Dichiarazione del Partito algerino per la democrazia e il socialismo (PADS) - 31 Ottobre 2011
Fidel Castro
Interfax - October 24, 2011
NATO operation in Libya sets dangerous precedent for Balkans - Primakov
MOSCOW: The threat of inter-ethnic and inter-religious conflicts remains in the Balkan countries experts define as "the European tinderbox," which means the Libyan scenario may be repeated, ex-Russian Prime Minister, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yevgeny Primakov said at an international conference in Montenegro on October 17.
The newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta published an article based on his speech on Monday.
"I fear that the NATO operation in Libya may cast shadow on the Balkans. Such a scenario is not so unrealistic, and ways to avoid it must be found," he said.
The precedent set by the NATO operation in Libya is extremely dangerous especially for turbulent regions and countries whose policy does not meet the wishes of NATO, he said.
The threat of inter-ethnic and inter-religious conflicts in the Balkans mostly exists in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Primakov said.
There had been armed clashes between the NATO KFOR and Serbians who live in Kosovo's Metohija, and NATO forces sided with Pristina, which wanted to separate Kosovo Serbs from Serbia and to open customs posts on the currently non-existent border, he said.
Primakov recalled the position of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov expressed at a meeting with NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen in September. Lavrov strongly rejected the opinion that Libya might become "a model for the future."
Russia has a principled stand on "the problem zones", which remain since the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia, the academician said.
It does not recognize the independence of Kosovo and Metohija and views these territories as an organic part of Serbia.
"If the West welcomes the separation of Kosovo from Serbia due to the independence demands of local Albanians, why not apply the same approach to the compact Serbian areas in the northern part of Kosovo and Metohija?" he wondered.
There is a realistic chance to avoid tensions with the division of Kosovo, he said.
Russia also opposes the transformation of Bosnia and Herzegovina into a unitary state and says this transformation will not follow the Dayton Agreement. "If we speak about the development of the Dayton Agreement, apparently, it is necessary to strengthen sovereign rights of Bosnian Serbs, Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Muslims within the framework of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Any other way will lead to bloodshed," Primakov said.
Those who think that Russia opposes the accession of the Balkan countries to the European Union distort its position intentionally or unintentionally, Primakov said.
"Moscow is perfectly aware of the reasons why the Balkan countries want to join the EU. At the same time, Russia seeks to prevent the weakening of its economic, cultural and political relations with the Balkan countries by their involvement in the EU," he said.
The Balkans are a junction of three civilizations: West European, East European and Asian Muslim. Stability and security of the forming multi-polar world depend on the solution of pressing problems of the peoples populating that special region, Primakov said.
«Un punto di non ritorno»
Qual è il suo giudizio su Muammar Gheddafi?
Un altro passo verso la balcanizzazione del Sud?
Quale futuro vede per le primavere arabe?
RT - October 27, 2011
NATO hunting season in full swing
Robert Bridge
Like dominoes they are falling: Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya. Even al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was taken out in a surprise ambush by US special forces at his secret hideout inside of nuclear-armed Pakistan.
Since its first act of aggression on the territory of a sovereign state (on February 28, 1994, NATO aircraft shot down four jets in the Bosnian War) each successive NATO operation is revealing an increasingly disturbing trend: the leaders of the condemned countries are meeting violent, even barbaric ends. Has the rule of law taken a back seat in NATO's global juggernaut?
Compare the ‘natural’ death of Slobodan Milosevic, former President of Serbia and Yugoslavia, with that of the grisly murder of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. Shortly after the end of the Yugoslavian War, which saw a massive NATO aerial bombardment that lasted from March 24, 1999 to June 10, 1999, Milosevic was sent to The Hague to stand trial for charges of war crimes. Milosevic surprised his accusers by deciding to represent himself in the five-year trial. The case, however, abruptly ended without a verdict when the former four-term leader died of an apparent heart attack.
Although NATO’s participation in the Yugoslav War was flawed from the start (it did not have the full support of the UN Security Council), at least Milosevic was treated to a semblance of civilized legal procedure and decorum. Incidentally, Yugoslavia filed a complaint at the International Court of Justice against ten NATO member countries (Belgium, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and the United States). The Court did not decide upon the case, however, because it ruled that Yugoslavia was not a member of the UN during the war.
NATO’s next violation of international law occurred in Iraq, where the United States led a wild goose chase in the hunt for weapons of mass destruction, which failed to materialize.
The Bush administration was then obliged to change its mission statement in Iraq to “democracy building” – an interesting concept from a man who entered the White House due to his selection by a right-leaning Supreme Court, as opposed to his election by We the People.
Meanwhile, Iraq President Saddam Hussein was found hiding in a hole in Tikrit, whereupon he was treated to the humiliation of a medical examination in full view of media cameras. It was a nice gesture, but Hussein was ultimately hanged on Dec. 30, 2006 by the Iraqi interim government. Many observers questioned why the Baathist leader was not granted a 'fair trial' at the ICC as opposed to a show trial arranged by his political opponents.
That brings us to Libya, where the world was just treated to ghastly images of Muammar Gaddafi being torn apart by a wild mob moments after his capture. Not only does this barbaric execution – the autopsy revealed Gaddafi died from a gunshot wound to the head – speak volumes about what the future holds for this North African nation (which was doing fairly well for itself with free healthcare and education before the civil war began) it shows exactly how callous NATO has become in its coordination of these jolly little wars.
Although NATO was the primary firepower behind the Libyan opposition’s victory, it did nothing to protect Muammar Gaddafi and ensure that he received a fair trial at the ICC. This was in its power. NATO could have made specific demands on Libya’s opposition that it wanted Gaddafi taken alive. But, possibly not wanting a replay of another highly publicized international trial (ala Slobodan Milosevic), NATO even attacked Gaddafi’s caravan as it was attempting to flee from Sirte. The United Nations resolution never mentioned NATO taking sides in the civil war. It only mentioned that the western military bloc was empowered to “protect civilians.”
Commenting on Gaddafi’s demise, former Cuban leader Fidel Castro, 85, denounced NATO for its role in the overthrow of Libyan leader, saying the “brutal military alliance has become the most perfidious instrument of repression the history of humanity has known.”
Castro also expressed indignation at the killing of Gaddafi and the subsequent treatment of his body, which he said was “kidnapped and exhibited like a trophy of war, a conduct that violates the most elemental principles of Muslim norms and other religious beliefs.”
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin called images of Gaddafi being beaten by the mob “disgusting.”
The killing of Gaddafi was not the first time that a wanted individual received what could best be described as barbaric treatment at the hands of his enemies.
As horrible as al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was, what did the US forces who killed him at his ‘secret’ hideout in Pakistan have to gain by not taking him out alive? By all accounts, bin Laden was unarmed and offered no resistance during the much-hyped gunfight. After his summary execution, his body was dumped into the sea, yet flying him back to Afghanistan alive would have been a much shorter trip. And imagine all the secrets bin Laden took to his grave!
Yes. Osama bin Laden was suspected of committing terrible crimes, but what did his enemies gain by killing him and then disposing of his body in a way that would only further enrage his followers? The answer is simple: nothing.
When will NATO and its member states begin to behave better than their avowed enemies?
Kadhafi : un symbole anti -impérialiste africain
Assassiné, il devient un héros du combat des peuples pour la liberté
Les propagandistes de la pressetituée annoncent allègrement que l’OTAN a bombardé le convoi de Mouammar Kadhafi et assassiné celui-ci qui n’a pas survécu à ses blessures. L’annonce de son décès a été confirmée par les marionnettes de l’impérialisme installées dans un prétendu CNT, par Obama, Sarkozy et Cameron, principaux responsables de l’actuelle agression contre la Libye souveraine.
Cette guerre impérialiste menée sous des prétextes mensongers a été soutenue par une ONU manifestement sous contrôle de l’OTAN.
Elle a été facilitée par l’abstention au Conseil de sécurité, de la Russie et de la Chine dont les dirigeants portent ainsi indirectement, une part de responsabilité dans les massacres barbares infligés à l’héroïque peuple libyen.
Kadhafi, le seul chef d’État légitime de la Libye, est rentré dans l’histoire de l’humanité en rejoignant la cohorte des combattants africains contre l’impérialisme et assassinés par celui-ci. Il a pris la stature d’un symbole de la lutte des peuples africains pour l’indépendance et la liberté, celle d’un héros de l’ensemble des peuples du monde qui combattent un ennemi commun : l’impérialisme étasunien et ses vassaux dont la France officielle de Sarkozy est l’un des pires, celui qui manifeste la plus grande soumission et se voit confiées les plus sales et les plus criminelles missions.
En France, l’UMPS ainsi que tous les partis euro-atlantistes et occidentalistes soutiennent la guerre coloniale contre le peuple libyen.
Cette agression barbare a même reçue l’approbation des dirigeants de partis qui se prétendent démagogiquement, à la"gauche" de la "gauche". Ceux-là portent aussi une responsabilité directe dans l’assassinat de Kadhafi qui était prévisible.
La lutte du peuple libyen va pensons-nous, se poursuivre. Elle sera soutenue par les anti-impérialistes du monde entier.
La France sort discréditée de cette aventure impérialiste criminelle qui souligne combien le retrait de notre pays de l’OTAN et de l’Union Européenne porteuses de guerres d’agression occidentalistes est urgente.
"Un peuple qui en opprime un autre ne saurait être un peuple libre" disait Marx. Nous devons en effet, libérer la France !
Vive la lutte pour l’indépendance, la liberté et la souveraineté des peuples, en Afrique et dans le monde entier.
Gloire à Mouammar Kadhafi et au peuple libyen.
Claude Beaulieu, président du Comité Valmy
20 octobre 2011
Syrte ou la Stalingrad du désert, aura résisté de tout son sang contre la barbarie céleste de l’OTAN et ses mercenaires indigènes.
Au milieu de ruines fumantes de la ville martyre, un lion est mort. Un lion qui, de son vivant comme dans sa trépas, aura rendu sa fierté à sa patrie, à son peuple, à son continent et à tous les damnés de la terre.
Autour de son corps agonisant, tels des rats affamés, les barbares du CNT et de l’OTAN se sont disputés des lambeaux de sa noble chair.
« C’est nous qui l’avons achevé » clament les rats du Shape et de l’Elysée.
« Non, c’est nous. » rétorquent les rats indigènes.
Le corps lacéré de Kadhafi, c’est la Libye lacérée, donnée en pâtures à l’OTAN et au CNT.
La Libye de Kadhafi était un pays fier. Ses citoyens ne devaient pas quémander l’aumône à la porte des seigneurs européens.
La Libye de Kadhafi était un pays prospère. Elle était l’Eldorado de toute l’Afrique. Un pays de cocagne assurant le plein emploi.
La Libye de Kadhafi était un pays paritaire. Les femmes étudiaient et réussissaient mieux que les hommes. Les femmes décidaient. Les femmes dirigeaient. Les femmes combattaient.
La Libye de Kadhafi était un pays généreux. Ecoles gratuites munies d’équipements les plus modernes. Hôpitaux gratuits ne manquant de rien. Cette Libye a entre autres, financé RASCOM 1, un satellite de télécommunications qui allait permettre à tous les Africains de téléphoner quasi gratuitement, eux qui payaient les tarifs téléphoniques les plus chers au monde. L’Europe avait été jusqu’à coloniser les réseaux de communication africains, forçant le continent à verser 500 millions de dollars par an pour le transit vocal des Africains sur ses satellites.
La Libye de Kadhafi était un pays solidaire. Dotée d’un ministère chargée de soutenir la révolution mondiale, cette Libye a accueilli à bras ouverts tous les résistants du monde, a financé d’innombrables mouvements de libération : Black Panthers, militants anti-Apartheid, résistants chiliens, salvadoriens, basques, irlandais, palestiniens, angolais. Habités par leurs fantasmes primaires, des journaleux européens ont rapporté que des snipers féminins des Forces armées révolutionnaires de Colombie (FARC) avaient été enrôlés par Kadhafi. Pure intox. En revanche, les guerriers du mouvement de libération du Sahara occidental, le Front Polisario, protégeaient bel et bien Tripoli de la barbarie de l’OTAN/CNT.
La Libye de Kadhafi a fait l’expérience de la démocratie directe. Kadhafi n’avait qu’un rôle symbolique, celui du vieux sage à la fois redouté et rassurant. La population était encouragée à débattre et à choisir sa destinée à travers les Comités populaires. Pas besoin de parlement ni de partis.
Hélas, la Libye de Kadhafi n’est pas parvenue à faire vivre une démocratie durable. Les luttes personnelles ont pris le dessus sur les intérêts collectifs. Comme bien des révolutions, la Libye de Kadhafi a connu sa dégénérescence idéologique et son cortège de souffrances et d’injustices.
La Libye de Kadhafi n’est pas parvenue à instaurer la concorde entre clans et tribus de la Tripolitaine et de la Cyrénaïque.
La Libye de Kadhafi a cru que seule la force viendrait à bout des djihadistes endiablés d’Al Qaida, des opportunistes et des renégats pro-occidentaux.
La Libye de Kadhafi a tenté de briser son isolement international, pensant que les rats de l’Elysée, du 10 Downing Street, du Palais Chigi ou de la Maison Blanche viendraient manger dans sa main. Ces rats se sont en réalité sournoisement glissés la manche de sa tunique. Ils ont saisi l’occasion pour infiltrer son pays, le saboter, le ruiner et le pomper pour un siècle.
A présent, les rats d’Europe et les rats du CNT étanchent leur soif dans la crinière du lion.
Mais le lion s’est dérobé à leurs griffes pour rejoindre Lumumba et Sankara, les autres enfants martyres de l’Afrique héroïque.
Buvez, hordes de lâches, buvez ! Que son sang brûle vos entrailles comme le Zaqqoum !
Pleurez patriotes libyens pleurez ! Que vos larmes engloutissent vos bourreaux et leurs armées !
Bahar Kimyongür
21 octobre 2011
La Libia sotto il tallone della NATO
In queste ore gli analisti delle grandi testate giornalistiche e TV sono impegnati a neutralizzare anche storicamente la figura del leader libico, immergendo in un fiume di fango tutto ciò che è stato fatto in quel paese, nel bene e nel male, dalla liberazione dal giogo colonialista nel 1968 sino a pochi mesi fa.
Non ci siamo mai erti a difesa dell’indifendibile, date le vergognose scelte fatte dal governo libico nell’ultimo decennio. Il giudizio sulla leadership libica non ci ha fatto però perdere indipendenza di giudizio sullo scenario nel quale maturavano le condizioni della nuova aggressione.
Molti – anche nel movimento pacifista – sono apparsi come irretiti e prigionieri di una narrazione scritta dai vincitori di oggi, che ha ridotto ai minimi termini il numero di coloro che hanno scelto di battersi contro l’aggressione alla Libia.
Una scelta che rivendichiamo, che continueremo a portare avanti se in quel paese riprenderà una lotta di liberazione nazionale contro il nuovo colonialismo euro – statunitense.
Niente di quello che è successo in Libia in questi mesi, sarebbe stato possibile senza le decine di migliaia di bombe (dalle 40 alle 50mila) sganciate dagli aerei dell’Alleanza atlantica in oltre 10mila missioni di attacco sulla testa di quei libici che avrebbe dovuto “difendere”. Nessuna città sarebbe stata “liberata” senza il supporto a terra di migliaia di soldati e mercenari italiani, francesi, inglesi, impegnati sia nelle retrovie, sia sul fronte, a sostenere una banda di tagliagole denominati “ribelli”, “rivoluzionari” dalla stampa embedded. Le uniche strutture militari di una qualche consistenza sono quelle dei fondamentalisti islamici addestratisi in Iraq e Afghanistan, ora insediati a Tripoli, Sirte, Bani Walid e altre città devastate dai combattimenti.
Se le immagini che i mass media occidentali ci propinano in questi giorni hanno un qualche fondamento, con le migliaia di persone che festeggiano il bagno di sangue impugnando insieme alle bandiere dell’ex re senussita quelle inglesi, francesi, statunitensi e italiane, allora saremmo di fronte a diverse leadership locali sostenute da una base di massa reazionaria, lieta di tornare sotto la tutela dei colonialisti di ieri. Non sarebbe la prima volta nella storia.
Dubitiamo fortemente di tutto ciò che ci propina la macchina da guerra mediatica al servizio della NATO, per cui ci riserviamo di esprimerci in merito, in attesa degli sviluppi, che promettono altro sangue e guerra.
A ventiquattro ore dal massacro di Gheddafi il Presidente degli Stati Uniti comunica al mondo il ritiro totale delle truppe dall’Iraq, mettendo la parola fine a una guerra persa.
La situazione in Afghanistan, a oltre dieci anni dall’inizio delle ostilità, evidenzia una situazione di stallo strategico sul piano militare. Per la potentissima alleanza impegnata a occupare quel paese ciò significa un’ulteriore, cocente, sconfitta.
La Libia del futuro promettere di essere una nuova polveriera, a poche miglia marine dalle coste del Bel Paese. La vittoria di oggi potrebbe riservare nuove delusioni per gli apprendisti stregoni della NATO.
Nonostante tutto questo i paesi occidentali, forti delle loro alleanze militari, continuano nella loro opera di “democratizzazione” del mondo, attraverso le loro “operazioni di pace” lanciate per “proteggere” i civili.
I mass media nostrani ci dicono che i popoli della Siria, del Libano, dell’Iran attendono trepidanti la prossima liberazione.
Le fucine dei filosofi, degli strateghi militari e di Finmeccanica sono già al lavoro, onde abbreviare i tempi di attesa per la prossima missione.
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