Da Voce Operaia:

I compagni del centro della C.L.I. (Vienna) avevano inviato
un messagggio al Nuovo Partito Comunista di Jugoslavia di
Kitanovic (NKPJ) per sapere se corrospondesse al vero che
uno dei loro uffici a belgrado fosse stato dato alle fiamme dai
reazionari la notte del 5 ottobre.
In effetti accadde proprio questo.
Per vostra informazione ecco la risposta dei compagni della
sezione giovanile del NKPJ.

<<Dear Comrades,

What Michel Collon was writting was true. We
published an short
statement concerning that matter right after it
happened and informed most
organisations worldwide.
It happened on the night os October 5th, and
it was organised by so
called "Democratic Opposition of Serbia". One
office was completely
destroyed and burnt, with all our materials
except the equipment which was
stolen. Hopefully noone was hurt because that
office was empty at that time
(the main offices are on the third floor - this
one was on the ground).
Now sitation calmed, but so far we had
our armed members protecting
the offices night and day in order they repeat
the attack.
We don't have photos, since we have to wait
for police to finish
their "investigation", but I hope they soon
will, so we can make images of
democracy and democratic changes in Yugoslavia.
I can't tell you much about the current
situation in the
organisation, except that it's really hard at
the moment. We'll issue
official statement and the analysis of the
current events very soon, and
it'll be published in English next week.

Nemanja Lukic
for Secretariat of SKOJ for


NOTA: Il Nuovo Partito Comunista di Jugoslavia - NKPJ -
guidato da Branko Kitanovic e' una formazione comunista
di orientamento cominformista; alle ultime elezioni nella
Repubblica di Serbia ha ottenuto circa 35mila voti.


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