(allucinante cronaca degli incontri tra il presidente degli USA e Condoleeza Rice da una
parte, e il "presidente" e il "premier" dello Stato-fantoccio del Kosovo, trattati da scolaretti
servili, dall'altra. Fonte: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/yugoslaviainfo)

Bush To KLA Capos: Yes, Sir. Thank You, Guys

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"
Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:14 pm (PDT)


The White House
President George W. Bush

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 21, 2008

President Bush meets with President Sejdiu and Prime
Minister Thaci of the Republic of Kosovo
Oval Office

-[Bush] I mentioned to both these leaders that they
were sitting right below the portrait of George
Washington, the founder of a free United States. And I
appreciate your courage. I appreciate your leadership.
And I commit the United States to help you realize
your dreams. Welcome.
-[Thaci] As a sovereign and democratic country we want
to be part of NATO and part of the EU and have
excellent relations with the United States. This is
our pledge, this is our responsibility, this is our
Thank you very much.
[Bush] Yes, sir. Thank you, guys.

PRESIDENT BUSH: It has been an honor to welcome the
President and Prime Minister of an independent Kosovo
to the Oval Office. I'm proud you all are here. I
welcome you. I'm a strong supporter of Kosovo's
independence. I'm against any partition of Kosovo. I
believe strongly that the United Nations mission must
be transferred to the EU as quickly as possible. I
want to thank you very much for your support of
minority rights, the full implementation of the
Ahtisaari plan.

We discussed a variety of issues. We discussed the
problems that Kosovo faces, its desire to be
recognized by more nations around the world. I pledged
that the United States would continue to work with
those nations that have not recognized an independent
Kosovo to convince them to do so as quickly as

We talked about economics, education. And we talked
about the transatlantic aspirations of both Kosovo and
Serbia, which the United States supports in both

I mentioned to both these leaders that they were
sitting right below the portrait of George Washington,
the founder of a free United States. And I appreciate
your courage. I appreciate your leadership. And I
commit the United States to help you realize your
dreams. Welcome.

PRESIDENT SEJDIU: (As translated.) It's an
extraordinary occasion for us to be received by
President Bush to convey to him all of the aspirations
and all the thanks of the Kosovo people - heartfelt

The Kosovo people have been following democracy, the
principles of democracy and freedom. And the United
States are - they're our supporters. We guaranteed
President Bush that we will continue on this road, and
at the same time to implement the Ahtisaari document.

Kosovo will be a country of democracy, a country of
all its citizens. It will have a special respect for
the minorities. We are very much interested to have
good relations with the Republic of Serbia. Our
progress will be with the integration of NATO and the

Again, my heartfelt thanks, and God bless America.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, sir. Prime Minister?

PRIME MINISTER THACI: (As translated.) Today's meeting
with President Bush not only reiterates the fact that
we are closely connected with the United States, but
will always be their trustful friend, forever.

We have always trusted the United States and trusted
the development of our country and that it will be to
the benefit of the international development.

The Kosovo government and the Kosovo people will
always bow in deep respect for the United States and
for the U.S. administration. It is a joint success
story. We are building a democratic Kosovo,
affirmative action for the minorities. We'll develop
economic - Kosovo economically. We'll have excellent
relations with all our neighbors, and in the future
with Serbia.

As a sovereign and democratic country we want to be
part of NATO and part of the EU and have excellent
relations with the United States. This is our pledge,
this is our responsibility, this is our vision.

Thank you very much.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Yes, sir. Thank you, guys.

KLA's Thaci To Rice: We Bow Before The American Government
Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"
Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:26 pm (PDT)


Office of the Prime Minister of Kosovo
July 18, 2008

Prime Minister Thaci: Kosovo and its people bow before
the American Government and American people for their

Thank you, Madame Secretary, for the strong support
that the United States of America has given to Kosovo
and its people.

Today, Kosovo is an independent, sovereign and
democratic state; it is a country of peace, stability
and with a perspective to develop. Kosovo has
excellent cooperation with all the countries of the
region, with Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, and in
the near democratic future, we believe, also with
This is a historical visit and meeting, because it is
the first delegation of the state of Kosovo to visit

We expressed our new commitment to making progress in
Kosovo, and awareness about the new responsibilities
that we will take over for Kosovo as a state that will
be part of the Euro-Atlantic family, part of NATO and
of the European Union, and always in excellent
relations with the US.

Kosovo and the people of Kosovo bow before the
Government and the people of America for their


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