>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Aug. 24, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>U.S. court rules against Serb leader
>By Sara Flounders
>On Aug. 10, a federal court in New York ruled that Radovan
>Karadzic, the Bosnian Serb leader during the civil war in
>Bosnia seven years ago, must pay $745 million in damages for
>the crimes of rape, torture and genocide committed during
>the civil war.
>Of course, no money is expected to be recovered. The charge
>was originally filed in 1993 for propaganda purposes at the
>height of the Bosnian civil war. The decision seven years
>later received the full front page and three inside pages of
>coverage in the Aug. 11 edition of Newsday, and wide
>attention in other media.
>How could a U.S. federal court in New York even have
>jurisdiction over what happened in another country to people
>who had no connection to the United States?
>This "trial" is part of a continuing effort to give the U.S.
>government the basis to charge and convict leaders of any
>country that is the target of CIA destabilization. It
>revived all the charges that were used to justify U.S.
>military intervention and occupation in the Balkans.
>Karadzic is not charged with committing any of the crimes
>directly. He is charged as the leader of a government that
>has been a target of continuing demonization.
>Karadzic could not travel to New York or present any defense
>in this one-sided trial. He is in hiding in Bosnia after
>being indicted on similar charges at the court established
>at The Hague by U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright--
>the so-called International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
>Of course, no testimony presented in the U.S. federal court
>in New York or the Tribunal based at The Hague even
>mentioned Washington's role in manufacturing the break-up of
>the Yugoslav Federation, fomenting the civil war and bombing
>civilians in Bosnia and Yugoslavia.
>But the criminal role of the United States, Germany and
>other Western governments has been well documented by
>people's tribunals in New York, Berlin, Rome, Athens, Moscow
>and Kiev, Ukraine, over the past year.
>The charges of genocide and mass rapes in Bosnia were the
>beginning of a massive, well-orchestrated public relations
>campaign to demand U.S./NATO intervention in the Balkans.
>Claiming to be a force for peace and stability in a bloody
>civil war, the Pentagon has now established a whole network
>of military bases in Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo,
>Hungary and the Czech Republic.
>Serb towns in Bosnia were the targets of more than 4,000
>U.S. bombings in 1994 and 1995. In 1999 the Pentagon and
>NATO bombed Yugoslavia for 78 days.
>The charge of rape made against the Serbs shaped the views
>of millions of people who previously had little interest in
>the Balkans.
>In late 1992 and early 1993, sensational news reports
>charged that mass rapes were a planned, deliberate strategy
>of the Bosnian Serb leadership.
>Women are the first victims in every war. Rape and the
>degrading abuse of women are all too often carried out as a
>stamp of conquest by invading armies imbued with patriarchal
>But the charge of rape has also often been consciously used
>as an essential prop of war propaganda. The supposed defense
>of women is used to mobilize armies and to galvanize blind
>Without any examination of the highly biased sources, the
>major Western media gave lurid descriptions of rape camps
>where it was claimed that between 20,000 and 100,000 Muslim
>and Croatian women were raped. This crystallized the public
>view that Serbs were the evil aggressors and Muslims and
>Croatians the helpless victims.
>The charge that 30,000 women and girls had been raped
>originated with the foreign minister of Bosnia, Haris
>Silajdzic, in order to stall peace talks in Geneva in late
>In January 1993 the Warburton Report authorized by the
>European Community estimated that 20,000 Muslim women had
>been raped as part of a Serb strategy of conquest. This
>report was widely cited as an authoritative, independent
>No coverage was given to a dissenting member of the
>investigative team--European Parliament President Simone
>Veil--who revealed that the estimate of 20,000 rapes was
>based on interviews with only four victims, two women and
>two men.
>The Croatian Ministry of Health in Zagreb was the main
>source on which the Warburton Report based its estimate of
>20,000 rapes.
>Because the charge of systematic Serbian rapes of Muslim and
>Croatian women has been repeated so often, it is now
>accepted as an undisputed fact.
>Publications vied with each other for sensationalized
>accounts. USA Today told the story of a 5-month-old baby who
>was supposedly the result of Serbian rape. The New York
>Times carried a photo story with the caption, "Two-month-old
>baby girl born to a teen-age Muslim woman after she was
>raped in a Serbian detention camp." The war was not yet nine
>months old.
>Ms. Magazine ran a cover story that accused Bosnian Serb
>forces of raping for the purpose of producing pornographic
>films. No such films were ever found and the charges were
>not supported by the findings of Helsinki Watch or Human
>Rights Watch.
>The woman who was the star witness and main media
>spokesperson in the New York trial and judgment, Jadranka
>Cigelj, is a paid propagandist who worked for the Croatian
>Information Center.
>She was well known in radical Croatian nationalist circles.
>She was also the vice-chair of Croatian President Franjo
>Tudjman's fascist HDZ Party.
>The HDZ is closely linked to the Ustashe Party that led
>Croatia during the Nazi occupation in World War II.
>Perhaps because of her fascist political background, in
>interviews Cigelj always brands the Serbs as "far worse than
>the Nazis."
>Cigelj's rape charges are extensively quoted in almost all
>articles and testimony on rapes in Bosnia. However, her
>accounts have changed several times.
>Thomas Deichmann, a German researcher and journalist, has
>documented Cigelj's varied testimony and her political
>background in a chapter of the book, "War, Lies and
>Videotape," published by the International Action Center.
>In one publication produced by the Croatian Information
>Center, Cigelj charged that a Serbian reserve officer raped
>her. In a later article with Roy Gutman of Newsday, she
>charged that Zeljko Mejakic, the Serbian commander of a
>refugee camp, and two camp guards raped her.
>Later, in a German publication, her story changed again. She
>testified in the highly publicized case of another man,
>former Serbian soldier Jezdimir Topic, who faced deportation
>from the United States in 1999.
>Cigelj offered to become a key prosecution witness against
>another Serb, Dusan Tadic, at the Hague Tribunal. She was
>rejected because she was seen as an unreliable source.
>However, Cigelj has been featured in documentaries, received
>financial awards, and was the main spokesperson of a 25-city
>U.S. tour organized by Amnesty International.
>None of the discrepancies in her story or her right-wing
>political activities was reported in the coverage of her
>testimony against Radovan Karadzic.
>Nowhere in Newsday's three pages of coverage recounting
>charges of Serbian rapes in Bosnia were the conditions women
>face today under NATO occupation even mentioned.
>Throughout Eastern and Central Europe, in Russia and the
>former Soviet republics, the chaos and dislocation of the
>capitalist market have eroded the enormous gains women made
>under socialism.
>A decade ago these countries guaranteed full employment and
>two years paid maternity leave. Now unemployment of 30-40
>percent is the norm. Health care and child-care services
>have collapsed.
>Women's organizations were understandably outraged by the
>lurid reports concerning mass rapes in Bosnia seven years
>ago. They would make a contribution if they focused their
>resources on exposing the conditions for women living under
>U.S. domination today.
>U.S. troops and bases do not protect women. They exist to
>protect the extraction of profits for giant capitalist
>institutions. In every U.S. military operation an entire sex
>industry of bars, strip joints and brothels is created
>around the bases.
>This experience of Vietnam, Thailand, Korea and the
>Philippines is now the reality around U.S. bases in Tuxla,
>Bosnia, and at Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo.
>At the United Nations Beijing Plus Five Conference of 10,000
>women in June, the worldwide status of women was examined.
>It was estimated that more than half-a-million women from
>Central and Eastern Europe are shipped abroad each year as
>part of the worldwide trafficking in prostitutes. Bosnia was
>cited as one of the worst examples. (New York Times, June
>Flounders is co-director of the International Action Center
>in New York. Background materials for this article appeared
>in two IAC books, "NATO in the Balkans" and "War, Lies and
>Videotape," both available at
>- END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
>copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
>changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
>Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
>ww@.... For subscription info send message to:
>info@.... Web:
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
>Via Workers World News Service
>Reprinted from the Aug. 24, 2000
>issue of Workers World newspaper
>U.S. court rules against Serb leader
>By Sara Flounders
>On Aug. 10, a federal court in New York ruled that Radovan
>Karadzic, the Bosnian Serb leader during the civil war in
>Bosnia seven years ago, must pay $745 million in damages for
>the crimes of rape, torture and genocide committed during
>the civil war.
>Of course, no money is expected to be recovered. The charge
>was originally filed in 1993 for propaganda purposes at the
>height of the Bosnian civil war. The decision seven years
>later received the full front page and three inside pages of
>coverage in the Aug. 11 edition of Newsday, and wide
>attention in other media.
>How could a U.S. federal court in New York even have
>jurisdiction over what happened in another country to people
>who had no connection to the United States?
>This "trial" is part of a continuing effort to give the U.S.
>government the basis to charge and convict leaders of any
>country that is the target of CIA destabilization. It
>revived all the charges that were used to justify U.S.
>military intervention and occupation in the Balkans.
>Karadzic is not charged with committing any of the crimes
>directly. He is charged as the leader of a government that
>has been a target of continuing demonization.
>Karadzic could not travel to New York or present any defense
>in this one-sided trial. He is in hiding in Bosnia after
>being indicted on similar charges at the court established
>at The Hague by U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright--
>the so-called International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
>Of course, no testimony presented in the U.S. federal court
>in New York or the Tribunal based at The Hague even
>mentioned Washington's role in manufacturing the break-up of
>the Yugoslav Federation, fomenting the civil war and bombing
>civilians in Bosnia and Yugoslavia.
>But the criminal role of the United States, Germany and
>other Western governments has been well documented by
>people's tribunals in New York, Berlin, Rome, Athens, Moscow
>and Kiev, Ukraine, over the past year.
>The charges of genocide and mass rapes in Bosnia were the
>beginning of a massive, well-orchestrated public relations
>campaign to demand U.S./NATO intervention in the Balkans.
>Claiming to be a force for peace and stability in a bloody
>civil war, the Pentagon has now established a whole network
>of military bases in Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo,
>Hungary and the Czech Republic.
>Serb towns in Bosnia were the targets of more than 4,000
>U.S. bombings in 1994 and 1995. In 1999 the Pentagon and
>NATO bombed Yugoslavia for 78 days.
>The charge of rape made against the Serbs shaped the views
>of millions of people who previously had little interest in
>the Balkans.
>In late 1992 and early 1993, sensational news reports
>charged that mass rapes were a planned, deliberate strategy
>of the Bosnian Serb leadership.
>Women are the first victims in every war. Rape and the
>degrading abuse of women are all too often carried out as a
>stamp of conquest by invading armies imbued with patriarchal
>But the charge of rape has also often been consciously used
>as an essential prop of war propaganda. The supposed defense
>of women is used to mobilize armies and to galvanize blind
>Without any examination of the highly biased sources, the
>major Western media gave lurid descriptions of rape camps
>where it was claimed that between 20,000 and 100,000 Muslim
>and Croatian women were raped. This crystallized the public
>view that Serbs were the evil aggressors and Muslims and
>Croatians the helpless victims.
>The charge that 30,000 women and girls had been raped
>originated with the foreign minister of Bosnia, Haris
>Silajdzic, in order to stall peace talks in Geneva in late
>In January 1993 the Warburton Report authorized by the
>European Community estimated that 20,000 Muslim women had
>been raped as part of a Serb strategy of conquest. This
>report was widely cited as an authoritative, independent
>No coverage was given to a dissenting member of the
>investigative team--European Parliament President Simone
>Veil--who revealed that the estimate of 20,000 rapes was
>based on interviews with only four victims, two women and
>two men.
>The Croatian Ministry of Health in Zagreb was the main
>source on which the Warburton Report based its estimate of
>20,000 rapes.
>Because the charge of systematic Serbian rapes of Muslim and
>Croatian women has been repeated so often, it is now
>accepted as an undisputed fact.
>Publications vied with each other for sensationalized
>accounts. USA Today told the story of a 5-month-old baby who
>was supposedly the result of Serbian rape. The New York
>Times carried a photo story with the caption, "Two-month-old
>baby girl born to a teen-age Muslim woman after she was
>raped in a Serbian detention camp." The war was not yet nine
>months old.
>Ms. Magazine ran a cover story that accused Bosnian Serb
>forces of raping for the purpose of producing pornographic
>films. No such films were ever found and the charges were
>not supported by the findings of Helsinki Watch or Human
>Rights Watch.
>The woman who was the star witness and main media
>spokesperson in the New York trial and judgment, Jadranka
>Cigelj, is a paid propagandist who worked for the Croatian
>Information Center.
>She was well known in radical Croatian nationalist circles.
>She was also the vice-chair of Croatian President Franjo
>Tudjman's fascist HDZ Party.
>The HDZ is closely linked to the Ustashe Party that led
>Croatia during the Nazi occupation in World War II.
>Perhaps because of her fascist political background, in
>interviews Cigelj always brands the Serbs as "far worse than
>the Nazis."
>Cigelj's rape charges are extensively quoted in almost all
>articles and testimony on rapes in Bosnia. However, her
>accounts have changed several times.
>Thomas Deichmann, a German researcher and journalist, has
>documented Cigelj's varied testimony and her political
>background in a chapter of the book, "War, Lies and
>Videotape," published by the International Action Center.
>In one publication produced by the Croatian Information
>Center, Cigelj charged that a Serbian reserve officer raped
>her. In a later article with Roy Gutman of Newsday, she
>charged that Zeljko Mejakic, the Serbian commander of a
>refugee camp, and two camp guards raped her.
>Later, in a German publication, her story changed again. She
>testified in the highly publicized case of another man,
>former Serbian soldier Jezdimir Topic, who faced deportation
>from the United States in 1999.
>Cigelj offered to become a key prosecution witness against
>another Serb, Dusan Tadic, at the Hague Tribunal. She was
>rejected because she was seen as an unreliable source.
>However, Cigelj has been featured in documentaries, received
>financial awards, and was the main spokesperson of a 25-city
>U.S. tour organized by Amnesty International.
>None of the discrepancies in her story or her right-wing
>political activities was reported in the coverage of her
>testimony against Radovan Karadzic.
>Nowhere in Newsday's three pages of coverage recounting
>charges of Serbian rapes in Bosnia were the conditions women
>face today under NATO occupation even mentioned.
>Throughout Eastern and Central Europe, in Russia and the
>former Soviet republics, the chaos and dislocation of the
>capitalist market have eroded the enormous gains women made
>under socialism.
>A decade ago these countries guaranteed full employment and
>two years paid maternity leave. Now unemployment of 30-40
>percent is the norm. Health care and child-care services
>have collapsed.
>Women's organizations were understandably outraged by the
>lurid reports concerning mass rapes in Bosnia seven years
>ago. They would make a contribution if they focused their
>resources on exposing the conditions for women living under
>U.S. domination today.
>U.S. troops and bases do not protect women. They exist to
>protect the extraction of profits for giant capitalist
>institutions. In every U.S. military operation an entire sex
>industry of bars, strip joints and brothels is created
>around the bases.
>This experience of Vietnam, Thailand, Korea and the
>Philippines is now the reality around U.S. bases in Tuxla,
>Bosnia, and at Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo.
>At the United Nations Beijing Plus Five Conference of 10,000
>women in June, the worldwide status of women was examined.
>It was estimated that more than half-a-million women from
>Central and Eastern Europe are shipped abroad each year as
>part of the worldwide trafficking in prostitutes. Bosnia was
>cited as one of the worst examples. (New York Times, June
>Flounders is co-director of the International Action Center
>in New York. Background materials for this article appeared
>in two IAC books, "NATO in the Balkans" and "War, Lies and
>Videotape," both available at
>- END -
>(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
>copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
>changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
>Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
>ww@.... For subscription info send message to:
>info@.... Web:
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
Attraverso il loro sito internet ( i
militanti della organizzazione neonazista Forza Nuova annunciano che
presto metteranno se stessi "in condizioni di non nuocere". Fra i "Punti
Fermi" del loro programma per la rinascita nazionale infatti scrivono:
"...Vanno inoltre messi in condizione di non nuocere i gruppi la cui
fedeltà a potenze o lobby antiitaliane è chiara e conclamata.
Le potenze straniere resesi responsabili tramite propri agenti o
servizi segreti di omicidi o stragi nel nostro paese devono rispondere
del loro operato".
Il riferimento a Forza Nuova, organizzazione che annovera tra le sue
fila personaggi implicati nelle vicende dello stragismo atlantico in
Italia e che si e' diffusa velocemente grazie agli appoggi del servizio
segreto inglese, e' evidente.
(su FN, lo stragismo ed i rapporti con i servizi segreti stranieri si
veda ad esempio: )
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
Attraverso il loro sito internet ( i
militanti della organizzazione neonazista Forza Nuova annunciano che
presto metteranno se stessi "in condizioni di non nuocere". Fra i "Punti
Fermi" del loro programma per la rinascita nazionale infatti scrivono:
"...Vanno inoltre messi in condizione di non nuocere i gruppi la cui
fedeltà a potenze o lobby antiitaliane è chiara e conclamata.
Le potenze straniere resesi responsabili tramite propri agenti o
servizi segreti di omicidi o stragi nel nostro paese devono rispondere
del loro operato".
Il riferimento a Forza Nuova, organizzazione che annovera tra le sue
fila personaggi implicati nelle vicende dello stragismo atlantico in
Italia e che si e' diffusa velocemente grazie agli appoggi del servizio
segreto inglese, e' evidente.
(su FN, lo stragismo ed i rapporti con i servizi segreti stranieri si
veda ad esempio: )
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
Il giornale non esiste piu', ma i soldi girano che e' una bellezza,
grazie a tutte le "Feste" organizzate in giro per l'Italia!
Nostri compagni hanno fatto una visita a Bologna, dove
l'associazione "Skanderbeg" e' presente con il proprio stand alla
kermesse fieristico-culinaria, stand da cui, fra bandiere dell'UCK e
aquilotti vari, diffonde quotidianamente il verbo del Kosova
Sembra tra l'altro che proprio la "Skanderbeg" abbia intascato dalla
vecchia amministrazione felsinea £150.000.000 per un progetto di aiuti
alle giovani prostitute albanesi presenti nel capoluogo, soldi di cui a
tutt'oggi si ignora ancora quale sia stato il vero impiego. D'altronde,
nell'aprile del '99 questi grandi combattenti per la libertà muniti di
bandiere a stelle e strisce manifestavano in Piazza Maggiore a favore
dei bombardamenti Nato alla RFJ. Una nostra amica, che passando di lì
per caso fece timidamente notare a costoro che appariva quantomeno
autolesionista inneggiare proprio a chi li stava bombardando, si senti'
rimbeccare con un "vaffanculo troia!"
(Le puntate precedenti su: )
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
Il giornale non esiste piu', ma i soldi girano che e' una bellezza,
grazie a tutte le "Feste" organizzate in giro per l'Italia!
Nostri compagni hanno fatto una visita a Bologna, dove
l'associazione "Skanderbeg" e' presente con il proprio stand alla
kermesse fieristico-culinaria, stand da cui, fra bandiere dell'UCK e
aquilotti vari, diffonde quotidianamente il verbo del Kosova
Sembra tra l'altro che proprio la "Skanderbeg" abbia intascato dalla
vecchia amministrazione felsinea £150.000.000 per un progetto di aiuti
alle giovani prostitute albanesi presenti nel capoluogo, soldi di cui a
tutt'oggi si ignora ancora quale sia stato il vero impiego. D'altronde,
nell'aprile del '99 questi grandi combattenti per la libertà muniti di
bandiere a stelle e strisce manifestavano in Piazza Maggiore a favore
dei bombardamenti Nato alla RFJ. Una nostra amica, che passando di lì
per caso fece timidamente notare a costoro che appariva quantomeno
autolesionista inneggiare proprio a chi li stava bombardando, si senti'
rimbeccare con un "vaffanculo troia!"
(Le puntate precedenti su: )
e-mail: crj@... - URL:
Nel giro di pochi giorni in Francia due avvenimenti hanno pesantemente
messo all'ordine del giorno la concreta possibilita' della dissoluzione
del paese in un arcipelago di gabbie etniche.
Da una parte, un Ministro del governo si e' dimesso perche' contrario al
progetto di "devolution" corsicana, appoggiato dal resto dell'esecutivo,
progetto simile a quelli allo studio per L'Italia (ricordiamo che e'
stato lo stesso Bill Clinton a dare il beneplacito alcuni mesi fa
parlando di "devolution dell'Italia settentrionale").
Contemporaneamente giunge la notizia che grandi magnati
dell'imprenditoria e del sistema della (dis)informazione in Europa hanno
sponsorizzato l'inizio delle trasmissioni di una rete TV in lingua
bretone, che si ripromettere di rinforzare la conoscenza dell'ormai
disusato ed artificiale idioma, di coltivare i sentimenti
zoo-etno-identitari di 8 milioni di ex-francesi, e di portare avanti la
cultura "celtica" collegandosi ad altre simili istanze dal sapore
neonazista in giro nel vecchio continente.
Ricordiamo che in base alla stessa filosofia la Francia negli ultimi
anni ha attivamente contribuito allo squartamento della Jugoslavia ed
allo scatenarsi della guerra fratricida su quel territorio: chi di
micronazionalismo ferisce, di micronazionalismo perisce?
(Sul problema del progetto nazista di dissoluzione del vecchio
continente in un arcipelago di gabbie etniche, con relativa distruzione
dei diritti di cittadinanza e delle conquiste dei lavoratori negli
ultimi 150 anni attraverso l'introduzione del federalismo fiscale,
l'abolizione dei contratti nazionali di lavoro, del sistema sanitario
nazionale eccetera, si legga ad esempio:
Europa: unione e disgregazione - dal bollettino "Quemada" )
Breton language flourishes in new TV channel
By John Lichfield
The Independent, 31 August 2000
Tune in to the WestEnders of Europe. The first Breton
television station, and the first regional interest TV station of
any kind in France, goes on air tomorrow evening.
TV Breizh, which will broadcast throughout France in
simultaneous Breton and French-language versions, is no
amateurish community station with radical views and low
production values. It is backed by some of the biggest names
in media, including Rupert Murdoch, Silvio Berlusconi and the
most recognised face on French television, the newsreader
Patrick Poivre d'Arvor.
The station promises up to six hours of new Bretonlanguage
programming each day, as well as Celtic-interest films such
as Braveheart and (less obviously) James Bond, dubbed into
The intention is to make money, but also to satisfy the growing
demand of the 4.2 million Bretons (8 million in France as a
whole) for institutions that recognise their linguistic and
cultural identity.
Patrick Le Lay, the founding father of TV Breizh, said: "If we
satisfy this legitimate aspiration before it becomes a hardline
demand, we will be contributing to the moderation of the
debate." Mr Le Lay, born in Brittany and better known as a
businessman than a regional sentimentalist, heads TF1, the
most popular French channel. His personal contacts brought
in Mr Murdoch's News International (13 per cent of the £10m
capital), Mr Berlusconi (13 per cent) and another Breton-born
tycoon, the famously unsentimental Francois Pinault (27 per
cent). Mr Pinault is proprietor of, among many things, Gucci
and Christie's auction house.
TV Breizh, broadcasting 17 hours a day from a converted naval
canteen on the harbour-front at Lorient in southern Brittany,
arrives at a critical moment in the regional and linguistic
debate in France.
The proposals from Lionel Jospin, the Prime Minister, for
limited autonomy for Corsica - including the teaching of the
Corsican language in state schools - have led to matching
demands from other regions, especially Brittany.
Bretons say their language, which has affinities with Welsh
and Cornish, is older than French and has been deliberately
suppressed by the state since the First World War, and is
spoken by less than 10 per cent of the Breton population.
There is now a vogue for relearning the language among
educated Bretons and a resurgence of interest in Breton
music. The station aims to separate this interest in what Mr Le
Lay calls "Celtitude" from the extreme demands of fringe
groups such as the Breton Liberation Army, which killed a
woman when it set a bomb outside a McDonald's restaurant
near Rennes in April.
Ideologues of French republican centralism - such as the
former interior minister Jean-Pierre Chevènement, who
resigned this week - take the view that any manifestation of
regional identity or minority languages is a threat to the French
state. But there is now a growing alternative establishment
view that it would be sensible to adopt a more flexible
definition of "France".
The Breton station's backers have other motives, including in
Mr Murdoch's case gaining a toe-hold in the fiercely protected
French TV market. They also hope that, with a modest budget
of £8m a year and only 50 employees, TV Breizh will prove a
commercial success.
It will be available to satellite dish owners throughout France
and, on cable, to the 2.7 million homes in the five Breton
départements and to viewers in Paris.
The 4.2 million population of Brittany proper - including
Loire-Atlantique, historically Breton but severed from the
region by the French state - is larger than that of Ireland or
Wales and not far behind Scotland. Mr Le Lay hopes TV Breizh
will become part of a Celtic network, swapping and
commissioning programmes with RTE of Ireland and BBC
Scotland and Wales.
"Our ambition is Europe-wide, to work for the development of
Celtic culture, the inherited wealth of the populations of [the]
extreme west of Europe," said Mr Le Lay.
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Nel giro di pochi giorni in Francia due avvenimenti hanno pesantemente
messo all'ordine del giorno la concreta possibilita' della dissoluzione
del paese in un arcipelago di gabbie etniche.
Da una parte, un Ministro del governo si e' dimesso perche' contrario al
progetto di "devolution" corsicana, appoggiato dal resto dell'esecutivo,
progetto simile a quelli allo studio per L'Italia (ricordiamo che e'
stato lo stesso Bill Clinton a dare il beneplacito alcuni mesi fa
parlando di "devolution dell'Italia settentrionale").
Contemporaneamente giunge la notizia che grandi magnati
dell'imprenditoria e del sistema della (dis)informazione in Europa hanno
sponsorizzato l'inizio delle trasmissioni di una rete TV in lingua
bretone, che si ripromettere di rinforzare la conoscenza dell'ormai
disusato ed artificiale idioma, di coltivare i sentimenti
zoo-etno-identitari di 8 milioni di ex-francesi, e di portare avanti la
cultura "celtica" collegandosi ad altre simili istanze dal sapore
neonazista in giro nel vecchio continente.
Ricordiamo che in base alla stessa filosofia la Francia negli ultimi
anni ha attivamente contribuito allo squartamento della Jugoslavia ed
allo scatenarsi della guerra fratricida su quel territorio: chi di
micronazionalismo ferisce, di micronazionalismo perisce?
(Sul problema del progetto nazista di dissoluzione del vecchio
continente in un arcipelago di gabbie etniche, con relativa distruzione
dei diritti di cittadinanza e delle conquiste dei lavoratori negli
ultimi 150 anni attraverso l'introduzione del federalismo fiscale,
l'abolizione dei contratti nazionali di lavoro, del sistema sanitario
nazionale eccetera, si legga ad esempio:
Europa: unione e disgregazione - dal bollettino "Quemada" )
Breton language flourishes in new TV channel
By John Lichfield
The Independent, 31 August 2000
Tune in to the WestEnders of Europe. The first Breton
television station, and the first regional interest TV station of
any kind in France, goes on air tomorrow evening.
TV Breizh, which will broadcast throughout France in
simultaneous Breton and French-language versions, is no
amateurish community station with radical views and low
production values. It is backed by some of the biggest names
in media, including Rupert Murdoch, Silvio Berlusconi and the
most recognised face on French television, the newsreader
Patrick Poivre d'Arvor.
The station promises up to six hours of new Bretonlanguage
programming each day, as well as Celtic-interest films such
as Braveheart and (less obviously) James Bond, dubbed into
The intention is to make money, but also to satisfy the growing
demand of the 4.2 million Bretons (8 million in France as a
whole) for institutions that recognise their linguistic and
cultural identity.
Patrick Le Lay, the founding father of TV Breizh, said: "If we
satisfy this legitimate aspiration before it becomes a hardline
demand, we will be contributing to the moderation of the
debate." Mr Le Lay, born in Brittany and better known as a
businessman than a regional sentimentalist, heads TF1, the
most popular French channel. His personal contacts brought
in Mr Murdoch's News International (13 per cent of the £10m
capital), Mr Berlusconi (13 per cent) and another Breton-born
tycoon, the famously unsentimental Francois Pinault (27 per
cent). Mr Pinault is proprietor of, among many things, Gucci
and Christie's auction house.
TV Breizh, broadcasting 17 hours a day from a converted naval
canteen on the harbour-front at Lorient in southern Brittany,
arrives at a critical moment in the regional and linguistic
debate in France.
The proposals from Lionel Jospin, the Prime Minister, for
limited autonomy for Corsica - including the teaching of the
Corsican language in state schools - have led to matching
demands from other regions, especially Brittany.
Bretons say their language, which has affinities with Welsh
and Cornish, is older than French and has been deliberately
suppressed by the state since the First World War, and is
spoken by less than 10 per cent of the Breton population.
There is now a vogue for relearning the language among
educated Bretons and a resurgence of interest in Breton
music. The station aims to separate this interest in what Mr Le
Lay calls "Celtitude" from the extreme demands of fringe
groups such as the Breton Liberation Army, which killed a
woman when it set a bomb outside a McDonald's restaurant
near Rennes in April.
Ideologues of French republican centralism - such as the
former interior minister Jean-Pierre Chevènement, who
resigned this week - take the view that any manifestation of
regional identity or minority languages is a threat to the French
state. But there is now a growing alternative establishment
view that it would be sensible to adopt a more flexible
definition of "France".
The Breton station's backers have other motives, including in
Mr Murdoch's case gaining a toe-hold in the fiercely protected
French TV market. They also hope that, with a modest budget
of £8m a year and only 50 employees, TV Breizh will prove a
commercial success.
It will be available to satellite dish owners throughout France
and, on cable, to the 2.7 million homes in the five Breton
départements and to viewers in Paris.
The 4.2 million population of Brittany proper - including
Loire-Atlantique, historically Breton but severed from the
region by the French state - is larger than that of Ireland or
Wales and not far behind Scotland. Mr Le Lay hopes TV Breizh
will become part of a Celtic network, swapping and
commissioning programmes with RTE of Ireland and BBC
Scotland and Wales.
"Our ambition is Europe-wide, to work for the development of
Celtic culture, the inherited wealth of the populations of [the]
extreme west of Europe," said Mr Le Lay.
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