L'International Crisis Group - organizzazione sorosiana che da anni
diffonde analisi disinformative sulla situazione nei Balcani ed ha
appoggiato a livello propagandistico tutte le secessioni - scopre le
carte e proclama: bisogna smetterla di essere ipocriti ed appoggiare
apertamente la secessione del Montenegro.

Si noti per inciso che le veline dell'International Crisis Group vengono
spesso usate acriticamente da settori della "sinistra" e del "pacifismo"

Il sito internet dell'ICG:
> http://www.crisisweb.org/ http://www.intl-crisis-group.org/

Cos'e' l'International Crisis Group / What is ICG :
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crj-mailinglist/message/98



West Should Help Yugoslavia Split

LONDON, Mar 30, 2001 -- (Reuters) A respected watchdog
on the Balkans says the West should stop trying to
prevent the break-up of Yugoslavia and start trying to
assist it.

The International Crisis Group argues in a report
entitled "Montenegro: Settling for Independence?" that
Western efforts to stop Serbia's small sister republic
breaking away from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
(FRY) are counter-productive.

"The international community should discontinue its
approach of pressurizing Montenegro into abandoning
the aspiration for independence," the ICG said in the
study published this week.

A more realistic policy would be to encourage and help
Belgrade and Podgorica to negotiate their future
relationship, whether as two states or one, it said.

"On the status of Montenegro and the future
relationship with Serbia, the international community
should adopt a neutral stance, and should be prepared
to accept whatever arrangement Serbia and Montenegro
decide upon," the group said.

Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic has vowed that
if his pro-independence coalition wins an April 22
general election, he will go ahead with a referendum
on independence, despite heavy pressure from the
United States and European Union not to do so.

Western powers, keen to bolster democratic Yugoslav
President Vojislav Kostunica, fear that the break-up
of federal Yugoslavia could trigger more demands for
changing borders in the volatile region and fuel
violence in Kosovo and Macedonia.


"This is no time to be discussing redrawing Balkan
borders," said one diplomat in the six-nation Contact
Group of major powers involved in Balkan diplomacy.

Montenegro's status and the future of Yugoslavia will
be one of the agenda items when the United States,
Russia, France, Britain, Germany and Italy hold a rare
ministerial meeting of the Contact Group in Paris on
April 11, the diplomat said.

The Brussels-based ICG, a non-governmental body
specialized in anticipating and preventing conflicts,
noted that the West backed Montenegro's moves to
distance itself from Belgrade as long as former
Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic held power.

But once Milosevic was overthrown last October,
Djukanovic's decision to opt for independence rather
than patching up the Yugoslav federation caused
international consternation.

The ICG, headed by former Australian Foreign Minister
Gareth Evans, said Western opposition to Montenegrin
independence had been largely ineffectual and was
based on fears of wider destabilization that were
probably exaggerated.

The break-up of the FRY would have no immediate
consequences for Kosovo, which is under UN
administration pending final status negotiations with
Belgrade at some future date.

"Fears of a possible domino effect, with Montenegrin
independence encouraging separatism among the ethnic
Albanian community in Macedonia and among Serbs and
Croats in Bosnia are similarly misplaced," the report

Peter Palmer, the ICG's researcher in Montenegro, said
this month's flare-up of violence with ethnic Albanian
guerrillas in Macedonia, the only republic to have
escaped war after the break-up of Yugoslavia in 1991,
had not altered that judgment.

He argued that the West was making matters worse
because its opposition to Montenegrin independence was
encouraging Belgrade not to negotiate seriously on new
ties with Podgorica.

The ICG is not alone in challenging conventional
diplomatic wisdom hostile to the creation of new
states in the Balkans.

The Berlin-based European Stability Initiative
think-tank came to a similar conclusion that the
European Union should mediate to promote new
functional and institutional ties between Serbia and

"There are two outcomes that must be avoided: an
acrimonious divorce resulting from a breakdown in
negotiations; and a festering constitutional crisis,
leaving a dysfunctional federation under continuing
siege, distracting the attention of political elites
from the imperatives of political and economic
reform," the ESI said published in February.

The ICG said the international community should
continue financial and technical assistance to
Montenegro without linkage to the republic's status.


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