(intervento di Zivadin Jovanovic, presidente del Forum di Belgrado, al meeting del Consiglio Mondiale per la Pace svoltosi a Bruxelles il 17-18 ottobre u.s. - vedi anche / isto procitaj:

Zivadin Jovanovic, president of the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals






Europe  and the World are undergoing profound, historic changes. The World is faced with tectonic economic and social crisis with unpredictable consequences. Social unrest and demands of impoverished masses are getting global proportions. The roots of the crisis have been misinterpreted, or misunderstood in mass media and establishment responsible to offer solutions. The ruling elites of the imperial powers are trying to solve the problems by printing money, subsidizing banks and corporations, drastically cutting social benefits, sale of public sectors and alike. Budgetary cuts, have been affecting all spheres of public services, but military expenditure. Military interventions under false pretexts, foreign military bases, violent changes of governments, militarization of political decision making have been expanding, particularly since NATO 1999 aggression against FR of Yugoslavia. So called “colored”, “spring” and other “democratic revolutions” have been mushrooming in parallel, or in combination, with military interventions of NATO dominated by  USA . Both, military interventions and “democratic revolutions” let aside neo-colonial propaganda, have the same strategic objective – prolonging end expanding of the liberal corporate capitalistic system. Redistribution of the Planet’s natural, particularly, energy resources and the transfer of the burden of the crises to the underdeveloped part of the world are preconditions of such strategy.


At the same time, during the last decade, or so,  the world has been undergoing profound changes in the global distribution of power, process which, step by step, is leading to changes from unipollar to multipollar system of world relations. In this regard it is certainly new, very important development - formation of the Shanghai Alliance, appearance of group of BRICS countries, G-20, Euro-Asian economic community, South-American economic and defense integrations and alike. All these new associations and groupings are based on common economic and security interests. Taking in consideration vast territories, huge human, economic and natural (energy) resources of member countries, these integrations and their individual members play growingly important political role on the international arena. In spite of many obstacles emanating from forces of unipollar system, generally speaking, this new development opens real perspectives of de-monopolization of decision-making in international relations, more balanced world relations, resistance to the practice of violation of basic principals of international law and abuse of the role of United Nations.


And here’s the question for all our peace movements - how do we take in account new trends and draw conclusions for our future work in order to be even more efficient in the struggle for peace, justice and overall progress of humanity?


The Belgrade Forum has been continuously participating in the activities of the  World Peace Council , including participation at a number of international meetings organized by the Council. Traditionally, we maintain particularly close bilateral cooperation with comrades of the Greek EEDYE to whom we owe gratefulness for lasting solidarity and support. We remain committed to continue and even intensify this line of our work.


                                          Neutrality –  Serbia ’s best option

In the current year the Forum has organized four major national and international conferences. The first held in March was devoted to relations Serbia  – NATO. It was noted that NATO is offensive military alliance whose policy of global interventions is incompatible with the peace and cooperation oriented policy of  Serbia . This aggressive NATO policy became quite clear after its aggression on Serbia (FRY) in 1999. NATO is  cold war institution which today serves as an instrument of unipollar system promoting the interest of corporate capital. NATO strategy of interventions all over the world is in direct collision with unstoppable new trends of multipolarization of the world relations and therefore it should be dismantled. In addition, it was underlined, that NATO attacked FR of Yugoslavia in 1999 without approval of  UN   SC , violating basic principles of UN Charter and paving the way to illegal secession of the  Serbian   Province  of Kosovo and Metohija (2008). Over 70 percent of population of  Serbia  is against  Serbia ’s accession to NATO. The conference concluded that  Serbia  should not be member of NATO, that any decision in that regard has to be taken by people at referendum and that  Serbia ’s best interest is to stay militarily neutral.


The second conference was devoted to the security in Europe in the light of forthcoming (2012) elections (general and/or presidential) in  USA , Russia ,  France ,  Spain ,  Italy ,  Serbia . One of the conclusions was that the security system in Europe has not been functional and unbiased in relation to the Yugoslav crisis and that new system should be established guaranteeing equal security for all European states regardless whether they belong to any military alliance, or not. NATO cannot be guarantor of security to all the countries of  Europe  a number of which are not and do not intend to become its members.


The third conference was devoted to the tendency of revision of the outcome of the Second World War. The general opinion of the participants was that this tendency is very dangerous and that it leads to revival of neo-fascism and neo-Nazism under the cover of democracy. It was considered unacceptable that  Serbia  which gave enormous contribution to the victory over Fascism and Nazism and sacrificed over million of human lives has no official state holyday devoted the victims.


                                Support Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija

Finally, the fourth conference held in September this year was devoted to express support and solidarity with the Serbian People in the  Province  of Kosovo  and Metohija. It was attended by over 1.000 persons from all parts of  Serbia , Republica Srpska ( Bosnia  and  Herzegovina ),  Montenegro and Serbian Diaspora. The time of the Conference coincided with armed attacks of NATO (KFOR) soldiers against Serbian civilians in  Northern Kosovo  and Metohija who have been peacefully protesting against Albanian police and customs officers on the administrative line at Jarinje and Brnjak. About 12 protesters have been seriously wounded by ammunition fired by NATO soldiers.

Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija continue to be deprived of the basic human rights such as freedom of movement, personal and security of private property (homes, farms, business), education, health, worship. Twelve years after the Province was mandated by UN, many Serbs even today live in ghettos-like enclaves fenced by barbed wire. Every day some of them are subject to terorist attacks from the Albanian neighborhood. Perpetrators of countless crimes committed against Serbs have never been sentenced.


Northern Kosovo and Metohija is populated by about 60.000 Serbs with the city of  Kosovska Mitrovica  being its regional center. River Ibar is between north and south of the Province. Northern part ever since NATO 1999 aggression remained functioning with Serbian institutions and public services without any interference from Prishtina. It remained so even after March 17th, 2008 illegal proclamation of independence. However, in July this year NATO (KFOR) helicopters transported Albanian police and customs officers to Jarinje and Brnjak to extend the illegal authority of Prishtina to  Northern Kosovo  and Metohija. Serbs of the region protested peacefully and obliged NATO (KFOR) troops to return back Albanian officers. Ever since then Serbs have been protesting 24 hours a day. To defend their right to self-governing and the right to remain part of  Serbia , they have erected stone, sand and trunks barricades on roads and bridges.


         Return of 200.000 displaced and to  UN   SC  Resolution 1244(1999)

Serbs in the  Northern Kosovo  and Metohija are constantly threatened by new military action of NATO (KFOR) troops. Therefore, I propose that participants of this meeting of  World Peace Council  extend their support and solidarity with all Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, particularly with the Serbs in Northern part of the Province, in their legitimate efforts to defend their freedom, basic human rights and the right to remain integral part of Serbia as guaranteed by UN SC resolution 1244 (1999). Also, to strongly condemn use of force by NATO (KFOR) against Serbian civilians protesting peacefully against attempts to impose illegal authority of Prishtina by military force. To reaffirm that the secession of Kosovo and Metohija has never been approved or recognized by UN Security Council although the Province continue, even today, to be governed under UN SC mandate. To condemn current pressures and blackmails from  Brussels  and  Washington  aimed at forcing  Serbia  to, step by step, accept illegal secession of the Province in exchange for candidacy for membership in EU. To reaffirm WPC principle position that the peaceful, lasting solution is possible only if based on full implementation of the UN SC resolution 1244 and respect of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia. Finally, we should demand safe and free return of over 200.000 of displaced Serbs to their homes in Kosovo and Metohija.




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