(srpskohrvatski / english)

SKOJ condemns Ahtisaari's antiserb racism

Belgrade, 2 septembre 2006

The League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia (SKOJ) most severely
condemns the scandalous declaration of Martti Ahtisaari, UN Special
Envoy for the Question of Kosovo and Metohia according to which "the
Serbian people is guilty and must pay the price for its historical
Such an assertion by the UN Special Envoy represents an obvious and
intentional provocation by which openly seeks fear and provokes anxiety
in regulating the future status of Kosovo and Metohia.
The League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia (SKOJ) has been from the
very beginning against every and any negotiation of Kosovo being under
NATO Pact occupation. Ahtisaari’s remark shows that western imperialism
in Kosovo and Metohia is behaving like an occupier and that the
"negotiation process" is a bald-faced lie to give full legitimacy to the
Ahtisaari’s remark made in the course of discussions with the Serbian
negotiating team is utterly unacceptable and uncivilized. In all history
there has been only one person who made such an assertion.. And that was
Adolf Hitler. Who condemned the Jewish people as "to blame for
everything". Die Juden sind unser Unglueck.
We remember well the "noble peace mission"of Martti Ahtisaari in 1999,
when, with the threat of total destruction of Belgrade and Serbia on a
"take it or leave it" basis, he compelled the then government of Serbia
to sign the Kumanovo accord by which Kosovo I Metohia was occupied and
turned into NATO’s biggest military base. There is no nation that can be
guilty of collective guilt.
In the siege of Leningrad the whole Finnish Army of Karelia participated
with 300,000 troops. In this blockade more than a million citizens of
Leningrad died. Does that mean that the Finnish people as a whole is
genocidal? . Yes, by Ahtisaari’s logic.
In Kosovo and Metohia there wasn’t any aggression by the "Greater
Serbia" or the Army of Yugoslavia, because it was obliged by its
constitution to defend its own territory. The Army of Yugoslavia did not
invade Iraq or Afghanistan, but only defended its own territory.
Unfortunately, there were violations of the Geneva Convention for which
individuals in the army and police of federal Yugoslavia were tried. The
crimes of individuals or small groups cannot be the justification for
condemning a whole people
The escalation of conflict in Kosovo and Metohia in 1998.-99 was without
a doubt directed by the western imperialists with the goal of occupying
that part of the Balkans and turning it into a training ground. NATO’s
occupation of Kosovo and Metohia has in no way contributed to peace or
development of prosperity, but has totally nullified the results that
were achieved in the five and a half decades when Kosovo by its own
efforts and the support of all Yugoslavia realized significant progress
in all fields. Over 73% inhabitants of Kosovo is unemployed, and all
major economic branches are in the hands of the NATO occupiers, who
freely dispose of and reap the benefit of whatever was created in the
interest of the people of Kosovo and Metohia in the course of the past 5
years. Kosmet has been turned into a nest of world terrorism, black
marketing and mafia. It is clear that the existing state of occupation
is not conducive to the real and lasting interests of the peoples that
live in Kosovo. It is all acceptable only to the imperial expansionist
goals of NATO.
The goal of the policy conducted by certain international "peace "
commissions is a further deepening of the crisis by the principle of
"divide and conquer", with the goal of further occupation of this part
of the Balkans.
It is hypocritical of the representatives of the pro-imperialist
bourgeois regime in Belgrade to excuse Ahtisaari for his gaffe. By this
the government of Serbia expresses its fake bourgeois patriotism, which
wont fool the people of Serbia. The government of Serbia also shows
political shortsightedness, because it is obvious that in case Ahtisaari
apologizes, which is hardly to be expected, the policy of separating
Kosovo from Serbia and the total legalization of the occupation by
western imperialism, of which Ahtisaari is the ambassador, will not be
If the government of Serbia were really to behave patriotically, it
would clearly show that Kosovo I Metohia is occupied territory and
demand the that all foreign occupation troops should leave its
territory. To us in SKOJ it is clear that nothing of the sort can be
expected from this or any other bourgeois pro-imperialist government.

=== izvorna verzija/srpskohrvatska ===

Savez komunisticke omladine Jugoslavije najostrije osudjuje skandaloznu
izjavu specijalnog izaslanika Ujedinjenih nacija Martija Ahtisarija za
pitanje Kosova i Metohije o tome da je „srpski narod kriv i da se
istorijske greske moraju platiti“.
Ovakva tvrdnja specijalnog izaslanika UN predstavlja ociglednu i
smisljenu provokaciju kojom se otvoreno iskazuje pristrasnost u
odreðivanju buduæeg statusa Kosova i Metohije. SKOJ je od samog pocetka
bio protiv bilo kakvih pregovora u situaciji u kojoj je Kosovo pod
okupacijom NATO pakta. Ahtisarijeva izjava pokazuje da se zapadni
imperijalizam na Kosovu i Metohiji ponaša kao okupator a da je
"pregovaracki proces" u stvari samo sarena laza, odnosno proces koji
treba da da pun legitimitet okupaciji.
Izjava koju je Ahtisari izrekao tokom razgovora sa srpskim pregovarackim
timom je apsolutno neprihvatljiva i necivilizacijska. U istoriji se samo
jedna osoba do sada usudila da kaze tako nesto, to je Adolf Hitler koji
je osudio jevrejski narod da su "krivi kao narod za sve zlo".
Dobro pamtimo „plemenitu mirovnu misiju“ Martija Ahtisarija 1999. godine
kada je sa pod pretnjom potpunog razaranja Beograda i Srbije po principu
„uzmi ili ostavi“ primorao tadašnju srpsku Vladu da potpiše Kumanovski
sporazum èime je Kosovo i Metohija okupirana od starne NATO-a i
pretvorena u najveæu vojnu bazu NATO pakta.
Ni jedan narod ne moze snositi nikakvu kolektivnu krivicu. U opsadi
Lenjingrada ucestvovala je cela finska Karelijska armija sa 300 000
boraca. U ovoj blokadi umrlo je vise od milion stanovnika Lenjingrada.
Da li to znaci da je finski narod genocidan? Po logici Ahtisarija jeste.
Na Kosovu i Metohiji nije bilo agresije Vojske Jugoslavije, jer je ona
bila dužna da cuva svoju teritoriju po ustavu; nije Vojska Jugoslavije
krocila u Irak ili Avganistan vec je branila svoju teritoriju. Nazalost,
bilo je krsenja Zenevske konvencije za sta su sudjenja pojedinim
pripadnicima vojske i policije , otpocela jos u vreme postojanja Savezne
Republike Jugoslavije. Zlocini pojedinaca ili manjih bandi ne mogu biti
opravdanje za tvrdnje da krivicu snosi ceo narod.
Eskalaciju sukoba na Kosovu i Metohiji 1998.-99. godine nedvosmisleno su
rezirali zapadni imperijalisti sa ciljem okupacije tog dela Balkana i
njegovog pretvaranja u svoj vojni poligon. NATO okupacija Kosmeta ni u
jednom segmentu nije doprinela miru, razvoju i prosperitetu. Ona je
potpuno anulirala rezultate koji su postignuti u proteklih pet i po
decenija kada je Kosovo vlastitim naporima i uz podrsku cele SFRJ
ostvarilo znacajan napredak na svim poljima. Preko 73% zitelja Kosova je
nezaposleno, a sve glavne privredne grane su u rukama NATO okupatora
koji slobodno raspolaže i ubira prihoda od onoga što je stvarano u
interesu naroda Kosova i Metohije tokom proteklih pet decenija. Kosmet
je pretvoren u leglo svetskog terorizma, sverca i mafije.
Jasno je da postojeæe okupaciono stanje ne odgovara trajnim i stvarnim
interesima naroda koji zive na Kosovu, ono odgovara jedino
imperijalno-ekspanzionistickim ciljevima NATO-a.
Cilj politike koju vode razne „mirovne“ medjunarodne komisije jeste
dalje produbljivanje postojeceg stanja po principu „zavadi, pa vladaj“ u
cilju sto duze okupacije ovog dela Balkana.
Licemerni su zahtevi predstavnika proimperijalistickog burzoaskog rezima
u Beogradu da se Ahtisari izvini za izrecene reci.Time Vlada Srbije
izrazava svoj lazni burzoaski patriotizam koji ne moze zavarati narod
Srbije.Vlada Srbije pokazuje i politicku kratkovidost jer je ocito da i
u sluaju da se Ahtisari izvini, a do cega gotovo sigurno nece doci,
politika odvajanja Kosova od Srbije i potpunog legalizovanja okupacionog
stanja od strane zapadnog imperijalizma, ciji je Ahtisari izaslanik,
nece biti promenjena. Da Vlada Srbije postupa zaista patriotski ona bi
jasno iskazala da je Kosovo i Metohija okupirana teritorija i zatrazila
od stranih okupacionih trupa da napusti njegovu teritoriju.Nama u SKOJ
je jasno da se tako nesto ne moze ocekivati od ove ali ni od jedne druge
burzoaske proimperijalisticke vlade.
