(In English.
Sul caso del tentato assassinio di Radislav Krstic nella prigione di Wakefield (Gran Bretagna) si veda anche:
PETIZIONE: Voci di sconcerto per il Trattamento dei Prigionieri Politici Internazionali

Butchery at Wakefield Prison

1) Butchery at Wakefield Prison (N. Malic)
2) The International Defense Committee for ALL NATO/UN Political Prisoners and POWs

See also (in Russian): 
Смертельное послание Радовану Караджичу (13.05.2010 - Александр МЕЗЯЕВ)

=== 1 ===


Butchery at Wakefield Prison

Posted By Nebojsa Malic On May 14, 2010 @ 11:00 pm 

In the morning hours of Friday, May 7, Radislav Krstic was nearly murdered. Three men barged into his cell at Wakefield prison, beat him and repeatedly attempted to slit his throat with a makeshift blade. Krstic is 62 years old and missing a leg. He is also a former general of the Bosnian Serb army, convicted in 2004 by the Hague Inquisition of "aiding and abetting" the alleged "genocide" in Srebrenica.

Not surprisingly, the media reporting on the attack have used the opportunity to harp on the Official Truth about Srebrenica and paint Krstic as some sort of bloody monster, while describing his near-slaughter as a "revenge attack." It is the same phrase that was used to excuse the terror attacks of the KLA against the non-Albanian population of Kosovo since the Serbian province was occupied by NATO in 1999.

There was no sympathy for a handicapped old man, or consternation that this could happen in a maximum-security facility. Rather, by painting it as a "revenge hit" against a "reviled" Serb convicted of "genocide," the media have made heroes out of the three Wakefield thugs. One of them is Indrit Krasniqi, a Kosovo Albanian convicted of torturing, gang-raping, and murdering a 16-year old Briton in 2006.

Wakefield is a facility for violent sex offenders, but apparently the UK government uses it to house war crimes convicts as well; in addition to Krstic, another inmate is former Bosnian president Momcilo Krajisnik.

Victim as Monster

Surprisingly little information has actually been released about the attack. All that is known is that three inmates barged into Krstic’s cell, stabbed him and tried to slit his throat with a weapon improvised from a razor blade and a toothbrush. Only Krasniqi was identified by name; the other two assailants remain unknown. Anonymous officials have told the media that "at least one of them is a Bosnian Muslim" but that has yet to be confirmed.

With few actual details at their disposal, the media have resorted to padding their stories with "facts" about Srebrenica and vicious depictions of Krstic. Just about everyone repeated the lines about "8,000 men and boys" and the "worst atrocity since World War Two" — stock phrases that inevitably appear in any story about Srebrenica. The AP even included this fanciful and entirely fictitious description of the massacre:

"At a car battery factory on the edge of town, men and boys were separated from women and girls, then hauled away, forced to strip — and shot one by one. Their wives and children were deported."

Meanwhile, Krstic himself was thoroughly demonized. The Sun called him a "Genocide Brute." Another journalist described him as a "notorious Serbian Warlord." And The Daily Mail claimed he had been "one of the most powerful men in the Bosnian Serb army, second only to General Ratko Mladic" — which is complete nonsense.

Official line was established early on, and closely followed: it was an "act of revenge." Since everyone pointed out that Krstic was a genocidal murderer, and that one of his assailants was a Bosnian Muslim, the clear implication was that the old man had it coming. Nothing to see here, move right along.

The most curious element of the attack — that all three assailants were apparently of Muslim faith, and that their method of attempted execution resembled the ritual slaughter of animals — got next to no mention. Instead, the press incessantly droned on about the Srebrenica "genocide" and Krstic’s role in it.

Guilty of Existence

The only trouble with Krstic being painted as some genocidal maniac is that he didn’t actually do anything. He wasn’t even in command of the Bosnian Serb force that took Srebrenica on July 11, 1995; he became commander of the Drina Corps only two days later, and led the attack on the other Muslim enclave in the region, Zepa, which fell on August 1.

Even a cursory examination of the actual verdict, both the original (2001) and the appeals (2004), reveals that Krstic was actually convicted of being a Bosnian Serb general at the time a massacre at Srebrenica is alleged to have happened. That is all. He was charged as a member of the "joint criminal enterprise" — an asserted, but never proven or documented, all-encompassing conspiracy to create a phantom "Greater Serbia." So, just by being a Bosnian Serb general, Krstic was guilty by default. And this, in turn, was described as "proof" that the actual conspiracy existed! Circular logic, yes, but par for the course at the Tribunal.

The Phantom Genocide

What makes the Krstic trial particularly sinister is that it wasn’t about the one-legged Serb general at all. He was merely a tool for the Prosecutors to push through a ruling that a "genocide" happened in Srebrenica. His defense, predictably, chose to disavow his role in anything that may have happened, without actually pressing the prosecutors to prove any of their claims. But since Krstic was guilty of simply existing, he was convicted — and the prosecution’s unproven allegations accepted as facts! To say that ICTY had to severely stretch the definition of the term "genocide" to make it fit what happened in Srebrenica is a colossal understatement.

A basic rule of jurisprudence dating back to Roman times is that there can be no crime without intent. But where is the intent in Srebrenica? The Tribunal has found precisely none. Instead, its judges have inferred the supposed intent from the allegations of conspiracy and mass murder. In a normal court it doesn’t matter what one believes, only what one can prove. But at the Tribunal, what the judges and prosecutors believe outweighs any evidence.

The final curiosity about the Srebrenica "genocide" is that it has no culprit. Namely, Gen. Krstic and Col. Vidoje Blagojevic were both initially convicted of it, but the ICTY itself later overturned both verdicts. Krstic was eventually blamed for "aiding and abetting," while Blagojevic’s verdict was changed to mass murder. No one — not a single person — has so far been rightfully convicted of actually committing "genocide" in Srebrenica.

Tell No Tales?

At the end of March, the Serbian parliament adopted a declaration condemning the Srebrenica atrocity. The declaration was written elsewhere, and rammed through the legislature while the country was distracted by a major sporting event. But the three-month public debate that preceded the sneak vote highlighted a mountain of unanswered questions, inaccuracies, incongruities and outright falsehoods in the official story about Srebrenica.

One of the things thus revealed is that the entire claim of "genocide" rests on the false crown witness, Bosnian Croat mercenary Drazen Erdemovic (now living as a protected witness somewhere in the West), and the Krstic verdict. Were the Krstic case to be re-examined, the "judicial fact" supposedly created by his conviction could be shown for the fraud that it is. Could it be, then, that the three would-be murderers — two of whom the press shows no desire to identify — acted not out of "revenge" as the official story would have it, but a desire to silence Krstic once and for all? Dead men tell no tales.

One Russian analyst has even speculated that the Krstic attack was a message to Radovan Karadzic, former Bosnian Serb president currently successfully battling the prosecution witnesses before the Tribunal.

If Alija Izetbegovic wanted to sacrifice 5,000 Muslims in Srebrenica for political purposes, as one of his former commanders claims, what’s a sacrifice of a Serb or three to the Tribunal and the Empire, to safeguard the Srebrenica myth?

=== 2 ===


This blog is meant to be the site--literally, the meeting place--for the International Committee to Defend the Political Prisoners and POWs of NATO and the UN.

Though today the issue of the unjust and brutal unto murderous treatment of the victims of Western (US/UK/EU/Israeli) military adventurism, which since the Korean 'police action' in 1950 (2.5 million victims) has been fronted by the United Nations, is global in reach and involves everyone of the 171 nations where Western militarism has established its bases; this Committee intends to concentrate on two particular post-Cold War theatres of conquests that, from the beginning, have been effectively jointed in a uni-cephalic command, control and administrative structure: The two counter-revolutions initiated at the debut of the 1990s against Yugoslavia and Rwanda.

The media are seldom visited by individual horror stories about the bloody crimes against those who have been persecuted and prosecuted by the illegal ad hoc Tribunal system, the International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda (ICTR in Arusha, Tanzania) and Yugoslavia (ICTY in The Hague).

But recently the shanking at Wakefield prison in Britain, by a trio of supposed Bosnian Muslim sympathizers, of General Radislav Krstic, who was working off a 35 year bid on humbug (and frequently amended) charges of having had something (anything) to do with the (unproven, though universally stipulated to) genocide at Srebrenica in July 1995, has gained significant public attention.

This incident is gory and sensational with its implications that the attack by Muslim sex criminals was in retribution for the mass murder (and implied rape) of Muslims at Srebrenica, and an understandable response to the on-going religious or ethnic conflicts supposed to have driven the Balkan wars (to have driven, in fact, all the 'post Communist' wars in both Yugoslavia and Rwanda), but, like so many of its ilk (the murders in custody of Presidents Milosevic and Babic, or the extra-judicial assassination and mutilation of an uncooperative ICTR witness, Juvenal Uwilingiyimana, at the order of current US Ambassador for War Crimes Stephen Rapp), it tends to distract from the banal, near quotidien occurence of such monstrous crimes against those whose sole real offense was to defend their homes, their families and their national revolutions against NATO/UN wastage.

The first effort of this Committee will be to reunify the Yugoslav and Rwanda tragedies in the public's considerations. The Western aggressors, in their military and judicial actions, already consider them two fronts of the same war against what remains of the rational and popular governments of the bi-polar Cold War world. We feel we can be most effective in correcting the on-going injustices of these commercial, financial and military occupations, if we consolidate our efforts into one movement.

You can join the Committee or express your views for or against its positions by commenting on this blog or sending an email to CirqueMinime/Paris at cirqueminime@....

The Prisoners' Defense Committee

The Founding Members of The Committee

1. Christopher Black
International Defense Attorney--Toronto

2. Ramsey Clark
Former US Attorney General; Founder of the International Action Center--NYC

3. Edward Herman
Professor Emeritus in Finance at the Wharton School, U of Pennsylvania--USA

4. Ljubodrag Simonovic
Master of Law, PhD; former basketball legend with the Yugoslav Olympic team and Red Star Belgrade--Serbia

5. Faustin Ntilikina
Major in the ex-Rwandan Armed Forces [FAR], author of "La prise de Kigali et la chasse aux réfugiés par l'Armée du Général Paul Kagame"--Strasbourg, France

6. Jean-Christophe Nizeyimana
Chairperson, African Survivor International--Wilnis, The Netherlands

7. Dr. Patrick Barriot, MD
Former Colonel in the UN Forces in the ex-Yugoslavia--Montpellier, France

8. June Kelley
Stenographer, Irish Representative to the ICDSM--Mullingar, County Westmeath, Ireland

9. Gregory Elich
Historian, author of 'Strange Liberators'--USA

10. Sara Flounders
Writer, co-Director the International Action Center--USA

11. Tatyana Collins-Lehman
Film Industry Organizer--NYC

12. Alan Mandell
Theatre Artist & Film/TV Actor--NYC, LA

13. Joseph Goodrich
Playwright & Actor--NYC

14. John Steppling
Theatre and Film Artist, Educator--LA

15. David Barouski
Africanist, Political Analyst--Wisconsin, USA

16. Mick Collins
Artistic & Pedagogical Director, CirqueMinime/Paris--France