero by the province's ethnic Albanians
who want the province to become independent.
He was reviled by many Serbs for his role during the
bombing campaign.
Ahead of his visit, billboards were placed around the
province's capital, Pristina, and local authorities in
the western town of Djakovica named a road after him.
The U.N. is currently conducting talks aimed at
steering ethnic Albanians and Serbian officials toward
settling the final status of the province.
Kosovo's ethnic Albanian majority wants independence,
while Serbs want it to remain part of Serbia.


Reuters - May 25, 2006

Kosovo Serb convoy stoned, UN fires tear gas

PRISTINA, Serbia and Montenegro - United Nations
police in Kosovo fired tear gas to disperse a crowd of
ethnic Albanians who stoned a convoy of Serbs in the
west of the U.N.-run province on Thursday, police
A Kosovo Albanian police spokesman said two U.N.
personnel were lightly wounded in the incident in the
ethnic Albanian village of Mala Krusa, near Prizren.
"A U.N. police convoy taking Serbs there was stopped
and stoned. Police fired tear gas," said spokesman
Fatmir Gjurgjeala. Two U.N. vehicles were also
Witnesses said the main Prizren-Djakovica road was
closed and several villagers had been taken to
hospital for treatment for the effects of tear gas.
The stoning of Serb convoys in Kosovo is not uncommon.
The province, legally part of Serbia, has been run by
the United Nations since 1999, when NATO bombs drove
out Serb forces accused of ethnic cleansing in a
two-year war with separatist guerrillas.
Signs of reconciliation are rare. Around half the Serb
population fled a wave of revenge [sic] attacks after
the war and the 100,000 who stayed live on the margins
of society, targeted by sporadic violence.
After seven years of U.N.-imposed limbo, the major
powers are pushing for a solution to Kosovo's final
status in direct Serb-Albanian talks that began in
February in Vienna.
The 90-percent ethnic Albanian majority is pushing for
independence, but is under pressure to improve the
security and rights of Serbs.
The U.N. mission says ethnically motivated crime in
2006 is down compared with previous years.


Agence France-Presse - May 25, 2006

Kosovo To Be Independent in Months: Clark

PRISTINA, Serbia-Montenegro - The former U.S. general
who commanded NATO’s 1999 air war against Serbia on
May 25 predicted its southern province of Kosovo would
become independent within months.
Wesley Clark told Kosovo Albanian leaders in Pristina
he had confidence in their “strong, positive and
visionary proposals” to find a solution for Kosovo,
which has been run by the United Nations and NATO
since 1999.
”I am confident that this issue will be solved very
soon, and probably in few months, Kosovo will become
independent and will respect the rights of all
citizens,” said Clark.
”I believe that Kosovo will be welcomed into the
family of the nations and that there will be many
opportunities for the citizens of this country to
prosper, raise big families and make their dreams come
Clark, who is on a three-day visit to the disputed
province, met Kosovo’s President Fatmir Sejdiu and
Prime Minister Agim Ceku, who said Clark was a great
friend of Kosovo, who stood by it in its most
difficult times.
”He is and will always be honored by the people of
Kosovo,” he said.
Clark commanded the 1999 NATO air strikes that drove
Serbian forces loyal to former Yugoslav leader
Slobodan Milosevic out of Kosovo....


Associated Press - May 27, 2006

Kosovo's premier says that province's independence is inevitable

TIRANA, Albania - Kosovo's Prime Minister Agim Ceku
said on Friday at the start of a two-day visit to
neighboring Albania that the province's independence
was inevitable.
"Montenegro's independence was an inevitable process
and Kosovo's independence also is a very natural and
inevitable process," Ceku told a news conference after
meeting with Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha.
Last weekend Montenegro decided in a referendum to
separate from Serbia-Montenegro, which was the last
union between republics of the former Yugoslavia after
that federation collapsed in a series of wars in the
Ceku said that Belgrade should understand that the
"Balkans configuration has changed," adding that
Albania also shared the same stand on Kosovo's future
status - full independence.
"The only solution that would guarantee peace and
stability in Kosovo and the region is the one that
comes out from the right of self-determination of the
Kosovo people, that is, respecting the Kosovo
citizens' will, which is repeated continuously, for
independence," said Berisha.
U.N.-sponsored talks to determine Kosovo's future are
under way in Austria. Kosovo's ethnic Albanian
majority wants independence, while Serbs want it to
remain part of Serbia.


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - May 29, 2006

Dnevnik: DUI, PRP to Take Part in Macedonian Elections Together

Tetovo - The Democratic Union for Integration (DUI)
and the Party for Democratic Prosperity (PDP) will
take part in the coming parliamentary elections in
Macedonia together, Macedonian newspaper Dnevnik
DUI leader Ali Ahmeti [former Kosovo-based KLA-NLA
chieftan] and PRP leader Abdulhadi Vejseli signed
Sunday a declaration for a joint participation in the
Vejseli noted that the coalition was a result of the
common concept and identical programs of the two
The two leaders refused to comment whether their
election program will defend the idea about
establishing a trade alliance between Albania,
Macedonia and Kosovo. Vejseli had earlier said that
idea would be the main issue of the campaign of PDP.


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - May 29, 2006

Shekulli: Sali Berisha and Agim Ceku Say Kosovo’s Independence Certain

Tirana - Tirana and Pristina have the same stand on
the Kosovo status issue.
They think the independence of the province is
Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha and his Kosovo
counterpart Agim Ceku voice the stand during talks
Saturday in Tirana, Shekulli reports.
During the meeting, Berisha stated Albania would
present the Albanian port of Shengjin on the Adriatic
Sea at the disposal of Kosovo.


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - May 29, 2006

Kosovo Parliament Speaker: Serbia Is Hampering Kosovo Status Talks

Pristina - Serbia is hampering the talks on Kosovo’s
status intentionally because it knows what the outcome
will be, Speaker of Kosovo Parliament Kol Berisha
stated today, Serbian radio station B92 reports.
According to him Serbia knows what the outcome of the
talks will be and thus makes efforts not only to
prolong them but to also block them.
“In case Serbia continues with its actions the
international community has another variant according
to which it will unilaterally proclaim Kosovo for an
independent and sovereign state,” Kol Berisha said.
Commenting on the possible influence the result of the
independence vote in Montenegro might have on the
Kosovo issue Berisha said that any process in the
region may influence it.
According to him the talks between Belgrade and
Pristina are actually talks about the living
conditions of the Kosovo Serbs and not about Kosovo’s


Reuters - May 31, 2006

UN braced for Serb exodus from Kosovo: report

By Matt Robinson

BELGRADE - The U.N. has contingency plans for an
exodus of thousands of Serbs from Kosovo in the event
that the majority Albanian province wins independence
from Serbia in talks this year.
According to the Belgrade daily Politika, the United
Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is
braced for up to 70,000 leaving the province if Serbia
loses sovereignty.
Despite Belgrade's strong opposition, Kosovo is widely
expected to win independence in U.N.-mediated talks
that began in February and could finish within the
A UNHCR spokeswoman told Reuters an internal document
did exist, in order to "be ready to help a certain
number of people who may be affected by a decision."
But she declined to divulge details of the plan.
"Extending assistance is a logistical operation and
the aim of such plans is for the organization to be
ready to provide protection if it proves to be
necessary. It is possible that nothing happens at
all," the UNHCR's Vesna Petkovic said.
Politika quoted the plan as saying Kosovo's
independence "could provoke further political
instability and civil disturbance and result in fresh
movements of minorities from Kosovo toward the Serbia
and Montenegro interior."
Even if Kosovo gets independence without large-scale
violence "it is expected that 57,000 people would
change their place of residence, of which around
33,000 would come to Serbia," Politika quoted the
contingency plan as saying.
But if Albanians attacked Serbs, as many as 70,000
could seek safety in Serbia, it forecasts.


On Tuesday, Serbia-Montenegro Foreign Minister Vuk
Draskovic warned major Western powers not to force
Kosovo's independence on Belgrade, predicting
"turbulence" across the Balkans if it was amputated
from a sovereign Serbia.
There are around 100,000 Serbs left in Kosovo. An
exodus on the scale foreseen would leave only pockets
of Serb land.
Outnumbered 20-1 by two million ethnic Albanians, many
Serbs say they would simply leave Kosovo, the
territory considered Serbia's religious heartland
dating back 1,000 years.
NATO bombed Yugoslavia in 1999 to drive out Serb
forces...in a two-year war with Albanian separatist
As Western alliance forces deployed, about half of the
Serb population in turn fled a wave of Albanian
revenge [sic] attacks.
Those who stayed on have become increasingly
marginalized. They fear for the future and point to
NATO's failure in March 2004 to prevent Albanian mobs
from overrunning Serb enclaves, torching homes and
churches. Nineteen people died in the riots.
The United Nations and a 17,000-strong NATO peace
force stationed in Kosovo say a repeat is impossible.
Politika said the UN plans three contingencies:
independence within current borders, autonomy within
Serbia, and independence for Kosovo below the River
Ibar, partitioning the Serb-dominated north.
Major powers have ruled out partitioning Kosovo but
there are indications that contingency plans exist for
a breakaway attempt by Serbs in the divided city of

(Additional reporting by Beti Bilandzic)


Deutsche Presse-Agentur - June 1, 2006

UN preparing to leave Kosovo, Jessen-Petersen says

Pristina - The United Nations Mission in Kosovo
(UNMIK) was preparing to leave the province once its
future status is defined, the UNMIK head Soren
Jessen-Petersen said Thursday.
'I think that the destiny of Kosovo is clear, it is in
the hands of the political leaders and the people of
Kosovo,' Jessen-Petersen said after meeting the Kosovo
Prime Minister Agim Ceku in Pristina. 'I think that
our role is changing rapidly - which is good.'
UNMIK arrived in Kosovo in June 1999, days after NATO
expelled Belgrade's security forces from the
The UN has since governed Kosovo, based on the
Security Council resolution 1244. They have however
been transferring authority over to provisional local
provincial institutions.
The talks on the future status of Kosovo were launched
earlier this year under UN auspices in Vienna - six
rounds were held so far.
Serbia insists on retaining sovereignty over Kosovo
and offers a wide autonomy.
Kosovo Albanian leaders want full independence quickly
and are hoping to win it before the year expires.
Both the UN and NATO have reduced their presence in
Kosovo, which however remained ethnically troubled and
plagued by spates of violence, now mostly targeting
the minority Serbs.
'UNMIK has been engaged in downsizing, now for almost
one year. This is logical, because we are preparing
for exit when the Security Council defines Kosovo's
status,' Jessen-Petersen said.


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - June 1, 2006

Kosovo Serb Killed in Northern Kosovo

Zvecan - 23-year-old Kosovo Serb was killed last night
on the road from the town of Zvecan to the village
where he lived, UNMIK police in Kosovska Mitrovica
confirmed today cited by RTS.
Some trees were put to block the road from Zvecan and
this made the man stop his car.
At that moment someone fired at his car.
A lot of 7,65 caliber cartridge-cases were found at
the incident site.
UNMIK police teams are inspecting the site.


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - June 1, 2006

Bridge Connecting Serbian Villages in Kosovo Blows up

Kosovska Mitrovica - Unknown perpetrators mined the
bridge that connects the Serbian villages of Grabac
and Bica in Kosovo, Serbian radio station B92 reports.
The explosive device blew up yesterday.
The bridge is extremely damaged.
A KFOR unit arrived at the incident scene and is
investigating the motives and the level of the