Is the German-Troops-In-Yugoslavia Dispatch Real?
Mon, 16 Oct 2000 16:14:44 +0200
global reflexion <office@...>

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Monday, October 16, 2000

1. Is the German-Troops-In-Yugoslavia Dispatch Real?
2. Do not Weep, Yugoslavia!
3. I Remain Optimistic Because the Only Other Option Is Suicide


The URL for this article is

Is the German-Troops-In-Yugoslavia Dispatch Real?

On 10/12 we posted a dispatch from German "AP" in which German Foreign
Minister Joschka Fischer is quoted as calling for the German Army to
permanently occupy Yugoslavia. Several people have raised the question:
are we sure this dispatch is real? One gentleman wrote:

<< Are they nuts? Is it a fake dispatch? I can see how Bundeswehr would
be "greeted" in Yugoslavia. Joschka probably thinks the rest of
is like Kosovo. Even kids would shower them with stones. Will SS and
Gestapo follow? The fellow should be locked up in an asylum. >>

We're not competent to judge whether they're nuts, but the dispatch is
authentic. It does indeed come from 'German AP'. Here's what happened
how we checked the authenticity:

1) A reader in Germany wrote us wondering why no Website critical of
had posted an 'AP' dispatch he'd found on the German language Yahoo
Website. (Some people have written us that "AP doesn't have a German
Website." Perhaps not, but 'AP' does have a German language
service which issues dispatches and Yahoo does post these dispatches on
its German language Website.)

The German reader translated part of the dispatch into English.

It was amazing. Could German Foreign Minister Fischer actually have
he wants to permanently station the German Army in Yugoslavia? Could he,
leader of the country has been trying to destroy Yugoslavia for a
years, and which committed and supported the worst atrocities in
during World War II - could he really have said that Yugoslavs need to
learn democratic culture in order to relate to Germany? Was he aware
when the Germans set up a puppet regime in Belgrade during World War II
demanded that the quislings round up the Jews, the quislings refused?
Fischer know that the German commander then
responded that the Serbs had "low culture"?

Could Fischer have actually said these things?

It did not seem unlikely that the German Foreign Ministry would want to
permanently station troops in Yugoslavia. But could Fischer have been so
reckless as to admit it publicly?

None of us at Emperor's Clothes were personally acquainted with the
who sent us the email. We decided to investigate thoroughly before

1) First we went to . That's the German
site where the reader said he found the article. Scrolling down to the
phrase "Nachrichten suchen" which means "news search" , we typed in
"Fischer will Jugoslawien mit Bundeswehr helfen" (Fischer wants German
to help Yugoslavia) We clicked the usual button and were taken to the
address "" This URL had the
right title, ("Fischer will Jugoslawien mit Bundeswehr helfen"), but
we clicked on it we got the message "Seite nicht gefunden" or "Website
found". So the article had been there but now it was gone...

Curious. And also curious that the other links on the page worked fine.
(Note: In case the link were to be removed entirely, we have made
of the entire web page; if it is still there when you check you might
to do likewise.)

So now we knew the 'AP' dispatch existed but we couldn't be sure our
German reader had sent us an accurate text. We contacted a writer for
Emperor's Clothes who works for a German outfit that subscribes to
AP'. He found the dispatch. He did an impromptu phone translation. His
translation matched what the German reader had sent us almost word for
and the meaning was identical. So now we had the actual dispatch, just
it been sent out by 'German AP'. That dispatch is posted at the end of

Was the Fischer Story Suppressed? And Why?

This 'AP' dispatch is big news.

We subscribe to Lexis Nexis. It allows us to instantly scan thousands
English language and non-English language newspapers, TV news programs
wire services (not including 'German AP') We went to Lexis and typed in:
Fischer and Bundeswehr or "German army" and Yugoslavia.
There were no entries. Had no newspaper, TV news program, or wire
in the Western world picked up this highly newsworthy story?

We called people in Germany. None of them had seen the Fischer story in
the German media.

'AP-Germany' is a self-contained entity but of course it is read by
from newspapers and news services around the world.

Why hasn't this sensational story been reported?

The only explanation we can think of is: it was suppressed.

Perhaps Fischer revealed a plan he was not supposed to reveal, a plan
German troops to be sent into Yugoslavia in the event that certain
succeed in creating such instability and chaos that "a firm hand is
needed." Perhaps after Fischer blabbed and 'German AP' erred by
his speech there was a hasty effort at damage control. This would
the dispatch first being posted at German Yahoo and then apparently
pulled and it would explain the fact that newspapers and TV stations
to report Fischer's remarks.

Taken alongside a slew of highly provocative and destabilizing actions
the Djindjic and Kostunica forces in Yugoslavia, this statement by
and the apparent suppression of the news reporting that he made this
statement, are ominous.

Below is the exact text of the 'German AP' dispatch followed by the
English translation.

German Text

The top part of the 'AP' dispatch gives the date and identifies the
dispatch as coming from 'AP'. Following that the comes the category,
"Bundestag/Jugoslawien/Fischer", which means
"Parliament/Yugoslavia/Fischer" and then the headline. The text is the
same as the English, which follows.

11.10. 17:29 ap 4


Fischer will Jugoslawien mit Bundeswehr helfen

Utl: Demokratie als Voraussetzung für dauerhaften Frieden

Berlin (AP) Bundesaußenminister Joschka Fischer hat sich am Mittwoch im
Bundestag dafür ausgesprochen, sich in Jugoslawien nicht nur materiell
engagieren, sondern dauerhaft mit der Bundeswehr und mit zivilen Kräften
vor Ort zu sein. Es biete sich nun die Chance, eine Demokratie in einem
sich einigenden Europa zu schaffen. Das wiedervereinigte Deutschland
habe eine besondere Verantwortung dazu beizutragen, dass sich die
Demokratie in Serbien konsolidiere.

Demokratie sei Voraussetzung für einen dauerhaften Frieden auf dem

Es sei richtig gewesen, der großserbischen Politik des jugoslawischen
Präsidenten Slobodan Milosevic Einhalt zu gebieten und sich auf Seiten
demokratischen Opposition zu engagieren, sagte Fischer. Das blutige
auf dem Balkan könne nun ein Ende

haben. Der Stabilitätspakt müsse dafür eingesetzt werden, sich unter
anderem an der Räumung der Donau zu beteiligen. Zudem solle eine
demokratische Kultur aufgebaut werden, um die Beziehungen zwischen
Deutschland und Serbien zu normalisieren. Erste Schritte seien durch die
Aufhebung des Öl- und Flugembargos durch die EU gemacht worden.

So könne Serbien auf dem Weg nach Europa begleitet werden. Nach den
Fischers müssen diejenigen zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden, die
Schuld auf sich geladen haben. Vorrang habe zunächst jedoch, dass die
demokratischen Veränderungen friedlich durchgesetzt würden und sich
Gerechtigkeit durchsetze. Der westliche Balkan sei Teil einer



111728 okt 00

English translation

Fischer wants German Army to help Yugoslavia.

(Berlin), AP, Oct. 11, 2000

German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, addressing Parliament on
Wednesday, expressed his opinion that Germany should not only provide
material help to Yugoslavia but that the Bundeswehr [the German Army]
non-military organizations should establish a permanent presence there.
declared that this was a unique chance to create a democracy in the
of further European unification.

Reunited Germany has a special responsibility for stabilizing democracy
Serbia. Democracy, said Mr. Fischer, is the basis for a lasting peace in
the Balkans. But the priority is for the moment that the democratic
be carried out peacefully and that justice prevail. The Western Balkans
a part of the European comprehensive responsibility.

It was truly correct at the time to stop Slobodan Milosevich's policy
Greater Serbia and to engage oneself on the side of the democratic
opposition, says Joschka Fischer. Now the bloody murdering in the
can be stopped. The Stability Pact has to be used, among other things,
the clearing of the Danube. Also democratic culture has to be built up
Serbia] to make possible the normalization of relations between Germany
Serbia. The first steps have been taken through the lifting of the oil
the flight embargoes by the European Union. Now Serbia can be
on its route toward Europe. In the words of Fischer, all those who have
made themselves guilty of grave crimes have to be brought to justice. [Emperor's Clothes]


The URL for this article is

Do not Weep, Yugoslavia!

Rumors of Serb Refugee Camps
by Blagovesta Doncheva (9-16-2000)

The CIA Boss was in Bulgaria recently: reason for and aim of visit -
Yugo Coup. Task fulfilled. The CIA salutes and flies somewhere else to
organize another coup in the interest of Big Profit.

Now the FBI Boss is here. Some say the FBI is the USA's Gestapo. Some
the visit is proof that the USA's Gestapo has chosen Bulgaria for its
Gestapo base regarding Yugoslavs. Some say the FBI Boss' visit to
is mainly practical - confirmation and looking over the chosen
prisons or adapted former concentration camps and other suitable places
for the Serbs that will be kidnapped, dragged here and lectured on
democracy using some specific Gestapo-FBI methods before being killed.
say the Serbs will be very grateful indeed when at last they are
killed. Some say the Serbs dragged here will be represented to the
Bulgarian public (that happens to see them) as "refugees". There is a
about building "refugee camps" in Bulgaria. Some say the Americans have
reconstructed an old concentration camp on the Danube island of Belene
a "Serb refugee" camp. Some think they will prefer the regions in
Bulgaria near the boundary with Yugoslavia. The terrain there is
mountainous, sparsely populated and rarely visited. Some of the people
say these things have connections with high ranking police officers.
have knowledge of the secret machineries' work in such cases. It cannot
proved. But it seems logical enough.

PS - Since writing that I read an official statement that the FBI will
have a permanent office in Bulgaria. It was announced in the Bulgarian
media. I think it is a kind of a proof of the rumors that circulate here
about so-called "Serb Refugee Camps"...

Every Second Mother
Bulgaria Today - Yugoslavia Tomorrow
by Madlen Kircheva and Blagovesta Doncheva (9-16-2000)

"...And you will pick the fruit of grapevine and of
olive tree you have not planted..." Old

Today the Bulgarian daily 'SEGA' screams from its first page:


Every second mother.

At one of his regular star-performances on Bulgarian TV some days ago,
US Ambassador, properly called "Governor", Richard Miles, consoled the
Bulgarians in proper fatherly fashion, advising them not to cry about
young emigrants.

"They will come back, enriched with the
experience, accumulated in the USA when life in
Bulgaria gets better."

Who drives the children of Bulgaria away?

The one who turned our life in hell the last ten years. The young
emigrants were the hope of our country, they are its intellectual
created by their parents' efforts and the efforts of the whole society.
That unique human potential has been constructed over the course of
by means of the Bulgarian social, health and educational systems - all
them deliberately and thouroughly annihilated today.

And now that same insatiable cannibal, who has plundered our country
life, is consuming the children without having invested even half a cent
a minimal effort to give them birth, to raise or educate them. And later
will use them as Janissaries (1) for the full extermination of their
cradle: Bulgaria.

The cynicism of Governor Miles can be compared only to that of a rich
slave-owner from the South states. The United States now is acquiring a
quality offspring raised in a foreign farm. Why should Governor Miles
"improve" life in this US protectorate, Bulgaria? And for whom, in fact,
are the US Special Forces, the International Monetary Fund and the World
Bank conducting their deadly "reforms" i this country, ruining both our
people and Homeland?

After some years there will not be any young people here, no children.
the old ones will be dead... Don't deceive yourselves: the rape of our
Homeland is carried out only and solely in the interests of the
Beyond the Ocean and the colonial servants here, known as a political
"elite" - nobody knows why.

Do not weep, Yugoslavia!

Madlen Kircheva and Blagovesta Doncheva

October 9, 2000 - Sofia, Bulgaria

(By the way we have sent the above to all Bulgarian media. It has not
published. )


Footnotes and Further Reading

(1) Our Bulgarian authors use the term "Janissaries" which is explained
an excedrpt from the article 'Kostunica & the Yugoslav Election' at

In the article I was discussing the spending of immense amounts of US
dollars to finance an "independent" (?!) apparatus in order to
Yugoslavia. The article continues:

This lavish use of money is linked to what could be called a
Jannisary strategy. The old Ottoman Empire used this strategy
to control the Serbs. They would kidnap Serbian children,
bring them to Turkey at a young age, raise him as Muslims,
and then send him back as the elite Ottoman army.

It happens today, though of course the appearance is
somewhat different. It is in essence what the US elite does
with young people from all over the world, especially
Yugoslavia. They are literally (or figuratively, by means of TV
and movies) brought to the US and other Western capitals
and dazzled with glamour and glitz, with superficiality made
into a virtue - and then sent back to dumb old Yugoslavia.
You can see these young Yugoslavs at elite US universitieis -
aloof, super cool, ashamed of their country. Ashamed of
dumb old Yugoslavia that has more richness of culture than all
Western Europe and the US put together. Full of grubby
farmers and outmoded economic notions etc. etc. In Belgrade
these Janissaries flock to institutions such as "free" radio
B292. I interviewed two staff members from B292. The
interviews are posted on Emperor's Clothes. These young
people have the attitude of smug treason. Consider this
exchange with Gordan Paunovic:

" Jared: [Are you getting any] money coming from foundations in
the US?

"Paunovic: Probably, but I don't know which Foundations. I
am pretty much pissed off in putting this kind of
argumentation, like Soros equals B92. That really comes from
people who are not in a position to see what we are doing.
We will take money from anyone. To make a good
production on many levels, from radio, to TV and video
productions to Internet, Books, music. You need money."

Elsewhere he says:

" Paunovic: And another thing I don't like the way we are -
Like Robin Cook and Jamie Shea they made a huge damage
to our image when Robin Cooke said in a Press Conference
which was directly broadcast on CNN "You know we helped
B92 to get satellite access" and things like that."

But then he and the news editor, whom I also interviewed,
admitted it was true. It was true they were getting time on the
BBC satellite - the BBC, which supported the bombing of
Yugoslavia. But Gordan scorns those who think there's
anything shameful about this. After all, one needs money to do
glamorous things.

This Janissary mentality, contemptuous of the ordinary people
of Yugoslavia, must be supplied with money. Absent money
and it fails. The new global culture is just money and a paint

And because they loathe the backward (i.e. truly cultured)
soul of their country they are useful tools. Hooked on the
most superficial aspects of Western life, in their hearts they
can justify anything. No price is too high for other people to
pay for "modernizing" (i.e. subjugating) their country. [Emperor's Clothes]


I Remain Optimistic Because the Only Other Option Is Suicide

BELGRADE, Oct. 8 - We received the following letter from a TiM reader in
Belgrade, who asked to be identified only by his initials - M.L., but
full identity is known to TiM:

"Dear Sir, I'd like to express my views of the events in Belgrade and
Serbia over the past couple of days, as well as my reactions to some of
your articles. I spoke last night to some of my friends who participated
the events. They told me that a great many demonstrators, especially
coming from outside Belgrade, were armed! One of the DOS leaders
that they wouldn't come back unless they achieve their goal, no matter
the cost (in human lives).

I kept silent throughout the night. It is obvious that anything I say
create a chorus of hysterical disapproval. Any common sense had left
heads long since. I imagine you experienced the same when you warned
Milosevic 10 years ago.

As for your remark that quislings waste no time, get a load of this: I
just heard on TV that Zoran Djindjic said in an interview to a
weekly "Nacional" that there will be no more Yugoslavia, but an
of states of Serbia and Montenegro with a common foreign policy. And
there would be no more federal President, Parliament or Government.

Hmm... I wonder what Mr. Kostunica has to say about that?

Talking about TV, since the "liberation" of the media, they have been
short of disastrous. Reactions from Clinton, Blair, Chirac on the
"democratic changes", greetings from Zagreb, Sarajevo... O, Sancta

I would like to reply to Mr. Alverson, who I truly believe is a dear
of my people but has obviously fallen under this hysteria (see (see An
American at the Serb "Revolution"): He compared this to 96/97 protests.
is, to say the least, inappropriate. In 96/97, the streets were
by people wanting democracy and freedom. This October, it was a mob out
blood (just go and see the movie "Gladiator," and see if there is any
difference between the mob in the Coliseum and that in Belgrade).

You say we will never forget the spring of 1999, Mr.Alverson. Well, I'm
afraid some already have. And judging by who has taken over the media,
time a great many will.

In spite of everything I still remain optimistic simply because I have
The only other option is suicide."

M.L., Belgrade, Serbia

Truth in Media


Global Reflexion - Amsterdam - The Netherlands