(english - con telegrafici titoli in lingua italiana)

Neverending pogroms in Kosmet (6): Come la Transnistria

Sources of most of the following texts are:





BBC Monitoring International Reports - August 23, 2006 Wednesday
Text of report by Belgrade-based Radio B92 on 23 August

[Newsreader] Two [Kosovo] Albanians have beaten up a 55-year old
[Serb] Vuk Danilovic in the centre of Decani while he was attended
the opening of a multiethnic camp organized by the OSCE, the [Serbian
Orthodox Church's] Raska Prizren Eparchy information office has
The attack took place yesterday, a day after the opening of the
multiethnic camp, at which 30 children from the Serb, Albanian and
Rom communities had gathered. The Eparchy said that the perpetrators
had fled the scene and that the incident was reported to the Kosovo
Police Service [KPS].





BBC Monitoring International Reports - August 26, 2006 Saturday
Text of report by Serbian news agency Beta

Ivica Dacic, chairman of the main committee of The Socialist Party of
Serbia (SPS) said that the most recent statement made by UN Envoy
Martti Ahtisaari in connection with Kosovo reflects his prejudice and
stems from his desire to "pass judgment on an entire nation".
"This is yet further confirmation that these are not negotiations but
an imposed solution and he is not a mediator but the Albanian side's
helper," Dacic told Beta Agency in connection with Ahtisaari's
statement that the policy that was conducted by Slobodan Milosevic
"has to be taken into consideration" in deciding on the status of
"Besides, not even the Chernomyrdin-Ahtisaari plan for a stop to the
bombing is being respected today and Serbia must respond to that
urgently and unanimously," Dacic said.
According to him, Serbia should respond that it considers Kosovo its
unalienable part and that it is prepared to talk about the autonomy
of Kosovo within Serbia, but that it will not accept an imposed
"That is why we are demanding an urgent session of our assembly on
this issue," Dacic said, pointing out that in addition to Ahtisaari's
statements it is also necessary to hold an assembly session because
of indications that an imposed solution on the province's
independence would be attempted by the end of the year.
He said that the Serb nation in the former Yugoslavia "was actually
the greatest victim of nationalism, terrorism, and separatism".
"Today there are no more Serbs in Knin, in Pristina, and very few are
left in the Federation of Bosnia-Hercegovina, so who was it then that
carried out ethnic cleansing?" Dacic said.
He pointed out that all "government factors" today have the same view
"in connection with Kosovo", just as the SPS has had "all these
years, because that is not a party issue but a state and national
Speaking at today's news conference in response to the demands of the
coordinators of the Serbian negotiating team who asked him to clarify
his statement that the "Serbs were culpable as a nation", Ahtisaari
said that "every nation in the world has its burden for which it has
to pay".




Kosovo Serbs alarmed by reports of paramilitary activity

BBC Monitoring Europe (Political) - September 3, 2006 Sunday
Text of report by Serbian independent news agency FoNet

Zubin Potok, 2 September: Zubin Potok Deputy Mayor Srdjan Djurovic
today told FoNet that around thirty armed persons wearing black
uniforms had been spotted on the slopes of Mt Mokra Gora on 30 August.
"They practiced shooting in the area between Zubin Potok and Istok
municipalities and their presence, and the fact that they were not
members of Kfor [NATO-led Kosovo Force], has greatly upset the Serb
population in this part of Kosovo," Djurovic said.
Representatives of Zubin Potok municipality informed NATO southern
wing commander Admiral Harry Ulrich about the incident at a meeting
"He told us that Kfor was investigating the report. The newly
appointed Kfor commander, German Gen Roland Kather, and the commander
of the Multinational Brigade North, French Gen Jean-Jacques Barthes,
also attended the meeting," Djurovic said.





BBC Monitoring International Reports - September 13, 2006 Wednesday
Text of report by Serbia-Montenegrin radio Kontakt Plus on 13 September

[Presenter] UNMIK [UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo] today
confirmed that that the Vasic family home in the village of Stupelj
near Klina had been bombed day before yesterday.
Unknown attackers tried to torch another house belonging to the Vasic
family, but failed in their intention, UNMIK police spokesman Thomas
Leigh [phonetic] said at a news conference in Pristina. Leigh said
that the International Police and the Kosovo Police Service had
launched an investigation into the incident, but that their efforts
were being hampered by the silence of the neighbours.
Leigh added that this incident should not threaten the "good
relations" between Albanians and Serbs in Klina municipality.
UNMIK spokeswoman Miriam Dessables said that UNMIK deputy chief
Steven Schook was on a visit to Klina municipality over the bombing
of the Vasic family home, and that he would discuss the problems
encountered by Serb returnees with local officials.


Voice of Russia - September 13, 2006

A Serbian family house blown up in the northwest of Kosovo

A Serbian family house has been blown up in the
northwest of Kosovo, specifically, in the village of
Stupel, near the city of Klin.
The recently rebuilt house was the one of a Serbian
refugee family which has returned to the province
A neighbouring house, also of a Serb family, has been
gravely damaged.
There was no one in the houses when the explosive
device went off, so no casualties have been reported.
Kosovo Albanians, who’ve been pressing for a
withdrawal of the province from under Belgrade’s
jurisdiction, have repeatedly threatened to blow up
all houses that Serbian refugees may return to.


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria)
September 11, 2006

Russia Will not Waver to Impose Veto if Decision for
Kosovo is Unacceptable for Moscow

London - Russian President Vladimir Putin doesn’t rule
out the possibility for Russia to impose a veto on the
UN Security Council decision for Kosovo if it is not
acceptable for Moscow, BETA agency announced, citing
the Financial Times.
Putin warned the West that Kosovo’s independence will
create a precedent in other problematic regions
including Abhazia and South Osetia in Georgia.


ADN Kronos International (Italy) - September 12, 2006


Belgrade - Serbia's government has said it is cheered
by Russia's premier Vladimir Putin's recent comments
apparently hinting his country could veto any
"unacceptable" United Nations Security Council
resolution, such as one backing independence for the
breakaway province of Kosovo.
Serbian government spokesman Srdjan Djuric hailed
Putin's statement as a "principled stand, in harmony
with the highest principles of international law," on
the inviolability of the existing state borders.
Belgrade's press on Tuesday ran banner headlines
hailing Serbia's "Russian brothers."
Former foreign minister, Goran Svilanovic, called for
caution, however. He said the issue would never come
before the UN Security Council - the organisation's
top decision-making body - unless the decision was
first agreed upon in the so-called Contact Group for
Kosovo, which includes the United States, Great
Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Russia.
UN special envoy for Kosovo, Martti Ahtisaari, was due
to present a report on progress in negotiations
between Serbs and majority ethnic Albanians in Kosovo
during a meeting of the Contact Group on Monday
through Tuesday.
Elena Guskova, a Russian academic and an expert on
Balkans, told Belgrade media it was too early to say
what the Russian position on Kosovo might ultimately
On one hand, Kosovo's independence would grant the
same rights to the people of the breakaway regions of
South Ossetia and Abkhazia in the former Soviet
republic of Georgia. But on the other hand, it could
boost separatist movements in Russian republics such
as Chechnya, she said.
Putin - whose country is one of the UN Security
Council's permanent five veto-wielding members, along
with Britain, France, the US and China - was quoted on
Monday by Britain's Financial Times newspaper as
saying: "If we find the solution for Kosovo
unacceptable, we will not hesitate to use our veto
right in the UN Security Council."
Putin's allegedly made the remarks last last Saturday
at a dinner with a group of American and Russian
journalists and businessmen at his residence in
Moscow. But a Russian government official neither
confirmed nor denied the statement, saying only he
couldn’t recall the word "veto" being used.
Putin reportedly said that the same yardstick should
be applied to Kosovo and the former Soviet republics.
"If a precedent is set, it will negatively reflect on
the post-Soviet region and it will be difficult to
explain to the peoples of South Ossetia and Abkhazia
why Albanians (in Kosovo) can breakaway from Serbia
and they cannot," he stated, quoted in the Financial
Ethnic Albanians in Kosovo say they will settle for
nothing less than independence, but Belgrade opposes
this, offering instead a form of wide local autonomy.
It has warned that if the province secedes from
Serbia, this would trigger a chain reaction in other
disputed regions in Europe and throughout the world.
Kosovo has been under UN control since 1999 and the
world powers, including the United States, have hinted
they are prepared to grant independence to Kosovo
ethnic Albanians, who make a 1.7 million majority
compared with just 100,000 Serbs remaining in the




Focus News Agency (Bulgaria)
September 11, 2006

Vecerne Novosti: KLA Rules Kosovo

Belgrade - The acknowledgement of the Chief Prosecutor
of the Hague Tribunal Carla Del Ponte that the Kosovo
Liberation Army (KLA) kills potential witnesses
against [its members] accused of war crimes is raising
the question for the responsibility of all who have
performed war crimes in Kosovo and will not be tried,
Vecerne Novosti reports.
The Hague Tribunal admits that is a sensitive topic
and they are not apt to talk about it.
But it acknowledges that without good witness
protection there is no way to reach the truth.
The KLA and its ex-commanders are now politicians,
state employees, leaders in the Corps for Defense of
Kosovo [Kosovo Protection Corps] and leaders of
criminal clans who have sent a clear message to their
compatriots - those who dare to speak [against] war
crimes will be liquidated.
That decision of the shadow cabinet was taken seven
years ago after the arrival of the international
[NATO] forces in Kosovo.




Focus News Agency (Bulgaria)
September 11, 2006

Six US Citizens Planned Terrorist Attacks in Montenegro

Podgorica - Six US citizens together with allies from
Montenegro have planned to carry out terrorist attacks
on the territory of Malesia and Tuzi (in Montenegro)
on 10 and 11 September, the Directorate of the
Montenegrin police announced on Monday, cited by the
independent Montenegrin news portal PCNEN.
The US citizens - four of whom have been captured and
two are wanted - originate from the territory of
Malesia, Tuzi and Kosovo.
According to the chief of the criminal police in
Montenegro Ivan Masulovic, 12 people were arrested in
relation to the findings.
Masulovic added that former members of the Army for
the Liberation of Kosovo [Kosovo Liberation Army] had
also intended to participate in the terrorist attacks
and were expected to illegally enter Kosovo and
Masulovic said that a small part of the weapons
intended for the attacks was found in the homes of the
The larger part was found in a cave near Tuzi, where
the suspects were supposed to hide after the attack.


Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - September 12, 2006

Montenegrin Police Order International Search of Five
Albanian Terrorist Suspects

Podgorica - The police in Montenegro announced an
international search for five Albanians, four of whom
are US citizens, who are suspected of terrorism, the
Serbian agency TANJUG informs.
It is believed they had been planning a terrorist
attack in Montenegro.
However, officials of the international police force
in Kosovo stated the request of Montenegro’s police
has not yet been handed into the authorities in
Pristina, but added that the police of the UN Mission
in Kosovo (UNMIK) will react immediately if such a
request is filed.




Interfax - September 12, 2006

Recognition of referendums in CIS issue for
international community - Prikhodko

MOSCOW - The Kremlin recognizes the principle
of territorial integrity, Russian presidential aide
Sergei Prikhodko said, adding that real political
processes should be taken into consideration not only
in South Ossetia and Transdniestria, but also in
other similar situations.
"The territorial integrity of a state, above all of a
state with which we have close relations, is
imperative; however, the imperative should assume
real political processes not only in [South Ossetia
and Transdniestria], but also in other parts of the
world, where there are referendums and parallels can
be drawn, despite where this happens,' he said.




Serbs collecting wood reportedly fired upon in Kosovo

BBC Monitoring Europe (Political) - September 14, 2006 Thursday
Text of report by Serbian independent news agency FoNet
Source: FoNet news agency, Belgrade, in Serbian 2030 gmt 13 Sep 06
Copyright 2006 British Broadcasting Corporation - Posted for Fair Use

Kosovska Mitrovica, 13 September: Unknown persons have fired shots at
seven Serbs from Banje villages in Srbica municipality but nobody was
injured in the incident, the [Serbian] International Press Centre of
the Coordination Centre for Kosovo-Metohija [headed by Sanda Raskovic-
Ivic] has said.
Unidentified persons from the direction of Albanian-populated village
of Radesevo opened heavy fire against the Serbs who were going to the
woods to collect wood.
A statement said that the Kosovo Police Service [KPS] conducted an
investigation but in untimely manner.
"In this part of Kosovo-Metohija, Serbs own all forested land plots
which are constantly the target of stealing. Members of the Kosovo
Police Service are no longer making any efforts to protect property
of the Serbs in province," the statement said.
Five Serbs have been killed while 17 have been wounded in Banje and
Suvo Grlo village area since 1999 [arrival of NATO-led Kosovo Force].
At the end of 2000, three Serbs were killed and ten were wounded in
an attack on UNMIK [UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo]
coach, the statement recalled.


Unknown Attackers Shoot at Serbs in Kosovo

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - September 13, 2006

Kosovska Mitrovica - Unknown attackers shot at a group
of Serbs in the village of Bane, Srbica municipality.
This is what the press center of the Coordination
Center for Kosovo announced cited by RTS.
No Serbs were injured.
While they were gathering wood in the forest the Serbs
became the target of fierce firing coming from the
once mixed and now completely Albanian village of
The Serbs own the land in this part of Kosovo and it
is exactly these plots that are the target of constant
pilfering on the part of the Albanians from the nearby
Since 1999 5 Serbs have been killed and 17 others have
been wounded in the territory of the Srbica
The most serious crime was committed at the end of the
year 2000 when three Serbs were killed and ten others
were wounded during an attack against a UNMIK bus.
So far none of the perpetrators have been arrested,
RTS notes.



Putin: Recognition of Kosovo Independence May Have
Negative Impact on Conflict Settlements

PanArmenian.net - September 12, 2006

In case of declaring the independence of Kosovo
against Serbia's will, Russia will veto the decision
of the UN Security Council, Russian President Vladimir
Putin stated at a meeting with a group of scientists
from foreign countries in Moscow last week-end.
In the opinion of the Russian President, recognition
of Kosovo independence may have a negative impact on
conflict settlements in Nagorno Karabakh,
Transniestria, South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
"We should think of the regional consequences of the
recognition of Kosovo independence," the Russian
President said.


Interfax - September 13, 2006

Putin calls for unified approach to Kosovo, Abkhazia,
South Ossetia

MOSCOW - The international community's approaches
toward settling the problems of Kosovo, Abkhazia, and
South Ossetia should be unified, Russian President
Vladimir Putin said at a recent meeting with Western
political analysts, the transcript of which is
available on the official presidential website.
"You cannot apply one set of standards to Kosovo and
another to Abkhazia and South Ossetia," Putin said.
"What is the difference between the situation in
Kosovo and that in Abkhazia or South Ossetia? There's
no difference at all," he said.
"Once we start manipulating public opinion or try to
do so, we will face problems," he said.
"People will feel cheated. Both in Southern Europe and
in the South Caucasus. This kind of policy cannot be
considered moral. It has no prospects," Putin said.


Voice of Russia - September 13, 2006


Early ballot-casting has begun in the Transdniestrian
referendum on sovereignty.
Transdniestria is that part of Moldavia which sits on
the left bank of the Dniester River.
It has scheduled its sovereignty referendum for next
South Ossetian leader Eduard Kokoity has, in the
meantime, called a South Ossetian sovereignty
referendum for the 12th of next November.
South Ossetians are expected to cast two ballots in
two months from now – in the sovereignty referendum
and in presidential elections. Their republic means to
secede from Georgia.
Ballot-casting or no ballot-casting, it is clear what
the Transdniestrian and South Ossetian voters want for
their republics.
Transdniestria and South Ossetia have, for quite a
number of years now, been living as two sovereign
republics and seem to like it this way.

Do they really need their referendums?

An expert with the Institute of the Commonwealth of

Independent States Vladimir Zharikhin feels that there

is, on the one hand, the principle of territorial
On the other hand, there is the right to
self-determination, and it takes a referendum to
confirm this right.
The two referendums in question have no chance to
leave an imprint on international law.
But they will surely show that the people of the two
self-proclaimed republics do seek sovereignty.
Which their governments will be likely to see as a
very serious argument.
No matter how much the West chooses to speak about the
inviolability of national borders, we have a good idea
of what happened in Montenegro. It is a public
referendum that crossed the t’s and dotted the i’s in
the divorce between Montenegro and Serbia – and that
referendum has, incidentally, been recognized by the
European democracies.
This very delicate situation has no room for rash
The possibly successful result of the Kosovar efforts
to secede from Serbia will give the green light to
stepped-up efforts to win sovereignty in other parts
of this planet.
Russia urges the West to find a common denominator to
all efforts to win sovereignty.
Because, there are either no rules at all or the same
rules for every player in geopolitical games.
The latter is clearly preferable, from all points of




ADN Kronos International (Italy) - September 14, 2006


Belgrade - Kosovo Serb leaders on Thursday accused
chief United Nations administrator, Joachim Ruecker,
of lobbying on behalf of the province's majority
ethnic Albanians - who demand independence - and of
presenting a distorted picture of the current
situation in the province which has been under United
Nations control since 1999.
The Serb reactions came after Ruecker’s report to the
UN Security Council on Wednesday, in which he said:
"The attempts to show Kosovo as a place where constant
attacks against minorities are taking place doesn’t
correspond to reality."
A Kosovo Serb leader, Milan Ivanovic, said Ruecker - a
German diplomat - was "behaving like an Albanian
lobbyist," and trying to "cover up the failure of the
UN's administration of Kosovo over the past seven
He said no progress was made in providing greater
security for non-Albanian minorities and the return of
over 200,000 refugees who have fled the province since
Another Serb leader, Rada Trajkovic, told Belgrade
media that Rucker’s report was "far from reality." She
said that 1,194 Serbs and 593 members of other
minorities were killed in Kosovo since 1999, 1,300
kidnapped and missing, and more than 1,400 beaten up.
She said Kosovo was far from living under the rule of
law, and that Ruecker’s report was an attempt to
appease militant ethnic Albanians.
"Militant Albanians have succeeded in deceiving the
international community, but the fact that no major
company has invested in Kosovo clearly shows there is
no rule of law," said Trajkovic.
Serbian government coordinator for Kosovo, Sanda
Raskovic Ivic, told the UN Security Council that basic
human rights and democratic standards haven’t been met
in Kosovo, and that a rushed decision on its final
status would be counterproductive.
Similar stands were taken by Russia and China,
permanent members of the Security Council with veto
rights. Ruecker, who took up the UN post in Kosovo's
capital, Pristina, on 1 September, said that the
situation in Kosovo has significantly improved, but
that a lot still has to be done to make Kosovo a
multi-ethnic society.
"It won’t be easy," said Rucker, underlining that
majority ethnic Albanians and minority Serbs in the
province will have to live together regardless of the
outcome of the ongoing talks on Kosovo's future
Echoing the stands of United States and British
ambassadors in the Security Council, Ruecker said that
it was in the best interests of both sides to make the
decision on Kosovo's status by the end of this year.
"For the good of Kosovo, this period of uncertainty
must end," he said.
Overwhelmingly Muslim ethnic Albanians, who form a 1.7
million majority compared with a tiny minority of
100,000 Serbs remaining in the province, demand
independence. This is opposed by Belgrade, which is
prepared to offer the province wide autonomy instead,
and by Kosovo Serbs.
Serbia's prime minister, Vojislav Kostunica on
Wednesday drew sharp criticism from ethnic Albanians
for controversial comments he made to the Serb
parliament on Tuesday saying that Kosovo's current
status as a part of Serbia should be enshrined in a
new constitution and voted for by Serbians.
Serb president Boris Tadic last week held talks with
top officials in the US capital, Washington in a bid
to drum up support for Serbia's position on Kosovo,
but admitted that US support for the province's
independence was "a prevailing trend."
The UN's envoy to Kosovo, Martti Ahtisaari, has
signalled the Security Council could impose a solution
on the province by the end of 2006 if ethnic Albanian
and Serb negotiators fail to reach agreement on its
status in ongoing UN brokered talks that have so far
failed to produce a breakthrough.




RF opposed to Kosovo talks deadline

Voice of Russia - September 14, 2006

Russia is against setting a strict time limit for
talks to determine the future status of Kosovo.
As he addressed a Security Council meeting on
Wednesday the Russian Ambassador to the UN Vitaly
Churkin criticized interim administration in Kosovo
saying that Albanian leadership had failed to
guarantee the security of ethnic minorities in the
The Albanian Deputy Foreign Minister Edith Khardzhi,
who arrived in the US on Wednesday, said the UN
Security Council resolution on Kosovo should exclude
the province’s return to the 1999 status, when it was
fully dependent on Yugoslavia.




Transdnestr analyst: West encourages ethnic genocide

Regnum (Russia) - September 16, 2006

Senior expert of the Transdnestr branch of Russia’s
National Strategy Council, political analyst Vladimir
Bukarsky, comments on statements of Kosovo political
analyst Ermelinda Kanush made at a news conference at
the International Press Center in Tiraspol on
September 16 that, “the international community has
certain rules of the game; and if Transdnestr wants to
be recognized, it should play under the rules.”
Particularly, Bukarsky notes:

“Missis Kanushi seems to be considering a strict
geopolitical orientation towards the USA, the European
Union and other countries of the Euro-Atlantic bloc as
‘rules of the game of the international community.’
"She gives it to understand clearly that Transdnestr’s
geopolitical orientation towards Russia is
inadmissible, if Transdnestr wants to be recognized by
‘leading world actors.’
"It is worth remembering Transdnestr President Igor
Smirnov [being] offered recognition in exchange for
giving up his orientation towards Russia.
"As for citing the mono-ethnic composure of Kosovo,
Mrs. Kanushi is certainly cunning here.
"The mono-ethnic composition of Kosovo was achieved as
early as under Turkish rule, the Hitler genocide and
the ethnic cleansing of Serbs after the NATO
occupation of the territory.
Thus, the West gives it to understand that it
encourages ethnic genocide, let it only decrease
Russia’s geopolitical influence.”




Montenegro Police Arrest Another Terrorist Suspect

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - September 16, 2006

Podgorica - Yesterday the Montenegrin police arrested
M.B. from the town of Lokva, near Tuzi, who is
suspected of being a member of an organized group
planning to commit armed terrorist acts in Montenegro,
Montenegrin media inform.
A police announcement says the security forces have
found a Chinese-made semiautomatic rifle with six
cartriges, 26 detonation capsules, dynamite and
military uniforms in the home of the arrested suspect.
FOCUS News Agency informs:

Six US citizens together with allies from Montenegro
have planned to carry out terrorist attacks on the
territory of Malesia and Tuzi (in Montenegro) on 10
and 11 September, the Directorate of the Montenegrin
police announced on Monday, cited by the independent
Montenegrin news portal PCNEN.
The US citizens - four of whom have been captured and
two of whom still are wanted - originate from the
territory of Malesia, Tuzi and Kosovo.
According to the Chief of the criminal police in
Montenegro Ivan Masulovic, 12 people were arrested in
relation to the findings.
Masulovic added that former members of the Army for
Liberation of Kosovo /AOK/ have also intended to
participate in the terrorist attacks and were expected
to illegally enter Kosovo and Montenegro.
Masulovic said that a small part of the weapons,
intended for the attacks, was found in the homes of
the detainees.
The larger part was found in a cave near Tuzi, where
the suspects were supposed to hide after the attack.




Serbs Selling Their Kosovo Property

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - September 16, 2006

Pristina - The persons resettled from Kosovo resort to
selling their property in the region more frequently,
the Serbian newspaper Glas Javnosti informs.
According to some estimates almost a third of the
resettled Serbs have already sold their property and
at least as much are planning to do it despite their
sincere wish to go back to Kosovo.
The Albanians have already built plants, motels, and
hotels in the whole of Central Kosovo – Serbian land
until recently.
The real estate sale is done despite UNMIK’s decree
which limits the sale of Serbian property at places of
strategic importance.
The sales are made without any control or limitations




Local Self-Government Ministry Car Damaged in Gnjilane Blast

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - September 17, 2006

Gnjilane - A strong explosion in Gnjilane, Kosovo,
caused damage to four cars one of which belongs to the
Local Self-Government Ministry of Kosovo, RTS informs
citing Kosovo’s police forces. No people were injured
in the blast.
The spokesperson for the police Naser Ibrahimi stated
the explosion took place on Saturday at around 8.30
p.m. local time.
The motive behind the explosion is not yet clear, nor
is it clear what type of explosion caused the material
This is the second blast in Gnjilane for the last two
days. During the last explosion that took place late
on Thursday the car of Kosovo’s Interior Minister
Fatmir Rexhepi was damaged.
The police arrested two persons at the explosion site
near the building in which Minister Rexhepi resides.
However, because of lack of proof the two arrested
persons had been involved in the attack they were




Serbian Student Disappears in Kosovska Mitrovica

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - September 17, 2006

Kosovska Mitrovica - The police in Kosovo and the
Serbian Interior Ministry are looking for Zoran
Tomovic, who was last seen in the northern part of
Kosovska Mitrovica on Wednesday evening, Tomovic’s
father announced cited by RTS.
Zoran Tomovic is a third-year student at the Legal
Faculty in Kosovska Mitrovica.
He is an immigrant from Klina, near Pec, and his
permanent address is in Budva, Montenegro.




Russian MP Andrei Kokoshin: Outcomes of Transdnestr
referendum “should be taken into account by
international community”

Regnum (Russia) - September 18, 2006

“The mere fact of holding the Transdnestr referendum
is a consequence of policy carried out by Moldavia
[Moldova] and supported by several western countries
for several years,” the head of the State Duma
Committee on CIS Affairs and Relations with
Compatriots Andrei Kokoshin is quoted by a REGNUM
correspondent to state on Sep 18, commenting to the
press on the September 17 referendum on the status of
the Transdnestr Moldavian Republic.
Kokoshin pointed out that the referendum outcomes
“undoubtedly should be taken into account by the
international community.”
“Those who believe that the Kosovo issue will not
impact the situation in different parts of the world
are mistaken,” the MP stressed.
He believes that the Kosovo issue, which has recently
been included in the UN General Assembly agenda, has a
serious impact on public opinion in Transdnestr.
“At the same time,” Kokoshin observed, “many western
politicians prefer to call the Kosovo precedent a
separate special issue which should not be
extrapolated to other similar situations.”



Voice of Russia - September 18, 2006

The overwhelming majority of the voters in Moldova’s
breakaway region of Trans-Dniester have backed the
region’s independence and a plan to eventually join
Russia in last Sunday’s referendum.
Only about 3% of the voters have said yes to the
region’s union with Moldova.
The self-proclaimed republic of Trans-Dniester
declared itself to be independent from the Soviet
republic of Moldova in 1991, when they fought a bloody
civil war in the area.
All in all, there were 7 referendums in the 16-year
history of the self-proclaimed republic.
Back in December of 1991 the first referendum was held
and the region’s mainly Russian-speaking population
voted for Trans-Dniester’s independence and against
Moldova’s nationalist policy.
In return, Moldova waged a bloody conflict with
Trans-Dniester and only Russian peacekeepers managed
to stop the bloodshed.
Afterwards, Russia more than once helped
Trans-Dniester to overcome the consequences of
economic blockade when Kishinev [Chisinau] and Kiev
toughened their customs rules.
That’s why it was quite easy to predict the last
referendum’s results.
As for Moldova and Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe, they have already dismissed the
poll as illegitimate.
However,130 monitors from European and CIS countries
called Moldova’s and OSCE’s position a policy of
double standards.
The observers declared that the referendum had been
held according to international rules and some
insignificant violations could not influence the final
Earlier, Russia’s Foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov said
that it was necessary to assess the referendum with
common sense but without emotions, which may hide its
Mr.Lavrov stressed that it’s high time to return to
negotiations to settle the conflict.
People have been living in the conflict zone for more
than 10 years now and they should arrange their lives
And holding the referendum doesn’t mean that we try to
escalate the situation in the area.
On the contrary, we draw the public attention to the
fact that the conflict poses many problems for the
Russia believes that the referendum results ought to
send a signal to the international community to
reconsider international legal norms concerning the
existing self-proclaimed republics.
It’s difficult to ignore the referendum if state
leaders pursue an honest policy without practising
double standards, which are used in Kosovo,
Montenegro, Trans-Dniester and other similar conflict





ADN Kronos International (Italy) - September 19, 2006

Belgrade - Kosovo parliament president Kol Berisha has
warned of an ethnic Albanian rebellion if the province
is not granted independence in the near future, a
Serbian newspaper reports.
Belgrade daily Politika said in a front page article
on Tuesday that Berisha made the statement during a
visit to Slovenia on Monday.
According to Politika, Berisha said he expected that
the United Nations-brokered talks in Vienna on the
status of Kosovo status would yield no results and
that it was now up to the international community to
impose a solution, granting Kosovo independence.
Kosovo, whose majority ethnic Albanians insist on
independence, has been under UN control since 1999
when a NATO bombing campaign forced Serbian forces out
of the province.
But Belgrade opposes independence, arguing it would
trigger a chain reaction in the region. The UN has
hinted it wants to make a status decision by the end
of this year and Berisha warned that if the decision
wasn’t made in reasonable time “there could be a
The Kosovo crisis erupted when ethnic Albanians, who
make a 1.7 million majority in Kosovo against some
100,000 remaining Serbs, rebelled against Belgrade
NATO intervention came as a reaction to what was
called a “humanitarian catastrophe”....
In a reaction to Berisha’s statement, Serbian Prime
Minister Vojislav Kostunica said Monday night that "no
one has the right to threaten with violence and
terror" urging the international community to "react
immediately to this most open threat so far”.
Chief UN negotiator Martti Ahtisaari is due to present
a report to the UN Security Council on the Kosovo
talks on Friday, but his spokeswoman Hua Jiang said on
Monday that Ahtisaari has already been instructed by
the so called Contact Group on Kosovo how to propose
the solution.
The Contact Group, consisting of representatives of
the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France,
Italy and Russia, is expected to propose a solution to
the Security Council, but Jiang said it was too early
to reveal what the proposal was.


UN Cautions Kosovo Albanians Over Talk of ‘Revolt’

By SHABAN BUZA - Reuters - September 20, 2006

PRISTINA, Serbia - An attack on Kosovo’s minority
Serbs triggered a sharp warning from the United
Nations to Albanian leaders on Sept. 20 to watch their
words, after one forecast a "revolt" if they are
denied independence from Serbia.
The comments by Kosovo parliament speaker Kole Berisha
outraged Serbia, which accused him of blackmail ahead
of a decision on Kosovo’s fate.
The remarks also struck a nerve with U.N. officials
trying to guide Kosovo through talks on its future
without the violent meltdown many observers have
"If our aim of independence is not realized then
citizens’ revolts are expected in Kosovo," he said.
"We don’t want revolts, but we cannot exclude them if
our aim is not realized."
Berisha first made the statement on Monday in
Slovenia, and repeated it on his return to Kosovo late
on Tuesday.
Hours after Berisha spoke a hand grenade was lobbed
through the window of an apartment in the western town
of Klina, wounding four elderly Serbs.
They were former refugees who had returned to Kosovo
last year having fled after the 1998-99 war.
The last major outbreak of violence was in March 2004,
when mobs of Albanians overran Serb enclaves torching
Nineteen people died in two days of riots that caught
17,000 NATO peacekeepers off guard but effectively
drew the attention of the world back to Kosovo’s
continuing limbo.
Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica,
spearheading Serbia’s bid to keep the province,
condemned the attack.
"It is absolutely unacceptable that Serbs are killed
and Albanian separatists publicly threaten violence
and blackmail the international community," Kostunica
said in a late-night statement.
Finland’s Martti Ahtisaari, the chief U.N. mediator in
direct Serb-Albanian talks, briefs foreign ministers
of the major powers on Wednesday in New York as he
works towards a year-end deadline to propose a
Serbia last week enshrined Kosovo in the preamble of a
new constitution as forever Serbian.
Addressing a military parade at the weekend, Kostunica
said the province was and would remain "the heart of
But Western diplomats say Kosovo will likely win
independence, more than seven years since NATO bombs
drove out Serb forces....
The United Nations fears a rise in violence as a
decision nears, and even a bid by the mainly Serb
north to split Kosovo in two.




Explosion in Kosovo wounds four Serbs

Reuters - September 19, 2006

PRISTINA, Serbia - Four elderly Serbs were wounded in
an explosion in the western Kosovo town of Klina on
Tuesday evening, police said.
A Serb official in the area told Reuters a bomb had
been thrown through the window of the victims'
apartment in the town center.
Police spokeswoman Sabrije Kamberi said the four had
been sent to hospital but their injuries were not
Police said the victims were former refugees who had
returned to Klina a year ago having fled Kosovo after
the 1998-99 war.
Legally part of Serbia, the mainly ethnic Albanian
province has been run by the United Nations since
1999, when NATO bombs drove out Serb forces....
Negotiations are under way to decide the fate of the
territory. Its 90-percent Albanian majority demands
independence, but is under Western pressure to improve
the rights and security of the 100,000 remaining
At least half the Serb population fled a wave of
attacks after the war, and those who stayed live
mainly in isolated enclaves.
U.N. officials say the rate of attacks against Serbs
has fallen, but they fear fresh violence as a decision
nears on Kosovo's "final status."


Four Serbs Injured in Kosovo Grenade Blast

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - September 20, 2006

Pristina - Four Serbs were injured yesterday when a
grenade exploded in the western part of Kosovo, AFP
Milorad Pavlovic and three other members of his family
were injured when an unknown attacker threw a grenade
through the window of their home in the western Kosovo
town of Klina.
The lives of the four wounded persons are out of
danger, AFP notes.



ADN Kronos International (Italy) - September 20, 2006

Pristina - Four Serbs were injured when an explosive
device was thrown into their apartment in the Kosovo
town of Klina Tuesday night, in the latest violence in
the province whose final status - independence or
broad autonomy within Serbia - is to be determined by
the year's end.
Kosovo police spokeswoman Sabrije Kamberi confirmed
that the four were in hospital in the nearby town of
Pec and were out of danger, but gave no details.
Serbian news agency Tanjug reported a bomb was thrown
into the apartment of Milorad Pavlovic, wounding him
and three female relatives.
Protection of minority Serbs is one of the discussion
points in UN-brokered talks ongoing in Vienna between
the Kosovo representatives and Serbs.
The Pavlovic family, like an estimated 200,000 Serbs,
fled Kosovo in 1999 when Serbian forces were pushed
out of the province by a NATO bombing campaign and
Kosovo was put under United Nations control, returned
to their home a year ago, the agency said. Another
returnee, Dragan Popovic, was killed in Klina on 19
Ethnic Albanians, who outnumber the remaining Serbs in
Kosovo by 17 to one, are pressing the international
community to grant them independence, which Belgrade
The UN is set to make a decision on Kosovo status by
the end of this year and Kosovo parliament president
Kol Berisha said this week ethnic Albanians were ready
to rebel if their demands weren’t heeded.
Serbian prime minister Vojislav Kostunica appealed to
the international community to “stop Albanian
separatists in their terrorist orgy against Serbs”.
He called on the UN chief negotiator Martti Ahtisaari
to take the necessary steps to prevent similar
incidents if the international community doesn’t want
to become “an accomplice in crimes against Serbs.
"It is absolutely unacceptable that the Serbs are
being killed and that the Albanian separatists openly
threaten violence and blackmail the international
community,” Kostunica said in a statement to Tanjug.
Ethnic tension has remained high in Kosovo.
Last Friday, Kosovo police minister Fatmir Rexhepi's
car was bombed in the town of Gnjilane.
Two days later, a powerful explosion damaged four
vehicles and shattered windows in Gnjilane without
injuring anyone, local police said. Kosovo's ethnic
Albanian government and parliament issued statements
condemning the attacks.
Clashes between Albanians and ethnic Serbs in March
2004 left 19 people dead.


Four Serbs injured in Kosovo blast

Beta (Serbia) - September 20, 2006

PEC, BELGRADE - Four persons were injured last night
in Klina near Pec when an explosive device was thrown
into the home of Milorad Pavloviæ.
Kosovo Police Service says one person sustained
serious injuries, while three others were moderately
hurt, and that none of them has life-threatening
The victims were transported to the Regional Hospital
in Peæ. Rada Pavloviæ, identified as the victim
suffering serious injuries, was later transferred to
the Priština Hospital.
Kosovo PM Agim Ceku and UNMIK Police Commissioner
arrived at the site, after which Ceku visited the
victims in hospital. Milorad Pavloviæ was the first
Serb to return to Klina. There are around 40 returnee
families in the town.
“On behalf of the Serbian government I call on Martti
Ahtisaari to immediately undertake all the necessary
actions to contain the Albanian separatists in their
terrorist rampage constantly victimizing Serbs”,
Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica said in
reaction to the Klina explosion.
He added that it was “absolutely unacceptable for
Serbs to be murdered and for Albanian separatists to
openly threaten violence and blackmail the
international community”.




Voice of Russia - September 20, 2006

Kosovo’s future status featured prominently on the
agenda of the meeting that the Russian Foreign
Minister Sergey Lavrov has had with Serbia’s President
Boris Tadic in New York

Kosovo’s future status featured prominently on the
agenda of the meeting that the Russian Foreign
Minister Sergey Lavrov has had with Serbia’s President
Boris Tadic in New York.
The parties to the talks have said they see eye-to-eye
on the issue.
According to President Tadic, the regional status
should be determined with due regard for the interests
of the Serbian and Albanian population.
Meanwhile in Kosovo four Serbs were injured in a blast
in the town Klina, west of Pristina, on Thursday in
what is the fourth attack of this kind in the past
five days.


Kosovo status requires consent of other party - Lavrov

Itar-Tass - September 20, 2006

UNITED NATIONS - Kosovo should not be given any status
without the consent of the other party, Russian
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday.
He was speaking at a meeting with the UN
Secretary-General’s special envoy for Kosovo status
talks, Martti Ahtisaari, at the UN headquarters in New
“If that happens after all, a precedent will be
created,” Lavrov said.
“The contract group is working on recommendations for
the parties concerned, and they will have the final
say. When the parties have come to terms, the UN
Security Council will be prepared to approve of the
agreements. Dictating solutions to any party would be
counter-productive, be it Kosovo, Abkhazia or South




Serbia accuses Ahtisaari for partiality

MakFax (Macedonia) - September 20, 2006

Belgrade - The UN Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari does
not fulfill his duty of being an objective and neutral
mediator in the negotiations over Kosovo's status.
The Serbian Government's Co-Ordination Center
announced this on Tuesday, responding to Ahtisaari's
denial of "clear threats of violence on the part of
Albanians, if their political goals" of granting
independence to Kosovo "are not met".
The reaction of the Serbian Center for Kosovo followed
a series of blasts in the province over the last
couple of days and threats voiced by the members of
Pristina's negotiating team for the "extermination of
"The International community has to face an enormous
responsibility for the situation when UNMIK is
incapable of preventing terrorists to plant explosives
and bombs.
"Moreover, the representatives of the negotiating team
are threatening to slaughter all the non-Albanian
population, instead of promoting a compromise
solution", the announcement of the Serbian Center for
Kosovo says.


Kostunica urges Ahtisaari to sanction separatists in Kosovo

MakFax (Macedonia) - September 20, 2006

Belgrade/Pristina - The Serbian government called on
Martti Ahtisaari to take all necessary measures to
halt Albanian separatists who carried out terrorist
acts against Serbs.
The move comes after the late Tuesday explosion in
Kosovo's city of Kline, which left four members of a
Serbian family injured.
"The international community should immediately stop
the violence, otherwise it will become an accomplice
to crimes against Serbs," Serbian Prime Minister
Vojislav Kostunica said.
The blast occurred late Tuesday outside a home of
Pavlovic family. They are among the first Serb
returnees in Kline.
Kosovo's Prime Minister Agim Ceku and UNMIK police
officials headed toward the explosion site.




Albanian President: Kosovo’s Independence won’t Serve
as a Model for Solving Other Conflicts

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - September 21, 2006

New York - “There should be no fears that Kosovo’s
independence could serve as a model for solving other
conflicts”, Albanian President Alfred Moisiu said
during the session of the UN General Assembly in New
York, the Balkan Web reported.
He stated that each conflict should be solved
according to its historic and geographic features, and
the Kosovo issue couldn’t be used as a model, although
Russia demands that.
The Albanian President also said that the independence
of Kosovo would contribute to the regional stability.




Kosovo status to be defined by all parties involved

Voice of Russia - September 21, 2006

No status can be granted to the Kosovo Province
without the approval of the other side.
If this happens, a precedent will be created.
Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said as much,
speaking in the United Nations.
He says that the work is being done at the moment to
work out corresponding recommendations for the parties
The UN Security Council is ready to adopt them. Any
forceful resolution whatever is fatal.
Russia says Serbia’s interests must be taken into
consideration in full measure during the talks on the
future Kosovo status, as Sergei Lavrov stressed.
Besides, the Kosovo Albanians leaders must observe the
rights of the national minorities.




Boris Tadic: Kosovo’s Independence Could Become
Dangerous Precedent

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - September 23, 2006

New York - The President of Serbia Boris Tadic said
after a meeting of the UN Security Council on Kosovo
talks that representatives of Belgrade could be
moderate optimists regarding Kosovo, the Serbian news
agency Mondo reported.
According to Tadic Kosovo’s independence could become
a dangerous precedent, which could lead to the
intensifying of the conflicts in many regions of the
world and to serious destabilization in the region, in
particular Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro.




US Albanians Financed Terrorist Group Detained in Montenegro

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - September 22, 2006

Podgorica - The terrorist group which the Montenegrin
police arrested not long ago had been financed by the
Albanian diaspora in the USA, the aim of which was to
found a ‘Greater Albania’, the Montenegrin newspaper
Dan reads today.
Citing its sources, the newspaper points out that one
of the possible ideologists of the terrorist group is
the arrested H.M. who was born in Ostros (near the
town of Ulcinj), but is currently residing in the US.
He has written a few books in the US in which he
openly insists on founding a Greater Albania.




Unnerving graffiti in Klina

B92 (Serbia) - September 24, 2006

KLINA - Graffiti messages in Klina have recently
alarmed the Serbian population of that village.
The OSCE and the Kosovo police in Klina stated that
the walls of a number of public institutions, and one
Serbian home, which has been attacked on several
occasions, were covered today with the graffiti
messages; “Albanian national army,” and “Albanian
national unity front.”
Many of the Serbian returnees in the region are
worried, and some of the international officials in
Kosovo believe that the graffiti is linked to the
recent attacks on Serbian returnees in the region.
The presence of KFOR forces in Klina has been




Albanian PM asks for Kosovo's independence

Xinhua News Agency - September 25, 2006

TIRANA - Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha said on
Sunday that Serbia's opposition to Kosovo's
independence is "unrealistic," local media reported on
Belgrade continues to take an unrealistic stand on
Kosovo's status, but the lack of realism should not
hamper the final solution, Berisha told reporters.
Albania has been the biggest supporter of Kosovo's
independence. Among Kosovo's 2 million people, 90 per
cent are Albanians.
However, Tirana has always said it has [no,
presuambly] territorial claims and does not intend to
change its borders.
Nearly seven months of negotiations under the auspices
of UN in Vienna have failed to bridge the gap between
the Serbs who oppose independence and the Kosovo
Albanians who insist on it.


Kosovo Albanians Intend to Announce Region's
Independence Unilaterally

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - September 25, 2006

Tirana - If Serbia doesn’t recognize Kosovo’s
independence then the Albanians in Kosovo will
announce the region’s independence unilaterally,
ITAR-TASS informs.
This is what Albania’s Prime Minister Sali Berisha
said in Tirana today while commenting on the session
of the Contact Group for Kosovo that was held in New
York last week.
“Belgrade continues to demonstrate its lack of realism
but its stand should not hinder the final decision on
the Kosovo issue,” Mr. Berisha said.


Albania's Prime Minister Urges Kosovo Independence

By Barry Wood - Voice of America News - September 25, 206

Tirana - Officials from Serbia and Albania continue to
spar over the future of Kosovo Province, as the U.N.
negotiator moves toward a possible settlement of the
In remarks to reporters Sunday, Albanian Prime
Minister Sali Berisha said Serbia's approach to the
Kosovo status negotiations has been unrealistic. He
said that with Kosovo Albanians and Serbs taking
opposite positions, the United Nations may have to
impose a solution.
Mr. Berisha said the Serbian opposition must not be
allowed to stand in the way of a settlement. The six
major powers guiding the Kosovo talks have given U.N.
negotiator Martti Ahtisaari a green light to propose
his own settlement proposal and try to resolve the
status of the Serbian province by the end of the year.
Nearly seven months of U.N. negotiations in Vienna
have failed to bridge the gap between Serbs who oppose
independence and the Kosovo Albanians who insist on
it. The U.N. has administered Kosovo since 1999 after
NATO drove out...Serbian forces....
Meanwhile, Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Draskovic has
told a Pristina newspaper that independence for Kosovo
without Serb approval could spark trouble not only in
Kosovo but in neighboring Bosnia, Montenegro and
Draskovic says Kosovo is a spiritual as well as a
territorial issue for Serbs.
Although Kosovo has held an important symbolic place
for Serbs since the middle ages, the province today
has a 90-percent ethnic-Albanian population.
U.N. negotiator Ahtisaari is expected within the next
month to propose some form of conditional independence
for Kosovo with strong safeguards for the Serb
Government spokesmen in Belgrade have repeated their
complaint that Ahtisaari is biased in favor of the
Albanians and should resign his position.
Ahtisaari has said that while he has no fixed deadline
he does intend to move ahead swiftly.
He says that if Kosovo does become independent it
would not set a precedent for other nations.
Russia, a member of the six nation Contact Group, has
said that if Kosovo is permitted to secede from
Serbia, that would be a precedent that could apply




Palestinian Model for Kosovo

Focus News Agency (Bulgaria) - September 25, 2006

Athens - The countdown for the solving of the ‘tricky’
issue of Kosovo’s future status has begun, an article
headed ‘Palestinian Model for Kosovo’ published in
Greek Kathimerini reads.
The tension is rising dangerously along the hot
Pristina-Belgrade axis.
The Albanians and the Serbs are ready for action as
according to the plans of the international community
the talks should finish by the end of 2006, the
article’s author comments.
The Albanians are threatening violence if Kosovo does
not receive full independence while Belgrade warns
that if that happens it would announce Kosovo as an
occupied part of Serbia.
The two countries remain staunch in their positions,
the author notes, and points out that the Albanians
are not yielding an inch from the idea of independence
and the only thing the Serbs reject is this exact




Serbia urges UN Kosovo envoy to leave the talks

Voice of Russia - September 25, 2006

Serbia’s government has urged the UN Special Envoy to
Kosovo’s status process to leave the talks.
This is what the head of the government service for
cooperation with mass media Srðan Ðuriæ said.
He says that Serbia’s leadership has no doubt that
Ahtisaari wants to organize a dialogue about the
future status of the Kosovo Province because he
decided to take the side of the Albanian separatists.
Ðuriæ also said that it is of great importance for
Serbia that in the issue concerning Kosovo’s status
Russia defends international law standards, showing
that that is its principled stand.


Belgrade to Ahtisaari: Best step down

B92 (serbia) - September 25, 2006

BELGRADE - Ahtisaari's accusations of insufficient
cooperation prompt the Government to say it would be
fair of him to do step down.
Government’s Media Office chief Srðan Ðuriæ says UN
Special Envoy for Kosovo should step down rather than
favor the Albanian side.
“It is doubtful whether Ahtisaari will adhere to his
mandate and organize serious talks on the province’s
future, or if he will simply side with Albanian
"Even if Ahtisaari is in such a hurry and cannot
dedicate himself to the thorough preparation of the
negotiations, he must be aware this is about our
lives, our destiny, which is of much greater
importance than someone’s hurry or anxiety. It would
be fair of him to step down, rather than side with the
separatists in front of the whole world”, Ðuriæ said.
State Kosovo team coordinator Slobodan Samardžiæ
believes someone with a different mandate and a
different style ought to take over the mediation and
the conducting of the negotiations. Only after the end
of Ahtisaari’s mandate and his can there be any
serious negotiating process, Samardžiæ believes.




Shots fired at Serbian returnees’ home

B92 (Serbia) - September 26, 2006

ISTOK - Unknown attackers fired shots at a home in
Istok in which 15 Serbian returnees live.
According to Istok Municipal Coordinator Radoš Vuliæ,
there were 15 people in the home, owned by Aleksa
Ljušiæ, at the time of the attack.
Witnesses said that they heard an unclear phone
conversation between unknown persons in the wooded
area near the home.
Returnee Miloš Nedeljkoviæ said that the shots were
fired from very close.
No one was hurt in the attack, though minor damage was
done to the home.
KFOR, UNMIK and the Kosovo Police Service were
informed of the attack and conducted an investigation
of the scene.
Nedeljkoviæ said that the returnees were shaken by the
incident and are asking for an increased presence of
police and KFOR troops in their community.




Kosovska Mitrovica bridge remains closed

B92 (Serbia) - September 26, 2006

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - The bridge over the Ibar river in
Kosovska Mitrovica will remain closed after last
night’s attack on Aleksandar Æurèiæ.
UNMIK deputy chief met with Serb representatives in
town, saying the decision whether to reopen the bridge
will be postponed for until after the talks with KFOR
and representatives from the south part of the town.
Meanwhile, Kosovo police service detained eight
persons after last night’s attack by several Albanians
on Aleskandar Æurèiæ. They were interviewed and later
The incident occurred when three underaged Albanians
crossed the bridge and started a brawl with a group of
people gathered on the north side of the bridge. The
verbal conflict turned into a fight, inflicting light
injuries on a Kosovo Serb.
Serb National Council chairman Milan Ivanoviæ said
that in his talks with the international community
representatives he repeated the Serb demand to keep
the bridge closed until the end of the Kosovo status
“They said they would decide in a few days, until then
the bridge remains closed and they take responsibility
for whatever happens, meaning whether or not the
bridge opens.”
UNMIK Police spokesman told B92 that contrary to
previous reports, UNMIK police did intervene. “They
reacted at the very start of the fight to protect the
victims from sustaining serious injuries”, Larry
Miller said.
The bridge on the Ibar river was opened yesterday,
after being closed on August 26, when a bomb was
thrown on a café in the Serb part of the town,
wounding nine people.
Due to the latest incidents around the bridge in
Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbs there will hold a protest
rally on October 2.

Fight near Kosovska Mitrovica bridge

A group of Albanians and Serbs got into a fight last
night near the bridge which separates them in Kosovska
Eyewitnesses told Beta that a group of about 15 youths
from the southern, Albanian part of the city crossed
the bridge to the Serbian part and began to provoke
Serbs to fight. A group of young men who regularly
hang out near the bridge on the northern side
confronted the group of Albanians and a fight broke
According to the most recent reports, there were no
injuries in the scuffle. Eyewitnesses say that UNMIK
and Kosovo Police Service officials intervened very
quickly, separated the two groups and made them leave
the scene of the fight.
Following the fight, about one hundred Serbian
citizens of Kosovska Mitrovica gather at the north
side of the bridge and covered the path around it with
barbed wire. They are protesting and are asking for
the bridge to be closed down again, stating that this
incident shows that t<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)