(english / italiano)

Undici anni dopo / Eleven years after

1) Segnalazioni: TARGET un anno dopo, Galleria fotografica, Video della conferenza di Montreal 2009, una Trasmissione televisiva per ricordare

2) Eleven Years After The Bombing: Depleted Uranium in NATO Bombs Remains Deadly 
VIDEO sottotitolato in italiano + TEXT

3) Eleventh Anniversary of NATO bombings marked in Belgrade / In Serbia celebrata la giornata del ricordo dell’aggressione della NATO

4) NATO's Kosovo War, 11 Years Later (J. Bissett)

5) The Balkans: 11 years since the latest war in Europe (Voice of Russia)

Source: Stop NATO
Blog site:

=== 1 ===

2009: TARGET - Meeting internazionale 
nel X Anniversario dei bombardamenti della NATO sulla Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia - VICENZA 21-22/3/2009


Fotogalerija: 11 godina NATO bombardovanja SR Jugoslavije
Galleria fotografica: a 11 anni dai bombardamenti sulla Jugoslavia


Humanitarian Intervention Challenged
2009 Montreal event - sponsored by "The Centre for Research on Globalization" and Vanier College


Trasmissione G.A.MA.DI. a TeleAmbiente (canale 68 nel centro Italia) e reti consociate
Sabato 27/3/2010 ore 22: 


Con Ivan Pavicevac
In studio Miriam Pellegrini Ferri

N.B. dopo la messa in onda, la trasmissione sarà visionabile nell'archivio online: http://www.gamadilavoce.it/download.htm

=== 2 ===

Da: Alessandro Di Meo 
Data: 24 marzo 2010 15:23:53 GMT+01:00
Oggetto: Eleven Years After The Bombing: Depleted Uranium in NATO Bombs Remains Deadly

in occasione dell'undicesimo anniversario dei bombardamenti in Serbia, ricevo da Ljubica Vujadinovic che è stata con noi a Vranje a dicembre scorso.
ha prodotto questo lavoro che anticipa il nostro, che sarà pronto per metà di aprile e toccherà altri importanti aspetti.
buona visione


Story by: Ljubica Vujadinovic
City: Vranje
Date: 2010-03-24




Deathly Gifts of NATO's Merciful Angel, Serbia

BY Ljubica Vujadinovic

Belgrade : Serbia | Mar 23, 2010

A leading Serbian expert in the field says the NATO's use of depleted uranium ammunition in it's aggression on Serbia has caused enormous increase in cancer rates and number of newborns with genetic malformations.
Silent killer
“Depleted uranium is not only radioactive, it is very toxic as well,” says doctor Radomir Kovacevic, an expert of the Institute for radiology protection “Dr. Dragomir Karajovic” in Belgrade. In an interview for VJ Movement, he explains “Primary it is nephrotoxic, so it affects kidneys, then liver and spleen. Actually, the whole organism is affected from the aspect of toxicity, it is poisoned.”.
Four studies conducted so far, on both civilians and those who worked on the spots'decontamination, have shown that the DU exposure causes typical and specific changes on genetic material.
”DNA molecule is very sensitive on aggression - in this case it is radioactivity. Experimental oncology has shown 18 years ago that in the etiopathogenesis of malignity precedes one genotoxic stadium and that is exactly what is visible on those chromosomes,” tells doctor Kovacevic, stating that the information obtained so far is enough to link the DU contamination to increase in cancer rates.
Threat to newborn lives
In Vranje area, which is surrounded by four known DU contaminated locations, there has been an enormous increase in cancer rates and number of newborns with genetic malformations. “In 1998, 21 children have been born with deformities. In 2008 there were 73,” says Nela Cvetkovic, a Member of the Vranje City Council, in a statement for VJM. The number of newborn didn't change, it is about 800-1000 babies per year.
At the same time, in a six year period after the NATO bombing a number of newly registered cancer cases has more than doubled – from 185 in the year 2000 to 398 new diagnosis in 2006.
Permanent consequences
“The half-life of uranium 238 is very long - 4,5 billion years,” reminds nuclear physicist Miroslav Simic, stating that “this way of throwing away the nuclear waste on civil, but also military targets, is not human as the consequences are permanent.”
Traces of uranium 236 and some plutonium isotopes found on bombed locations suggest that at least a part of the material in the projectiles had originated from reprocessing nuclear fuel.
“Plutonium is one million times more toxic than uranium,” says Mr Simic in an interview for VJM, and explains that “one particle of plutonium which would enter a human body is enough to cause fatal consequences”.
At the same time in Kosovo, doctor Nebojsa Srbljak, who researches the health consequences of the bombing on civil population, accuses NATO of using so-called dirty bombs. “We first started researching when we found traces of Iodine 131 in the tissue extracted from one patient,” he says, adding that Iodine 131, also known as radio iodine, is well known as a major factor in health consequences of nuclear disaster in Chernobyl.
Price for Kosovo independence
In Kosovo, none of more than a hundred known DU contaminated locations has been cleaned. Foreign personnel has been warned to stay clear of those areas unless with full radiological protective clothing. But no one warned civilians.
“We, the doctors know what it is, politicians are silent to please their mentors. But the people are in the worst position as there are new cancer cases among young persons every day,” says doctor Srbljak, adding that the data on health statistics of Albanian population is completely unavailable. Albanian people, or at least their leaders, seem to be willing to pay the DU price for Kosovo independence.

=== 3 ===

In Serbia oggi si celebra la giornata del ricordo dell’aggressione della NATO

24. marzo 2010.

In tutta Serbia e nella diaspora oggi si celebra la Giornata del ricordo delle vittime che sono cadute nei bombardamenti e l’aggressione della NATO, undici anni fa. Nei bombardamenti sono state uccise 3.500 persone e 12.500 sono state ferite. Sono stati distrutti e danneggiati alcune migliaia di stabilimenti, edifici, ponti, ospedali e case. In Serbia sono stati organizzati molti comizi di rimembranza, ai quali è stato reso l’onore alle vittime. I loro familiari, i congiunti e gli amici hanno deposto le ghirlande ai monumenti che sono stati eretti in onore alle vittime. Il patriarca serbo Irinej ha somministrato la liturgia in suffragio delle vittime dei bombardamenti della NATO nella chiesa di San Marco a Belgrado. I bombardamenti della NATO contro la Serbia sono iniziati il 24 marzo del 1999 e sono durati 78 giorni. Il loro pretesto è stata la cosiddetta catastrofe umanitaria della popolazione albanese. L’aggressione della NATO è terminata con la firma dell’accordo di Kumanovo e il ritiro delle forze dell’esercito e la polizia della Serbia dal territorio kosovaro. Dopo il loro ritiro in Kosovo sono entrate le forze di pace delle Nazioni Unite. Dall’arrivo delle forze internazionali dal Kosovo sono stati cacciati piu’ di 200 mila serbi. Piu’ in dettaglio nel nostro servizio dopo il notiziario.



Voice of Russia - March 24, 2010

Serbia pays tribute to victims of NATO bombing of former Yugoslavia 

On Wednesday, Serbia pays tribute to victims of the NATO bombing of the former Yugoslavia in 1999, when more than 2,500 civilians died and about 200,000 more were displaced as the result of the alliance’s air strikes. 
The bombing became NATO’s largest-ever military operation on the territory of Serbia and Montenegro since the end of World War Two, experts say, pointing to the fact that the bombing was staged without being okayed by the US Security Council. 
Commemoration events are due to be held all across Serbia, including the capital Belgrade, later in the day, with the Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Irinej set to lead memorial service at the Belgrade St. Marcus Cathedral.   



B92 - March 24, 2010

Anniversary of NATO attacks marked 

BELGRADE: Wednesday marks the 11-year anniversary of the start of the 78-day NATO-led bombing campaign against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 
The bombing commenced after failed peace negotiations in Rambouillet, France.
The attacks ended on June 9 with the signing of the Kumanovo Agreement and the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1244. 
In the bombing, great damage was done to Serbia’s infrastructure, including business facilities, schools, hospitals, media headquarters and cultural monuments. 
According to varying estimates, in between 1,200 and 3,500 people were killed. 
The air strikes began on March 24, 1999 at 19:30 CET, at which time the government of Slobodan Milosevic declared that the country was at war. 
Commemorations will be held on Wednesday for victims of the attacks. 

Air-raid sirens 

Sirens will be sounded symbolically throughout the country at noon and will last 60 seconds. 
SPC Patriarch Irinej will be holding a service in honor of the victims of the bombing at the Saint Marko's Church in Belgrade. 
Even though 11 years have passed, consequences of the bombing are still visible. One of the most prominent examples is the state military headquarters, located in the center of Belgrade, which remains damaged. 
In the 78 days of the attacks, 540 buildings were destroyed, 58 bridges and 30,000 homes. 
The material damage is estimated at about USD 30bn. 
Restoration began in June 1999, immediately after the war ended, led by then restoration directorate chief, and now Infrastructure Minister Milutin Mrkonjic.  

=== 4 ===

The Balkan Monitor - March 23, 2010

NATO's Kosovo War, 11 Years Later

By Ambassador James Bissett

Eleven years ago NATO opened its bombing campaign against Serbia, illegally and without provocation. It started on March 24, 1999, and continued for 78 days and nights. It was the most intensive air offensive suffered by any country since the end of the Second World War. 

Over a thousand people were killed and the civilian infrastructure of Serbia was destroyed, but it proved unable to degrade the Serbian military. 

It caused far more suffering than it prevented. For the first time since its founding the North Atlantic Alliance, led by the United States, acted in violation of its own treaty and the United Nations Charter by using violence to resolve an international dispute. 

This illegal act marked a historical turning point and was a fatal step in dismantling the framework of peace and security that had governed international relations since the end of the Second World War. 

It set precedents that will continue to plague international affairs for years. The bombing also revealed a disturbing reality that has continued to haunt us: the ease with which our democratic countries can be led into committing acts of violence and war by political leaders prepared to tell us lies.

President Clinton, Prime Minister Blair and other NATO leaders told their citizens that the bombing of Serbia was a humanitarian intervention to stop President Milosevic of Serbia from committing genocide and the ethnic cleansing of the Albanian majority in Kosovo. 

This of course was not true: forensic times have found some 2,000 victims of the Kosovo conflict so far – Serbian and Albanian, civilian and military – who had been killed prior to NATO’s air war in March 1999. Distressing as this figure may be, it is not genocide. Nevertheless, the accusations that genocide took place in Kosovo continue to be accepted without hesitation by the western media.

The claim about ethnic cleansing was also a falsehood. While it is true that several thousand Albanians had been displaced within Kosovo by the armed conflict between the Serb security forces and the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), the large-scale exodus of the Albanian population occurred after the bombing started. 

United Nations figures show that the mass of refugees fled Kosovo after the first bombs began to fall In other words, it was the bombing that caused the flight from Kosovo. Despite the proof of this we continue to hear in the western media that the NATO bombing “stopped ethnic cleansing.”

In reality the bombing of Serbia had nothing to do with genocide or ethnic cleansing. The bombing had everything to do with demonstrating that NATO was still a viable military organization and was needed in Europe. There is ample evidence now to show that the United States and British secret services aided and abetted the KLA in its efforts to use violence to destabilize Kosovo and to create the excuse for NATO intervention.

The Kosovo crisis and the 78 day bombing campaign against Serbia was from the outset a carefully planned fraud. 

Because bombing people for humanitarian reasons was an obvious contradiction, it had to be portrayed as an urgently needed rescue mission to stop the “genocide” that was allegedly taking place in Kosovo. 

This was done by a highly organized publicity campaign designed to deceive a compliant media and a gullible public that Milosevic was evil and that the Serbs were barbarians who had to be stopped. Hailed as the man who brought the Bosnian war to a conclusion at Dayton four years earlier, he was now depicted as the “butcher of the Balkans” and conveniently charged by the Hague War Crimes Tribunal as a war criminal. The duplicity and the deception which reached their height during the bombing itself has continued to this day.

The subsequent policies followed by the United States and its NATO allies have not only continued to be based on falsehood and hypocrisy, but also continue to pose a threat to world peace and security.

The heart of the problem has been what appears to be a determination of the United States policy makers, whether Democrat or Republican, to look upon the Western Balkans as their special fiefdom where international rules of conduct do not apply. 

It is as if they regard these Slavic lands as lesser breeds without the law, and therefore can do with them whatever they deem desirable. This hubris has lead the United States and the obedient but morally bankrupt leaders of Germany, France and Great Britain to follow wrong-headed policies such as the bombing of Serbia and the recognition of Kosovo independence – and to do so without scruples.

Perhaps it is too much to hope for that the critical financial problems faced by the United States and many European countries will curtail their meddling in the affairs of smaller nations and give them pause to reflect that the rule of law applies to all and that international disputes must be resolved without the use of force. This is the hope – however tenuous - expressed by our Foundation's members, friends and associates on the eleventh anniversary of the bombing of Serbia.

=== 5 ===


Voice of Russia - March 24, 2010

The Balkans: 11 years since the latest war in Europe

11 years ago NATO, without the sanction of the UN Security Council, started massed bombings of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which developed into the most wide-scale military operation in the Balkans since the end of the Second World War.  

The air bombings continued for two and a half months - from March 24th to June 8th of 1999. Taking part were more than 1,000 warplanes, which dropped 79,000 tons of explosives on Serbia. According to Serbian reports, 2,500 peaceful civilians were killed, and hundreds of dwelling houses, schools, hospitals, state institutions, and also cultural monuments were destroyed over that period.   

As a pretext for such unlawful actions, which were carried out without approval by the UN Security Council, were accusations brought against Belgrade of unwillingness to reach agreement with the Albanian separatists in Kosovo and of carrying out ethnic cleansing in the Kosovo Province. 

The Chief of Department of Ethno-Political Conflicts at the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences Pavel Kandel finds these accusations groundless:  

"All arguments were formal. Because, firstly, the talks were broken off by the Western allies themselves, which proposed an option, which, as they knew from the very beginning, could not be approved. 

"Secondly, the massive flows of refugees from the Kosovo Province, which really occurred as a result of armed clashes between the Serbian forces and the Albanian separatists and lasted for at least one year, did not slow down after NATO's bombings. Therefore, the argument itself proved false. What really happened was this: NATO aimed to use the situation in Kosovo for the destabilization of the Milosevic regime, which the Western capitals regarded as unfavourable. This was done in fact".     

The existence of a single Yugoslav state ran counter to NATO's interests, since it served as an obstacle to the broadening of NATO's sphere of influence in the Southeastern direction. The USA and its partners thought that the establishment of control over the Balkans would enable them to move their strategic facilities Eastward and parallel with this to control the transport routes of Caspian energy resources. 

The implementation of this plan began immediately after the disappearance of the Soviet Union from the political arena. And the initial stage was actually the collapse of former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, which occurred not without the support of the West. The aggression of the North Atlantic Alliance against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the tearing away Kosovo and the declaration of Kosovo's independence by Albanian separatists in February of 2008 can be regarded as the completion of this process. 

The U.S. military base Camp Bondsteel, which is the biggest in Europe, is situated in Kosovo today. This shows the new configuration, which the U.S. military presence in Europe is taking, following the end of the "Cold War".