
* Verso un "nuovo Kosovo"... (Sabac Online)
* Armi USA per l'UCK (Tanjug / Emperors Clothes)
* 1995-1997: "preistoria" delle forniture di armi all'UCK... (BTA,
Albanian Daily News)
* Il terrorismo ceceno ha radici in Kosovo? (Albanian Daily News)
* BALKAN - ALBANIA - KOSOVO - HEROIN - JIHAD (Center for Peace in the
* Sui piani di stanziamento permanente USA in Kosovo (LA Times, Le
Figaro, SerbiaInfo)
* Un articolo sull'UCK da Foreign Affairs (link)



Text: Nick Arvanites , expert for geopolitics
© Sabac OnLine, June 2000.

It started with the "ethnic cleansing" of the Kosovo Albanians[1], but
one year after the entry of peacekeeping forces into
Kosovo, the tables have turned.

The KFOR peace force entered Kosovo on the 13th of June 1999 with the
aim of guaranteeing peace and security to all the
citizens of the Serbian southern province with the support of the UN
civil authority as well as a number of humanitarian
and non-government organizations[2]. Since then over 180,000 Serbs and
other non-Albanians have fled or have been
driven out of the province, 3,688 terrorist attacks have been
perpetrated, 739 people have been killed, 611 injured, 688
kidnapped and over 70 Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries
destroyed or damaged. According to journalistic data
the majority of Kosovo's towns have been all but cleansed of Serbs.

About 2,500 Serbs have remained in Orahovac and Velika Hoca, while from
the village of Brecja near Kosovo Polje, across
Drenica and Metohija to the Albanian border not more than a few tens of
Serbs remain. Around a hundred Serbian families
have remained in Prizren, six old women have found shelter in the
Djakovica church, and two women in the Pec
Patriarchy. A larger number of Serbs, about 100,000 have remained in the
Kosovo basin, the Morava valley of Kosovo and
in Sririnik region of the Sar mountains.[3]

Obviously, the state of affairs in Kosovo after the arrival of
peacekeeping forces has been deteriorating constantly. Some
of the UN representatives also think that there are no positive trends
in this region. For example, the German paper,
BERLINER ZEITUNG, quotes an active UN representative in Kosmet, Tom
Kenings, who says that "the murders of
Serbs and Romas have not stopped there" and concludes that "the idea of
the creation of multiethnic Kosovo has dismally

Some[5] believe that Kenings' statements contradict statements issuing
from NATO's military and political leadership,
that the Alliance is presently the only credible and effective force for
the containment of conflict anywhere in the world
especially when having in mind that, as a the result of the same NATO
policy, the Albanian authorities in the region are
caving in under the pressure from the criminal clans of Hasim Taci and
other KLA leaders who receive extra profit from
narcobusiness and the arms trade.

Four months after the bombardment of Yugoslavia, secret documents,
signed by the general secretary of NATO, Javier
Solana, were leaked. These documents analyze the manner in which the KLA
is financed and comment on its Mafia
connections and the routes by which arms reach Kosovo. All NATO members
were familiar with the contents of the
documents dated 10.02.1999[6]. However, this did not stop them from
launching the air-campaign against Yugoslavia
only 45 days later.

According to the precise, secret data in the document, the KLA received
arms and financial support from the Albanian
Diaspora and different criminal groups. Traffic in narcotics provides
the basic part of income. A significant role is played
by the Mafia from Croatia, consisting of Croats who left Kosovo from
1989 to 1990. It controls the drugs traffic in
Zagreb and gives economic support to the KLA. The routes along which
arms travel to Kosovo are the same ones used by
humanitarian organizations, and arms are hidden in the same trucks
carrying food and medicine. Besides some
internationally known humanitarian organizations, this is true of
Albanian humanitarian organizations such as "Help for
Kosovo" with central offices in Tirana. According to a further NATO
report the largest help to the KLA comes from
Europe, but also from North America and the Middle East. The arms routes
go through Bosnia, Italy, Croatia, Macedonia
and Montenegro. The countries from which the KLA has bought arms are:
Rumania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Turkey, Cyprus,
China, Israel, Bosnia, Croatia, South Africa and Switzerland. The
center of economic operations is in Switzerland and the
money is transferred further via banks. Bosnia has become the center of
arms trade due to its special position . After the
war in Croatia and Bosnia a large quantity of arms has remained there,
while SFOR "... allows smugglers freedom of
movement...". In one part, the report suggests measures to be used to
prevent the arms trade, arms delivery and financial
support to the KLA, but in the same breath it continues: "these measures
should be taken if this is the result we require".

The Kosmet "gray zone" which is more and more in the state of collapse,
due to the lack of infrastructure, political
corruption, the international community's lack of success and the loss
of legitimacy and control over certain factions, has
become the resort of criminal syndicates and terrorist groups which are
the centers of local power and money acquired
through smuggling, the development of low and middle level narcobusiness
and other illegal activities[7]. At the same
time a part of the KLA incorporates in the Albanian narcomafia[8] from
the harbor of Valona to Drac, the old training
centers of the KLA in northern Albania in Kukes, in Tropoja to the
Adriatic with transit zones through Prokletije or via
the Skadar lake channel. At the local level, former KLA structures aim
to create an ethnically cleansed Kosmet with the
forms of government of the Sicilian, Albanian or Colombian type, where
the Mafia controls local and other policies
primarily through influencing local administration and the management
of large firms, and by infiltrating the local
police and the UN and KFOR structures, primarily by means of supplying
luxury goods, drugs and prostitution[9].

More than 10,000 prostitutes are thought to be working in Kosmet,
recruited from Kosmet, Albania, Macedonia,
Bulgaria and the interior of Serbia and Montenegro with a calculated
profit of 600 to 700 million marks a year[10].
Counterfeit money and documents originating from Kosmet are also
expected to appear. It is clear that this is a highly
criminalized corner of southeast Europe, the potential victims of which
could also be the KFOR mission and the total
UN presence in Kosmet. The power of money can be used to bribe
influential individuals from the UN, OSCE, EU and
NATO administration.

According to the statements of OSCE mission co-workers in Kosovo, the
takeover of one of the largest energy
complexes, OBILIC, by the Kosmet Albanians the Thaci clan has secured
another source of riches. At this moment the
power station produces at least 700mWATTs of electrical energy, but only
150mWATTs reach the consumers. This
means that the rest of the energy is illegally exported to Macedonia,
Albania and possibly to Serbia, and the income thus
gained ends up in the pockets of the Thaci family. According to the UN
experts, this source of income is second in
importance after drugs trafficking but the present administration cannot
halt it due to an apparent lack of evidence. In the
UN and OSCE mission some believe that the UN mission chief Bernard
Koucner takes his cut of this profit, via Thaci.
Such rumors were be heard in Kosmet particularly after the release of
Thaci's brother who had been arrested at the
beginning of January this year because of illegal possession of arms and
released only a couple of hours later, following
the personal intervention of Kouchner[11].

Thus the Thaci clan and their associates can expand their influence on
political developments, the organization of local
government and the police, the distribution of humanitarian aid and the
expansion of crime while, at the same time,
carrying out terrorist acts against the non-Albanian population, thus
forcing them to flee the province. There are
additional indications that the KLA is preparing for the physical
liquidation of persons on the KLA lists[12]. Those
targeted would be politicians, journalists, members of the Yugoslav Army
and Police force, undesirable for the KLA but
also for the "underground diplomacy" of Albania and some countries of
the KFOR mission. Taci's intention seems to be to
launch terrorism within Serbia proper, everywhere where Albanians live,
primarily in Bujanovac, Presevo and Medvedja
where Albanians constitute a significant presence[13]. The resistance of
the Albanian village militias is also to be
expected, since they are against KLA plundering and enforcement of their
will in ethnically pure Albanian environments.
In this context the possibility of activating a part of the KLA in
Macedonia should not be excluded, and this would be
within "Brigade KLA 121"[14].

However, the Albanian "civil option" in Kosmet and other ordinary
citizens have reacted against the Thaci clan on a
number of occasions, some of them even say that "it was better at the
time of Serbs"[15], but those political players have
no room for maneuver at present. They are awaiting another phase with a
clearer form of KLA transformation and
probably a more stable picture of political actors in Belgrade who have
to understand that the solution exists only from
inside, and not outside, and that it is high time speeches about
Kosmet's and country's fate were delivered inside the
Serbian territory rather than in neighboring countries or luxurious
offices and hotels in abroad.

Nick Arvanites,
May, 2000.
© Saba c OnLine

[1] Raport mbi shkeljen e të drejtave e të lirive të njeriut në Kosovë
gjatë vitit 1999: DHUNA E TERRORI I

[2] Joska Fiser, Kosovo: Izazovi i Sanse, autorski tekst za BLIC,
24/3/2000- Ambassador Alexander Vershbow , European Security Post-Kosovo
Oxford's Konigswinter Conference 23/3/2000.

[3] Crucified Kosovo, Destroyed and Desecrated Serbian Orthodox Churches
in Kosovo and Metohia (June-October 1999), Media and Publishing
Center of Raska and Prizren Orthodox Eparchy- Zoran Andjelkovic, Days of
Terror,Center for Peace and Tolerance, Belgrade 2000-Teroristicki
Akti Albanskih Teroristickih Grupa na Kosovu i Metohiji, Dokumenta i
Dokazi 1/1/1998-10/6/1999, III&IV, SMIP, Beograd, Mart 2000- Sefko
Alomerovic, Postoje li Logori na Kosovu?, AIM, 31/3/2000- Gordana
Janicijevic, Otimaju Bebe, Zene, Starce, DUGA, No 1736Natasa Kandic, The
Lesson of Orahovac: The International Administration in KosovoEncourages
Violence Against Serbs, HLC Belgrade- Human Rights Watch, FRY:
Abuses Against Serbs and Roma in the New Kosovo, August 1999, Vol. 11,
No 10 (D)

[4] 18/1/2000

[5] N.D.A. Arvanites, Geopolitika i Balkan: Organizovani Kriminal i Novi
Svetski Poredak na Kosovu, BACL, Beograd 2000, p. 41-44

[6] IMS Assesment of UCK Arms Trafficking from Secretary General to
Permanent Representatives (Council) & Head of Mission of the Three
Invited Countries, SG (99) 0170, 10 February 1999- RIZOSPASTIS, 22
August 1999- STRATFOR Special Report, Kosovo: One Year Later,
3/3/2000- DUGA, Tajno Pismo Clanicama o Ilegalnom Naoruzavanju OVK,
No1721- N.D.A. Arvanites, Geopolitika i Balkan: Organizovani Kriminal
i Novi Svetski Poredak na Kosovu, BACL, Beograd 2000,p. 19-22, 29-32,

[7]Budimir Babovic, Iz Dosijea Interpola, Beograd 1991- Kosovo: Zona
bez Zakona, DANAS, 23/2/2000- Barry James, War Zone Turns to
Crime:Kosovo and Albania Are Cited for Lawlessness, International
Herald Tribune, 15/3/2000-Nikolaj Chavdarov, Kosovo Narco-Mafia Invading
Bulgaria, Sega, Sofia- Maggie O'Kane, Kosovo Drug Mafia Supply Heroin to
Europe, The Guardian, 13/3/2000- Imer Mushkolaj, KOSOVO DRUG
THREAT:Albanian drug dealers and traffickers are flourishing in post-war
Kosovo, IWPR'S BALKAN CRISIS REPORT, NO. 142, 23/5/2000

[8] Goran Draskovic, Osnovni Pravci Medjnarodnog Tranzita Opojnih Droga-
Ozivljavanje Balkanskog Puta in SPRECAVANJE ZLOUPOTREBE
DROGA, Srpsko Udruzenje Za Krivicno Pravo, 1999, p.123-131

[9] What Happened to the KLA?, International Crisis Group Reports,

[10] Transfer Devojaka sa Istoka na Zapad, DANAS 18/2/2000- Mlade
Albanke Belo Roblje, GLAS, 18/3/2000- NATO Forces spur Kosovo
Prostitution Boom, AFP, 5/1/2000- Frances Kennedy, Albanians Redraw
Italy's Crime Map, The Independent, 20/2/2000-James Pringle, Sex Slave
Trade Thrives Among Kosovo Troops, The Times, 5/2/2000-Nightclub
shame,24/2/2000, TIMES- FEATURES- Imer Mushkolaj and Mentor
Shala, A Prostitutes Call: We Will Take Over Kosovo, IWPR, No 101,

[11] Kosovo rebuilds among ruins of thewar that never ends, THE SUNDAY
TIMES, 19/5/2000- Kouchner and Reinhardt pronounce Thaci
untouchable, AFP, 22/1/2000- Vladimir Milovanovic, Kosovska Privreda:
Vlasnistvo Kusnera, VREME, 13/5/2000- on the field reports and
interviews in Kosovo

[12] Radivoje Petrovic, Likcidacije Medju Albanskim Teroristima,
POLITIKA, 11/5/2000- Granit Guri, Elimination of Former KLA Commanders:
File", AIM , 18/5/ 2000

[13] Baton Haxhiu, Pse nuk mund te perseritet UCK-ja?: Pse dallojne
Kosova Lindore dhe Kosova. Ideja per t'i pershtaturPresheves, Bujanocit
Medvegjes variantin e Kosoves eshte aq errezikshme sa mund te kete
pasoja te renda per Kosoven dhe per politiken nderkombetare karshi ketij
problemi, Revista Klan, Nr 150- Fehim Rexhepi, Presevo, Boujanovac,
Medvedja:Moguca Tacka Sukoba?, AIM,5/2/2000- Vukasin Obradovic, Sta
se Zbiva na Jugu Srbije?, AIM, 4/3/2000- Milorad Pavlovic, Presevo i
Bujanovac ili Prica o Najavi Vrelog Proleca, DUGA, No 1737

[14]Slucaj Aracinovo: Stranskite paruznavaci predupreduvat na "proletno
scenario", START, No 53, 28/1/2000.D.A. Arvanites, Geopolitika i Balkan:
Organizovani Kriminal i Novi Svetski Poredak na Kosovu, BACL, Beograd
2000,p. 23-27, 33-36, 37-39, 45-46, 49-51

[15]Zijadin Gashi, Rugova Pridobija Birace Cuteci, Thaci obustavlja
Kritike, AIM, 30/1/2000- Lj. Staletovic, Zajednicki Zivot Uslov
GLAS, 18/3/2000-Srpsko-Albanski Dijalog, Helsniski Odbor za Ljudska
Prava u Srbiji, I, Beograd 1997/ II, Beograd 1999




U.S Arms 3,500 Albanian Terrorists

By the Yugoslav press agency, Tanjug
With extensive comments by Jared Israel (05/0500)

The following is based on an article from Tanjug (pronounced tanyug),
press service of the Yugoslav government. Given the admittedly partisan
source some might be inclined to poo-poo the charges made here, so I
some quotes from pro-NATO media. These and my own analysis suggest that,
anything, Tanjug understates its case, sparing us some of the more
unbelievable details.

TANJUG: The US administration recently secretly armed more than 3.500
Albanian extremists who are acting under the wing of the Kosovo
Corps (KPC). The US government has continually supplied Albanian
in Kosovo-Metohija with arms since the arrival of the UN Peace Mission
the southern Serbian province, in spite of verbal public condemnations
terrorism, and unknown to its allies in KFOR.
Jared comments: In Why is the KLA shooting at KFOR? we noted that recent
fighting between the Kosovo Liberation Army and French troops in
Kosovo (Mitrovica) was really a proxy war between the US and France.
during that fighting, French troops seized a KLA ambulance stuffed with,
kid you not, "14 anti-tank rocket launchers, more than 180
grenades, and more than 3,000 cartridges for guns, (Bergen County
2-16-00) and "including a US-made 'street sweeper' grenade launcher..."
(AFP, 2-15-00)

Got that? Pretty amazing?

Here's more amazing. Gen. Shelton, boss of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
immediately held a press conference commenting on the ambulance. Why
would a
big-shot like him comment on an incident like that? But OK, did he at
denounce the KLA for violating the UN agreement under which NATO tries
justify its occupation of Kosovo? Did he chastise the KLA for planning
slaughter even more local people and now French troops as well? No sir,
talked about the difficulties of preventing arms smuggling from Serbia.

>From Serbia?

The ambulance was seized as it was being driven north towards not away
inner Serbia. And these were US-made weapons stashed inside, and this
was a
KLA ambulance.

So what was the point of Shelton's statement? I think the intention was
clear. By first taking the unheard of step of commenting on a minor
incident, and then pointing the finger at Yugoslavia instead of the KLA,
Shelton was affirming, at the highest level, that the US government
supported the KLA arms buildup. What reason do we have to doubt that the
also covertly supplies the KLA with weapons? The only question is: why
the US equip only 3500 terrorists? has the CIA gotten cheap?

Back to TANJUG: The Kosovo Protection Corps, officially formed Sept 20,
as a civilian actually the so-called Kosovo Liberation
(KLA) extreme grouping of Albanian separatists but repackaged in a
manner that NATO experts hope will be acceptable to the international
public, that is, in a manner that creates the illusion of respecting
Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council.

Jared comments: The Kosovo Protection Corps is openly run by the same
who led the KLA. It's a name change. The KPC remains a racist, crazy,
terrorist-gangster organization. Just read the following mind boggling
account from the Albanian Daily News of 4-19-00. If I were editing the
Albanian Daily News, I would have called the story:


Forgive me but I peppered the Daily News text with comments, in
Here's the story:

"United Nations police have detained a suspect in the murder of a
high-ranking officer of the Kosovo Protection Force (KPC), spokesman
Johnson said Tuesday... They are also searching for another man
suspected of
involvement in the slaying in central Pristina Monday of Besim Mala, a
former commander of the separatist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)...gunned
down in broad daylight in a restaurant in what was thought to be a
dispute, Johnson said.

The suspect was detained several hours later. The killing was condemned
the commander of the KPC, General Agim Ceku who described it as an
attack on
the "freedom and future of Kosovo."

[Jared's note: Ceku is a former (?) KLA top leader, that is, war
He has also been charged with war crimes for his role five years ago
lead the slaughter and expulsion of over 200,000 Serbian residents of
Krajina section of what is now Croatias. It is clear from Ceku's remark
about the murder being "an attack on the 'freedom and future of
that this killing resulted from a leadership fight within the KPC. These
guys conduct elections in the style of Al Capone: "Bang! Youse guys is
My guys is elected!"]

The KPC is a civil emergency organization formed out of the
KLA. [Jared's note: Demilitarized? This is nightmare-comedy. Read on...]

Johnson said UN police had also released a man held late Monday in
connection with another attack in central Prishtina just a few hundred
meters from the restaurant where Mala was shot. The man had been
detained by
KFOR peacekeeping troops at a vehicle checkpoint for having two rocket
warheads in his car shortly after unidentified attackers fired a
rocket-propelled grenade into a building in the city center. The blast
injured two ethnic Albanians but was thought to have been targeted at a
neighboring apartment occupied by Serbian journalists, Johnson said. He
[Johnson] said the explosive had apparently been fired from a rocket
launcher from a nearby rooftop. The firing tube was found some 200
from the rooftop, Johnson said.

The detainee was released after explosives experts established the
he was carrying were of a different type to the one used in the attack.
[Jared's note: Is any comment necessary?]

Back to TANJUG: Since the arrival of KFOR in Kosovo-Metohija, members of
"Kosovo Protection Corps" have brutally liquidated more than 1.000
Jared comments: KFOR, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International,
Kosovapress, and the Internatioanl Crisis Group, who are to different
degrees either NATO or pro-NATO, have each admitted the KLA/KPC killed
hundreds of people in Kosovo. There is no question that, in NATO's
these groups have understated the numbers murdered.

The Orthodox Church, the Pristina Center for Tolerance and the Yugoslav
government have documented hundreds more deaths. Aside from that, many
been kidnapped and may be dead. In any case, the most important point is
the exact number of murders - which probably exceed 1000 - but the
Over 300,000 people have been driven from Kosovo. This includes most
Slavic Muslims, about 150,000 non-KLA Albanians and tens of thousands of
Roma ("Gypsies"). They did not leave out of fear of NATO bombs and they
not leave in order to make a political statement, to make the KLA look
They left because of the following:

"Murder, torture and extortion: these are the extraordinary charges made
against the UN's own Kosovo Protection Corps in a confidential United
Nations report written for Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

The KPC stands accused in the document, drawn up on 29 February, of
'criminal activities - killings, ill-treatment/torture, illegal
abuse of authority, intimidation, breaches of political neutrality and

The 5,000-strong corps, funded by UN members including Britain, has a
million aid budget for Kosovo. It was set up to provide 'disaster
services'; instead, says the UN, it has been murdering and torturing
people." (From London Observer, 3/12/00 quoted in How will you plead at
trial, Mr.Annan?)
In other words, the cause of the huge exodus is gangsterism and racist
terror. As you may recall, NATO said it was taking over Kosovo in order
produce racial harmony. So what is NATo's reaction to the destruction of
multietnic life in Kosovo, to the transformation of Kosovo into a
of fascist gangsterism? Here is the answer from the outgoing NATO
in Kosovo, Gen. Wesley Clark:

"On Monday, he visited Kosovo and said there was an 'increasing sense of
security, the indicators of recovery from strong-arm ethnic cleansing
even some first budding signs of willingness to tolerate ethnic
and cooperate among ethnic groups.'"
TANJUG: The Corps comprises 5.000 men and is under the direct command of
the keeping with the policy of the UN Secretary-General's special
envoy... Bernard Kouchner of France.

The fact that US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright recently ordered
Hague Tribunal Chief Prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte, to strike leader
Thaci (of the officially disbanded terrorist KLA) from the list of
indicted for war crimes, is perhaps the best confirmation that Albanian
extremists are in fact favorites and protégés of the US administration.

Jared comments: Maybe the Thaci cover-up is the best evidence that the
murderous KLA racists are US administration proteges. But it's as we
seen, it is not the only evidence.

Let me close with a quote from an op ed article in the NY Times by
Clinton. It is inconceivable that when Clinton wrote this op ed piece
May he was unaware of the nature of the KLA, which US covert agencies
helped to create and for whom the US had been the key sponsor at least
the Verification Teams went to Kosovo in the Fall of 1998. He understood
nature of the monster the US had chosen as its proxy force; he knew the
KLA's dreams:

"He, like many KLA officers, says openly that he dreams of a Kosovo
Serbs." (Description of KLA death squad commander "The Teacher", Agence
France Presse, August 19, 1999, quoted in The roots of Kosovo fascism by
George Thompson.)
Knowing what the KLA was, knowing what NATO and therefore KLA domination
Kosovo would mean, Clinton wrote:

"Freedom, respect for minority rights, and prosperity are powerful
for progress. They give people goals to work for; they elevate hope over
fear and tomorrow over yesterday." (Clinton, op-ed editorial, NY Times,
23, 1999)
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JUNE 16, 1995
The case of the so-called "Albanian deal" will be
tried within a month, "Standart News" writes citing Military
Prosecutor Colonel Mityu Markov. The question is about a
consignment of the Bulgarian Defence Ministry that
consisted of 100 mine-throwers, 10, 000 mines and 250
sniper rifles totalling 670, 000 US dollars which disappeared
in Macedonia on its way to Albania. It is not clear how the
carrier Mario Stoichkov, who in on the Interpol wanted list,
can be made to appear in court, the paper writes. The same
paper writes that eleven days ago Ivan M., a military
intelligence officer who was in charge of was reported
missing foreign currency remittances at the department, was
reported missing.
Albanian Daily News
June 9, 2000

Over 500,000 Albanian Guns Unaccounted For

TIRANA - More than half a million guns looted during
Albania’s civil uprising in 1997 are still at large
despite the government’s efforts to retrieve them, the
Interior Ministry said on Thursday.

Minister Spartak Poci said one fifth - or 117,488 guns
- of the 650,000 plundered from army depots have been
collected over the past three years, as well as 84
million bullets from an arsenal of over 1.5 billion.

“A part of the stolen guns has left the country, but
we don’t know how much,” Poci told reporters. The bulk
is thought to have been trafficked to neighbouring
Kosovo to help ethnic Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army
guerrillas fight for independence from Belgrade in a
conflict that ended last year.

The 1997 Albanian uprising was sparked by the collapse
of corrupt pyramid investment schemes and lasted
several months. Angry mobs looted army barracks in an
effort to destroy everything related with the state.

Last month the police found in a village in the Lezha
district 19 air-to-air missiles, type P2. The missiles
were in working order and were returned to the nearby
Gjader military air base. Police said 20 missiles had
been stolen from the base in 1997. Only one has not
been found yet.

The government has recently been consistent in its
firm commitment to the disarmament process, but
despite two years of work, the number of weapons and
ammunition collected accounts for no more than 20
percent of those looted. The police has also seized 52
tonnes of TNT, only a small fraction of the explosives

The government decided earlier this year to create a
500 strong police force to deal specifically with the
disarmament process.

Disarmament campaign “Development instead of Weapons”
is being extended to several districts of Albania
following the success of the Gramsh pilot project. The
United Nations Development Programme, and other
international organisations sponsoring disarming
projects, have pledged to provide investments for the
restructuring of infrastructure and creation of jobs
in return of arms surrender.


Albanian Daily News
June 6, 2000

Russian General Says Terrorism in Chechnya Has Roots
in Kosovo

MOSCOW - The terrorism which Russia is fighting in
Chechnya has some roots in Kosovo, the commander of
Russia’s airborne troops General Georgy Shpak claimed
in a newspaper report published Monday.
In an interview with the daily Vremya Novostei, the
officer discussed Russia’s role in the KFOR
international peacekeeping effort in Kosovo.
“The presence of the Russians is indispensable in this
hot spot of Europe, where we have political and
economic interests and our ancient traditions,” he
“Apart from that, the terrorism against which we are
fighting in Chechnya has certain roots in Kosovo,”
Shpak added, without elaborating.
Terrorism is the official Moscow terminology for the
activities of Chechen separatist fighters.
General Valery Manilov, number two in the military
hierarchy, threatened last month to withdraw Russian
forces from KFOR if Yugoslavia’s integrity was
threatened. Some 3,600 Russian troops serve with KFOR,
which has a multinational total of 40,000 under NATO
Russian and German soldiers with KFOR came under
anti-tank, machine gun and automatic fire last week in
the latest in a series of incidents. Russian soldiers
are frequent targets of Kosovar Albanians who believe
the Russians support the Serbian ruling power in


The Centre for Peace in the Balkans
Research Analysis
May 2000
The biggest paradox in the international war on drugs is connected to
the Balkans and the explosion of terrorist activities in that troubled
area. However, it relates less to drugs and arms and more to the major
participants in this deadly game.
Terrorist organizations at the top of America's most wanted list are
receiving tacit support in the Balkans from the Clinton administration.
The "most wanted" terrorist in the world today, Osama bin Laden, who
declared a "fatwa" against the US, is being abetted by the Clinton
doctrine. In the Balkans, we are witnessing a true paradox where several
mortal enemies - Iranian revolutionary guards, Osama bin Laden and the
CIA - are standing shoulder to shoulder while pursuing diametrically
opposite goals.
Drugs Finance Terrorism
Earlier reporting has confirmed that terrorism in the Balkans has been
primarily financed through narcotics trafficking. Heroin - worth 12
times its weight in gold - is by far the most profitable commodity on
the markets. A kilogram of heroin, worth $1,000 in Thailand, wholesales
for $110,000 in Canada with a street value of $800,000.
In fact, heroin trafficking has become so beneficial to the cause of
Albanian separatism that the predominantly Albanian-inhabited towns of
Veliki Trnovac and Blastica in Serbia, Vratnica and Gostivar in FYR
Macedonia, and Shkoder and Durres in Albania have become known as the
"new Medellins" of the Balkans. Via the Balkan Route, heroin travels
through Turkey, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania en route to western
European markets. The value of the heroin shipped is $400-billion (US) a
year. As early as 1996, the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) detailed
the Balkan Route in its annual report. In 1998, the DEA stated that
Kosovo Albanians had become the second most important traffickers on the
Balkan Route.
These predominantly Albanian drug barons from Kosovo ship heroin
exclusively from Asia's Golden Crescent, an apparently inexhaustible
source. At one end of the crescent lies Afghanistan, which in 1999
surpassed Burma as the world's largest producer of opium poppies. From
there, the heroin base passes through Iran to Turkey, where it is
refined, and then placed into the hands of the Albanians who operate out
of the lawless towns bordering FYR Macedonia, Albania, and Serbia.
According to the US State Department, four to six tons of heroin move
through Turkey every month.
"Not very much is stopped", says one official. "We get just a fraction
of the total". Not surprisingly, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) has
flourished along the route. Its dependence on the drug lords is
difficult to prove, but the evidence is impossible to overlook.
In 1998, German Federal Police froze two bank accounts belonging to the
"United Kosova" organization at a Dusseldorf bank after it was
discovered that several hundred thousand dollars had been deposited into
those accounts by a convicted Kosovo Albanian drug trafficker. According
to at least one published report, Bujar Bukoshi, Prime Minister of the
"Kosova" Government in Exile, also allegedly controlled the accounts.
In early 1999 an Italian court in Brindisi convicted an Albanian heroin
trafficker named Amarildo Vrioni, who admitted obtaining weapons for the
KLA from the Mafia in exchange for drugs.
Last February 23, Czech police arrested Princ Dobroshi, the head of an
Albanian Kosovo drug gang. While searching his apartment, they
discovered evidence that he had placed orders for light infantry weapons
and rocket systems. No one had questioned what a small-time dealer would
be doing with rockets. Only later did Czech police reveal he was
shipping them to the KLA. The Czechs extradited Dobroshi to Norway where
he had escaped from prison in 1997 while serving a 14-year sentence for
heroin trafficking.
It's therefore not surprising, say European law enforcement officials,
that the faction that ultimately seized power in Kosovo -- the KLA under
Hashim Thaci -- was the group that maintained the closest links to
In its report about the KLA and heroin smuggling, the Montreal Gazette
wrote: "...Michael Levine, a 25-year veteran of the DEA (US Drug
Enforcement Agency) who left in 1990, said he believes there is no
question that US intelligence knew about the KLA's drug ties. "They (the
CIA) protected them (the KLA) in every way they could. As long as the
CIA is protecting the KLA, you've got major drug pipelines protected
from any police investigation", said Levine, who teaches undercover
tactics and informer handling to US and Canadian police forces,
including the RCMP. "The evidence is irrefutable," he said, explaining
that his information comes from "sources inside the DEA".
The Albanian Medellin connection is particularly strong in Italy where
it is operating in conjunction with the "Sacra Corona Unita," or the
fourth mafia. The group controls the drug trade in the regions of
Brindisi, Lecce and Taranto.
The tentacles of the Albanian mafia stretch across Europe. According to
Interpol, Albanian-speaking drug dealers accounted for 14% of those
arrested for heroin smuggling in 1997. While the average trafficker was
apprehended with two grams of heroin, the Albanians had an average of
120 grams in their possession. Scandinavian countries claim that
Albanians control 80% of the heroin market there. Switzerland says 90%
of the drug trafficking in that country is connected to Albanians.
German law enforcement agencies claim that Albanians form the largest
group involved in heroin trafficking.
German Federal Police now say that Kosovo Albanians import 80 percent of
Europe's heroin. So dominant is the Kosovo Albanian presence in
trafficking that many European users refer to illicit drugs in general
as "Albanka", or Albanian lady.
Terrorism, Spies and Albanians
Osama bin Laden's activities in Albania are well known and documented.
The presence of his network in that country is so powerful that US
Defence Secretary William Cohen cancelled a scheduled visit last July
out of fear of being assassinated.
The Albanian national security organization SHIK confirmed that plans
exist to target US objects in Albania. SHIK is the offspring of the
notorious communist security apparatus the "Sigurimi." The former head
of the Sigurimi, Irakli Kocollari, is advisor to the current head of
SHIK, Fatos Klosi. In 1997 the CIA sent a team of experts to modernize
and reorganize SHIK. The other major patron of SHIK is the German
intelligence agency Bundensnachrichtendienst (BND) which opened one of
its largest stations in Tirana. A review of BND personnel is revealing.
While the terrorist Albanian organization Ushtria Clirimtare e Kosove -
UCK (KLA) was being formed, the BND was headed by Hansjorg Geiger whose
deputy was Rainer Kesselring, the son of the Luftwaffe general who
bombed Belgrade during the Second World War.
Mr. Kesselring was given the job of training KLA terrorists at a Turkish
base near Izmir where he was head of the BND station in 1978. French
sources confirmed that members of the German commando unit, Kommando
Spezialkrafte (KSK), participated in the KLA training program. Gen.
Klaus Neumann, the outgoing head of NATO's occupational forces in Kosovo
and Metohija, formed the German commando unit.
The relationship between the CIA and SHIK is one of master and servant.
At the CIA's "request" last year, Albania expelled three "humanitarian"
workers, two Syrians and an Iranian. Acting on another request, SHIK
arrested an Albanian national, Maksim Ciciku, for spying on the US
embassy. Ciciku was educated in Saudi Arabia. In Albania he worked for a
private security company which provided bodyguards for visiting Arabs.
He was accused of following embassy employees on behalf of Osama bin
Laden. Albania also expelled four Egyptians who were suspected of ties
to bin Laden. Two others were arrested and handed over to US agents,
along with a van full of documents and computer equipment, all of which
belonged to Osama bin Laden's organization.
At about the same time, Iran, through its embassy in Rome and it's
operative Mahmut Nuranija, began to organize an intelligence-gathering
sector in Albania. Their involvement in Albania was based on two levels:
economic-financial through the Albanian Arab Islamic Bank, and
humanitarian through organizations which have become standard covers for
subversive activities. At the beginning of 1998 Iran began the serious
consolidation of its most important European strongholds, Sarajevo and
Tirana. According to Yossef Bodansky, terrorism and unconventional
warfare analyst, Iran aided the KLA by providing military plans drawn up
by Zaim Bersa, a former colonel in the Yugoslav National Army (JNA), and
another Kosovo Albanian, Ejup Dragaj.
One of the leaders of an elite KLA unit was Muhammed al-Zawahiri, the
brother of Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, a leader in an Egyptian Jihad
organization and a military commander of Osama bin Laden. Once again
Kosovo becomes a paradox where several mortal enemies - Iranian
revolutionary guards, Osama bin Laden and the CIA - are standing
shoulder to shoulder training the KLA.
It is believed that bin Laden solidified his organization in Albania in
1994 with the help of then premier Sali Berisha. Albania's ties to
Islamic terrorist blossomed during Berisha's rule when the main KLA
training base was on Berisha's property in northern Albania. During the
"honeymoon" period between the CIA and Jihad holy warriors, Fatos Klosi,
the head of SHIK, said he had reliable information that four groups of
Jihad warriors from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Algiers, Tunisia and Sudan were
in northern Albania and fighting with the KLA. Klosi recently stated
that there is an attempt to destabilize the country, alluding primarily
to former premier Sali Berisha.
Jihad and Serbia
In 1994 in Lebanon, a radical Sunni Muslim group, Takfir wal Hijra,
attempted to blow up a convoy of Serbian priests who were on their way
Koura. The priests avoided death when the suicide bomber detonated the
explosive device prematurely.
This attempt on the lives of Serbian priests preceded a more ambitious
plan. At the 18th Islamic conference, Al-Jama'ah al-Islaiyyah, held in
Pakistan (October 23-25, 1998), Albanian separatism in Kosovo and
Metohija was characterized as a Jihad. The same definition was given to
Muslim battles in India (Kashmir), Israel (Palestine) and Eritrea. By
defining armed battles as a "holy war" or Jihad, an obligation is placed
on the Muslim world to do everything in its power - economically,
politically and diplomatically - to aid the fight for freedom in
occupied Muslim territories". This gave legitimacy to terrorist acts
carried out by Allah's holy warriors. Referring to a Jihad, the
terrorist organization of Osama bin Laden announced terrorist attacks
against "infidel nations", namely Great Britain, United States, France,
Israel, Russia, India and Serbia.
The Bosnian Jihad Connection
In Bosnia-Herzegovina, the influence of the ruling Islamic party, Party
of Democratic Action (SDA), has brought out the recently born again
"true believers". Recognized by their long beards and short-legged
pants, large numbers of them participated in KLA terrorist activities in
Kosovo and Metohija. The transport of these Jihad warriors was conducted
under the patronage of the SDA which provided them with passports. Visas
were issued for a "haj," or pilgrimage, to Mecca. Dr. Nauman Balic, head
of the Kosovo SDA and now a minister in Hashim Thaci's government", was
responsible for their transit to Albania. The Bosnian Muslims were
provided with journalists' credentials and 2,000 DM for travel costs. It
is not known how many returned from Kosovo, but a number of these Jihad
warriors lost their lives in Chechnya.
The Sarajevo authorities were active in the training of terrorists. In
1993 Saudi Arabia provided $1 million to build a refugee camp for
Bosnian Muslims in Albania. One of the main political leaders of the
Muslim authorities in Sarajevo admitted to Misha Glenny that the base
was used to train saboteurs sent to Kosovo because their Serbian was
Kosovo under NATO - A Virtual Narco-State (1)
The benefits of the drug trade are evident around Pristina -- more so
than the benefits of Western aid. "The new buildings, the better roads,
and the sophisticated weapons -- many of these have been bought with
drugs," says Michel Koutouzis, the Balkans region expert for the Global
Drugs Monitor (OGD), a Paris-based think tank. The repercussions of this
drug connection are only now emerging, and many Kosovo observers fear
that the province could be evolving into a virtual narco-state under the
noses of 49,000 peacekeeping troops.
It was the disparate structure of the KLA, Koutouzis says, that
Facilitated the drug-smuggling explosion. "It permitted a
democratization of drug trafficking where ordinary people get involved,
and everyone contributes a part of his profit to his clan leader in the
KLA," he explains. "The more illegal the activity, the more money the
clan gets from the traffickers. So it's in the interest of the clan to
promote drug trafficking".
According to Marko Nicovic, the former chief of police in Belgrade, now
an investigator who works closely with Interpol, the international
police agency, 400 to 500 Kosovo Albanians move shipments in the 20-kilo
range, while about 5,000 Kosovo Albanians are small-timers, handling
shipments of less than two kilos. At one point in 1996, he says, more
than 800 ethnic Albanians were in jail in Germany on narcotics charges.
In many places, Kosovo Albanians traffickers gained a foothold in the
Illicit drug trade through raw violence. According to a 1999 German
Federal Police report, "The ethnic Albanian gangs have been involved in
drugs, weapons trafficking blackmail, and murder. They are increasingly
prone to violence".
Tony White of the United Nations Drug Control Program agrees with this
assessment. "They are more willing to use violence than any other
group," he says. "They have confronted the established order throughout
Europe and pushed out the Lebanese, Pakistani, and Italian cartels".
Few gangs are willing to tangle with the Kosovo Albanians. Those that do
often pay the ultimate price. In January 1999, Kosovo Albanians killed
Nine people in Milan, Italy during a two-week bloodbath between rival
heroin groups.
Now free of the war and the Yugoslav police, drug traffickers have
Reopened the old Balkan Road. With the KLA in power -- and in the
spotlight - the top trafficking families have begun to seek relative
respectability without decreasing their heroin shipments. "The Kosovo
Albanians are trying to position themselves in the higher levels of
trafficking", says the U.N.'s Tony White. "They want to get away from
the violence of the streets and attract less attention. Criminals like
to move up like any other business, and the Kosovo Albanians are
becoming business leaders. They have become equal partners with the
Italian national police discovered this new Kosovo Albanian outreach
last year when they undertook "Operation Pristina". The carabinieri
(Italian Police) uncovered a chain of connections that originated in
Kosovo and stretched through nine European countries, extending into
Central Asia, South America and the United States.
White House officials deny a whitewashing of KLA activities. "We do care
about (KLA drug trafficking)", says Agresti. "It's just that we've got
our hands full trying to bring peace there".
The DEA is equally reticent to address the issue. According to Michel
Koutouzis, the DEA's website once contained a section detailing Kosovo
Albanians trafficking, but a week before the US-led bombings began, the
section disappeared. "The DEA doesn't want to talk publicly (about the
KLA)", says OGD director Alain Labrousse. "It's embarrassing to them".
High-ranking US officials are dismayed that the KLA was installed in
power without public discussion or a thorough check of its background.
"I don't think we're doing anything there to stem the drugs", says a
senior State Department official. "It's out of control. It should be a
high priority. We've warned about it".
Even if it tried to stop the Kosovo Albanian heroin trade, the US would
be hard-pressed to do so. "Nobody's in control in Kosovo", adds the
State Department official. "They don't even have a police force".
Regardless of what it says, there's little indication that the
administration wants to do anything with the intelligence available
about its newest ally. "There is no doubt that the KLA is a major
trafficking organization", said a congressional expert who monitors the
drug trade and requested anonymity. "But we have a relationship with the
KLA, and the administration doesn't want to damage (its) reputation. We
are partners.
The attitude is: The drugs are not coming here, so let others deal with
Indeed the biggest paradox in the world war on drugs is connected to the
Balkans and the outburst of terrorist activities in that troubled area.
What is the reason for this unusual co-relation between US policy in
Balkans, the most wanted terrorist in the world today, Osama bin y en,
and this enormous KLA drug trafficking.
As Michael Levine, a 25-year veteran of the DEA (US Drug Enforcement
Agency) stated: "They (the CIA) protected them the KLA) in every way
they could". McCoy, author of The Politics of Heroin, said the Afghan
Mujahideen rebels were one of the first US-backed rebel groups to get
into the heroin trade in a big way. The anti-Communist Mujahideen were
backed by the US in their opposition to the Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan in 1979. They started exporting massive amounts of opium to
raise money, with the knowledge and protection of the CIA and Pakistani
intelligence, according to McCoy. "That produced a massive traffic in
the '80s to Europe and the U.S.," he said.
Other recipients of US support were Nicaraguan Contras, Panama's General
Noriega, Afghan Taliban, Indonesia (remember massacres by their special
units in Timor), and Burma's Khun Sa. Another US-backed rebel army, the
Nicaraguan contras, raised money for their war against the leftist
Sandinista government in the 1980s by flooding U.S. cities with crack -
all with the knowledge and assistance of the CIA and the DEA, according
to the book Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras and the Crack Cocaine
Explosion, by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Gary Webb.
Webb's allegations were initially denied by the CIA, but a CIA
inspector-general's report in October 1998 revealed that 58 contras were
linked to drug allegations.
Early in 1999, as the war against Serbia raged, Congress voted to fund
the KLA's drive for independence. One tear later the US embrace of the
KLA may come as an embarrassment, but not a precedent.
Quo Vadis America?
1 - Material from "Mother Jones" Heroin Heroes, January/February 2000
used without permission, for academic and research purposes only.
The Centre for Peace in the Balkans



U.S. in Kosovo for the Long Haul

Saturday, June 10, 2000
U.S. in Kosovo for the Long Haul


"Le Figaro": American base was the aim of bombing of Yugoslavia
June 13, 2000

Paris, June 12th (Tanjug) - The official French government sticks to the
explanation they offered concerning their involvement in NATO aggression
on Yugoslavia, but they can no longer deceive neither their public nor
the media about the real cause of the criminal bombing of Yugoslavia. It
turned out that Paris and other Europeans "worked" for the benefit of
Washington interests, which is stressed in the latest edition of the
Paris weekly "Le Figaro".
"Allies of the United States start to wonder whether the formation of
American base in Kosmet was real purpose of the war" led, allegedly, on
behalf of the human rights of Kosmet Albanians, and which ended a year
ago. This is the statement by which the Paris weekly announced detailed
story about the American base "Bondsteel" in southern Kosovo.
"Le Figaro" published the information already known by Yugoslav public
and described "Bondsteel" as "large base" or even "military-industrial
complex" which resembled more "a town of 10 000 inhabitants than a
temporary camp provided by the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 a
year ago by which the bombing of Yugoslavia was ended".
The base, for which the weekly said "it was no secret, but was rather
discrete", spreads over the area of 300 hectares, where everything shows
that it was created "to stay for long".
In the base, the weekly said, there were 1600 lodgings, provided with
heating and air conditioners, 24 administration buildings "which were
already constructed and other which are under construction", "two
pharaoh dining rooms" open 24 hours, as well as the infrastructure
objects, including the projection room with 800 seats, football and
other sports fields.
"Everything proves that Americans came there to stay longer. They do not
even hide it, since the officers admit in cold blood that this base is
the most important one outside the US", "Le Figaro" says.
The Paris weekly stressed that the American base position in Kosmet was
"ideally chosen", since it is a "Muslim area where European sentiments
do not exist" and it is also the region where the conflict zones cross:
the Balkans, Mediterranean and the Middle East together with its oil.
"The Crusade for human rights of ethnic Albanians could, as its first
result i.e. its purpose, have (new) arrangement of Americans in the Old
continent", which is actually the creation of mighty "Bondsteel" base,
"Le Figaro" weekly concludes in this week's edition.


Foreign Affairs May/Junel 1999 (volume 78, number 3)
Kosovo's Next Masters
By Chris Hedges


e-mail: crj@... - URL:


Subject: [STOPNATO] Danish Soccer Star Wants Yugoslav Passport
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 08:59:10 -0500 (CDT)
From: (Rick Rozoff)
To: stopnato@...


Rotterdam 16.6.2000
Danish football superstar Peter Boleslaw Schmeichel shocked the world at
today's press-conference after the match with Holland. Disturbed and
disappointed after another humiliating defeat of his team at EURO 2000,
he made a short statement for the press: "I am too ambitious and too
good goalkeeper to play in such a bad team as Denmark. I'm feed up
,therefore, tonight I officially applied at the embassy of The Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, for Yugoslavian passport. Yugoslav football
team is excellent, and it is the only team I would like to play for. I
personally asked president Slobodan Milosevic it grant me Yugoslavian
National Passport, because I highly respect him and his achievements in
the last year War against Nato-agressors."
Schmeichel still didn't get any answer from Yugoslav officials, but
Yugoslav coach Boskov said that Schmeichel is not good enough to play in
the Yugoslav team.


Albanian Daily News
June 16, 2000

Balkan AMBO Pipeline to Start Raising Funds in July

SKOPJE - The Albanian, Macedonian and Bulgarian Oil
Corporation LLC (AMBO) of Pound Ridge, New York, said
on Thursday it would start raising funds in early July
for a $1.13bn pipeline to ship crude oil from the
Black and Caspian seas to the West.
“The feasibility study gives oil companies operating
in the Caspian region a commercially compelling
proposition to invest in the project. Almost all major
companies in the world can use the pipeline,” AMBO
Executive Vice-President Gligor Taskovic told Reuters
in the Macedonian capital Skopje.
The company’s president, Ted Fergusson, had said
earlier in Sofia AMBO aimed to start work in 2001.
“Project’s sanctions and funding should be established
by the end of this year,” said Fergusson, announcing
conclusions of the project’s updated feasibility
study. An earlier estimate had put the project at
about $850m.
The underground pipeline, 913 kilometres long, is
designed to carry 750,000 barrels a day, or 35m metric
tons per year, which will represent 40 percent of the
crude oil from newly-developed oilfields to enter the
Black Sea in the next five years or 30 percent of the
new oil over the next 10 years, Fergusson said.
It will pass from Burgas, on the Black Sea coast, to
Vlora, to ship Russian, Azerbaijani, Kazakh and
Turkmenian oil from around the Black Sea to the
markets of Western Europe and North America. It will
also bypass Turkey’s heavily travelled Bosphorus
Big tankers with 300,000 tonnes of crude can anchor at
the port of Vlora, which makes the transit journey to
the United States economic, while the biggest tankers
passing the Bosphorus could carry 150,000 tonnes, AMBO
officials said. A holding structure with three
separate companies in Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania
will build the pipeline. Each country can be an equity
holder in the investment.
AMBO has letters of acceptance from the governments of
Albania, Macedonia and Bulgaria for the underground
Taskovic said companies including Texaco, Chevron,
Exxon Mobil, BP Amoco, Agip, Total, Elf, Fina, were
interested in the pipeline that will become
operational in 2005.
The project has also interested the US government and
European Commission, but the construction funding will
depend on whether foreign companies will find it
feasible to invest in such countries, where the
political risk is high.
The trans-Balkan pipeline is also part of the
Transport Corridor 8 plan. Corridor 8 will include a
highway, railway, oil pipeline and fibre-optic
telecommunications line as well as AMBO’s oil
“We will begin formal discussions with these companies
in two weeks,” Taskovic said, adding that it would
take time to raise the money needed for the project.
“This will take one or two years. We need to raise
$450m in equity funding. The rest of the money will be
loans from banks. We have talked to the EBRD, MIGA,
IFC, OPIC and EXIM. They are excited. Once we raise
the money, we will need three years for the
construction,” Taskovic said.
He was referring to the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development, the World Bank’s
insurance agency MIGA, its International Finance
Corporation, the US Overseas Prime Investment Corp,
and an export-import bank.
AMBO was confident that another planned pipeline
sending crude from Russia to Greece via Bulgaria would
not threaten its own project as the Caspian region was
expected to yield as much as 110 million tonnes of oil
a year from 2005, he said.
“So much oil will be flowing from the Caspian region
that there will be sufficient crude for all,” Taskovic
said. (Compiled from Reuters dispatch, archives)



----- Original Message -----
From: wolfgang mueller <karovier@...>
To: Wolfgang Mueller <Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.>
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 2:19 PM
Subject: MLL: Li Peng Delivers Speech in Belgrade

Li Peng, chairman of the Standing Committee of the
National People's Congress, said in Belgrade Monday
that peace cannot be forged out of bombings.
Referring to air strikes against Yugoslavia by a
NATO force last year, Li said the assault was a
violation of the intent of the United Nations Charter
and universally recognized norms governing
international relations. The air strikes seriously
threatened stability in Europe.
To read more, please look at:


People's Daily
Saturday, June 10, 2000, updated at 09:37(GMT+8)

China: It's Time for In-depth Reflection on Kosovo

China said Friday that it is time for in-depth
reflection on Kosovo, a Yugoslav province, where the
current situation is very critical as Serbs are
suffering from deportation and persecution.
The statement came as Shen Guofang, the deputy Chinese
permanent representative to the United Nations, took
the floor at an open U.N. Security Council meeting, at
which Bernard Kouchner, head of the U.N. Interim
Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), briefed the
15-nation body on the latest developments in the
Serbian province.
"We are of the view that it is time for in-depth
reflection," he said. "The Security Council has the
political responsibility and moral obligation to face
this reality, and it should seriously seek the
resolution to the serious problems faced by Kosovo,
otherwise the credibility of the United Nations will
continue to be impaired."
"First, the international presence should respect the
sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY)," he said."UNMIK should
respect the laws of FRY and seek cooperation with
However, "some of the current administrative measures
adopted in Kosovo impair the sovereignty of FRY and it
has created a false impression that Kosovo is going to
Shen said that "any attempt to lead Kosovo to
independence is dangerous and illegal, it will deprive
the Balkan region of peace and the ultimate victim
will be the people of the Balkan region." "UNMIK can
not afford to make a slightest mistake on this very
important policy of issue," he said.
Secondly, "we are very concerned with the security of
Serbs and other minorities in Kosovo," he said.
"We firmly oppose any forms of ethnic cleansing," he
said. " The flagrant violations of basic human rights
in Kosovo, no matter when it take place and which
ethnic group it target, can not be accepted by the
international community."
"All human rights violations are crimes," he said.
"The crimes, be they big or small, can not be
"In the same way, it is irresponsible to use past
events as excuses to explain the way to the critical
situation," he said. " We are concerned at the ways
UNMIK and the international peacekeepers turn about
the situation."
Apart from that, he said, "What arises our particular
concern is that a large number of non-Kosovo Albanians
have entered Kosovo, and this will change the
demographic composition of Kosovo," which has a
multi-ethnic society since ancient times.
"There should a Kosovo where different ethnic groups
can have peaceful coexistence, and this should be the
target of UNMIK," he said.
"We are opposed to any attempt to create national
division and sabotage national unity," he said.
"Fundamentally, the solution to the Kosovo issue can
only be achieved within the framework of FRY through
substantial autonomy and good ethnic policy."



BELGRADE, June 11 (Tanjug) - President of the Permanent Committee of the
Pan-Chinese People's Congress Li Peng arrived on Sunday on a three-day
official and friendly visit to Yugoslavia, accompanied by his wife and
aides. "I am very pleased for the opportunity to visit Yugoslavia, given
the traditional friendship between our two countries," said Li Peng upon
arrival at Belgrade airport, adding that he was confident that his trip
will help further develop the friendship between China and Yugoslavia.
President of Chinese Parliament was welcomed by the Presidents of both
houses of Yugoslav Parliament - Milomir Minic and Srdja Bozovic. Li Peng
was greeted by Yugoslav Deputy Premier Nikola Sainovic, Yugoslav Foreign
Minister Zivadin Jovanovic, Serbian Parliament President Dragan Tomic,
Yugoslav Parliament Upper House Vice-President Gorica Gajevic, Yugoslav
Army General Staff Chief Gen. Nebojsa Pavkovic, Yugoslav Parliament
Policy Committee chairman Ljubisa Ristic, Yugoslav Ambassador to China
Slobodan Unkovic, and the Ambassador of PR China in Belgrade Pan Zhanlin
with Chinese Embassy personnel. Li Peng, who will stay in Yugoslavia
June 13, will address Yugoslav Parliament deputies on Monday, and during
his visit will be received by top Yugoslav officials.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ning Mao <mao.ning@...>
To: MLL <marxist-leninist-list@...>
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 2:35 PM
Subject: MLL: [People's Daily] " Largest Sino-Yugoslav Joint Venture

Largest Sino-Yugoslav Joint Venture Operational

The Hemofarm Pharmaceutical Co., the largest Sino-Yugoslav
joint venture in China, went into production Thursday in
this capital of east China's Shandong Province.
The 23-million U.S. dollars company with an annual
production capacity 30 million bottles will produce a dozen
varieties of transfusion medicine in plastic and glass
bottles at the initial stage.
The Yugoslav side covers 70 percent of the investment in
the joint venture equipped with state-of-the-art production
lines imported from Germany, Italy, Sweden and Finland.
It will turn out more varieties of medicine, such as
tablets, and Vitamin pills in the second-phase with an
investment of US$5.2 million.
More than 400 people attended the inauguration ceremony,
including Yugoslav ambassador to China Slobodan Unkovic and
Yugoslavian foreign trade minister Borislav Vukovic.




BELGRADE, June 7 (Tanjug) - Yugoslav Defence Minister Dragoljub Ojdanic
on Wednesday
visited the national news agency TANJUG and gave an interview to
and Editor-in-Chief Dusan Djurdjevic. General Ojdanic stressed that
and true information was more powerful than any weapon, because media
was no less important than armed conflict. "During last year's NATO
aggression on Yugoslavia, TANJUG played a very important part in
disseminating the truth and combatting the lies that the aggressors were
spreading about our people and state. "TANJUG has shown the
public the true causes and effects of developments in connection with
Yugoslav republic of Serbia's province of) Kosovo-Metohija", Ojdanic
"The military-political situation in the region has drastically
deteriorated since NATO's armed aggression on the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia in 1999. "The aggression is not stopping, but is continuing
other methods and weapons, with a view to attaining the interests of the
United States both in the Balkans and wider in the world. "Most states
a way out as lying in creating a multipolar world, with all its
to replace the unipolar one," Ojdanic said, adding however that "nearly
Balkan countries have embraced the concept and strategy of the so-called
new world order." Stressing that Yugoslavia's security is still in great
jeopardy, he noted that NATO is waging three parallel wars on
one, trying to detach Kosovo-Metohija from Serbia and to create a
Albania; next, trying to fragment the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
organisation and size are an obstacle in the way of implementing a plan
a total subjugation of the Balkans and getting closer to the East; and,
third, waging war on "recalcitrant" Serbia which resists globalism and
global U.S. domination. He went on to speak about the non-implementation
U.N. Resolution 1244 on Kosovo-Metohija and the Kumanovo
accord. He said the international force (KFor) and the U.N. civilian
mission (UNMIK) in Kosovo-Metohija had neither disarmed the ethnic
Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) nor protected the local Serbian and other
non-Albanian populations. "As I see it, a way out of the crisis lies in
West reviving cooperation with Yugoslavia, in an appropriate number of
Yugoslav armed and security force troops returning to Kosovo-Metohija,
which necessitates a new accord that would deviate somewhat from the
Kumanovo Military-Technical accord", Ojdanic said. Speaking about
Yugoslavia's military-political experience gleaned during the NATO
aggression, he said that "we already know in a great measure how we
defend ourselves in the future. "We shall formulate final answers and
solutions as we define a new defence doctrine and work out a civil
doctrine", he said. He added that the conceptual phase of the army's
reorganisation had been completed and now a schedule was to be worked
and the programme implemented. "A new civil defence doctrine will
specifically define the place, role and job of each defence factor. Such
consistent defence system will open scope for reducing the size of the
army", he explained. He went on to say that more than 215 civil defence
centres had operated during the 11-week NATO aggression, and about
civil defence activists in Serbia alone, whose efforts saved 702 lives
who were instrumental in getting 408 people to hospital. The civil
service carried out 626 interventions of clearing away debris and 539
fire-fighting operations, dislocated 1,713 tonnes of dangerous materials
and 56,768 tonnes of oil derivatives. In cooperation with the Yugoslav
army, the civil defence service organised 16 river ferries and
2,145,000 people, and prepared and organised 1,171 bomb shelters for
than 200,000 people. Asked about the phenomenon of global terrorism,
Ojdanic said that the greatest terrorist activity was in Europe, 90
of which had lately been in Yugoslavia. "America is spared terrorist
activity and has had no more than a dozen terrorist outrages since 1991,
while Europe has had thousands", Ojdanic said, noting that terrorism had
been imported into Yugoslavia. "The ethnic Albanian terrorist
had been active before, but never as active as in 1998 and 1999, or
when in plain view of KFor, ethnic Albanian terrorists carry out
operations against non-Albanians and often even against other ethnic
Albanians who hold different political opinions." He noted that murders
assassinations perpetrated over the past months throughout Yugoslavia
text-book terrorist acts instigated and organised by the U.S.
service. "We shall have trouble eradicating terrorism, because its roots
are in other countries. But just as any other state, we also shall
terrorism with all weapons at our disposal, on which a special law will
passed", he stressed. He went on to speak about the sub-regional arms
control treaty signed at Florence, Italy, by Yugoslavia, Croatia,
Serb) Republika Srpska and the Bosnian Muslim-Croat Federation. He said
Yugoslavia had honoured the treaty and had submitted its arms for
inspection and destroyed what it had been instructed to destroy.
"Regrettably, inspection teams that visited our country were collecting
data about military and other targets to be used in NATO's aggression",
said. He added that Yugoslavia had responded to its suspension from
international activities by freezing all activities in arms control.
they recognise our state and army the way accords explicitly define
then only shall we unfreeze our activities", he said. Commenting on the
attention excited at the Hague-based war crimes tribunal for former
Yugoslavia by his recent visit to Russia, the defence minister said it
a crime not to defend one's nation, not the other way around. "As a
soldier, I am bound by all conventions stemming from international
humanitarian and war laws. During the aggression, as chief of staff, I
fought that these conventions be consistently implemented and honoured
all levels of command", he said. He noted that the Yugoslav army command
and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) had some months
before the aggression organised a seminar in this field at all levels of
command. At the outbreak of the NATO aggression, all army units had
received manuals with excerpts from the regulations, he explained. "In
light of this, I fear no charges and shall go freely wherever I am
invited", Ojdanic stressed, adding that he had already received
from other friendly countries.



Cyprus revokes Yugoslavian bank's licence-bankers

NICOSIA, June 7 (Reuters) - Cyprus's Central Bank has revoked the
licence of
Beogradska Banka, the largest Serbian commercial bank and one with close
to the Yugoslavian government, senior bankers said on Wednesday.
``The licence was revoked and they (Beogradska) challenged the decision
revoke the licence...there will be a court hearing in 10 to 15 days,'' a
senior central bank source told Reuters.
The central bank source, who requested anonymity, declined to say why
licence had been revoked. Beogradska Banka officials were not
available for comment.
Greek Cypriot newspaper Alithia also reported Beogradska's licence had
revoked but gave no reason.
Beogradska has had a presence in Cyprus since 1988, operating as an
Earlier this year U.S. and European Union officials visited Cyprus for
consultations on sanctions against Yugoslavia.
Greek Cypriots traditionally have close ties with Serbs but Cyprus
authorities have followed the international community in imposing
on Belgrade.

12:40 06-07-00


Albanian Daily News
June 7, 2000

Two Macedonian Guards Wounded on Border with Kosovo

SKOPJE - Macedonia said two border guards were wounded
on Monday by a sniper firing from inside the
neighbouring Kosovo.
The incident happened at the Dolmo Blace border post
after a patrol spotted two people who had illegally
crossed some 50 metres (yards) into Macedonian
territory from Kosovo, a defence ministry statement
It said the two had escaped back to Kosovo after being
warned and the Macedonian army sent another patrol of
four soldiers to set up an observation post.
“At 3:15 p.m. (1315 GMT) a sniper shot at the patrol
from the Kosovo side and two guards suffered arm and
leg injuries,” the statement said, adding their
condition was stable and that an investigation was
under way.
Monday’s incident was the second in two months on
Macedonia’s border with Kosovo.
In the previous incident, a group of Kosovo Albanians
kidnapped four Macedonian border guards. The
Macedonian authorities have demanded stricter KFOR
border controls.
The Macedonian Defence Ministry announced earlier this
year that the country’s borders are controlled by a
new border brigade and at the same time the military
readiness of the border brigade has been stepped up.
The number of border guards has been reduced in posts
on the border with Greece and Bulgaria, while their
numbers have been increased on Madedonia’s western
border with Albania and northern borders with Kosovo
and Yugoslavia, the ministry said.



Communist Internet
Wednesday 7th May 2000 9.30pm gmt

Vietnam, Yugoslavia Develop Co-operation

Vietnamese Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien said that Vietnam has
consolidated and developed comprehensive co-operation with Yugoslavia
and other
traditional friends.
This was affirmed during the talks between the Vietnamese foreign
minister and his
Yugoslavian counterpart, Zivadin Jovanovic, on June 5 at the Government
Guest House.
Mr Nien expressed his pleasure at new developments in the friendly and
relations between the two countries. He also expressed strong support
for the
people's cause of protecting national independence, sovereignty and
integrity as
well as the restoration of Yugoslavia's legal position at the United
Nations and other
international organisations.
Mr Z Jovanovic said he highly appreciated the achievements recorded by
the Vietnamese
people in the implementation of the open-door policy and integration
into the regional
world communities. He thanked the Vietnamese government and people for
their support
to Yugoslavia's struggle against the North Atlantic Treaty
Organisation's (NATO)
aggression. The foreign minister affirmed that Yugoslavia treasures its
ties with
Vietnam and wished that the comprehensive co-operation between the two
would be further boosted, particularly in trade and economy.
The two foreign ministers discussed regional and international issues of
the situation in both countries and agreed to strengthen co-operation in
all fields.
After the talks, the two ministers signed a visa-exemption agreement for
holders of
diplomatic and official passports and...


HANOI, June 6 (Tanjug) - Vietnam has high respect for the
Yugoslav people's unflinching struggle against NATO's aggression and for
Yugoslavia's determination to accomplish economic reconstruction and
development, Vietnam's top official said on Tuesday. President Tran Duc
Luong was meeting in Hanoi with visiting Yugoslav Foreign Minister
Jovanovic. In reply to greetings from Yugoslav President Slobodan
conveyed by Jovanovic, Tran said he was sure Milosevic would stand firm
with his people and surmount all difficulties, defend the country and
rebuild NATO-wreaked devastation. The meeting rounded off Jovanovic's
successful contacts with ranking government and communist party
in this influential Asian country, with a population of 82 million and
impressive annual economic growth rate of 7-8 percent over the past
Vietnam firmly supports Yugoslavia and its people, and demands a strict
full implementation of U.N. Resolution 1244, Tran said, adding that
insists that all bans and sanctions against Yugoslavia be lifted
immediately. He went on to say he was sure Jovanovic's visit would be
successful and would boost friendly bilateral relations and cooperation,
and accepted with pleasure Milosevic's invitation to visit Yugoslavia.
Jovanovic, in turn, stressed that President Milosevic, the Yugoslav
Government and people highly appreciate the solidarity and support of
Vietnam, especially at the time of last year's NATO aggression. He said
that Vietnam's support for and solidarity with Yugoslavia were all the
important for coming from a state and nation symbolic of the struggle
freedom and independence in the world. Yugoslavia highly appreciates
Vietnam's support for its reintegration in the United Nations, the
non-aligned movement and other international organisations. During the
meeting, strong support was given to a further strengthening of
relations and expansion and diversification of cooperation, especially
the economy.



Piu' di 10mila persone a Kumrovec




The West's colonial governor of Bosnia Wolfgang Petrisch (an Austrian,
head of the OHR) has decided to criticise the recent appointment made by
Bosnia's multi-ethnic presidency because this man happens to be
that Bosnia can't rush headlong into privatization. It seems that the
thing that the Serbs, Croats and Muslims are united on is to protect the
countries industry from the voracious apetites of the neoliberal
elite! [note that the previous man who held the post was from the
Party (SPRS)!]

Top envoy blasts Bosnia authorities over new PM
By Nedim Dervisbegovic

SARAJEVO, June 7 (Reuters) - The West's top envoy in Bosnia on Wednesday
blasted the appointment of a little known Serb professor as the
next prime minister.
Parliament approved Spasoje Tusevljak, reported to have been an
adviser to indicted war criminal Radovan Karadzic, as rotating chairman
the Council of Ministers on Tuesday.
Western envoy Wolfgang Petritsch, who has sweeping powers to implement
Bosnia's peace process, slammed the move.
``I want to express my deep dissatisfaction about the process of
the most important executive in this country,'' he said after a meeting
the three-man presidency that proposed Tusevljak, 48, last month.
``A candidate was selected (who) is virtually unknown in this country,''
told reporters, adding that the whole process of selection was
Tusevljak, without party membership, must return to parliament for a
vote on
the full cabinet of six ministries, one of which will be held by him. No
has been set.
The chair rotates among ministers every eight months.
Bosnia, made up of the Moslem-Croat federation and the Serb republic,
been without central government since February, when a Constitutional
ruling forced it to dissolve.
The central institutions have only a limited role. The new Council of
Ministers will oversee policy areas including foreign affairs, trade,
rights and the state treasury.
The international community, which is sponsoring Bosnia's recovery from
1992-95 war with billions of dollars, sees stronger central government
as the
key to economic revival.
Tusevljak was a pre-war resident of Sarajevo but fled to the Serb
and later to Belgrade after war broke out. He now lectures in economics
the university in the Serb part of Sarajevo.
Sarajevo media reported last month that he was an economic adviser early
the conflict to Bosnian Serb wartime leader Karadzic, who is now in
Petritsch said he would keep the presidency and the parliament
for their decisions. He criticised Tusevljak for saying on Tuesday that
Bosnia should progress slowly, calling his remarks ``simply unacceptable
``We need to speed up the process of the implementation, not to slow it
down,'' he said.
A previous candidate to chair the central government, former Bosnian
Deputy Prime Minister Tihomir Gligoric, lost the support of the
after Western officials complained that his Socialist party was too
close to

14:03 06-07-00


Bosnian parliament approves Serb PM, envoy unhappy

SARAJEVO, June 6 (Reuters) - Bosnia's parliament on Tuesday approved
Spasoje Tusevljak as the next rotating chairman of the restructured
government but the West's top envoy in the country said he was not the
man for the job.
Tusevljak, a relatively unknown economics professor without party
affiliation, passed the confidence motion in the 42-seat lower house
after 19
deputies voted for him, 11 voted against and two abstained. Ten were
He will return to the lower chamber for the vote on the full cabinet
has six ministries, one of which will be held by Tusevljak, but no date
been set yet. The chair rotates among ministers every eight months.
A spokeswoman for international High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch
after the vote that the envoy did not know ``what qualifies Mr Tusevljak
this position.''
``Neither the presidency nor the parliament have lived up to their
responsibility of providing Bosnia with a chair who meets criteria of
able to turn the Council of Ministers into an efficient common
she said.
The international community sponsoring the Balkan country's peace
with billions of dollars sees the strengthening of the joint
institutions as
a cornerstone of future development.
Under the 1995 Dayton peace treaty, Bosnia is divided into a
highly-autonomous Moslem-Croat Federation and Serb Republic, each of
has its own military and police.
The all-Bosnian central institutions -- the parliament, the presidency
the government -- have a limited role.
The old Council of Ministers ceased to exist in February after the
Constitutional Court ruled that it could not have two co-chairs and a
It had three ministers.
The three-man inter-ethnic presidency nominated Tusevljak last month as
compromise solution, put forward by Serb member Zivko Radisic.
Previous Bosnian Serb candidate Tihomir Gligoric lost presidency support
after peace officials objected to his nomination, saying his Bosnian
Socialist Party was too close to the Yugoslav ruling party of President
Slobodan Milosevic.

13:35 06-06-00



Tuesday, June 6 11:30 AM SGT
Montenegro president's brother accused of wounding militant

PODGORICA, Yugoslavia, June 6 (AFP) -

The brother of Montenegro's President Milo Djukanovic took part in an
on a militant of the Montenegro Liberal Alliance (LSCG) who was
injured, an LSCG official told AFP.
The opposition party's number two, Miroslav Vickovic, said Aleksandar
Djukanovic and a friend Pajo Jabucanin attacked Zoran Kljajic late
outside a hotel in the centre of Montenegro's capital Podgorica.
Kljajic was pistol-whipped, receiving a double skull fracture and
concussion, Vickovic said. He was hospitalized and operated on early
the LSCG official said.
Friends of Kljajic tried to halt the aggression but the president's
and his friend threatened them with pistols, Vickovic said, adding that
Montenegro's deputy interior minister, Vuk Boskovic, was present.
Vickovic called on Interior Minister Vukasin Maras to act according to
President Djukanovic's brother is a businessman who is not involved in
The LSCG, which promotes independence for Montenegro, broke off a local
alliance with the president's "Live Better" coalition in Podgorica and
Herceg Novi, a town on the Adriatic coast.
The split and the LSCG's entry into opposition caused early municipal
elections to be called in the two towns. They are to be held Sunday.


Montenegro police prepare for conflict-Yugo army

BELGRADE, June 8 (Reuters) - The Yugoslav army on Thursday accused
Montenegro's police of setting the scene for conflict and said the
authorities had joined a Western campaign against Yugoslavia and its
The accusations, in an army statement carried by the state news agency
Tanjug, coincided with tensions between the pro-Western coastal republic
Serb-dominated federation ahead of local elections in two Montenegro's
``The Montenegrin leadership, the authorities and police whole-heartedly
joined a Western psychological propaganda and media campaign aimed at
country and the Yugoslav army,'' the statement said on Thursday.
But, it added, the Montenegrins, ``aware of the historic moment and
responsibility for the future, will pull their strength together in
order to
recognise who is who in the Yugoslav reality.''
Montenegro's President Milo Djukanovic has been at odds with Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic since 1997, pushing for democratic and
reforms in Yugoslavia and threatening a referendum on independence if
Belgrade does not comply.
Djukanovic is facing early local polls in the capital Podgorica and in
costal town of Herceg-Novi after the Liberal Alliance party pulled out
of his
local coalitions in order to campaign on a pro-independence ticket.
Pro-Milosevic parties in Montenegro formed a coalition for the polls and
been campaigning vigorously, accusing Djukanovic of treason and of
trying to
secede from Serbia.
Last Friday, the Montenegrin Finance Minister said he saw no risk the
would try to overthrow his government that has edged away from the
dominated by Milosevic, himself of Montenegrin origin.
``We are fully aware that top officers of the Yugoslav army are
loyal to Mr Milosevic,'' Miroslav Ivanisevic told reporters in Brussels,
added he ``would say the Yugoslav army would not be used in Montenegro
for a
coup d'etat.''
The army has also denied it was doing anything else in Montenegro but
regular duties stipulated by the federal constitution and said it posed
threat to the republic.
But on Thursday, it listed a number of examples of what it called
acts and preparations set to provoke incidents, conflicts and clashes
members of the army in order to cause the international community
condemnation and reactions.''
The statement said that Montenegrin police were arming and exercising a
reserve in the towns of Cetinje and Herceg-Novi, while in the towns of
Bar and Ulcinj the reserve was made up mostly of ethnic Croats and
``In addition, Montenegro's police have enormous forces in other
centres formed on the basis of political and national criteria,'' the
statement said.

15:56 06-08-00

June 15, 2000

Bribing Montenegro –- It Didn't Work



Updated: March 20 2000
United States Institute of Peace Library
Montenegro Web Links

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

* Iniziative a TRIESTE


Associazione "Internazionalismo e SolidarietÈ"


Anche l'embargo uccide, come le bombe, come l'uranio
Come l'indifferenza

Un anno fa cessavano i bombardamenti degli aerei della NATO sulla
Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia lasciando un Paese devastato: case,
scuole, ospedali, fabbriche, ponti, strade distrutti in nome di una
"ingerenza umanitaria" che in realtÈ era la volontÈ dell'imperialismo
americano di sottomettere un Paese e un popolo che, nel cuore
dell'Europa non vuole sottostare ai diktat dei paesi occidentali. I
effettuati sulla fabbrica di automobili Zastava di Kragujevac e sul polo
industriale di Panc evo, con la contemporanea distruzione del
petrolchimico, della fabbrica di fertilizzanti e della raffineria, sono
forse i fatti piË emblematici perchÉ dimostrano senza ombra di dubbio
si voleva distruggere le fonti del lavoro e determinare le condizio ni
piË pesante carico di distruzioni ambientali che si potesse realizzare:
acqua, aria, terra avvelenati (e non solo su quel martoriato Paese!) da
una guerra che ha avuto tutti i connotati di un attacco
Ed É risibile e scandaloso come il Tribunale speciale dell'Aja abbia
deciso di archiviare il caso dei crimi-ni commessi dalla NATO. Ad
per quanto riguarda Pancevo si sostiene che "non risulta che la Nato
a conoscenza dei possibili danni ambi entali conseguenti ad un attacco
aereo." £ ovvio: cosa volete che ci fosse in una raffineria? Nulla di
tossico! Certamente profumi! Tutto questo a riprova della sudditanza di
istituzioni pseudo-neutrali a chi vuole essere il padrone e il gendarme
del mon do. E come se non fossero bastate le bombe la "civile" comunitÈ
dei Paesi aggressori ha deciso di mantenere e rafforzare l'embargo
la Repubblica Federale di Jugoslavia, in atto giÈ da molti anni, e
ri-guarda tutta una serie di servizi, beni e tecno logie, a cominciare
presidi sanitari piË semplici, siringhe ed aspirine, per finire con gli
strumenti necessari per le indagini sui livelli di inquinamento. Il che
vuol dire condannare il "popolo invisibile" a soffrire fame e malattie,
negargli il l avoro, a morire per mancanza di cure mediche; e questo
colpisce inevitabilmente i piË poveri e indifesi: i profughi, i bambini,

Chiamiamo tutte le persone, le associazioni, le forze sociali che non
accettano l'arroganza dell'imperialismo e della NATO ad esprimere tutta
loro solidarietÈ ai lavoratori e alle popolazioni della Repubblica
Federale di Jugoslavia.

Al fine di raccogliere aiuti la
Associazione "Internazionalismo e SolidarietÈ"

organizza per

martedÙ 27 giugno 2000

alle ore 19 e 30
presso la Casa del Popolo di Sottolongera, Via Masaccio 24

un incontro sul tema della campagna di
solidarietÈ materiale con il popolo jugoslavo
(adozioni a distanza, medicinali, denaro, cibo non deperibile,

SeguirÈ una serata conviviale animata dalla musica balcanica dei gruppi

Kraski Ovcarji e Balkan Babau Circus Orkestar

Per chi lo volesse sarÈ in funzione un buffet.

Medicinali per la Zastava

Abbiamo ricevuto dal Sindacato dei lavoratori della fabbrica Zastava di
Kragujevac un lungo elenco di farmaci assolutamente necessari e
introvabili a causa dell'embargo, tra i quali:


a partecipare alla serata portando con voi confezioni di questi


Rossi Alma wrote:
> Vi segnaliamo che nel sito del coordinamento RSU coord.naz.rsu@... è
> disponibile, e scaricabile, il primo materiale relativo all'iniziativa che
> si sta organizzando per il prossimo 15 luglio a Trieste in solidarietà ai
> lavoratori della jugoslavia e contro l'embargo.
> L'iniziativa prevede la convocazione di una assemblea nazionale che punta a
> mettere assieme quanti, dopo essersi già mobilitati contro la guerra, sono
> oggi impegnati o sensibili alle iniziative di solidarietà verso i lavoratori
> della Yugoslavia ed ai contenuti della lotta per il ritiro immediato ed
> unilaterale dell'embargo.
> Dalla home page potete risalire alla pagina con queste informazioni
> (assemblea e concerto).
> E' necessario però che attorno a questa iniziativa si costruisca il massimo
> di mobilitazione, in questa fase sopratutto per la raccolta delle adesioni.
> Chiediamo alle Rsu di discutere di questo al loro interno e di costruire
> quindi la loro adesione, ma chiediamo a tutti anche di coinvolgere le loro
> strutture sindacali categoriali e territoriali, le Ammininistrazioniu
> Pubbliche (comuni e provincie) per costruire anche la loro adesione.
> Nel caso segnalateci gli indirizzi di queste Amministrazioni in modo che gli
> si possa inviare una lettera ufficiale di richiesta di adesione.
> Nel primo gruppo dei promotori segnaliamo alcune strutture sindacali (Cgil
> Lombardia, Cgil di Massa - Carrara - Cgil Brescia - Fiom di Lecco, anche la
> Cgil di Trieste ha dichiarato di condividere gli obiettivi dell'iniziativa)
> e associazioni come la sezione Italiana del tribunale Clark sui crimini di
> guerra (che interverranno anche all'assemblea per illustrare i risultati
> dell'inchiesta che come sapete si è conclusa lo scorso 10 giugno a New
> York).
> Scaricate e diffondete il materiale (materiale che sarà via via aggiornato)
> e cercate di spingere per altre adesioni sopratutto verso le vostre
> strutture sindacali locali e verso le vostre RSU.
> La riuscita dell'iniziativa di Trieste è il modo migliore di dimostrare come
> il mondo del lavoro Italiano sia schierato contro la guerra (sia come
> bombardamenti sia come embargo).
> Ciao ALMA
> Alma Rossi - email - alma@...
> indirizzo email del coordinamento RSU - coord.naz.rsu@...
> indirizzo internet del Coordinamento RSU -



Invitation and Registration Form for the
4-5 November, 2000 Manchester, UK
Register soon! Limited places available!
Sponsors: The Wainwright Trust, The Rowntree Reform Trust, Manchester
Council, Greater Manchester and District CND

Send your form (below) and payment by post to: CADU, One World Centre, 6
Mount St., Manchester, M2 5NS England
Invoiceable organisations only may:
email to: gmdcnd@...
OR fax to: 44-(0)161-834-8187
Thank You!
For more information please telephone the CADU office on:
44-(0)161-834-8301; or 834-8176 or send us an email!

Bringing Together Speakers and Campaigners from All Over the World
We hope this international conference will be an opportunity not only to
provide accessible information to those not familiar with the issue, but
also provide a working platform for activists, politicians and national
representatives to collaborate on key global strategies for removing the
threat of depleted uranium from all peoples, and for putting pressure on
governments to respond appropriately to this threat. The conference will
also provide a place for scientists from around the world to compare
on their research thus far. The conference will begin at 9am on Saturday
November and conclude at 5 pm on Sunday, 5 November. The plenary
will include speakers from Iraq, Serbia, and veterans groups.
will present the latest information on the testing programmes and
effects. Workshops on the huge range of issues related to DU include:
health effects, the nuclear industry, international law and UN work,
government responses, Gulf War and Balkans veterans, clean up
practical support for those affected, the role of the World Health
Organisation and the International Atomic Energy Authority,
effects, non-violent protest actions, etc. Full conference programmes
be sent out with your registration pack.

Speakers Include:
High-level UN speakers have been invited, but we are still awaiting
confirmation (June 2000). Confirmed speakers thus far include
representatives from campaign groups in Puerto Rico, the Netherlands,
Italy, Serbia, and the U.S.; the International Association of Lawyers
Against Nuclear Arms; the Military Toxics Project; radiation scientists
from Iraq and Serbia; Alice Mahon, MP; Dr. Doug Rokke, US Army Radiation
Health Specialist during the Gulf War; Dr. Rosalie Bertell, who has
in the field of environmental epidemiology of cancer and birth defects
thirty years; Karen Parker, JD, international lawyer at the UN; Dr.
Hooper, Chief Scientific Advisor to UK Gulf War Veterans; Damacio Lopez,
director of the International Depleted Uranium Study Team; Dr. Chris
physical chemist and consultant to the Low Level Radiation Campaign;
Felicity Arbuthnot, investigative journalist.

What is Depleted Uranium?
Depleted Uranium is a waste product of the nuclear industry. It is
radioactive and chemically toxic, extremely dense, and is now used to
armour-piercing weapons. When it burns or explodes, a fine, breathable,
insoluble radioactive dust is released that can travel for many miles.
has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. This means that, unless isolated,
can remain accessible to the human environment forever. About 320 tons
DU were fired on Iraq during the Gulf War, and about 10 tons on Kosovo
Serbia; a smaller, unknown amount, was used in Bosnia in 1994-95.
and civilians in the Gulf War and the Balkans have reported ill-health,
cancers, and nerve damage, as well as cancers and genetic abnormalities
their children.

What is CADU?
The Campaign Against Depleted Uranium was launched in Manchester,
in January 1999. Issues covered by its work include ill effects of DU on
soldiers and civilians in Iraq and the Balkans, medical effects of DU
soldiers and civilians, DU storage in the UK and the US, DU in scrap
in the UK, use of DU in airplanes, and DU testing in New Mexico,
Japan and Puerto Rico. CADU, together with other groups, initiated
meetings at the Hague Appeal for Peace, May 1999. These meetings formed
strong international links in the campaign against DU that are enjoyed
today. CADU is a small, largely voluntary group, funded by small
affiliation fees and donations.

CADU's Aims:
-a global ban on the manufacture, export, and use of depleted uranium
-recognition by European defence ministries that DU weapons are
with illnesses among veterans and civilians from the Gulf War, the
and among those near DU testing, manufacturing and air crash sites;
- governments that use DU must take responsibility for environmental
decontamination of areas where it has been used;
-recognition that DU weapons are already banned under international
humanitarian law.

Manchester - A Nuclear Free City for Twenty Years
5 November 2000 marks the twentieth anniversary of Manchester's 'nuclear
free' policy. Manchester became the UK's first Nuclear Free Local
in the world in 1980. Manchester City Council is generously supporting

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


Il capo della missione civile dell'ONU (UNMIK) in Kosmet Bernard
Kouchner e' molto tollerante verso chi commette "errori" nel processo
inarrestabile (?) di democratizzazione del suo protettorato (leggi: le
bande di assassini finanziati, addestrati ed appoggiati dalla NATO), ma
non altrettanto verso chi la pensa diversamente da lui.
Quando alla conferenza stampa tenutasi nel primo anniversario della
occupazione coloniale del Kosmet gli e' stato chiesto cosa ne pensasse
delle opinioni di Jiri Dinstbier, il suo collega dell'ONU inviato
speciale per i diritti umani nella ex-RFSJ che sostiene che
l'amministrazione Kouchner ha chiuso un occhio verso i criminali
dell'UCK compromettendo la convivenza sul territorio kosovaro, Kouchner
e' diventato furioso ed ha detto che Dinstbier non sa niente della
realta' di quel territorio, e che lui che ha speso 30 anni della sua
vita a proteggere i diritti umani non puo' essere criticato in tal senso
da nessuno.
Kouchner si rifiuta di incontrare Dinstbier, e la rabbia e' tale che non
vuole ricevere nemmeno il connazionale di Dinstbier, il presidente ceco
Havel, che pure invece non ha mai mostrato perplessita' nei confronti
delle politiche razziste dell'UNMIK in Kosmet. Per chiudere la
discussione sull'argomento, Kouchner ha urlato "Mr. Dinstbier, shut up!"
("Chiudi il becco Dinstbier!") dinanzi ai giornalisti convenuti.

>UN's Kouchner tells critic Shut up!
>PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, June 12 (Reuters)

Per le puntate precedenti si veda:

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