(english / italiano / deutsch)

Revisionismo pangermanico per un'Europa neocarolingia

1. A Berlino aperta la mostra organizzata dalla Federazione degli
espulsi tedeschi
"La Repubblica" - 10 agosto 2006

2. The Ordering of a Superstate
german-foreign-policy.com - 2006/08/29

3. Germanophilic Elites
german-foreign-policy.com - 2006/06/06


Newsletter vom 06.06.2006 - Germanophile Eliten

NÜRNBERG/PRAG (Eigener Bericht) - Noch vor der Bildung einer neuen
tschechischen Regierung üben führende deutsche Politiker Druck auf
Prag aus. Sie verlangen, tschechoslowakische Widerstandskämpfer gegen
die frühere NS-Okkupation nachträglich unter Strafe zu stellen. Eine
entsprechende Forderung richtet der Ministerpräsident des
Bundeslandes Bayern, Edmund Stoiber, an die konservativen Wahlsieger
in Prag. Stoiber trat am vergangenen Wochenende als Hauptredner auf
einer Veranstaltung deutscher Revisionsverbände auf
("Sudetendeutscher Tag"). Unter dem Motto "Vertreibung ist
Völkermord" erklären sie die Umsiedlungen der Nachkriegszeit zum
unverjährbaren und damit zu jedem zukünftigen Zeitpunkt straffähigen
Verbrechen. Bei ihren Einflussbemühungen in Tschechien setzen die
deutschen Verbände auf eine Umwertung des Nachkriegsgeschehens durch
deutschfreundliche Kreise in Tschechien und stützen sich unter
anderem auf die dortigen Grünen. Deren Ursprünge reichen bis in die
Dissidentenzeit der 1970er und 1980er Jahre zurück. Bereits damals
bestanden enge Kontakte mit deutschen Revisionsverbänden...


Newsletter vom 29.08.2006 - Überstaatliche Ordnung

BERLIN/MAGDEBURG/WEIMAR (Eigener Bericht) - Das europaweite deutsche
Reich mittelalterlichen Zuschnitts kann als Modell für den
Zusammenschluss der heutigen EU-Staaten gelten. Dies erklärt der
Berliner Staatsminister für Kultur, Bernd Neumann. Demnach offenbare
erst die Erinnerung an das Heilige Römische Reich deutscher Nation
die "innere, historische Folgerichtigkeit" von Gründung und stetiger
Erweiterung der EU. Die Äußerungen bereiten die Berliner Feiern zum
50. Jahrestag der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft (EWG) vor, zu
denen Bundeskanzlerin Merkel den deutschen Papst Joseph Ratzinger
eingeladen hat. Ratzinger ist engagierter Befürworter der
"Reichsidee" und soll in der deutschen Hauptstadt über die "geistigen
Grundlagen" Europas sprechen. Die Regierungsoffensive zur
Revitalisierung der Reichsidee unterstreicht den deutschen
Führungsanspruch in der EU und bestätigt Befürchtungen in Frankreich,
Großbritannien und fast sämtlichen Staaten Osteuropas. Teile der
deutschen Eliten warnen vor einer allzu offenen deutschen


Kurznachricht: Thema verfehlt

Der Abteilungsleiter für Kultur und Medien im Kanzleramt, Hermann
Schäfer, hat mit einer Rede in Weimar einen Eklat verursacht. Anstatt
des KZ Buchenwald zu gedenken, hatte Schäfer an die Umsiedlung der
Deutschen erinnert...


=== 1 ===


A Berlino una mostra sui profughi europei. Varsavia accusa: "Questo è

In esposizione oggetti e documenti del XX secolo da tutto il
continente. La Federazione degli esuli tedeschi vuole creare un
centro documentazione. Per i polacchi "non sottolinea che la causa di
tutto fu Hitler"

Roma - Ci sono anche testimonianze dei greci costretti a lasciare
Cipro o dei Karelians senza patria al confine tra Finlandia e Russia.
Eppure una mostra sulle espulsioni e i profughi del XX secolo, che si
apre oggi a Berlino, riaccende attriti mai sopiti tra tedeschi,
polacchi e cechi. Prima ancora che si aprisse, "Percorsi forzati -
fuga ed espulsione nell'Europa del XX secolo", fino al 29 ottobre al
Kronprinzpalais sulla Unter den Linden, ha costretto la promotrice
della mostra e presidente della Federazione degli espulsi tedeschi,
Erika Steinbach, a spiegare alla stampa tedesca che l'iniziativa non
ha alcun intento revisionista.

In esposizione al Kronprinzpalais ci sono fotografie di esuli da
Smirne, dalla Lituania, dall'Armenia, documenti di ebrei perseguitati
dal nazismo, oggetti che testimoniano i drammi dei deportati della
Lettonia e dell'Armenia. Ma le polemiche si sono scatenate proprio
per il fatto che la mostra si tiene a Berlino ed è organizzata
dall'associazione che rappresenta i 12,5 milioni di tedeschi che
lasciarono la Polonia e la ex Cecoslovacchia in seguito alla Seconda
Guerra Mondiale e alle decisioni assunte dagli Alleati nella
conferenza di Postdam del 1945.

Prima che i trasferimenti di tedeschi avvenissero "in maniera
ordinata e umana" come auspicava la conferenza, un milione e mezzo di
persone lasciarono Polonia e Cecoslovacchia con quella che fu in
seguito definita "espulsione selvaggia". I governi nazionali
filocomunisti attuavano una politica di pulizia etnica sulla spinta
delle istanze nazionaliste e delle esigenze della riforma agraria: le
terre degli espulsi venivano infatti riassegnate ai contadini
polacchi e cechi.

Da tempo la Federazione degli espulsi tedeschi (Bdv) chiede la
creazione di un Centro di archivio e documentazione sui profughi del
XX secolo e la mostra ne è un primo nucleo. Polonia e Repubblica Ceca
avversano il progetto, sostenendo che un tale istituto non può essere
ospitato da Berlino, la città in cui nacque il nazismo, e che la BdV
intende usarlo per sottolineare soprattutto le sofferenze degli esuli
tedeschi. Non è la prima volta che le iniziative e l'attività della
Federazione mettono in crisi le relazioni diplomatiche tra Germania,
Polonia e Repubblica Ceca.

L'attuale governo presieduto da Angela Merkel è cauto circa la
creazione dell'archivio, ma non ha mai escluso del tutto la
possibilità che la Germania se ne faccia promotrice, mentre in questo
senso la posizione del precedente cancelliere, Gerhard Schroeder, era
stata decisa: niente iniziativa a Berlino.

La presidente della BdV e membro della Cdu, Erika Steinbach, ha
spiegato in questi giorni ai giornali tedeschi la posizione della
Federazione e non ha nascosto le finalità della mostra. "Vogliamo
mostrare cosa accadde a milioni di persone e promuovere la
comprensione tra popolazioni europee - ha detto Steinbach - e credo
che la mostra sia un passo importante verso la realizzazione del
centro di documentazione".

La reazione della diplomazia polacca è stata immediata: "Non
approviamo la mostra - ha detto Slawomir Tryc, consigliere
dell'ambasciata polacca a Berlino - riteniamo che raggruppare tutte
le espulsioni in Europa in un solo mucchio sia falsificare la
storia". Il punto dei polacchi è che le espulsioni dei tedeschi
furono la diretta conseguenza di una guerra cominciata dalla Germania.

Quella della mostra è solo l'ultima scintilla di un rapporto con
molti attriti: un magazine polacco nel 2003 ritrasse Erika Steinbach
in uniforme nazista, che maltrattava Schroeder. Steinbach è di fatto
la voce di molti tedeschi che chiedono al governo di Varsavia
compensazioni per le terre confiscate. Le frizioni sono notevoli
anche ad alto livello: recentemente il governo polacco si è sentito
pugnalato alle spalle da un accordo russo-tedesco per un metanodotto,
portato avanti dal governo Schroeder e un incidente diplomatico è già
scoppiato quando un quotidiano tedesco di sinistra ha apostrofato il
presidente Lech Kaczynski dandogli della "patata".

da "La Repubblica" - 10 agosto 2006

=== 2 ===


The Ordering of a Superstate


BERLIN/MAGDEBURG (Own report) - The medieval, Europe-wide German
Reich is a valid model for the union of European countries today. So
says the Berlin State Minister for Culture, Bernd Neumann. According
to him, the memory of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation
reveals "an inner historical consistency" with the founding and
steady expansion of the European Union. These remarks are a
preparation for the festivities in Berlin for the fiftieth
anniversary of the European Economic Community (EEC), to which the
Federal Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has invited the German Pope,
Joseph Ratzinger. Ratzinger is a committed supporter of the "Imperial
Ideal" (Reichsidee) and is to speak on the "spiritual foundations" of
Europe in the German capital. This government offensive to revitalise
the Imperial Ideal will underline the German leadership of the EU and
confirm fears in France, Great Britain and almost all the states of
eastern Europe. Sections of the German elites are warning against an
all-too-public assertion of German hegemony.

Great Significance

As the Berlin State Culture Minister Bernd Neumann said, the German
Reich of the Middle Ages can "from today's viewpoint" serve "as a
valid model of the functioning order of a superstate".[1] Neumann
took this opportunity when he opened an exhibition last Sunday (27
August) which is dedicated to this supposed historical exemplar ("The
Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, 962 - 1806"). Because of the
prominence of the exhibition (partly in the state-controlled
Historical Museum in Berlin), the individual stands and total content
of the exhibition are attracting remarkable public interest. The
Culture Minister's intervention has strengthened the political
charisma of the exhibition. He is a committed supporter of the
Federal Chancellor. It touches on "every great trend (...) which
makes very clear to us the inner historical legitimacy and
consistency of European unification", said Neumann on Sunday. The
explicit aim of the organisers is "to examine the past of Old Europe
in a time of fundamental inner and external reorientation".[2]
According to the organisers, they have traced "structures and
developmental processes" which are "of great significance for the
federal construction of Europe".

The Europe of Tomorrow

The public references to the structures of the medieval Reich which
are evident in Neumann's position used to be the province of the
extreme right, or confined to clerical-conservative circles - at any
rate since the Second World War. This was the opinion of the CSU
(Christian Social Union) politician and grandson of the Austrian
Kaiser, Otto von Habsburg who made it known at the end of the
Seventies that "the European integration of our times (...) follows
the grand outline and principles of the Reich, which survived 1806,
because they are of lasting validity".[3] Similarly, the Pan-Europa
Union, an association of EU supporters close to the CSU insisted that
"the eternal function of the Reich must be renewed in the Europe of
tomorrow in the interest of the West".[4] Similarly, Joseph
Ratzinger, the present Pope Benedict XVI acknowledged that the
origins of today's EU should acknowledge "a common imperial ideal
(Reichsidee)".[5] In recent years, conservative newspapers have
opened their columns to new advocacy for the "Reich".[6]

The Papal Speech

As the Speaker of the Bundestag Norbert Lammert (CDU) has now
informed us, he has invited a supporter of the imperial ideal, Joseph
Ratzinger, to Berlin next year. The invitation was extended to
Ratzinger last Monday by the Federal Chancellor at a reception in
Castel Gandolfo. The German Pope will be in Berlin to attend the
festivities for the fiftieth anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and
will grace the proceedings with a speech. The German press already
reports that the religious consecration will validate the European
Economic Community (EEC) and will be dedicated to "the spiritual
foundations of Europe's political unification".[7] The invitation
legitimates the "Reich" concept of a stable co-operation of Church
and State. It will be a particular affront to France, a founder
member of the EEC. Paris is committed to secularism and the
separation of Church and State has been a principle of French public
life since the revolution of 1789.

Central Europe

The Berlin Culture Minister's speech of last Sunday will also affront
those European states lying to the east and south of Germany's
borders. The Minister made an obvious allusion to Poland and the
Czech Republic when he said that the Holy Roman Empire of the German
Nation was "a part of the past of many European states". According to
Neumann "Germany and Central Europe are historically and culturally
indissolubly linked together".[8] By this the State Minister recalled
the earlier German hegemony to the east of Germany's present
frontiers, which the Federal Republic has tried to reassert since 1990.


The reawakening of the Reich myth has run into sharp criticism. In a
press interview, the historian Heinrich August Winkler pointed to the
significance of the Reich myth for Nazi propaganda. According to
Winkler it was decisive "that the Reich was always something else and
more than a normal national state". When, in 1939, Hitler proclaimed
the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia over the rump of
Czechoslovakia, legal historians of pan-German views confirmed that
this act was quite in line with the old Imperial ideal which had
always been supranational. Winkler warns of new tensions between
European states. "Incantation of the Reich" would "unavoidably create
fears of German demands if it became again the model for the ordering
of Europe".[9] As criticism of the well-know historian Winkler has
been prominently publicised for three weeks, [10] the Minister's
speech can be clearly understood as an undoubtedly intentional
rebuttal on behalf of German Reich propaganda.

[1] Kulturstaatsminister Bernd Neumann eröffnet Ausstellung "Heiliges
Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation 962-1806"; Pressemitteilung des
Presse- und Informationsamts der Bundesregierung 27.08.2006
[2] www.dhm.de/ausstellungen/heiliges-roemisches-reich/index_2.html
[3] Otto von Habsburg: Karl IV. Ein europäischer Friedensfürst,
München/Wien 1978
[4] Monatsinformationen der Paneuropa-Union, Januar 1977
[5] see also Habemus Europam - http://www.german-foreign-policy.com/
en/fulltext/52652?PHPSESSID=8dfbakqorlagf07b4cn64vi5v1 - and A Son of
Germany - http://www.german-foreign-policy.com/en/fulltext/56000?
[6] see also Reichwerdung - http://www.german-foreign-policy.com/de/
fulltext/46973?PHPSESSID=8dfbakqorlagf07b4cn64vi5v1 - and Heiliges
Reich - http://www.german-foreign-policy.com/de/fulltext/54117?
[7] Lammert lädt Papst in den Bundestag ein; Frankfurter Allgemeine
Zeitung 28.08.2006
[8] Kulturstaatsminister Bernd Neumann eröffnet Ausstellung "Heiliges
Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation 962-1806"; Pressemitteilung des
Presse- und Informationsamts der Bundesregierung 27.08.2006
[9], [10] "Erste Macht Europas"; Der Spiegel 32/2006

=== 3 ===


Germanophilic Elites


NUREMBERG/PRAGUE (Own report) - Even before a new Czech government
has been constituted, prominent German politicians are exerting
pressure on Prague. They are demanding the indictment of former
members of the Czechoslovakian resistance against Nazi-occupation.
The Prime Minister of Bavaria, Edmund Stoiber, called on the
conservative winners of the elections in Prague to meet this demand.
Last weekend, Stoiber was the keynote speaker at a German revisionist
federation's meeting ("Sudeten Germans' Day"). Under the slogan
"Banishment is Genocide" they declare that the resettlement of
Germans, in the aftermath of WW II, are crimes without a statute of
limitations and can therefore be prosecuted at any time. In their
efforts to influence Czech policy, these German federations bank on
the support of German-friendly circles in the Czech Republic,
including the Greens, to revise post war history. The origins of the
Czech Greens date back to the period of dissidence in the 1970s and
'80s. Already at that time, the Greens had close contacts to German
revisionist federations.


In his speech on "Sudeten Germans' Day", Bavarian Prime Minister,
Stoiber, demanded a "round table" that would include the future Czech
government, Bavarian representatives and those of the Sudeten German
Homeland Association, with the objective of "healing" "past
injustice" - the resettlement of the Germans.[1] For this, the
resettled Germans - who had been banished because they had profited
from and collaborated with the Nazi-occupation - must be "restored
their full dignity as Bohemian citizens". "This means", declared
Stoiber, "they must be retrieved back into the history and community
of their homeland." This vague formulation leaves various options
open, one being an earlier suggestion by Prague, that had been
rejected by the German Government in 1992, because of domestic
considerations: Prague had offered to grant Czech citizenship to the
resettled Germans and their descendents (as a second to their German


Alongside the vague demand for "homeland rights" for the Germans,
banished in 1945[3], the Bavarian Prime Minister also demands the
abrogation of the law guaranteeing amnesty (May 8, 1946). This law
exempts from punishment, all actions of resistance against the Nazi
occupation committed during the entire duration of the occupation, as
well as during the time of feared Nazi-rebellions, following the
occupation.[4] An abrogation of this law would criminalize all
resistance fighters, who had broken Nazi laws while operating
clandestinely, including those, who had killed Reinhard Heydrich, the
Nazi governor in Prague, on May 27, 1942.


The abrogation of this amnesty law is considered necessary, because
there were also criminal offences committed during the struggle
against the German occupier. Similar situations in which acts of
revenge were carried out against the hated occupier and his
collaborators are known to have taken place in all occupied
countries, including France and Italy. What German foreign policy was
not able to accomplish in Western Europe, is being tried in Eastern
Europe: By spotlighting individual cases of excess, they are
attempting to characterize the entire resettlement activities as
ethnically motivated crimes.[5]


If they succeed, there would be no stopping of the legal
qualification of resettlement as "genocide". As Bernd Posselt, the
national chairman of the Sudeten German Homeland Association
expressed it last weekend in Nuremberg, the "expulsion" was a
"calculated and planned act, aimed at the establishment of an
ethnically homogeneous national state".[6] According to Posselt, the
"attempt to destroy an ethnic group by robbing it of its livelihood"
should already be considered as genocide. "Banishment is Genocide"
was the slogan of this year's "Sudeten Germans' Day". The fact that
genocide cannot fall under the statute of limitations and can
therefore be criminally pursued at any time is crucial to the
revisionist politicians.

Advancement Opportunities

In their efforts to revise postwar history, the German revisionist
federations bank on Germanophilic circles in the Czech Republic.
Particularly the new elite generation is considered receptive to
these efforts. In an opinion poll in the Czech Republic, only one
third of those between 16 and 29 years old oppose a German inspired
"Center against Banishment" - as opposed to approximately 60 percent
of the people over 60. Comparable results were recorded in other
Eastern European countries, showing the impact of these states'
foreign policy reorientation in the years 1989 to 1991. Their
subsequent co-operation with Germany, the new hegemonic power, opened
numerous advancement opportunities, as they were dissociating
themselves from their former elite of the defunct socialism and its
eastern ties, reflecting the experience of German occupation.

Positive expectations

The resettled Germans are particularly banking on the Germanophilic
circles in sectors of the former dissident movements. The Sudeten
German Homeland Association's national chairman, Bernd Posselt, has
"positive expectations" [7] particularly in relation to the Czech
Greens, who polled approximately six per cent of the vote in last
weekend's parliamentary elections. At its origins the Green Party
were sympathizers of the former "Charter 77" opposition. Petr Uhl,
the Greens chairman in Prague, had been one of the signers of the
"Charter 77" founding document. In a common declaration signed by the
Czech Greens and the German "Alliance 90/The Greens" Party in
neighboring Bavaria, one reads: "The Czech Greens will strive to keep
the memory alive of the loss resulting from liquidation and

Free Europe

Uhl is not the only prominent representative of the 1970s and '80s
opposition, who had adopted demands of the German revisionist
federations. Pavel Tigrid, who had lived in exile, considers the
resettlement to be one of the biggest ethnic cleansings in European
history. On occasion, Tigrid had been the director of "Radio Free
Europe" (RFE) and later, in Paris, published the Czechoslovakian
exile magazine "Svedectvi". RFE was founded by the US secret services
and for many years had its headquarters in Munich (Bavaria). RFE's
first propaganda broadcast (1951) was already directed at listeners
in the former CSSR. Since 1995, RFE has been broadcasting from Prague.


The co-operation between Czech exiled politicians, German
revisionists and subversive organizations, explains the success of
the current attacks on the Czech Republic's sovereignty. These common
interests can be found even among today's top politicians in Prague.
For example, a former collaborator of the Pan European Union, which
enjoys close ties to the federations of the "banished", announced
that he had traveled "often since 1981 (...) to visit opposition
intellectuals of Solidarnosc in Poland, Charter 77 in Bohemia" and
had maintained "close contacts" to them.[9] Rudolf Kucera, one of the
signatories of the "Charter 77" was one who profited from the eastern
contacts of German "banished" circles and established in the 1980s,
an underground branch of the Pan European Union in Prague. In 1991,
Kucera became a member of the German-Czech historian commission - at
a time, when former "Charter 77"-speaker, Vaclav Havel, proposed to
offer "the Sudeten Germans" also the Czech citizenship, in addition
to their German citizenship. Havel, who enjoys high esteem because of
his former activities as a dissident, is considered a member of the
inner circle of the Germanophilic elite. In the headquarters of
"Radio Free Europe", he celebrated the 50. Anniversary of this CIA
media creation - together with German guests.

Please read also A European Purpose, Hitler, Stalin, Churchill,
Roosevelt, Praktische Schritte, Großer Irrtum, Symbolpolitik,
Gefährlicher Druck, Gegen Prag and Umfassende Ansprüche

[1] Rede des Bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten Dr. Edmund Stoiber;
Hauptkundgebung des 57. Sudetendeutschen Tages, Sonntag, 4. Juni 2006
[2] "Sehr wenig bekannt ist in diesem Zusammenhang zum Beispiel ein
Vorgang aus dem Jahre 1992, als in der damaligen Tschechoslowakischen
Republik Petr Pithart als Ministerpräsident amtierte und
Staatspräsident Václav Havel dem deutschen Kanzler Kohl inoffiziell
folgenden Vorschlag unterbreitete:
- Die Sudetendeutschen erhalten auf Wunsch die Staatsangehörigkeit
der Tschechoslowakei wieder und können somit, wenn sie es wollen, als
gleichberechtigte Bürger in die Heimat zurückkehren
- Gleichzeitig können sie die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit behalten,
um ihre in der Bundesrepublik erworbenen Rechte abzusichern
Den wahren Hintergrund, warum eine Antwort aus Bonn ausgeblieben war,
erhellte Jahre später eine Aussage des damaligen tschechischen
Botschafters gegenüber dem Autor (Rudolf Hilf). Demnach fürchtete die
unionsgeführte Regierung, daß "dann auch chilenische Flüchtlinge und
andere (vor allem Türken) die doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft verlangen"
könnten." Verpaßte Chance: Sudetendeutsche Doppelpässe. Warum Bonn
1992 ein tschechisches Gesprächsangebot abblockte; Das
Ostpreußenblatt 13.02.1999
[3] Rechtliche Grundlage für Ausbürgerung und Umsiedlung waren damals
die so genannten Benes-Dekrete, deren Annullierung Stoiber daher in
Nürnberg erneut verlangte. See also Deutscher Innenminister verlangt
Rücknahme der "Benes-Dekrete", Annullierung später, Annullierung
jetzt and Annullierung der "Benes-Dekrete": "Weiterhin aktuell"
[4] Straffreistellungsgesetz vom 8. Mai 1946, § 1: "Eine Handlung,
die in der Zeit vom 30. September 1938 bis zum 28. Oktober 1945
vorgenommen wurde und deren Zweck es war, einen Beitrag zum Kampf um
die Wiedergewinnung der Freiheit der Tschechen und Slowaken zu
leisten, oder die eine gerechte Vergeltung für Taten der Okkupanten
oder ihrer Helfershelfer zum Ziele hatte, ist auch dann nicht
widerrechtlich, wenn sie sonst nach den geltenden Vorschriften
strafbar gewesen wäre."
[5] Entsprechend ordnet der Sprecher der Sudetendeutschen
Landsmannschaft, Johann Böhm, die Umsiedlung völkisch motivierten
Aufstandsversuchen der deutschsprachigen Bevölkerung der
Tschechoslowakei in der Zwischenkriegszeit gleich: "Die Opfer der
Jahre 1918 bis 1946 haben einen Anspruch darauf, ins Recht gesetzt zu
werden." Grußwort des Sprechers der sudetendeutschen Volksgruppe;
[6] Festliche Eröffnung des 57. Sudetendeutschen Tages mit Verleihung
des Europäischen Karls-Preises 2006. Samstag, 3. Juni 2006,
Messezentrum. Eröffnung durch Bernd Posselt, Bundesvorsitzender der
Sudetendeutschen Landsmannschaft
[7] Bayerns "vierter Stamm" trifft sich in Nürnberg; Die Welt 03.06.2006
[8] Erinnerung wachhalten - Zusammenarbeit fördern. Gemeinsame
Erklärung der bayerischen und der tschechischen Grünen;
[9] www.bruesewitz.org/Stock.html