

Questo articolo di Giuseppe Zaccaria e' stato pubblicato su "La Stampa"
del 17/02/2001.
Ringraziamo Massimo per la segnalazione.

> Più sangue nel dopoguerra che nel periodo prebellico
> C'è un piccolo dato che forse merita considerazione anche se appare
> quasi come uno scherzo della storia, che per una volta con l'arido
> linguaggio delle statistiche sembra voler soverchiare trombe e
> tromboni delle propagande.
> Dunque la tragica notizia è questa: in Kosovo i "morti di pace" hanno
> superato i "morti di guerra", o meglio coloro in nome dei quali la
> guerra venne proclamata "a scopi umanitari".
> Si tratta di un dato sconvolgente ma incontestabile, a qualsiasi fonte
> ci si rivolga. Le ultime stime provengono dal ministero degli interni
> serbo, che da quando si è trasformato in "democratico" (almeno secondo
> i parametri occidentali) stila periodicamente rapporti contenenti
> numero, identità delle vittime e circostanze delle uccisioni.
> Alla vigilia del 24 marzo '99, quando il presunto massacro di Racak
> stava per trasformarsi in definitivo pretesto per i "bombardamenti
> umanitari", un anno e mezzo di guerriglia degli albanesi contro i
> serbi aveva provocato 1007 morti. Anche quelle furono cifre consegnate
> alla storia, accettate da ogni sorta di fonte (compresa l'OSCE). Ma
> non impedirono che la tragedia avesse luogo.
> Qui si parla di Kosovo e di persone ammazzate : non dunque di punti di
> vista nè di ricostruzioni storiche più o meno parziali. In questo
> momento considerare ciò che accadeva in quei luoghi come guerriglia,
> pulizia etnica, provocazione pagata dagli americani (è la tesi di
> Milosevic) o scontro finale fra civiltà in guerra da secoli avrebbe
> poco senso.
> Piuttosto, i numeri dimostrano come sia giunto il momento di
> ricondurre il discorso alla semplicità dei bilanci ed al linguaggio
> delle cifre.
> Allora: fino al marzo del '99 un anno e mezzo di scontro armato aveva
> provocato 1007 morti (il 58% dei quali di etnia serba, sostengono
> fonti di Belgrado). Quanti sono stati i morti della guerra? E quanti
> quelli della fase successiva, l'era della "ricostruzione"?.
> Quanto alla prima domanda, l'unico riferimento possibile risiede
> ancora in una stima del Tribunale internazionale per i crimini di
> guerra basato all'Aja,che nel amrzo dello scorso anno, valutò le
> vittime kosovare della guerra in Kosovo in 10-11 mila.
> Questa dichiarazione non ha mai trovato supporto, anche perche'
> seguita da un'affermazione ("gente interrata in 550 fosse comuni") mai
> confermata dal mancato ritrovamento delle fosse.
> Se però si considerassero fondate simili stime, la "guerra
> umanitaria"avrebbe provocato direttamente o no - cioè non solo a
> causa dell'intervento NATO, ma soprattutto per via delle reazioni
> serbe- un numero di morti dieci, undici volte superiore a quello che
> avrebbe dovuto giustificare i "bombardamenti umanitari".
> Ma lasciamo da parte il
> passato. ...............................................................................
> Nel Kosovo "pacificato" i morti superano quelli provocati dall'intera
> "pulizia etnica" d'anteguerra. Le ultime cifre già parlavano di 1055
> assassinati e di 1022 feriti, ma tra fonti serbe ed ufficiali della
> NATO c'era discordanza su una quarantina di casi che i serbi
> consideravano "assassinii" e gli atlantici semplici
> "sparizioni"......................................................
> La stupefacente notizia d'oggi sta nel fatto che la pace fa più morti
> della guerra: meglio che il Dopoguerra risulta molto più cruento del
> Pre. Anche senza voler considerare quel che è successo in mezzo.
> Forse mai una pace così costosa in termini di vite e d'interventi
> militari aveva condotto ad un risultato talmente grottesco,
> soprattutto se commisurato all'intensità, al volume ed al costo degli
> interventi di "pacificazione".
> Una stima ancora molto azzardata valuta il costo complessivo delle
> "campagna del Kosovo"in 350 milioni di dollari.......................
> Sulle condizioni economiche della regione non esiste neanche spazio
> per un dibattito: come in Bosnia non è stata riavviata una sola, seria
> attività produttiva, se si escludono poche iniziative-pilota utili
> soprattutto come esempi di facciata.
> Al contrario, tutte le attività collegate ai traffici di droga, di
> armi e di corpi umani stanno vivendo una fioritura fino a tre anni fa
> sconosciuta a tutte le polizie europee. Erano questi gli obiettivi
> della "guerra umanitaria"? Il dibattito è aperto.


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Elenco dei desaparecidos del Kosmet - serbi o di altro gruppo nazionale
kosovaro - a partire dall'ingresso congiunto degli alleati di UCK e KFOR
sul territorio, nel giugno 1999.

Mrs. Jela Jovanovic wrote:
> The Committee for National Solidarity
> Tolstojeva 34, Belgrade, YU
> At the beginning of 1999 the leading Western mass media announced the
> statement of Mr. Walker, head of the Verification mission, about the
> alleged massacre of the Albanian civilians committed by the Serbian
> armed forces, that report served as a pretext for the brutal NATO
> attack on our country, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
> Today, two years later, the leading world mas media assess Walker's
> report as a cheer forgery since there has never been a massacre in
> Rachak. On the other hand, as of June 10, 1999 and the deployment of
> KFOR in Kosovo and Metohija, over 350.000 of Serbs, Montenegrins and
> other non-Albanians have been expelled from their homes where they had
> been living for centuries, and over 1300 of them have been kidnapped
> by Albanian terrorists.
> Over these crimes the United States and the Western countries have
> turned a blind eye. Until today there is no information on the fate of
> 1300 kidnapped most of whom are Serbs and Montenegrins. For Western
> politician and there mass media they simply do not exist! And which is
> even more deplorable as if they have never existed!
> But, truth is implacoble!
> The responsible for NATO agression and the pogrom of the Serbs and
> Montenerins from Kosovo and Metohija can no longer wash their dirty
> consicions in the blood of the innocent.
> The Serbs and Montenegrins, man, women and children, 1300 of them,
> kidnapped from their homes, fields, draged out of their cars, or
> seized on the way to school, alive or dead, burried or keep in prison
> in Albanian concetration camps in Kosovo and Metohija and Albania have
> to be found. It is the commitment not only of the new government in
> Serbia and Yugoslavia, but, above all, of the Western powers: United
> States, Great Britain, France and Germany, who, at least have given
> their oral support to the new government.
> The criminal is not only the perpetrator of the crime. The greater
> criminal is the one that closes eyes pretending not to see it.
> Mrs Jela Jovanovic, art historian
> Secretary General
> * VELJKO SPASI? (1959) ?Missing since 10.06. 1999. He is from
> Pri?tina, Sun?ani Breg
> * KRUNOSLAV JOVANOVIC (1937) ? seriously ill. Kidnapped on 11. 06.
> 1999. Family found out that he is kept, by terrorists, in the
> prison near Podujevo.
> * BO?IDAR JOVANOVI? (1949) - from Mu?oti?te, Suva Reka. Missing
> since 11.06. 1999.
> * DU?KO KARANOVI? (1958) - The judge in municipal court in Suva
> Reka. Kidnapped on 12. 06. 1999. on the road near Suva Reka
> together with his wife Sne?ana. They were driving from Belgrade
> towards Suva Reka. He was murdered.
> * SNE?ANA KARANOVI? ? Kidnapped on 12.06. 1999. on the road near
> Suva Reka. She was murdered.
> * ZORAN STEPI? and four workers of coal mine - Kidnapped on 12. 06.
> 1999. in 14,45h, from the open pit "Bela?evac". Stepi? drove a
> bus with these four workers.
> * STANOJE LJU?I? (1934) - from Istok. Kidnapped on 12. 06. 1999. in
> Istok. He was murdered soon after.
> * IVICA JOVANOVI? (1963) - from Pan?evo. Kidnapped on 13.06.1999.
> the road Prizren-Suva Reka, while driving a truck.
> * DRAGOLJUB BOJI? - Missing since 13.06.1999. from Suva Reka. He
> was with Markovi? Zoran.
> * ZORAN MARKOVI? - Missing since 13.06.1999. from Suva Reka. He was
> with D. Boji?em.
> * TODOR STANKOVI? (1948) ? The truck driver from Bujanovac. Missing
> since 13.06.1999. from S. Reka
> * DEJAN TRAJKOVI? (1970) - The truck driver from Bujanovac. Missing
> since 13.06.1999. from S. Reka. Reg. No. VR 498-19.
> * DRAGAN BUR?I? ? Missing since 13/14.06.1999. on the road Suva
> Reka ? Kori?a. He was driving a truck ("Mercedes" Reg. No. PZ
> 123-017).
> * IVAN CELI? (1959) - from Pri?tina. Kidnapped on 4.06. 1999. He
> went with his car ("Golf" PR plates) to his home.
> * RADOJKO STANKOVI? (55) - Kidnapped in front of his house in Stari
> Ka?anik on 14.06.1999.
> * BOBAN KRSTI? - Kidnapped on 14.06. 1999. on 17,00h in the
> village Gatnja, Uro?evac.
> * SLAVI?A KRSTI? - Kidnapped on 14.06. 1999. in 17,00h in the
> village Gatnja, Uro?evac.
> * ?ARKO ?OR?EVI? - Kidnapped on 14.06. 1999. in Vitina near gas
> pump.
> * MILUTIN KARA? (1948) - Missing since 15.06. 1999. from Pe?.
> * SLOBODAN STOLI? (1947) - from ?timlje. He was kidnapped in front
> of his house on 15.06. 1999.
> * STANKO ?UNGUROVI? (55) - from Uro?evac. He was kidnapped in front
> of his house on 15.06. 1999.
> * MARKO VITO?EVI? (1938) and his wife - from Orahovac. Missing
> since 15.06. 1999.
> * NENAD SIMONOVI? - from Prizren. He was kidnapped in Prizren by
> the mid of July 1999.
> * NENAD HAJDERPA?I? and one unidetified person of Serbian
> nationality - Missing since 17. 06.1999. He and one unidetified
> person drove from Berane towrds Pri?tina.
> * JOVICA KORDI? - from Vu?itrn. Kidnapped on 17.06.1999. in 15,00h,
> in Vu?itrn.
> * LUKA PETRU?I? - Kidnapped on 17.06.1999. in the village Banje,
> Istok. He was with Radmila Petru?i? and Vuja?i? Slobodan. He was
> murdered.
> * RADMILA PETRU?I? - Kidnapped on 17.06. 1999. in the village
> Banje, Istok. She was with Luka Petru?i? and Vuja?i? Slobodan.
> She was murdered.
> * SLOBODAN VUJA?I? - Kidnapped on 17.06. 1999. in the village
> Banje, Istok. He was with Luka and Rade Petru?i?. He was
> murdered.
> * NJEGOVAN MAKSIMOVI? (34) - Kidnapped in the period from 17.06. up
> to 19. 06. 1999. in the village Gra?enik, Kosovska Kamenica. This
> happened at the same time when ?oki? Bogoljub and Simi? ?ivojin
> were kidnapped.
> * BOGOLJUB ?OKI? (60) - Kidnapped in the period from 17.06. up to
> 19. 06. 1999. in the village Gra?enik, Kosovska Kamenica.
> Together with Maksimovi? Njegovan and Simi? ?ivojin.
> * ?IVOJIN SIMI? - Kidnapped in the period from 17.06. up to 19. 06.
> 1999. in the village Gra?enik, Kosovska Kamenica. Together with
> ?oki? Bogoljub and Maksimovi? Njegovan.
> * MILORAD GRUJI? - from Pe?. He was kidnapped on 18.06.1999.
> together with uncle Branislav.
> * BRANISLAV GRUJI? - from Pe?. He was kidnapped on 18.06.1999.
> together with M. Gruji?.
> * ANKA DUKI? - from Magure, Lipljan. She was kidnapped on
> 18.06.1999.
> * BRANKO ?UKI? - from the village Devet Jugovi?a, Pri?tina.
> Kidnapped on 18.06. 1999.
> * NOVAK KOTOR?EVI? - from the village Gatnje, Uro?evac. Kidnapped
> on 18.06. 1999. with his wife Zorka.
> * ZORKA KOTOR?EVI? - from the village Tatnje, Uro?evac. She was
> kidnapped on 18.06.1999.
> * BRANKO MARKOVI? - from Pri?tina. Kidnapped on 18.06.1999. in
> Pri?tina suburb Vranjevac.
> * SLAVI?A IZDERI? - from Pri?tina. Kidnapped on 18.06.1999. in
> Pri?tina suburb Vranjevac.
> * MIOMIR CANOVI? - from ?timlje. Kidnapped on 18.06. 1999.
> * SLA?AN MILOSAVLJEVI? - Kidnapped on 18.06.1999. in the village
> Zaskok, Uro?evac. He was with the person named Ilija.
> * ILIJA (NO SURNAME) - Kidnapped on 18.06.1999. in the village
> Zaskok, near Uro?evac. He was with Milosavljevi? Sla?ana.
> * STANISLAV KOCI? - from the village Varo?, Uro?evac. Kidnapped on
> 18.06.1999. He was with Markovi? Desimir and Stoli? Neboj?a.
> * DESIMIR MARKOVI? - from the village Varo?, Uro?evac. Kidnapped on
> 18.06. 1999. He was with Koci? Stanislav and Stoli? Neboj?a.
> * NEBOJ?A STOLI? - from the village Varo?, Uro?evac. Kidnapped on
> 18.06. 1999. He was with S. Koci? and D. Markovi?.
> o 53. DRAGAN RISTI? and his wife MARIJA- Kidnapped on 18.06.
> 1999. in the village Srpski Babu?, Uro?evac.
> o 55. MILOVAN JOVANOVI? and his wife - Kidnapped on
> 18.06.1999. in the village Srpski Babu?, Uro?evac.
> * MILO? JEVRI? (1940) - from Pe?. Missing since 19.06.1999. He was
> murdered.
> * MILAN STEVI? - doctor in JP "Komunalac". Missing since 19.06.
> 1999. from Agriculture school in Pri?tina.
> * SLOBODAN PAVLOVI? (1984) - from Obili?, street Kosani? Ivan.
> Kidnapped on 19.06.1999. in Obili?, together with five persons of
> Serbian nationality. He was murdered.
> * NENAD PAVLOVI? (1952) ? from Obili?, street Kosan?i? Ivan.
> Kidnapped on 19.06.1999. in Obili?, together with five parsons of
> Serbian nationality. He was murdered.
> * MOM?ILO DIMI? (1967) - from Obili?, street Kosan?i? Ivan.
> Kidnapped on 19.06. 1999. in Obili?, together with five persons
> of Serbian nationality. He was murdered.
> * DIMITRIJE MARINKOVI? (1951) - from Obili?, street Kosan?i? Ivan.
> Kidnapped on 19.06.1999. in Obili?, together with five parsons of
> Serbian nationality. He was murdered.
> * ALEKSANDAR MARINKOVI? (1954) - from Obili?. Kidnapped on
> 19.06.1999. in Obili?, together with five parsons of Serbian
> nationality. He was murdered.
> * DEJAN PROKI? (1979) - from Obili?. Kidnapped on 19.06. 1999. in
> Obili?, together with five parsons of Serbian nationality. He was
> murdered.
> * ?OR?E JOKSIMOVI? (65) - from Gornje Nerodimlje. Kidnapped on
> 19.06.1999. He was murdered.
> * BO?IDAR STANKOVI? (1948) - from the village Srpski Babu?,
> Uro?evac. Kidnapped on 19.06.1999.
> * DRAGANA DIMI? - from Devet Jugovi?a, Pri?tina.She was kidnapped
> on 20.06.1999. u Pri?tina.
> * DRAGAN BRANKOVI? - from Pri?tina, "Ki?ma". Kidnapped on
> 20.06.1999. He was murdered.
> * DESANKA MILJKOVI? - from ?timlja.She was kidnapped 20.06.1999.
> * ?IVADIN CVETKOVI? ? Missing from Pri?tina since 21.06.1999.
> * MILETA IVANOVI? - Missing since 21. 06.1999. in Pri?tina.
> * JELENA IVANOVI? - She is kidnapped since 21.06.1999. in Pri?tina.
> * ?OR?E TA?KOVI? ? He was kidnapped on 21. or 22.06.1999. in Pe?.
> * DAVOR RISTI? (28) - from Pri?tina. He is missing on 22.06. 1999.
> at 13,00h on the road Kosovo Polje - Pri?tina while driving a car
> "Yugo".
> * MLADEN VASI? (33) - from the village Rabovce. Missing since
> 22.06.1999. on the road Lipljan ? Rabovce, together with ?uki?
> Miodrag.
> * MIODRAG ?UKI? (42) - from the village Rabovce. Missing since
> 22.06.1999. on the road Lipljan ? Rabovce, together with Mladen
> Vasi?.
> * DRAGOLJUB SLAVKOVI? (1955) - from the village Rabovce. Missing
> since 22.06.1999. on the road Lipljan-Rabovce.
> * ZORAN STANI?I? (1979) - from the village Slovinje, Lipljan. He
> was kidnapped in front of his house on 22.06.1999.
> * DRAGAN KOVA?EVI? (1953) - from the village Zlokuse, U?ice,
> driver of DD "Mlekara" Sevojno. He was kidnapped in Prizren on
> 22.06.1999. at 23,30h. He was with G. Milivojevi?. They were
> kidnapped from truck they used to transport milk to PP "Funda"
> in Prizren.
> * GORAN MILIVOJEVI? - from the village Zlokuse, U?ice, assistant
> worker DD "Mlekara" "Sevojno". He was kidnapped in Prizren on
> 22.06.1999. at 23,30h. He was with the driver D. Kova?evi? They
> were kidnapped from truck they used to transport milk to PP
> "Funda" in Prizren.
> * NENAD ?IVKOVI? (15) - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped on
> 22.06.1999. at a small market near the Post office in Pri?tina.
> * LJUBOMIR ?OR?EVI? - from Uro?evac. Kidnapped with members of his
> femily on 22. 06.1999.
> * RADA ?OR?EVI? (wife of Ljubomir ?or?evi?) - from the area of
> Uro?evac. She was kidnapped together with members of her family
> on 22.06.1999.
> * SANJA ?OR?EVI? (daughter) - from the area of Uro?evac. She was
> kidnapped together with members of her family on 22.06.1999.
> * GORAN ?OR?EVI? (son) - from the area of Uro?evac. He was
> kidnapped together with members of his family on 22.06.1999.
> * N. BABI? - engineer ? He was kidnapped on 22.06.1999. from his
> flat in Pri?tina.
> * ZORAN ANTONIJEVI? (1961) ? He was kidnapped on 23.06.1999. in
> ?akovica from the flat of his parents. Albanian terrorists force
> them to leave their flat the folowing day.
> * NEBOJ?A JEFTI? - from Kosovska Kamenica. He was kidnapped on
> 23.06.1999. in Kosovska Kamenica. He was murdered.
> * DU?AN BRAKUS (70) - from the village Nedakovac, Vu?itrn. He was
> kidnapped on 22.06.1999. from his village. He was murdered.
> * LJUBINKA TASI? - She was kidnapped on 22.06.1999. together with
> her husband Miodrag. They were kidnapped from convoy moveing
> towards the central Serbia.
> * MIODRAG TASI? - He was kidnapped 22.06.1999. together with his
> wife Ljubinka. They were kidnapped from convoy moveing towards
> the central Serbia.
> * LEPOSAV MIKI? (1944) - from Pri?tina. Missing since 23.06.1999.
> * MIODRAG STANKOVI? - from Pe?. He was kidnapped 23.06.1999. at
> 16,00h from his house in the centre of Pe?.
> * THE GIRL WITH THE SURNAME MIKI? ? Kidnapped on 24.06.1999.
> * ?ARKO STAMENKOVI? - from the village Devet Jugovi?a, Pri?tina.
> Missing since 24.06.1999. He was driving the car "Golf", Reg. No.
> PR 40-27.
> * SLAVKA PANTOVI? (1927) - from ?akovica.she is missing since
> 24.06.1999. together with Mrs Mileva Pantovi? and Mili? Pantovi?.
> This happened after Albanian terrorists attacked their flat.
> * MILEVA PANTOVI? (1928) - from ?akovica. She is missing since
> 24.06.1999. together with Slavko Pantovi? and Mili? Pantovi. This
> happened after Albanian terrorists attacked their flat.
> * MILI? PANTOVI? (1924) - from ?akovica. Missing since 24.06.1999.
> together with Slavko Pantovi? and Mileva Pantovi?. This happened
> after Albanian terrorists attacked their flat.
> * Prof. Dr. ANDRIJA TOMANOVI? ? the director of Surgery in Clinacal
> Medical Centre in Pri?tina. He was kidnapped on 25.06.1999. in
> Pri?tina.
> * MIRO MILAN?I? - from Pri?tina subrub Ulpijana. He was kidnapped
> on 25.06.1999.
> * MILE BUGEVI? - refugee from Croatia. He lived in Hotel "Bo?ur" in
> Pri?tina. Missing since 25.06.1999.
> * JOVAN GRKOVI? (60) - from Uro?evac. He was kidnapped by the end
> of Jun 1999. in Uro?evac.
> * MOMIR ?ANOVI? - He was kidnapped by the end of Jun 1999. togeher
> with his pregnant wife Slavica.
> * SLAVICA ?ANOVI? - She was kidnapped by the end of Jun 1999.
> together with her husband Miomir.
> * ALEKSANDAR TODOROVSKI - He was kidnapped on 26.06.1999. The
> kidnapper is Sulejman ?afija, the driver of Ambulabce living in
> the Emisir.
> * NENAD PRUSAC - refugee from Croatia. Missing since 26.06.1999,
> from Hotel "Bo?ur" in Pri?tina.
> * MILO? RADI? - refugee from Hrvatske. Missing since 26.06.1999.
> from Hotel "Bo?ur" in Pri?tina
> * BOBAN DEDI? - from Orahovac. He was kidnapped by the end of Jun
> 1999. with the goup of Serba from Orahovac.
> * SVETISLAV GRKOVI? - from Orahovac. He was kidnapped by the end of
> Jun 1999. with the goup of Serba from Orahovac.
> * LJUBI?A GRKOVI? - from Orahovac. He was kidnapped by the end of
> Jun 1999. with the goup of Serbs from Orahovac.
> * GRADIMIR MARJANOVI? - from Orahovac. He was kidnapped by the end
> of Jun 1999. with the goup of Serbs from Orahovac.
> * BUDIMIR BULINA - from Orahovac. He was kidnapped by the end of
> Jun 1999. with the goup of Serba from Orahovac.
> * MILICA JEFTI? - from Orahovac. She was kidnapped by the end of
> Jun 1999. with the goup of Serbs from Orahovac.
> * MIODRAG DUKI? (2956) - He was kidnapped on 27.06.1999. in the
> Shock Absorber factory Pri?tina.
> * SINI?A KA?I? - from Orahovac. He was kidnapped by the end of Jun
> 1999. with the goup of Serbs from Orahovac.
> * TIHOMIR MIRKOVI? - from Orahovac. He was kidnapped by the end of
> Jun 1999. with the goup of Serbs from Orahovac.
> * PEKO PELJEVI? - from Orahovac. He was kidnapped by the end of Jun
> 1999. with the goup of Serbs from Orahovac.
> * MLADEN BORI? - He was kidnapped on 27.06.1999. in the Shock
> Absorber factory Pri?tina.
> * PETRIJA PILJEVI? - from Pri?tina. Address: Dardanija, SU 1/5
> entrance 2, flat 37. She was kidnapped on 28.06.1999. According
> to the son kidnappers are Adem and Mona Ismailj from the flat
> No.8, and Ljuljeta D?ombaljaj, flat 35. One of the kidnappers
> illegaly occupied the flat.
> * ZORAN ?O?I? ? Adress: Dardanija SU 1/5 entrance 2. He was
> kidnapped on 28.06.1999. Kidnappers are Adeljini Ismailj i Mona
> Ismailj from the flat No. 8. and Ljuljeta Dombaljaja from the
> flat No. 35. This happened after he tried to defend Piljevi?
> Petriju, the kidnapped neighbour.
> * DRAGAN DOGAND?I? (28) - from ?trpce. He was kidnapped by the end
> of June 1999. on the road Uro?evac - ?trpce.
> * MILISAV ANTI? (1971) - He was kidnapped by the end of June 1999.
> in front of his house in Vitina.
> * DRAGAN SAVI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped by the end of June
> 1999. He was imprisoned in the building of secondary school.
> KFOR members found him during the search and he was released.
> * VLADIMIR ARSI? - from Gra?anica. He was kidnapped on 28.06.1999.
> * ?URO BARAC - refugee from Croatia. Missing since 28.06.1999. from
> the Hotel "Bo?ur" in Pri?tina
> * JELENA ?ANOVI? (1928) ? Address: Ulpijana, Hotel for singles,
> flat 55. Pri?tina Missing since 28.06. 1999.
> * VLADIMIR ?OKI? - Address: Sun?ani Breg, block 4. entrance 6. flat
> 10. Pri?tina Missing since 29.06.1999.
> * MIODRAG ?O?KI? - He was kidnapped by the end of June 1999. in
> Pe?. He was murdered.
> * ?OKA ?UBANOVI? (1950) ? driver from "Elektro-Kosmet" in Pri?tina.
> He was kidnapped on 01.07. 1999. in front of his flat in
> Dardanija, Pri?tina.
> * MOM?ILO ANTI? ? The County Public Prosecutor from Gnjilane. He
> was kidnapped on 02.07.1999. in Gnjilane.
> * ?ARKO JOVANOVI? - from Kamnik. He was kidnapped on 04.07.1999.
> * SLOBODAN MARINKOVI? - He was kidnapped on 04.07.1999. in the
> village Donji Livo?, Gnjilane, together with Trajkovi? Slobodan.
> * SLOBODAN TRAJKOVI? - He was kidnapped on 04. 07.1999. in the
> village Donji Livo?, Gnjilane, together with Marinkovi?
> Slobodan.
> * STANKO STOJANOVI? (1947) - He was kidnapped on
> 04.07.1999. together with D. Stankovi?
> * DRAGAN STANKOVI? (1983) - from the village Klobuka, Novo Brdo. He
> was kidnapped on 04.0. 1999. together with S. Stojanovi?.
> * SR?AN TASI? - Kidnapped 04.07.1999. in ?ilovo, Gnjilane,
> together with Tasi? Vu?kom.
> * VU?KO TASI? - He was kidnapped on 04.07.1999. in ?ilovo,
> Gnjilane, together with Tasi? Sr?anom.
> * DAVID STOJANOVI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped on 08.07.
> 1999. in Gnjilane.
> * DOBRI AN?ELKOVI? (1945) - He was kidnapped on 08.07. 1999. in
> front of his flat in Pri?tina. He was beaten up and robbed. He
> was set free on 12.07.1999.
> * VOJA ?IVI? - from Lipljan. Missing since 08.07. 1999. at
> 11,00h.
> * DRAGAN ?IVI? - from Lipljan. Missing since 08.07.1999. at 11,00h.
> * MOM?ILO RISTI? - from the village Donji Liva?, Gnjilane. He was
> kidnapped on 09.07.1999. in the village Pasjane.
> * VELIZAR IVANOVI? - from Pasjane, Gnjilane. He was kidnapped on
> 09.0. 1999. together with M. Risti?.
> * DRAGAN JA?IMOVI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped on 09.07.
> 1999. in Gnjilane.
> * SINI?A SIMONOVI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped on 0.07.1999.
> in Gnjilane.
> * ?OR?E ZDRAVKOVI? - He was kidnapped on 10.07. 1999. in the
> village Glogovac, Kosovska Kamenica, together with his son Zoran
> policeman Tomi? Dragan from the village Ranilug. His body was
> fouond on 24.08.1999. in the village Ugljare, Gnjilane, together
> with 12 massacred bodies of Serbs.
> * ZORAN ZDRAVKOVI? - He was kidnapped on 10.07. 1999. in the
> village Glogovac, Kosovska Kamenica, together with his father
> ?or?e and policeman Tomi? from Ranilug. His body was fouond on
> 24.08.1999. in the village Ugljare, Gnjilane, together with 12
> massacred bodies of Serbs.
> * TANE PEKI? - from Vitina. He was kidnapped by Albanian terrorists
> at the begining of June 1999. His body was fouond on 24.08.1999.
> in the village Ugljare, Gnjilane, together with 12 massacred
> bodies of Serbs.
> * ?ASLAV TOMI? (1942) - from Pri?tina, He was kidnapped on 10.07.
> 1999. between 10,00 and 12,00h.
> * ZORAN MARKOVI? (1961) - from Pri?tina. Address: Vidovdanska
> 165/10. He was kidnapped on 11.07. 1999.
> * MILO? STOJANOVI? (1948) - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped on
> 11.07. 1999. . He was set free.
> * STANI?A STOJANOVI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped on 11.07.
> 1999. in Gnjilane.
> * NIKOLA AKSI? - from the village Odanovce, Kosovska Kamenica. He
> was kidnapped on 11.07.1999. He was imprisoned in ZZ "Bujku" in
> the village Rogatica. He was set free.
> * MILUTIN DIMITRIJEVI? (1936) - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped
> from his car on 12/13. 07. 1999. together with D. Dimitrijevi?em
> and Z. Raji?i?em. Armed Albanian terrorists drove them somewhere.
> * DRAGAN DIMITRIJEVI? (1970) - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped on
> 12/13.07.1999. together with Milutin Dimitrijevi? and Raji?i?.
> Armed Albanian terrorists drove them somewhere.
> * ZORAN RAJI?I? (1969) - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped on
> 12/13.07.1999. together with Dimitrijevi? M. and Dmitrijevi? D.
> * MIRKO JOVI? - He was kidnapped on 12.07.1999. in Gnjilane.
> * MIRKO GORDI? ? worker of Emergency service from Pri?tina. He was
> kidnapped on 12.07.1999. at 12,00h in front of the Hotel "Bo?ur"
> in Pri?tina, together with Ostoji? Veljko.
> * VELJKO OSTOJI? - worker of Emergency service from Pri?tina. He
> was kidnapped on 12.07.1999. at 12,00h in front of the Hotel
> "Bo?ur".
> * BRATISLAV RISTI? (1952) ? worker of "Jugobanka" from Pri?tina. He
> was kidnapped on 12.07.1999. in front of the Hotel "Bo?ur" at
> 12,00h.
> * PETAR RAKO?EVI? - chief Electro Service PP "Kosovo A" Obili?,
> from Pri?tina. Missing since 12.07.1999. His body was found on
> 15.07.1999. in the Pri?tina area.
> * ZORAN JOVANOVI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped on 13.07.1999.
> * ACA ZABUNOVI? - He was kidnapped 15.07. 1999. Address: Vuka
> Karad?i? in Uro?evac.
> * KRUNA ZABUNOVI? - He was kidnapped on 15.07.1999. Address: Vuka
> Karad?i? in Uro?evac.
> * DIMITRIJE ?ABI? (1939) - from Pri?tina, lab worker in CMC
> Pri?tina. He was kidnapped on 15.07.1999. at 07,00h on the way to
> his work. Albanian terrorists probabily took him in the camp in
> the village Zlatare, Pri?tina. Approximately 150 kidnapped Serbs
> are imprisoned there.
> * ?IVORAD AN?ELKOVI? (1950) - from the village Gotovu?e, ?trpce.
> He was kidnapped at the mid of July 1999. on the road
> Uro?evac-?trpce, together with Ivan and ?ivkovi? Vlastimir. Their
> bodies were found in Po?aranje, Vitina at 03.08.1999.
> * IVAN AN?ELKOVI? (1975) - from Gotovu?e, ?trpce. He was kidnapped
> at the mid of July 1999. on the road Uro?evac-?trpce, together
> with his father ?ivojin and V. ?ivkovi?. Their bodies were found
> in Po?aranje, Vitina at 03.08.1999.
> * VLASTIMIR ?IVKOVI? (1950) - from the village Gotovu?e, ?trpce.
> He was kidnapped at the mid of July 1999. on the road
> Uro?evac-?trpce, together with An?elkovi? ?ivorad and his son.
> Their bodies were found in Po?aranje, Vitina at 03.08.1999.
> * ?EDOMIR MAKSIMOVI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped on
> 16.07.1999. in Gnjilane. Kidnapper is Hod? Be?ir.
> * MILOVAN PAVLOVI? (1936) - from Ni?a. He was kidnapped on 16.07.
> 1999. at 01,30h, near Klina, together with his son Radi?a. They
> were driving the vacuum cleaners in truck "Mercedes" (Ni? plates)
> from Cetinje to Pri?tina.
> * RADIP OAVKIVU? (1961) - from Ni?. He was kidnapped on 16.07.
> 1999. at 01,30h, near Klina, together with his father Milovan.
> * PERA RISTI? (68) - from Topli?ane, Lipljan. He was kidnapped on
> 16.07.1999.
> * SLOBODANKA MARJANOVI? - from the village Zaha?, Pe?. She was
> kidnapped on 17.07. 1999. in Zaha?, together with her sisters
> Vasiljka and Stanija. They were taken in the village Ruhot, where
> kidnappers maletreated them. They were set free on the KFOR?s
> request.
> * VASILJKA MARJANOVI? - from the village Zaha?, Pe?. She was
> kidnapped on 17.07. 1999. in Zaha?, together with her sisters
> Slobodanka and Stanija. She was set free on the KFOR?s request.
> * STANIJA MARJANOVI? - from the village Zaha?, Pe?. She was
> kidnapped on 17.07. 1999. in Zaha?, together with her sisters
> Slobodanka and Vasiljka. She was set free on the KFOR?s request.
> * GORAN PERI? - from the village Trnji?evce, Novo Brdo. He was
> kidnapped on 17.07. 1999. in the village Trnji?evce.
> * PREDRAG MILJKOVI? (1961) - from Smederevo. He was kidnapped in
> Pri?tina on 18th July 1999. He was kidnapped on the way to
> Slivov where he went to evacuate ?ivorad Pavi?.
> * ?IVORAD PAVI? - from Slivovo. He was kidnapped in Pri?tina on
> 18.07. 1999. with Miljkovi? Predrag.
> * DO?A RADULOVI? - He was kidnapped on 19.07. 1999. in Pe? on
> Dulij. He was set free.
> * MILORAD DIKI? (36) - from the village Boljevac, near Novo Brdo.
> He was kidnapped on 19.07.1999.
> * ZLATKO STEVI? - from Pone?, Gnjilane. He was kidnapped on 20.07.
> 1999.
> * MARKO TODOROVI? (1952) - from Kru?evac. He was kidnapped on
> 20.07. 1999. in the Prizren area. He was transporting the goods
> for PP "Bekta?" owned by Adem ?o?.
> * MIRKO SARI? - from the village Ta?evac, Kur?umlija. Missing
> since 20.07. 1999. He was driving the tractor towards the village
> Metoija, Podujevo. He was murdered. His body was found on 23.
> 07. 1999. in Krpimej, Podujevo.
> * NEBOJ?A KOVA?EVI? (17) - Albanians from Tirane broke into the
> flat of Kova?evi? Gordana in Pri?tina and kidnapped her son
> Neboj?a on 22. 07. 1999.
> * TOMISLAV AD?I? (1939) - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped on 25.07.
> 1999. together with Jeton Ljilja while moving the furniture from
> the flat of family Ad?i?. Albanian terrorists illegaly occupied
> the flat.
> * MILORAD PERI? - from Lipljan. He was kidnapped on 26. 06. 1999.
> He was murdered u Lipljan.
> * DRAGAN PETROVI? - from Pri?tina. Address: Ulpijana A 6-1-9. He
> was kidnapped on 26.07. 1999. in Pri?tina together with
> Slobodanka Petrovi?. Albanian terrorists who threatened them two
> days befor, illegally occupied the flat.
> * SLOBODANKA PETROVI? - from Pri?tina.She was kidnapped on 26.07.
> 1999. together with Dragan Petrovi?.
> * MILORAD AVRAMOVI? - from Kos. Mitrovica. He was kidnapped on 27.
> 07. 1999.
> * GORAN DENKI? - from the village Radivojce, Vitina. He was
> kidnapped on 27.07. 1999. while he was driving towards Vranje in
> order to get supplies.
> * DRAGAN MITROVI? - from the village Vrbovac, Vitina. He was
> kidnapped on 30.07. 1999. near Vitina by Albanian terrorists who
> had shoot and stopped the truck with several citiyens from
> Vitina. Vasi? Stanimir and Koji? Sre?ko were wounded. Miodrag
> Mitrovi?, Jovanovi? and Daji? Radovan were kidapped.
> * GORAN JOVANOVI? - from Vitina. He was kidnapped on 30.07. 1999.
> near Vitina. He was with Mitrovi? Miodrag and policeman R.
> Daji?em.
> * ?IKICA VASI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped on 30.07. 1999.
> near the village Dobro?ane, together with two persons on the way
> back from Gnilane towards Bujanovac. Albanian terrorists
> maletreted them and stole the heaters, welding aparture, 1.000
> DIN and other belongings. They beat them up, maletreted and
> finally let them go.
> * MILO? MLADENOVI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped on 30.07.
> 1999. near the village Dobro?ane, together with ?. Vasi? and V.
> Vasi? on the way back from Gnilane towards Bujanovac. Albanian
> terrorists maletreted them and stole the heaters, welding
> aparture, 1.000 DIN and other belongings. Tehy beat them up,
> maletreted and finally let them go.
> * VLADIMIR VASI? - from Bujanovac. He was kidnapped on 30.07. 1999.
> near the village Dobro?ane, together with ?. Vasi? and M.
> Mladenovi? on the way back from Gnilane towards Bujanovac.
> Albanian terrorists maletreted them and stole the heaters,
> welding aparture, 1.000 DIN and other belongings. Tehy beat them
> up, maletreted and finally let them go.
> * ZORAN VITKOVI? ? Investigation Judge of the Municipal Court in
> Gnjilane. He was kidnapped in the village Dobro?ane on 30.07.
> 1999. Albanian terrorists maltreated and beat him up. They
> stole him 10.000 DIN He was set free.
> * SNE?ANA PETROVI? (38) - from Prizren. She was kidnapped by the
> end of July 1999.
> * THE WIFE OF VIDOSAV MIR?EVI? - from Prizren. Albanian terrorists
> kidnapped her on 30.07. 1999. They murdered her husband Vidosav.
> * NEBOJ?A PETKOVI? - from Pri?tina, dentist. He was kidnapped on
> 31.07. 1999 at 13,30h. KFOR members found his massacred body on
> 17.10.1999. in Pri?tina. He was murdered.
> * DRAGOLJUB ARSI? (1958) - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped at the
> begining of August 1999. together with Lazi? Sre?ko This
> happened while they loaded the truck.
> * SRE?KO LAZI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped at the begining of
> August 1999. tohether with D. Arsi?. This happened while they
> loaded the truck.
> * RADE BUDIMIR - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped on 01.08. 1999.
> * RADE DEJANOVI? - from the village Stari Ka?anik, Ka?anik. He was
> kidnapped on 03.08.1999. together with his wife Jelena.
> * JELENA DEJANOVI? - from the village Stari Ka?anik, Ka?anik. She
> was kidnapped on 03. 08. 1999. together with her husband Rade.
> * TOMISLAV IGI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped on 04. 08. 1999.
> on the road Pri?tina - Medve?a, from the truck together with
> Mili?evi? Milo?.
> * MILO? MILI?EVI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped on 04.08.1999.
> on the road Pri?tina - Medve?a, with Tomislav Igi?.
> * RADOVAN DRA?KOVI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped at the
> begining of August 1999. togehter with J. Dra?kovi? and family
> Tokovi?.
> * JEVROSIMA DRA?KOVI? - from Pri?tina. She was kidnapped at the
> begining of August 1999. with R. Dra?kovi? and family Tokovi?.
> o 209. TWO MEMBERS OF FAMILY TOKOVI? - from Pri?tina. They
> were kidnapped at the begining of August 1999. together
> with Dra?kovi? Radovan and Jevrosim.
> * DEJAN STOJKOVI? - from Prizren. He was kidnapped on 04.08.1999.
> This happened after he came to visit his children and grandmother
> in ?trpce.
> * VIDOJE PETKOVI? - from Prizren. He was kidnapped on 04.08.1999.
> in his house after he tried to call KFOR patrol because
> terrorists beat him up.
> * STANOJE NIKOLI? (47) - from Prizren. He was kidnapped on
> 05.08.1999. after he was beaten up by Albanian terrorists.
> * BRATISLAV RISTI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped on 07.08.
> 1999. in the presence of his wife and two-year old daughter.
> * SNE?ANA KRSTI? - from Prizren. She was kidnapped on 07. 08.1999.
> after she was raped in the house of one Albanian.
> * JOVAN BAKI? - from Prizren. He was kidnapped on 09.08.1999. in
> Prizren.
> * DEJAN VASOVI? (1973) - from Kragujevac. He was kidnapped on
> 11.08.1999. at 12,45h, near the Orthodox graveyard in K.
> Mitrovica. He was driving the truck and side car.
> * NOVICA STANKOVI? - from Gnjilane. Missing since the mid of August
> 1999. He was last seen on the bus stattion in Gnjilane.
> * IVAN ATANASOV (77) - from the village Male?evo, Gnjilane. He was
> kidnapped on August 1999. He was maleatreted and set free on 02.
> 09. 1999. Ivan died in Gnjilane because of the results of
> maleatreament.
> * DRAGOLJUB VASI? - . He was kidnapped from 17. to 18.08. 1999.
> from his house in Pri?tina.
> * SRE?KO BLAGOJEVI? (1949) - from Ljubi?de, Prizren. He was
> kidnapped on 18.08.1999. near this village, together with 8
> Serbs.
> * SLOBODANKA BLAGOJEVI? (1949) - from Ljubi?de, Prizren. She was
> kidnapped on 18.08.1999. near her village, together with 8
> Serbs.
> * DU?KA BLAGOJEVI? - from Ljubi?de, Prizren. She was kidnapped on
> 18.08.1999. near her village, together with 8 Serbs.
> * RADICA BLAGOJEVI? (1964) - from Ljubi?de, Prizren. She was
> kidnapped on 18.08.1999. near her village, together with 8
> Serbs.
> * IVAN BLAGOJEVI? (minor) - from Ljubi?de, Prizren. He was
> kidnapped on 18.08.1999. near his village, together with 8
> Serbs.
> * ROKSANDA BLAGOJEVI? (minor) - from the village Ljubi?de,
> Prizren. She was kidnapped on 18.08.1999. near her village,
> together with 8 Serbs.
> * DRAGANA BLAGOJEVI? (minor) - from the village Ljubi?de, Prizren.
> She was kidnapped on 18.08.1999. near her village, together with
> 8 Serbs.
> * ALEKSANDRA BLAGOJEVI? (minor) - from the village Ljubi?de,
> Prizren. . She was kidnapped on 18.08.1999. near her village,
> together with 8 Serbs.
> * DRAGAN BLAGOJEVI? (minor) - from the village Ljubi?de, Prizren.
> . She was kidnapped on 18.08.1999. near her village, together
> with 8 Serbs.
> * IVAN MAJSTOROVI? - from Kosovo Polje. He was kidnapped on
> 18.08.1999. from 11,00 to 12,00h, in Kosovo Polje, while driving
> with Stevanovi? Dragan. They were moving in the convoy but their
> car broke.
> * DRAGAN STEVANOVI? - from Kosovo Polje. He was kidnapped on 18.
> 08. 1999. from11,00 to 12,00h, with Ivan Majstorovi? from the
> convoy.
> * BO?ANA STOILJKOVI? - from the village Vla?tice, Gnjilane. Missing
> since 23.08.1999. together with her husband Stanoje and Ljubinko
> Stevanovi?.
> * STANOJE STOILJKOVI? - from the village Vla?tice, Gnjilane.
> Missing since 23. 08. 1999. together with his wife Bo?ana and
> Ljubinko Stefanovi?.
> * LJUBINKA STEFANOVI? - from Vla?tice, near Gnjilane. Missing since
> 23.08.1999. together with couple Stoiljkovi?.
> * LJUBICA JOCI? - Her son was kidnapped on 23.08.1999. at 10,30h,
> on the road Kosovska Mitrovica - Vu?itrn near the village Veliki
> Ki?i? togehter with his son Sr?an, policeman from Srbica.
> Albanian terrorists kidnapped him and let her go.
> * DEJAN SEDLAREVI? - from Kosovska Mitrovica. He was kidnapped on
> 24.08.1999. at 19,00h. He drove his mother Milica to Zve?an.
> After that at 20,00h, he returned to his flat. His body was found
> on 26.08.1999. under the bridge on the So?anica river.
> * ZORAN NEDELJKOVI? - . He was kidnapped on 24.08.1999. in
> Pri?tina.
> * VOJISLAV LUKI? - . He was kidnapped on 24.08.1999. on the
> Podujevo area.
> * LEPOSAVA MICI? - from Prizren. She was kidnapped on 25.08.1999.
> together with Mici? Momir after they, with a group of Serbs, went
> from Pe?ka Patriarchy.
> * MOMIR MICI? - from Prizren . He was kidnapped on 25. 08. 1999.
> together with Micic Leposava after they, with a group of Serbs,
> went from Pe?ka Patriarchy.
> * NEBOJ?A VOJVODI? (41) - from Pri?tina . He was kidnapped on
> 26.08. 1999. on the road Ni? - Pri?tina, the village Lu?ane,
> Podujevo. He was set free.
> * VIDOSAV ?UKI? - from Kur?umlije . He was kidnapped on 27.08.1999.
> from Kupusi?te, Pri?tina. together with driver Vidi? Dragoljub
> who drove the truck. Ten terrorists stop them and took them into
> the factory. They were set free after 2 hours.
> * DRAGOLJUB VIDI? - . He was kidnapped on 27.08.1999. in Kupusi?te,
> Pri?tina, together with ?uki? Vidosav. Ten terrorists stop them
> and took hem into the factory. They were set free after 2 hours.
> * THE SON OF BORE RISTI?A (the cleark in former Executive Council
> ) - He was kidnapped in Pri?tina.
> * ?IVKA DEJANOVI? - from the village Talinovac, Uro?evac. Missing.
> * MILORAD RADOVANOVI? (1939)and his wife Zorka (1945) - from the
> village Osek Hilja near ?akovica. They were kidnapped.
> * RADOVAN RAKI? (1939) - from ?akovica. Missing.
> * BRANKO ?UPI? - from Pe?. Kidnapped 1999.
> * MILIJAN ?UPI? - . He was kidnapped together with his son Branko.
> * BOGDAN RADEVI? - They were kidnapped in Pe?.
> * MILO? RADEVI? and his wife - They were kidnapped in Pe?.
> * ZORKA ?IRKOVI? (70) - from Uro?evac. She was kidnapped.
> * SRETENKA PUMPALOVI? - from Istok. She was kidnapped on August
> 1999. together with her husband Mom?ilo.
> * MOM?ILO PUMPALOVI? - from Istok. He was kidnapped and murdered
> on August 1999. by Agima Fejza, former policeman in Pe?. He drag
> him with tractor along the streets.
> * BRANIMIR MIHAILOVI? (1977) - from the village Gojbulja, Vu?itrn.
> He was kidnapped.
> * VLADIMIR MIHJLOVI?(1971) - from the village Gojbulja, Vu?itrn.
> He was kidnapped.
> * VLADINIR MLADENOVIC (1971) - from the village Gojbulja, Vu?itrn.
> He was kidnapped.
> * IVAN ZORI? (1974) - He was kidnapped in Gra?anica.
> * SVETISLAV JAK?I? (1927) - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped on the
> way to school "Dositej Obradovi?".
> * JELENA STEFANOVI? - She was kidnapped in Pri?tina.
> * RADOSLAV ?UBANOVI? (1977) - He was kidnapped.
> * LJILJA ?UBANOVI? - Shee was kidnapped.
> * NOVICA MARKOVI? - from Pri?tina. Address: Gole?ka 6/5. He was
> kidnapped.
> * MILAN LJU?I? - He was kidnapped from monastery Gorio?, from
> Istok.
> * NIKOLA JOVANOVI? - Missing together with Popovi? Rade near
> Glogovac.
> * RADE POPOVI? - Missing together with N. Jovanovi? near Glogovac.
> * MIROSLAV MILA?I? - from the village Balovce, near Podujevo. He
> was kidnapped.
> * BORIVOJE VITKOVI? - He was kidnapped with his wife Slavica in
> Uro?evac.
> * SLAVICA VITKOVI? - She was kidnapped withher husband Borivojem in
> Uro?evcu.
> * LJUBI?A MILA?I? - He was kidnapped on the road Podujevo -
> Pri?tina.
> * SLOBODAN LUKI? - from Pri?tina, Kupusi?te. He was kidnapped.
> * MICA MILI? - from Vranjevac, Pri?tina. She was kidnapped together
> with Milo? Mili?.
> * MILO? MILI? - from Vranjevac, Pri?tina. He was kidnapped together
> with Mili? Mica.
> * VLADIMIR JOVANOVI? - from Pri?tina. Adrress: Stepe Stepanovi?a
> 40. He was kidnapped by Gani Iberdemaj.
> * NOVICA MARKOVI? (72) - from the village Mu?oti?te, Suva Reka. He
> was kidnapped.
> * RADOMIR MAKSI? - from Pri?tina. Missing.
> * Dr ?OR?E TA?OVI? - He was kidnapped in Pri?tina
> * RATKO ?OR?EVI? - He was kidnapped while driving empty bus from
> Kru?evac to Uro?evac.
> * MILO? SEKULI? (his wife and four childern 10, 7, 5 and 2 years
> old) - kidnapped.
> * MILORAD ILI? - He was kidnapped in front of his flat in
> Pri?tina.
> * SLAVKO ?OR?EVI? - He was kidnapped in front of his flat in
> Pri?tina.
> * RANKO STOI? - He was kidnapped in Gornja Brnjica.
> * ?ARKO STAMENKOVI? - from the village Miljevca. He was kidnapped.
> * MILOSAV DABI? - from Nerodimlje. He was kidnapped togehter with
> his wife Radmila.
> * RADMILA DABI? - from Nerodimlje. She was kidnapped with her
> husband Milosav.
> * BO?IDAR DAN?ETOVI? - He was kidnapped in Srpski Babu?, Uro?evac.
> * ?EDA DEJANOVI? - He was kidnapped in Srpski Babu?, Uro?evac.
> * DRAGAN TRAJKOVI? - He was kidnapped in Srpski Babu?, Uro?evac.
> * VERA PETROVI? - He was kidnapped in Pri?tina.
> * TWO BROTHERS MARKOVI? - from Mu?oti?ta, Suva Reka. They were
> kidnapped.
> * SLOBODAN BALTI? - from Vu?itrna. He was kidnapped.
> * MIODRAG MA?ULOVI? - from Pri?tina. Missing.
> * MIRJANA RAJKOVI? - She was kidnapped in Pri?tina together with
> her husband Slavoljub and daughter Violeta.
> * SLAVOLJUB RAJKOVI? - He was kidnapped in Pri?tina together with
> his wife Mirjana and daughter Violeta.
> * VIOLETA RAJKOVI? - She was kidnapped in Pri?tina together with
> her parents.
> * SLOBODAN ANTI? (1957) - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped in August
> 1999. together with Slobodan Stefanovi? while they controling
> the water in the Gnjilane lake. He was kidnapped by Kavaja
> Ramadan.
> * SLOBODAN STEFANOVI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped in August
> 1999. together with S. Anti?. while they controling the water in
> the Gnjilane lake. He was kidnapped by Kavaja Ramadan.
> * MIROSLAV STEVI? - from Laplje Selo, Pri?tina. He was kidnapped
> by the end of August 1999. Albanian terrorists hand him over to
> KFOR unit on 02.09.1999. in Pri?tina They were seriously wounded.
> * MILIVOJE POPOVI? - He was kidnapped on 31.08.1999. near the
> Gra?ani?ko lake. The kidnappers stole his truck.
> * ZMAJKO MILOSAVLJEVI? - journalist from Kozarevo, Zve?an. He was
> kidnapped on 31.08.1999. from the train between K. Mitrovica -
> K. Polje.
> * The brother of ZMAJKO MILOSAVLJEVI? ? worker in Obili?. He was
> kidnapped on 31.08.1999. from the train (K. Mitrovica - Kos.
> Polje).
> kidnapped in August 1999. on the ?akovica area. The group of
> Albanian terrorists (among them are: Abdulah Babalija. Metalji
> Berat, Bep, Bujar Irizi and ?ef?et Lju?a) organized and kidnapped
> family Jevri?.
> * STOJAN TASI? - from ?arakovac, Kos. Kamenica. He was kidnapped
> from the bus on August 1999. He was murdered.
> * BRANISLAV MICI? (1975) - He was kidnapped on 04.09. 1999. in
> Pri?tina. His body was found on 06. 1999.
> * VI?ESLAV RISTI? - He was kidnapped on 04. 1999. in Pri?tina.
> * DARKA TODOROVI? - She was kidnapped on 10. 09. 1999. in Kos.
> Mitrovici, ?Mikronaselje?.
> * BERA ?KRIPAC (70) - He was kidnapped on 11/12 09. 1999. in
> Pri?tina, from the flat of his son in the street Vladimira
> Stefanovi?a No. 43/1.
> * DARINKA AKSENTIJEVI? ? worker in Medical Centre in Kosovska
> Mitrovica. She was kidnapped on 12.09. 1999. in the evening near
> the bridge on the Ibar river.
> * Monk HARITON (Radoslav) LUKI? - He was kidnapped by Albanian
> terrorists - brothers Vilson and Anton Kitaja, from the village
> Budisavci, Klina. His body was found near the village Budisavci.
> * GRADIMIR PURI? (Jermonah Stefan) - He was kidnapped by Albanian
> terrorists - brothers Vilson and Anton Kitaj. He was murdered.
> His body was found on September 1999. in the whell of one
> Serbian house in Istok.
> * MILORAD REPINOVI? (1924) - from ?trpce. He was kidnapped on
> 24.09.1999. He went by bus from ?trpce to Bujanovac, to collect
> pensions.
> * RADOMIR STOJKOVI? - He was kidnapped by the end of August 1999.
> on his field by Albanian terrorists. His body was found on
> 27.09.1999. in the village Klokot, Vitina, near the Bina?ka
> Morava river.
> * VUJADIN VUJOVI? ? The techer from the village Stup, Klina. He
> was kidnapped. He was murdered. His body, together with body of
> monk Puri? was found in Istok in the whell of one Serbian house.
> * PAUN ?IVKOVI? - He was kidnapped on 29.09. 1999. with M.
> Stojanovi?, in ?trpce, Sirini?ka County.
> * MARKO STOJANOVI? - He was kidnapped on 29.091999. with P.
> ?ivkovi?, ?trpce, Sirini?ka County.
> * ?OR?E TIJANOVI? (50) - from Pri?tina, Sun?ani Breg. He was
> kidnapped on 06. 10.1999. near the hospital in Pri?tina. He was
> taken in the Glogovac area. His body was found on the same day.
> He was murdered, shoot four three times in the back of his head
> and once in the back.
> * MLA?AN MAVRI? - from Velika Ho?a, Orahovac. He was kidnapped on
> 13.10. 1999. while driving towards Orahovac.
> * MIODRAG PERI? (1940) - Missing since 20.10.1999. after he had
> spent some time in the bar "Kod Jugeta" with his friends.
> Albanian terrorists kidnapped him on the way back to Gra?anic. He
> was murdered.
> * RADO? VIRIJEVI? - worker of RMHK "Trep?a". He was kidnapped
> together with M. Dani?i? on 24.10.1999. in Kosovska Mitrovica,
> close to his working place.
> * MIRKO DANI?I? ? worker of RMHK "Trep?a". He was kidnapped
> together with R. Virijevi? on 24.10. 1999. in Kos. Mitrovica ,
> close to his working place.
> * GORAN SAVI? - from Orahovac. He was kidnapped 29.10.1999. after
> he tried to go out from Orahovac in organized convoy. Albanian
> terrorists attacked the convoy.
> * BUDIMIR BALJO?EVI? - from Orahovac. He was kidnapped on
> 29.10.1999. after he tried to go out from Orahovac in organized
> convoy. Albanian terrorists attacked the convoy.
> * NEGOVAN DEVI? - from Orahovac. He was kidnapped on 29. 10. 1999.
> after he tried to go out from Orahovac in organized convoy.
> Albanian terrorists attacked the convoy.
> * STANI?A MILENKOVI? - from Orahovac. He was kidnapped on 29.10.
> 1999. after he tried to go out from Orahovac in organized convoy.
> Albanian terrorists attacked the convoy.
> * ZVEZDAN MOJSI? - from Orahovac. He was kidnapped on 29.10. 1999.
> after he tried to go out from Orahovac in organized convoy.
> Albanian terrorists attacked the convoy.
> * BO?IDAR OGAREVI? (1923) - from Prizren. He was kidnapped by the
> end of October 1999. while he getting suplies for his mother
> Staniju (1900).
> * ?EDOMIR NIKOLI? (60) - chashier in Technikal school from
> Koreti?ta, Gnjilane. He was kidnapped on 01. 11. 1999. at
> 09,00h in Dobro?an, Vitina from his car "Lada". He was
> murdered. His body was found on the same day at 14,30h.
> * BORISLAV D?EBO - from Serbian part of Sarajevo. He was kidnapped
> on 01.11.1999. near Orahovac, while he was transporting bodies
> of Albanians from Ilid?a to the village Celina, Orahovac.
> * TOMISLAV JOVANOVI? - from Prizren. He was kidnapped on
> 01.11.1999. on a way to his job in "Prizren-prevoz".
> * MLADEN ?OLOVI? - from Vra?eva. Pupil on the first year of
> secondary school in Leposavi?u. He was kidnapped on 02.11.1999.
> He managed to escape.
> * SVETOMIR MILENKOVI? - professor in secondary medical scholl in
> Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * SVETISLAV JAK?I? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * SVETISLAV MIKI? (1936) - from the village Su?ica, Pri?tina. He
> was kidnapped.
> * PETAR ?OLI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * BATA JOVANOVI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * BRANKO MARULOVI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * MI?KO MI?ULOVI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * N.BEO?ANIN ? *no name) - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * NENAD STAMENKOVI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * N. SRDI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * STANKO ?ARANOVI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * MILO? MIKI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * LEPOSAVA MIKI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * TOMA TA?EV - from Pri?tina. Kidnapped .
> * ?OR?E KUZMANOVI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * MILORAD JOVANOVI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * NENAD ?IVI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * ZORAN MIRKOVI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * BRANKO STO?I? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * ZLATKO ANTI? - from Pri?tine. He was kidnapped.
> * SLAVI?A STEVI? - from the village Badovac, Pri?tina. He was
> kidnapped.
> * TRAJKO STANKOVI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * ALEKSANDAR SIMOVI? - from Pri?tina. He was kidnapped.
> * RADE STOJANOVI? - from Lipljana. He was kidnapped.
> * SVETISLAV NEDELJKOVI? - from Lipljana. He was kidnapped.
> * MI?A STOLI? - from Lipljana. He was kidnapped.
> * VLASTIMIR STEPANOVI? - from Kosovo Polje. Kidnapped .
> * ZVONKO STEPI? - from Kosovo Polje. He was kidnapped .
> * SMILJKO MILANKOVI? (ili Milovanovi?) - from Podujeva. He was
> kidnapped .
> * MILO? (Trajana) ?ORDJEVIC - from the village Donje Nerodimlje,
> Uro?evac. He was kidnapped .
> * MILORAD (Trajana) ?OR?EVI? - from the village Donje Nerodimlje,
> Uro?evac. He was kidnapped .
> * ZORAN VASILJEVI?, "Fiksa" - from Uro?evac. He was kidnapped .
> * DRAGI (?ivojina) PRLIN?EVI? - from the village Srpski Babu?,
> Uro?evac. He was kidnapped .
> * MILIVOJE PETKOVI? - from Uro?evac. He was kidnapped .
> * GORDANA PETKOVI? - from Uro?evac. He was kidnapped .
> * SLAVKO CUNGULOVI? - from Uro?evac. He was kidnapped .
> * MARIJA RISTI? - from the village Srpski Babu?, Uro?evac. She was
> kidnapped .
> * MI?A (?oke) STOLI? - from the village Godance, ?timlje. He was
> kidnapped .
> * BORA JANICIJEVIC - from ?timlja. He was kidnapped .
> * BORA STOLEVI? - from ?timlja. He was kidnapped .
> * ?OR?E (Rajka) ?OKON?EVI? - from ?trpca. He was kidnapped.
> * STANOJKO (Veselina) MLADENOVI? - from the village Stari Ka?anik,
> Ka?anik. He was kidnapped .
> * N. JOVANOVI? - ime nepoznato - from Vu?itrna. He was kidnapped .
> * LJUBODRAG (Pavla) SAVI? (1947) - from the village Gojbulja,
> Vu?itrn. He was kidnapped .
> * VLADO VULOVI? (70) - from Pe?. He was kidnapped .
> * JANKO VLAHOVI? (80) - from Pe?. He was kidnapped .
> * DU?AN BOGI?EVI? (67) - from the village Dobri Do, Pe?. He was
> kidnapped .
> * SLOBODAN PEJ?INOVI? (19) - from Pe?. He was kidnapped .
> * STANKA NOVOVI? (80) - from the village Nab?e, Pe?. She was
> kidnapped .
> * CVETKO NOVOVI? (70) - from the village Nabr?e, Pe?. He was
> kidnapped .
> * LJUBINKO STANKOVI? - from Pe?. He was kidnapped .
> * LJUBI?A STANKOVI? - from Pe?. He was kidnapped .
> * VLASTA NEDELJKOVI? (35) - from Istok. He was kidnapped .
> * DRAGICA MILOSAVLJEVI? (60) - from Istok. He was kidnapped .
> * MILORAD JOVANOVI? - from ?akovica. He was kidnapped .
> * ?OR?E KUZMANOVI? - from ?akovica. He was kidnapped .
> * MI?O PETROVI? - from ?akovica. He was kidnapped .
> * RADMILA PETROVI? - from ?akovica. She was kidnapped .
> * MOM?ILO MILI? - from naselja "Piskote" u ?akovici. He was
> kidnapped .
> * DRAGO KRSTI?, penzioner - from "Piskote" in ?akovica. He was
> kidnapped .
> * SRETEN CONOVI? - from ?akovica. He was kidnapped .
> * ?OKICA STANOJEVI? - from ?akovica. He was kidnapped .
> * MOM?ILO STANOJEVI? - from ?akovica. He was kidnapped .
> * RADONJA VILI? (65) - from the village Klinavac, Klina. He was
> kidnapped .
> * RADOJKA VIDI? (63) - from the village Klinavac, Klina. She was
> kidnapped .
> * VELI?KO GA?I? (60) - from the village Veliko Kru?evo, Klina. He
> was kidnapped .
> * VELI?KO BI?ANIN (20) - from the village Veliko Kru?evo, Klina.
> He was kidnapped .
> * VUJADIN VUJOVI? (50) - from the village ?tupelj, Klina. He was
> kidnapped .
> * VUJADIN VELJOVI? - from Klina. He was kidnapped .
> * VOJISLAV JOVANOVI? - from Klina. He was kidnapped .
> * MILORAD DOBRI? - from Klina. He was kidnapped .
> * MILENADON?I? (54) sa sinom (30) - from Klina. They were
> kidnapped.
> * BO?ANA JOVANOVI? - from Klina. He was kidnapped .
> * ILIJA M. KRSTI? (65) - from De?ane. He was kidnapped.
> * VINKA KRSTI? (65) - from De?ane. She was kidnapped .
> * BORO PAVLOVI? - from De?ane. He was kidnapped .
> * BUDIMIR JEFTI? - He was kidnapped .
> * MLADEN MIRI?, umetnik - from Prizren. He was kidnapped .
> * VLASTIMIR STEVANOVI? - from the village Dojnice, Prizren. He was
> kidnapped .
> * LJUBISAVKA STEFANOVI? (1936) - from Prizren. She was kidnapped
> .
> * BO?IDAR NIKOLI? (75) - from the village Dojnice, Prizren. He was
> kidnapped .
> * VASILJKA NIKOLI? (70) - from the village Dojnice, Prizren. He
> was kidnapped .
> * SRE?KO ?EKI? (50) - from the village Dojnice, Prizren. He was
> kidnapped .
> * MIRKO STOJKOVI? - from the village Dojnice, Prizren. He was
> kidnapped .
> * N. ARSAN - rodom from Orahovac. He was kidnapped u Prizrenu.
> * DRAGAN BUCALO - from Prizren. He was kidnapped .
> * DRAGAN BUD?I? - from Prizren. He was kidnapped .
> * STANI?A VITO?EVI? - from Orahovac. He was kidnapped .
> * GRADIMIR MAJMAREVI? - from Orahovac. He was kidnapped .
> * RATKO PELEVI? (64) - from Orahovac. He was kidnapped .
> * TIHOMIR MILJNOVI? - from Orahovac. He was kidnapped .
> * PREDRAG TODOROVI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped .
> * DRAGAN PETKOVI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped .
> * SLAVOLJUB RISTI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped .
> * BORISLAV PAVI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped .
> * JOVICA PAUNOVI? - from the village Pasjane, Gnjilane. He was
> kidnapped .
> * DRAGAN ARSI? - from the village Pasjane, Gnjilane. He was
> kidnapped .
> * STANISLAVA SMILJKOVI? - from Gnjilane. She was kidnapped .
> * DRAGAN RISTI? - from the village Kusce, Gnjilane. He was
> kidnapped .
> * MILORAD ?EKI? - from the village Koroti?te, Gnjilane. He was
> kidnapped .
> * ?IVOJIN PARI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped .
> * SLA?ANA MIHAJLOVI? - from Gnjilane. She was kidnapped .
> * VOJISLAV TIMOTIJEVIC - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped .
> * MICA JOVANOVI? - from Gnjilane. She was kidnapped .
> * MOM?ILO STOJANOVI? - from the village Make?, Gnjilane. He was
> kidnapped .
> * DRAGAN STOJANOVI? - from the village Make?, Gnjilane. He was
> kidnapped .
> * SVETOZAR RISTI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped .
> * VITOMIR RISTI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped .
> * DRAGICA STANKOVI? - from the village Klobuka, Gnjilane. He was
> kidnapped .
> * ?UR?A BABA (70) - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped .
> * VLASTIMIR STOJKOVI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped .
> * N.DOBRI - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped .
> * DRAGAN CVETKOVI? - from the village Kmetovce, Gnjilane. He was
> kidnapped .
> * NEBOJ?A FURUNOVI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped .
> * SLOBODAN N. - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped.
> * ZVONKO STOJANOVI? - from the village Kmetovce, Gnjilane. He was
> kidnapped .
> * DJORDJE JOVANOVIC - from the village Kmetovce, Gnjilane. He was
> kidnapped .
> * ZVONIMIR FILIPOVIC - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped .
> * SLOBODAN STOJKOVI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped .
> * CVETKOVI? VLASTA - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped .
> * GRADIMIR STOLI? - from Gnjilane. He was kidnapped .
> * SLOBODAN TRAJKOVI? - from the village Klokot, Vitina. He was
> kidnapped .
> * ?IVOJIN JOVANOVI? - from the village Mogila, Vitina. He was
> kidnapped .
> * LJUBI?A PIRI? (1973) - from the village Brbovac, Vitina. He was
> kidnapped .
> * BRANE PETROVI? (35) - from Vitina. He was kidnapped .
> * VOJISLAV TIMOTIJEVI? - from Novog Brda. He was kidnapped.
> * THREE PERSONS FROM FAMILY VIDI? (60) - from Klina. They were
> kidnapped.
> * SEVEN PERSONS FROM FAMILY MARU?I? - from the village ?tupelj,
> Klina. They were kidnapped.
> * ZORAN DUKI? ? The driver of DD "Klanica" from Suvi Do, Lipljan.
> He was kidnapped on 02.11.1999. and afterwards murdered -
> slathered. He was murdered. His body was found between Suvi Do
> and Laplje Selo on the railroad tracks by KFOR members.
> * DRAGAN PERI? - from Gra?anica. He was kidnapped near the village
> Ajvalija, on 05. 11. 1999. He was murdered. His body was found
> near suburb "Veternik".
> * MILOVAN VUKUMIROVI? - from the village Grace. He was kidnapped on
> 09. 11. 1999. near the village Stanovce Vu?itrn.
> * N. AVRAMOVI?, (no name) - from Kosovska Mitrovica. He was
> kidnapped.
> * RAJKO MILENKOVI? (1956) ? The driver DP "Sloga" from Kosovska
> Mitrovica. Missing since 16.11. 1999. near the bridge over Ibar
> river in Kosovska Mitrovica.
> * MIODRAG ?OR?EVI? - He was kidnapped on 21. 11. 1999. at 05,30h,
> in K. Mitrovica, while he was moving from his house in the street
> Anka Spaji? No. 150 towards the centre of K. Mitrovica.
> * RADE JOKSIMOVI? - He was kidnapped at the begining of November
> near Lipljana.
> * MILE VUKSANOVI? - He was kidnapped in the village Trn, Uro?evac.
> He was murdered.
> * PREDRAG STAMENKOVI? ? He was kidnapped on 14.06.1999. in
> Pri?tina. He escaped.
> * RADE PETKOVI? - He was kidnapped on 14.06.1999. at 17,00h in
> Uro?evac. He was set free on the same day.
> * GORAN MARINKOVI? - He was kidnapped on 17.06. 1999. in the
> village Labljane, Gnjilane, together with his friend while
> traveling towards Vranje.
> * SLAVOLJUB ?OKI? - He was kidnapped on 19.06. 1999. at the Green
> market in Gnjilane at 09,00h. He was taken in the students hostel
> and beten up. He was set free, afterwards.
> * NENAD ARSI? - He was kidnapped on 19.06. 1999. and taken into the
> village Koretin. He was murdered in front of his family that
> demanded his release alnog with Simi? Milivoje. His relatives
> answered with fire and killed several terrorists. His body was
> found and buried.
> * LJUBISAV BIO?ANIN (1950) - He was kidnapped on 22. 06. 1999. in
> Pri?tina.
> * NEBOJ?A VASI? - He was kidnapped on 23.06.1999. in Kosovska
> Kamenica.
> * MIROSLAV METODIJEVI? (1975) - He was kidnapped on 25.06.1999. at
> 13,00h in Gnjilanu.
> * VLADIMIR Nenada MIHAJLOVI? (1977) - He was kidnapped on
> 25.06.1999. at 19,00h, in his yard in the village Gojbulja,
> Vu?itrn, together with two villagers.
> * NOVICA JANKOVI? - He was kidnapped on 26.06.1999. in Gnjilane.
> Imrisoned in his house with his family. He managed to escape.
> * DEJAN ?OKI? - He was kidnapped on 26.06.1999. in the village
> Bresavce, Gnjilane. He was released.
> * RADIVOJE TASI? - He was kidnapped in Gnjilane on 02.07. 1999.
> After interigation he was released.
> * DRAGAN TOMI? - He was kidnapped on 10.07.1999. near the village
> Ranilug, Gnjilane, together with Zdravkovi? ?or?e and his son
> Zoran. His body was found together with 12 bodies of kidnapped
> and massacred Serbian civilians in the village Ugljare. He was
> murdered.
> * RADOVAN DAJI? - He was kidnapped on 30.07. 1999. Albanian
> terrorists shoot at and stopped the truck with several citiyens
> from Vitina. He was released.
> * NOVICA ILI? - He was kidnapped on 01.08. 1999. in Kosovska
> Kamenica. His body was found near main road close to the village
> Koretin, the following day. He was murdered.
> * SR?AN (Luke) JOCI? - He was kidnapped on 23. 08. 1999. at 10,30h
> on the road K. Mitrovica - Vu?itrn, close to the village Veliki
> Ki?i?. Albanian terrorists stopped the car with his mother
> Ljubica. They maletreated him and took him to the village Veliki
> Ki?i?. They released the mother.
> * BOGOLJUB ?UTAKOVI? - He was kidnapped.
> * MOM?ILO TRAJKOVI? - He was kidnapped.
> kidnapped on 14.06. 1999. in ?timlje.
> 17.06. 1999. in the village Labljane, Novo Brdo on the way to
> Vranje with policeman Marinkovi? Goran. Albanian terrorists kept
> them imprisoned untill 11. 08. 1999. in the village Labljane.
> Afterwards they transported them to Podujevo.
> 18.06.1999. in the village Srpski Babu?, Uro?evac.
> kidnapped in Belo Polj near Pe? on 22.06. 1999.
> OF URO?EVAC - They were kidnapped from a bus moving from Uro?evac
> to Pri?tina on 19.06.1999. They were imprisoned in Sport?s hall.
> kidnapped on 20.06.1999. in Gu?ica near Vitina.
> Raniluga, K. Kamenica. They were kidnapped on 09.07. 1999. close
> to Ranilug.
> kidnapped on July 1999. in Serbian village Klokot Banja.
> kidnapped in the village Ugljare, Gnjilane, on 24.08.1999. 15
> bodies of kidnapped and massacred Serbian civilians were found.
> The relatives of kidnapped recognized the body of Zdravkovi?
> Zoran, his father ?or?e and Tomi? Dragan policeman from Pri?tina,
> they were all from the village Ranilug, Kosovska Kamenica. The
> kidnapping of those identified was described beafore. They were
> murdered.
> kidnapped in ?ilovo close to Gnjilane.
> kidnapped in Ranilug close to Gnjilane.
> * UNIDENTIFIED PERSONS (THE SHEPARD) - from Vrbe?tice, ?trpce. He
> was kidnapped on 07.09.1999. and taken to the village Mati?evo,
> Suva Reka. He was released on the same day.
> kidnapped. They managed to escape.
> village Ajnovce, Kosovska Kamenica. They were kidnapped on July
> 1999. in the forest in the village Ranilug where they went to cut
> wood.
> - They were kidnapped on 29.09.1999. in 10,00h, close
> to ?trpce, two of them from Prizren area.
> kidnapped on 05.10.1999. in the village ?upkovac, Kosovska
> Mitrovica during the attack on convoy of Serbian refugees from
> Gra?anica and Laplje Selo.
> * UNIDENTIFIED PERSON (female) ? She was kidnapped on 06. 10.1999.
> in the village ?u?uljaga, Lipljan.
> kidnapped on 15.10.1999. in Prizren. Albanian terrorists - Lau?a
> Agron from Prizren, Ramet Beri?a from the village Brod, Gora and
> Hasan (no surname), nickname ?Robot 001? from the village
> Bilu?a, Prizren, kidnapped two citiyens of Serbian nationalnity
> and took them in the village Na?ec, Prizren. They maltreated and
> intoregated them.
> * AZEM HALITI - from Donje Nerodimlje, Uro?evac. He was kidnapped
> on 18.06. 1999. He was maltreated. He died ten days after as a
> result of maltreatment.
> * ?ABAN BISAKA (50) and his son SAMI BISAKA (1981) - They were
> kidnapped on 19.06.1999. from the house of their friend in
> Pri?tina.
> * ADRIJAN ISAKU - from Orahovac. He was kidnapped on 28.06.1999. in
> Orahovac. He is the son of Isaku Agima, from Orahovac.
> * BEDRI ?ERIMI - from the village Donje Godance, ?timlje. He was
> kidnapped in front of his house by the end of June 1999.
> * JUSUF HAMZA - He was kidnapped by the end of June 1999. together
> with group of persons from Orahovac.
> * ?KELJZEN ISAKU - He was kidnapped by the end of June 1999.
> together with group of persons from Orahovac.
> * ?EVAIRA HADRI (1962) - from ?akovica, workr of Post office.
> Missing since August 1999. from ?akovica.
> * HAZIR RAMIZI (14) - He was kidnapped on August 1999. from his
> father in Kolibarska street.
> * LJILJA JETON - from Pri?tina. she was kidnapped on 25.07.1999.
> together with Ad?i? Tomislav while moving out Ad?i??s furniture
> from his flat.
> * THREE MEMBER<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

From: "tribunale clark" <tribunaleclark@...>
Date: Tue Feb 13, 2001 11:13pm
Subject: a roma con le operaie della zastava


Incontro con le compagne
Ruzica Milosavljevic e Rajka
dirigenti sindacali della Zastava di
Domenica 18 Febbraio presso il Cinema
In Trastevere,
Vicolo Moroni (Pza, Trilussa) alle
ore 10.30

Ospiti della CGIL, del Ponte per Belgrado in terra di
Bari e del Tribunale Ramsey Clark contro i crimini di guerra, le
compagne parteciperanno anche ad altre iniziative in
varie localit� italiane.
A Roma congiuntamente alle strutture, ai comitati ed ai
compagni impegnati nella solidarieta' con i sindacalisti della
Zastava invitiamo tutti i compagni ed i cittadini a cui
sta a cuore il destino dei compagni della fabbrica di Kragujevac,
sottoposta negli ultimi mesi a provvedimenti che
puntano a esautorare i legittimi rappresentanti sindacali e ad annullare
la grande opera di ricostruzione realizzata dopo i
bombardamenti, con la minaccia di una svendita alle multinazionali, a
partecipare e ad intervenire.

All'indomani della "normalizzazione" della Federazione
Jugoslava, per sapere dove va la Jugoslavia?
Che ne sar� della Zastava? Quale � la situazione
economica e sanitaria dopo i bombardamenti all'uranio e chimici?

Tutti a Roma, Domenica 18 Febbraio presso il Cinema
In Trastevere,
Vicolo Moroni (Pza, Trilussa)
alle ore 10.30.

"Tribunale Clark " contro i
crimini della Nato.


Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti
dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista".

I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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-------- Original Message --------
Oggetto: Sulla situazione in Bosnia, Kosovo e Serbia per effetto del DU
Rispedito-Data: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 16:48:38 +0100
Rispedito-Da: pck-yugoslavia@...
Data: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 16:50:13 +0100
Da: "francesco iannuzzelli" <francesco@...>
Rispondi-a: pck-yugoslavia@...
Società: peacelink
A: pck-armamenti@...
CC: pck-yugoslavia@...

Ciao, ricevo queste informazioni da Jasna Bastic, giornalista
bosniaca, sulla situazione In Bosnia Serbia e Kosovo in
conseguenze dei bombardamenti all'uranio impoverito.

Scusate la lunghezza e la frettolosa traduzione, ma si tratta di
informazioni molto importanti, soprattutto perche' evidenziano gli
effetti sulla salute della popolazione ed emergono anche molti
dubbi sulle informazioni diffuse dalla Nato e sul fatto che si
nascondino altre gravi questioni (come la faccenda delle scorie




Informazioni generali:

Aree bombardate dalla Nato con proiettili all'uranio impoverito.

BOSNIA Agosto-Settembre 1994, Agosto -Settembre 1995
KOSOVO/SERBIA Maggio-Giugno 1999

Kosovo: la maggior parte dei siti bombardati si trova nel sud-ovest
e nel sud del Kosovo, nelle zone delle citta' di Prizren, Peja,
Djakovica, Klina e nelle zone vicine al confine con l' Albania, dove
erano concentrati i blindati jugoslavi; circa 31.000 proiettili
impoverito sono stati sparati sul Kosovo, secondo la Nato

Serbia meridionale: 4 siti (Bujanovac / villaggi Samoljica e Borovac;
Presevo / villaggio di Reljan, Vranje / ripetitore TV);

Montenegro: La penisola di Lustica (sulla costa dell'Adriatico)

Bosnia: Siti nei dintorni di Sarajevo (la fabbrica militare e le
caserme di Hadzici, la fabbrica militare di Vogosca, la postazione
radar sul monte Jahorina, i magazzini con munizioni e esplosivi,
siti in Jahorinski Potok; il centro comunicazioni di Ravna Planina
sul monte Romania), in Bosnia centrale (Doboj, zone del monte
Ozren) e nella Bosnia centro-orientale (tutti posti devo l'esercito
Jugsolavo aveva importanti strutture militari, centri di
comunicazione ecc)

Mancano ancora molte informazioni sui posti esatti,
particolarmente in Bosnia, e sul reale contenuto e quantitativo di
uranio impoverito o di altri materiali utilizzati nei bombardamenti


Periodo dei bombardamenti NATO: Marzo - Giugno 1999
- circa 31.000 proiettili con DU sono stati sparati (secondo la Nato)
- 14.180 proiettili intorno alla citta' di Peja

La NATO ha confermanto che munizioni con uranio impoverito sono
state usate in 112 siti in Kosovo, la maggior parte in zone
meridionali e sud-occidentali del Kosovo , con 31.000 proiettili.
Questo e' stato ammesso solo recentemente, cio' significa che la
popolazione locale, i reduci e le truppe KFOR sul posto non
avevano la minima idea delle aree contaminate; la popolazione
locale non e' mai stata avvertita sul possibile pericolo (evitare di
toccare i resti dei carri armati, metalli... ecc) e non c'e' ancora una
singola area in Kosovo o in Bosnia che sia marcata come
pericolosa per radioattivita' o materiali tossici (nella Serbia
meridionale l'esercito Jugoslavo ha marcato alcune poche aree).

Nel frattempo per molti bambini in Kosovo il divertimento principale
e' giocare intorno ai carri armati danneggiati e raccogliere proiettili,
parti di munizioni esplose e altri simili oggetti metallici! Anche i
grandi sono soliti portare a casa metalli e resti di munizioni, che
trovano per terra, come souvenir di guerra! Oppure li riutilizzano
come metallo per attrezzi da lavoro in giardino !!! Anche persone
dall'Albania hanno attraversato il confine del Kosovo e hanno
portato via parti dei carri armati danneggiati da rivendere come
rottami !!! La popolazione locale del Kosovo ha fatto lo stesso !!!
Anche peggio, le autorita' locali del Kosovo hanno respinto le
informazioni sulle bombe al DU e sul loro pericolo accusandole di
essere propoganda Serba, un trucco per costringere le truppe Nato
ad abbandonare il Kosovo (?!). Una totale mancanza di
responsabilita' e sottostima del problema con cui si trovano a che
fare! Qualcosa sta cambiando ora, perche' dei medici hanno
cominciato a svolgere alcune ricerche dettagliate quando la gente
si e' presentata con alcuni particolari problemi.

In Kosovo, finora, non ci sono indicazioni sull'aumento di tumori o
di altre malattie che potrebbe essere collegato agli effetti del DU.
Ma, dopo un anno e mezzo, probabilmente e' ancora presto perche'
le conseguenze si manifestino. La situazione e' decisamente
peggiore in Bosnia dove le conseguenze dei bombardamenti sono
piu' visibili (gli attacchi della NATO furono nel 1994 e nel 1995).

Sai gia' delle indagini dell'UNEP, non lo ripetero', quindi aspettiamo
per il rapporto finale che sara' pubblicato in Marzo 2001.
In base ai risultati finali dei cinque laboratori indipendenti, che
saranno pubblicati in Marzo, l'UNEP decidera' in merito a ulteriori
missioni in Bosnia, Serbia e Iraq per ricerche in aree che
potrebbero essere radioattive o tossiche.
Il problema principale e' perche' la missione in Bosnia deve
dipendere dai risultati in Kosovo? Perche' l'equipe di ricercatori non
e' gia' stata mandata in Bosnia, dove ci sono casi ben peggiori che
in Kosovo?


Fonti dell'esercito Jugoslavo dicono che quattro aree nella Serbia
meridionale sono contaminate perche' bombardate con proiettili
dall'uranio impoverito durante l'intervento della Nato. Alcuni di
questi posti sono marcati con cartelli che avvisano sulla
pericolosita' dell'area. Ma le autorita' dell'esercito jugoslavo non
hanno mai informato il pubblico su quale sia il livello di

E' noto che quando l'esercito jugoslavo ha marcato i posti
contaminati vicino Bujanovac, i contadini albanesi che vivevano li'
vicino hanno pensato che l'esercito avesse fatto questo apposta
per impedire loro di portare il bestiame nei campi, cosi' hanno tolto
i segnali di pericolo e hanno portato i loro animali a pascolare
sopra i campi contaminati!!!

Vengono riportati pochi casi di soldati dell'esercito jugoslavo che
sono stati in Kosovo duranto le incursioni aeree della Nato, e ai
quali ora e' stata diagnosticata leucemia o cancro.

Nella zona di Pcinjski (dove sono stati trovati dei proiettili nel
terreno) viene riscontrata una radioattivita' superiore di 2000 volte
superiore al normale, pero' a un metro di distanza non e' piu'
presente (affermazione del dr .Miroslav Simic, specialista in
radioattivita' del Centro per la protezione medica di Vranje);

Ancora, quando l'UNEP ricevera' i risultati dei laboratori (dopo le
ricerce in Kosovo) si dedicera' a riguardo di nuove missioni in


Periodo dei bombardamenti NATO: Agosto-Settembre 1994;
Agosto-Settembre 1995;

circa 10000 proiettili all'uranio impoverito sono stati sparati

Alcuni dei posti in Bosnia bombardati con uranio impoverito sono
noti, ma la Nato non ha ancora dato informazioni complete sui
posti. Cio' che si sa e' che la maggior parte degli obiettivi erano
intorno Sarajevo e nella Bosnia centrale e centro-meridionale.

La situazione in Bosnia e' decisamente peggiore che in Kosovo
(probabilmente perche' e' passato piu' tempo, 5 anni, e le
conseguenze sono visibili). C'e' la conferma di un aumento di casi
di cancro e di altre malattie nelle zone che erano sotto gli attacchi
della Nato con uranio impoverito.

Il posto piu' noto (essendo sottoposto al fuoco piu' intenso con
uranio impoverito e con il numero di tumori piu' significativo) e'
Hadzici, a 30 km da Sarajevo. Questa piccola citta' era sede
dell'industria di riparazioni belliche dell'esercito jugoslavo (durante
la guerra controllato dall'esercito serbo-bosniaco); la fabbrica e altri
importanti strutture e caserme militari nei dintorni di Hadzici furono
costantemente obiettivo dei bombardamenti con uranio impoverito
della Nato. Ho visto io stessa i resti di questo tipo di munizione in
una cassetta nella piccola strada all'interno della zona della
fabbrica, e' una foto che ha circolato parecchio sui media; il
problema e' che questa cassetta era li' abbandonata per terra.

Verso la fine del 1995 e l'inizio del 1996 la popolazione di Hadzici
(serbo-bosniaca) ha abbandonato l'area e la maggior parte si e'
trasferita a Bratunac, nella Bosnia settentrionale. Dal 1995 fino ad
oggi, i medici in Bratunac hanno registrato un atipico numero di
casi di cancro e strani sintomi solo tra la gente di Hadzici, e non
tra gli abitanti locali. Il doppio delle persone di Hadzici sono morte,
in confronto con quelle di Bratunac, e la maggior parte per cancro.
La situazione non e' normale.

Ad esempio, ho visitato la famiglia Radic: il padre (56 anni) e la
madre (47 anni) sono morti di cancro, il loro figlio ha problemi di
salute ed attualmente e' ricoverato per accertamenti in ospedale;
allo zio e' stata diagnosticata la leucemia. Tutti erano stati esposti
direttamente all'uranio impoverito durante il bombardamento di
Hadzici (vivevano molto vicino alla fabbrica). Lo zio, un uomo di 47
anni, mi aveva mostrato una pallottola all'uranio impoverito, che non
era esplosa e che lui aveva trovato all'interno della fabbrica in
Hadzici, dove lui lavorava. Conservava quella pallottola e altre parti
di munizioni a casa sua! E le prendeva e me le mostrava con le
mani nude! Mi disse che ai bambini in Hadzici piaceva giocare con
queste cose, e la gente portava le pallottole a casa come souvenir
e persino utilizzavano parti di proiettili come strumenti da
giardinaggio, essendo il metallo molto buono! Dopo il
bombardamento, i lavoratori della fabbrica erano soliti ripulire lo
spazio dalle parti di metallo e dai proiettili a mani nude! Nessuno
ha mai detto loro qual'era il pericolo dell'uranio impoverito! Anche
peggio, un dottore di Belgrado mi ha detto che i militari serbo-
bosniaci hanno riciclato parti dei proiettili all'uranio impoverito per
farsi dei giubbotti anti-proiettile, perche'e' un materiale migliore
dell'acciao! E' pazzesco!

Il caso piu' noto di Hadzici e Sladjana, una bambina di 12 anni. Ha
dei seri problemi di respirazione, vomita in continuazione, avverte
costanti dolori alle ossa, alle spalle e alla schiena, le cascano le
unghie delle mani e dei piedi,... La sua malattia non e'
diagnosticata. In Hadzici era solita giocare nel cratere dietro casa
sua, provocato da un bombardamento, dove giocava con pezzi rotti
di metallo che trovava nel cratere! I medici di Belgrado che l'hanno
in cura sono venuti in contatto con altri medici giapponesi che
hanno confermato loro che i suoi sintomi sono tipici di persone
contaminatae da radiazioni.

Per quanto sappiamo, i suoi sintomi mostrano che potrebbe essere
stata colpita dagli effetti di bombe aerosol! Secondo la descrizione
di molte persone sembra che anche questo tipo di bombe sia stato

La dott.ssa Slavica Jovanovic di Bratunac ha svolto alcune ricerche
dopo aver notato quante persone venivano all'ospedale con strani
sindromi e tutte provenienti da Hadzici.
La Jovanovic ha fatto alcune semplici ricerche nel 1996, 1997 e
nella prima meta' del 1998 contando il numero di morti e secondo
le sue ricerche il doppio delle persone da Hadzici stanno morendo
in paragone con gli abitanti di Bratunac; nel 1996, tra 4.500 - 5.000
profughi da Hadzici, 31 sono morti; nel 1997 1.500 profughi di
Hadzici hanno lasciato Bratunac e sono andati a vivere altrove, ma
41 sono morti (come si vede il numero e' crescente); nella prima
meta' del 1998, sono morti in 26; La dott.ssa Jovanovic dice:
"Voglio solo mostrare come qualcosa sta succedendo qui, c'e'
qualche fattore esterno che ha influito sulla salute di questa gente
e chiedo alle autorita' di iniziare delle ricerche serie. Ricerche che
non sono mai state fatte!".

La storia di Hadzici e Bratunac e' diventata nota quando il
giornalista locale Nedeljko Zelenovic (anche lui di Hadzici) ha fatto
un'indagine (confrontando informazioni sui morti nei libri delle
chiese locali e dei municipi ecc) ed e' arrivato alla conclusione che
quasi 400 persone di Hadzici trasferitesi a Bratunac sono morte di

Un altro caso significativo e' la citta di Doboj, nella Bosnia centrale:
il tasso di cancro e infezioni respiratorie e' 2.5 volte maggiore
rispetto a prima della guerra! Vi sono molti casi di malattie
respiratorie e problemi alla pelle. Nel triennio 1996-1999 vi sono
state 247 operazioni per tumori alla pelle e al collo; nel 1990-1991,
con la popolazione circa 3 volte piu' grande (durante e dopo la
guerra molta gente è andata via), vi furono solo 154 operazioni per
I posti bombardati nelle vicinanze di Doboj sono: Potocani
(produzione militare, obiettivo militare, 15 km a sud di Doboj;
Ciganiste, ripetitore di telecomunciazioni, a 5 km dal centro della
citta'; il ripetitore della radio locale, 2 km a sud dal centro della
citta'; Kraljica, centro di comunicazioni, a 35 km da Doboj);

La situazione e' simile nelle citta' di Kalinovik (vicino Sarajevo),
Foca etc.

Kalinovik: il dr. Trifko Guzina ha affermato che 9 casi di cancro
all'apparato digestivo erano stati registrati prima della guerra, nel
1996-2000 invece ve ne sono stati 100; i tumori ai polmoni sono
piu' che raddoppiati rispetto a prima della guerra; nel 1992-95 46
cases, nel 1996-2000 116 casi.

Non c'e' ancora una missione internazionale che stia lavorando sul
problema della Bosnia. I medici del posto possono solo cercare di
curare le malattie e di aiutare la gente ma non hanno dei laboratori
sofisticati per individuare l'origine delle malattie e la possibile
presenza di uranio nelle ossa o nel sangue delle persone.

Le autorita' militari serbo-bosniache, insieme a ricercatori e
scienziati di Belgrado, hanno svolto alcune indagini
immediatamente dopo i bombardamenti Nato del 1999. Ad oggi (!)
questi risultati non sono stati pubblicati, ne' in Bosnia ne' in Serbia!
Nessuno ha mai messo in guardia gli abitanti di Hadzici, Doboj o
altri posti sui possibili pericoli di contaminazione e avvelenamento!

Ricerche sia scientifiche che mediche sono necessarie per provare
in che modo ed esattamente a causa di quali munizioni sono stati
esposti gli abitanti di queste citta' bosniache e come cio' e'
collegato con l'uranio impoverito o altri elementi radioattivi.

Il libro "The Invisible War", di Martin Messonnier, Frederick Loore e
Roger Trilling (tre autori dalla Francia, Belgio e Stati Uniti) offre
molte informazioni sul DU e sulla possibilita' che possa contenere
altri e piu' pericolosi elementi, insieme alle possibili cause di

Il libro si basa su un eccellente documentario.

Affermazioni nel libro:
- I proiettili sparati in Iraq e in Kosovo erano composti da un
materiale contaminato da un potenziale cocktail letale di scorie
nucleari, plutonio e altri prodotti nucleari altamente tossici;
- Il Pentagono ha sviato il mondo con le affermazioni che i proiettili
al DU sono sicure, dicendo che essi contengono uranio solo
leggeremente radioattivo. Ma gli autori affermano che i proiettili
sono stati fatti con uranio contaminato da elementi piu' tossici;
- L'esercito USA e' determinato a mantenere in uso i proiettili al DU
nonostante il fatto che la stessa Marina militare U.S.A. abbia
rinunciato (la US Navy ha gradualmente eliminato gli stock negli
ultimi dieci anni, rimpiazzando i proiettili all'uranio impoverito con
quelli al tungsteno, che non e' radioattivo ed e' molto meno tossico).
Gli impianti nucleari dai quali proviene l'uranio impoverito sono:
Paducah (Kentucky), Portsmouth (Ohio), Oak Ridge (Tennessee).
Il caso piu' emblematico e' quello dell'impianto di Paducah: migliaia
di lavoratori hanno avuto problemi simili ai veterani della guerra del
golfo e cio' e' stato anche confermato da Bill Richardson, segretario
del Department of Energy. Documenti dell'agosto 1999 mostrano
che i lavoratori di Paducah hanno respirato plutonio come
conseguenza di un "difettoso esperimento governativo sul
riciclaggio di combustibile nucleare"; l'aumento di tumori apparse
gia' negli anni 80; nell'ottobre 1999 il Dipartimento dell'Energia ha
riportato che "durante il processo di creazione di combustibile per
reattori nucleari e di elementi per armi nucleari, l'impianto di
diffusione gas di Paduah ha creato uranio impoverito
potenzialmente contenente nettunio e plutonio";
- Kenneth Bacon, portavoce del Dipartimento alla Difesa, ha detto
che alcuni elementi estranei sono stati trovati nell'uranio impoverito
nel 1999 e che l'impianto nucleare di Paducah (che produce il DU)
e' stato chiuso per 90 giorni; La Nuclear Regulatory Commission
degli USA ha sospeso i lavori nell'impianto di Paducah, Kentucky;
gli scienziati affermano che respirare anche un milionesimo di
oncia di plutonio puo' provocare il cancro.
- Quindi, secondo gli autori, le uniche possibili origini dell'uranio
impoverito sono Paducah, Portsmouth e Oak Ridge, che hanno
usato uranio contaminato. I lavoratori in Paducah e in altri impianti,
come i soldati in Iraq e in Kosovo, non erano equipaggiati per
maneggiare questi pericoli. Paducah era progettata per gestire
uranio, non plutonio, che e' estremamente piu' radioattivo dell'uranio.

Tutte le affermazione nel libro si basano su documenti militari e

Quindi, sembra evidente che uranio impoverito pulito e sporco
siano stati mescolati a Paducah o negli stock del Ministero della
Difesa negli anni 80. Una decisione politica e militare e' stata presa
di utilizzarlo lo stesso, nella credenza o speranza che solo piccole
quantita' di materiale altamente radioattivo fossero coinvolte.
Non e' ancora noto se la mescolanza e' avvenuta per errore o


Ufficiali dell'esercito serbo-bosniaco hanno confermato che nel
1996 i soldati italiani erano dislocati nei dintorni di Sarajevo, nei
posti colpiti dai bombardamenti di Agosto-Settembre 1995. I soldati
italiani controllavano i posti bombardati quindi erano in diretto
contatto con particelle di munizioni, polvere tossica, ecc


Uno degli ancora ignoti problemi in Bosnia sono le scorie nucleari e
la grande posssibilita' che le forze della Nato abbiano trasportato
scorie nucleari dai paesi occidentali in Bosnia.
Ci sono molte informazioni da gente del posto e media bosniaci
locali (ma mai confermato da nessuno ufficialmente) che la Nato ha
segretamente messo delle scorie nucleari sul monte Igman (vicino
Sarajevo). Un altro posto dove delle scorie nucleare potrebbero
essere state messe e' sottoterra in prossimita' dell'aeroporto vicino
la citta' di Bihac, nella Bosnia occidentale.
I medici in Sarajevo hanno ufficialmente confermato che c'e' un
atipico aumento nel numero di tumori da quell'area (che non fu
bombardata dagli attacchi Nato del 1995).
E' veramente difficile controllare tutto questo, perche' queste aree
sono protette dalle forze della Nato (che naturalmente negano
tutto) e le autorita' locali bosniache, anche se sapessero qualcosa,
non vogliono contrapporsi alla Nato e agli USA, temendo di perdere
il loro supporto.

Alcune cose importanti:

- nel 1995, ufficiali di parte serbo-bosniaca hanno mandato agli
uffici delle Nazioni Unite in Zagabria i primi rapporti frutto delle
indagini sulle conseguenze dei bombardamenti Nato. L'ufficio delle
Nazioni Unite in Zagabria non ha mai fatto niente a riguardo (cio' e'
affermato dal prof. Novica Vojinovic, serbo-bosniaco);

- dopo i bombardamenti della Nato, gia' nel 1995, scienziati del
centro di ricerche atomiche Vinca di Begrado e specialisti
dell'esercito jugoslavo sono venuti dalla Serbia e hanno svolto delle
ricerche; fino ad oggi i risultati non sono mai stati pubblicati;

- tutte le iniziative di alcuni medici e specialisti serbi per
continuare le ricerche sono state fermate; i motivi sono che il
governo serbo probabilmente teme che i serbo-bosniaci possano
emigrare in Serbia (dove gia' ci sono moltissimi profughi) a cio'
potrebbe indebolire la posizione della Republika Srpska (di parte
serbo bosniaca); un altro motivo e' che le autorita' serbo bosniache
temono che qualsiasi informazione sulla contaminazione potrebbe
mettere a repentaglio i prodotti agricoli sul mercato;

Molte domande sono ancora senza risposta:

Quali sono i posti esatti in Bosnia bombardati con DU?

E' l'uranio impoverito l'unico materiale radioattivo usato durante gli
attacchi Nato? Qual'era il contenuto delle munizioni all'uranio
impoverito e la sua origine (tracce di U236 e plutonio...)?

Perche' l'UNEP e l'OMS non mandano gruppi di ricerca in Bosnia e
non solo in Kosovo?
La Bosnia e' il posto dove sono avvenuti bombardamenti piu' intensi
in aree concentrate, ed e' passato un periodo di tempo
sufficientemente lungo per poter vedere le conseguenze, come
l'aumento dei numeri di casi di cancro ecc



francesco iannuzzelli francesco@...
associazione peacelink - sez. disarmo
...e tutto questo avra' eco,
e arrivera' fino all'ultimo angolo della terra


Questa lista e' provvisoriamente curata da componenti
dell'ex Coordinamento Nazionale "La Jugoslavia Vivra'",
oggi "Comitato Promotore dell'Assemblea Antimperialista".

I documenti distribuiti non rispecchiano necessariamente le
opinioni delle realta' che compongono questa struttura, ma
vengono fatti circolare per il loro contenuto informativo al
solo scopo di segnalazione e commento ("for fair use only").
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