(francais / english / italiano)

In solidarity with Peter Handke

1. Nouveau livre par Patrick Barriot : L'AFFAIRE HANDKE. La pensée
criminalisée ou la jurisprudence Bozonnet

2. Comédie Française : Marcel Bozonnet va devoir partir le 3 août !

A call for solidarity to Peter Handke. With an introduction by Branko
Kitanovic (NKPJ)

=== 1 ===


Histoire/science politique



La pensée criminalisée ou la jurisprudence Bozonnet

L'Age d'Homme, 2006

17.00 EUR - 160 pages, ISBN : 2-8251-3695-6

Appel pour la dépénalisation de la Pensée

Il y a peu de temps encore, on pouvait proscrire, bannir, exiler,
chasser, exclure, ostraciser, éliminer ou liquider les proscrits.
Marcel Bozonnet, administrateur de la Comédie-Française et régisseur
des bonnes consciences, a élargi les moyens de répression contre les
dramaturges déviants comme Peter Handke. On peut désormais « bozonner
» les insoumis. Louise Lambrichs et Sylvie Matton se sont attachées à
« qualifier », dans leur langue de greffières, le crime de Pensée. Il
revenait aux procureurs du Tribunal de la Pensée, tels que Jacques
Blanc ou Olivier Py, de requérir la juste peine contre Peter Handke :
bozonnement de un an, de dix ans ou bozonnement à vie (certains,
comme Olivier Py ou Jacques Attali, proposent de ne jouer Peter
Handke qu’après sa mort). Nous avons cité les plus grands auteurs
pour stigmatiser cette engeance spirituelle de Fouquier-Tinville,
mais une maxime nous semble incontournable et lumineuse dans sa
trivialité. Elle est tirée des Tontons Flingueurs : « Les cons ça ose
tout, c’est même à ça qu’on les reconnaît. » En d’autres temps les
attaques portées contre Handke auraient justifié des duels, mais ces
temps sont (malheureusement ?) révolus. En outre nous avons affaire à
une bande de lâches qui ne s’exposent, aux moments les plus audacieux
de leurs expéditions, qu’à des tartes à la crème. L’analyse
rigoureuse de tout ce qui a été écrit au plus fort de cette polémique
montre à quel point l’Affaire Handke est avant tout une affaire
politique, montée de toutes pièces par des « intellectuels » qui se
fraient un chemin vers le pouvoir. Comme le dit Matthieu Baumier, il
faut organiser la dissidence. Résistez ! Rejoignez-nous ! Signez
l’appel pour la dépénalisation de la Pensée !

=== 2 ===

(Il "divino commediante" deve partire... Il mandato di direttore
della Comédie Française non gli è stato rinnovato questa volta. Ed a
ragione, perchè aveva snobbato con presunzione inverosimile l'invito
del ministro per uno scambio di vedute in occasione sulla
liquidazione della pièce di Peter Handke dal programma.
L'allontanamento di Bozonnet è una vittoria per l'intellettualità
democratica, una vittoria alla quale pensiamo di aver dato un
contributo nel nostro piccolo, attraverso l'appello VIVA IL SOGNATORE
DEL NONO PAESE: https://www.cnj.it/CULTURA/handke.htm#appello . A cura
di OJ)

Marcel Bozonnet : "Je ne sais pas ce qui a motivé cette décision"

LE MONDE | 21.07.06 | 17h22

Marcel Bozonnet, en fonctions depuis 2001, va devoir partir le 3
août. Il avait annoncé son souhait de rester à son poste trois ans de
plus. Le ministre de la culture, Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres, a
préféré nommer à sa place la sociétaire Muriel Mayette (Le Monde du
21 juillet). M. Bozonnet réagit...


=== 3 ===

Dear Comrades,

We are addressing you this appeal in solidarity with one of leading
intellectuals of our time, Peter Handke, victim of a witch-hunt in
Germany, Austria and France. This appeal is very important as it is
the fruit of joint action of anti-imperialists from different
countries. The Communists from Italy, France, Serbia & Montenegro,
Croatia and Slovenia have already signed it. We are hoping to have
your support and ask you to send it to the list SolidNet so that it
can reach all the progressive movement in the world. The
intellectuals who stand up against the totalitarian ideology of the
NATO and Bruxelles must have and do deserve our protection. Let us
not leave them alone in their fight against the imperialist censure.
Recently, the French national theatre Comédie-Française removed the
play "Voyage to the Sonorous Land or the Art of Asking" from its 2007
season lineup, after Handke spoke at the burial of president Slobodan
Milosevic in March 2006. That is a flagrant proof of the imperialist
domination in the Culture and a NO PASARAN must be proclaimed again
by the communist avantguard in the best interests of the humanity.

In solidarity.

For the CC of the NKPJ
Branko Kitanovic,
Secretary general
Beograd, July 5th 2006.


Somebody thought to have seen all of it; but there was still
something to come.

We had seen a fratricidal war unleashed by Hitler’s New World Order
reborn. A war waged with every weapon of destruction, with every
savagery, with forced expulsions of entire populations.

We had seen one big country wiped off the map by the “international
community" and, again by decree of the “international community”,
replaced by six puppet banana republics, and there may be at least
two more to come. All of them are based on the blood principle, the
founding idea of the SS.
In fact, we had seen nazis being sanctified, passenger trains being
rocketed, weapons smuggled in ambulances, labour exploitation being
delocalised; we had seen what once was one and the same language to
be labeled as four or five languages. We had seen peoples living for
centuries on their own territory to be now stigmatised as
“aggressors”, while foreigners coming from a thousands of miles to
drop depleted uranium bombs were called “liberators”. We had seen
cigarette-smugglers to be rewarded with fiefdoms; the rape of a man
refusing to sell up his land; the bodies of the kidnapped refused to
their loved ones for proper burial; medieval frescoes hammered to
smithereens; bridges pulverized by cannon fire; beheadings; houses of
the poor people being stolen for the foreign investors benefit;
history being re-written to demonise the Liberation partisans and
rehabilitate viziers and landlords.

Some of us thought to have seen all of it. But putting poets on the
Index of Prohibited Books was still to come.

Indeed, the greatest living german-language playwrighter is stripped
of his honors and awards and his plays are being cancelled in theaters.

No, not “down there” in the “Balkan powder keg”, but right here, in
France and Germany, in that Europe that would call itself Voltaire's
and Goethe's Europe. It is here, in the land of the Commission, that
bearing witness to the abovementioned horrors is considered a mortal
sin. It is here, in the land of the International Tribunals, that
wittiness is forbidden, even to travel or talk to people you are not
supposed to. It is here that it is prohibited to treat “the enemy” as
a human being, to speak to him and to understand. The mortal sin of
the poet Handke is that of bearing witness - as he explained - to the
funerals of Slobodan Milosevic. Indeed, Milosevic, the exclusive
scapegoat for the whole Yugoslav tragedy, the scapegoat used by
"Europe" to absolve her own crimes. Indeed, Milosevic, the one who
resisted the devastating arrogance of “Europe" up to the point he had
to perish.

This “Europe”, that uses to create enemies within its own bosom, is
repulsive. Without Yugoslavia, Europe is repulsive. Such a Europe can
never be our country.

Handke referred to the “Ninth Country” as a metaphor of Yugoslavia in
1991, in his first writing about the Yugoslav tragedy. We are very
much in a need of “dreamers of the Ninth Country” like Handke. All
our admiration, respect and solidarity go to him!

<< Yugoslavia, however riven it was by problems, could have been the
model for a Europe of the future. The Europe of today cannot. This
Europe may have its “free trade” zones, but former Yugoslavia was a
place where diverse nationalities lived mixed one with another, and
specially the young people, even so after the death of Tito. That
would be Europe, as I would want it. For me the very image of Europe
is destroyed with the destruction of Yugoslavia. >>
(Peter Handke)

To join the appeal: jugocoord @ tiscali.it
The subscribers: https://www.cnj.it/CULTURA/handke.htm#firme