

Gentile Tommaso Di Francesco,
nei giorni precedenti la tornata elettorale in Jugoslavia abbiamo notato
uno zelo particolare da parte tua e del tuo giornale nel sostegno ad uno
dei candidati della opposizione di destra, il liberista e nazionalista
Kostunica. In particolare, nel tuo articolo "I profughi dimenticati di
sostieni che "solo Kostunica non ha smesso di insistere sulla questione
Kosovo e sul rientro dei profughi", sorvolando sul fatto che proprio
Kostunica in Kosovo e' stato preso a sassate in faccia dai serbi sotto
assedio, mentre l'attuale governo jugoslavo chiede costantemente che, in
applicazione alla Risoluzione ONU 1244, non solo rientrino i profughi,
ma persino alle forze di sicurezza jugoslave sia consentito di
rientrare. Per quanto riguarda il voto ai profughi, tu biasimi Milosevic
che non li fa votare; a parte il fatto che i profughi hanno
tranquillamente diritto di voto nei loro seggi (in Kosovo), ma non
possono esercitarlo perche' - appunto - sono profughi (ma la colpa di
questo di chi e'?): se il governo jugoslavo avesse organizzato dei seggi
elettorali appositi nei campi profughi tu avresti sicuramente scritto
che sarebbe stata una "speculazione politica di Milosevic" per
garantirsi i voti dei profughi.
Comunque si voglia girare la frittata, la colpa e' di Milosevic.
D'altronde, lo dicono pure tutti gli altri giornali.

Coordinamento Romano per la Jugoslavia

PS. non contiamo nella pubblicazione, ma una risposta diretta ci sarebbe
PPS. perche', piuttosto, non pubblicate l'intervista di Juergen
Elsaesser a Mihailo Markovic? Se c'e' un problema di copyright crediamo
sia facilmente risolvibile... O non e' quello il motivo?

e-mail: crj@... - URL:


------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date forwarded: Sat, 23 Sep 2000 04:37:12 +0200
From: "francesco iannuzzelli" <francesco@...>
Organization: peacelink
To: pck-armamenti@...

Come segnalato in home page dalla testimonianza di Zoran, gli
USA stanno compiendo parecchie operazioni militari in
concomitanza con il voto in Yugoslavia.

In Kosovo sono arrivati altri 4 battaglioni di truppe alleate portando
la K-For a 45.000 effettivi.

Nella confinante Romania forze della Nato insieme a rumeni,
svizzeri e bulgari simulano un "intervento teso a riportare la pace in
un paese sconvolto dalla guerra civile".

In Slovacchia e Repubblica Ceca si svolgono le manovre "Blue Line
2000" con piloti e jet statunitensi.

Le operazioni piu' significative pero' riguardano l'esercitazione
congiunta tra truppe USA e croate, sia di terra che di mare, che si
svolgera' dal 25 al 29 settembre, coinvolgendo 600 soldati
americani e 9.000 croati nelle citta' di Spalato e Sebenik.

Sono accompagnati da due unita' di trasporto per operazioni
anfibie, la USS Austin e la USS Saipan, che nei giorni scorsi era
nel porto di Trieste (prima ancora a La Spezia).

Inoltre la portaerei Washington, a propulsione nucleare, e' stata
trasferita all'ultimo momento dal Golfo Persico all'Adriatico, dove e'
giunta in questi giorni.

Il dipartimento della difesa statunitense ha smentito ogni legame
tra queste manovre e le concomitanti elezioni yugoslave...





francesco iannuzzelli francesco@...
associazione peacelink - sez. disarmo



Message urgent de Michel Collon de Belgrade

L?opposition va provoquer des incidents Dimanche soir. Ils diront qu?ils
ont gagné les élections à 9 heures, les bureaux
fermant à 8 heures. Mais les résultats officiels n?étant connus qu?à
minuit. Ils diront que les sondages étaient à leur
faveur et que si Milosevic gagne ça ne peut être qu?une fraude. Ils
cherecheront des bagares avec la police et avoir de
mauvaises images. Peut-être aussi des incidents à Montenegro.

Pourtant les sondages ne sont pas fiables, reconnaît même un responsable
des observateurs dits indépendants, organisés
par l?opposition et les USA, qui reconnaît qu?on ne peut rien prédire.

La tactique de déstabilisation est bien coordonnée, les prix augmentent
chacun de ces derniers jours, on (qui?) organise des
pénuries, huile et sucre sont retirés, les gens se ruent pour stocker.
Les prix augmentent, un dinar de plus chaque jour pour
un mark. L?atmosphère devient engoissante.

La différence entre les meetings électoraux frappe. A celui de Milosevic
: « En tant que colonie, nous ne serions jamais
libres des sanctions car le statut de colonie c?est la pire forme de
sanctions ». Les gens sont fiers de ce qu?ils ont fait :
resister. Milosevic a beaucoup reconstruit. Mais bien sûr, il y a la
lassitude des sanctions et les illusions de la jeunesse qui
n?a pas vecu le fascisme. Il y a un fosse entre générations, d?autant
que l?Ouest envahit la jeunesse avec sa pub et son
modèle de consommation.

Et au meetings de Kostunica, les gens sont tristes, ils sont vite partis
apres le discours, il ne restent même pas pour le
concert. C?est normal, il se prétend un homme de principes mais il est
en train de vendre la souveraineté du pays.

L?opposition, trouvera-t-elle assez de gens pour le soutenir dans ces
incidents ? On verra?

Je ne sais pas comment ca va tourner, en tout cas ça valait la peine de
venir ici. Il faut se préparer au pire et mobiliser les

> Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2000 17:24:19 +0200
> From: Marko Atanasievski
> To: pdevos@...
> Subject: Message de Michel Collon de Belgrade
> Nous sommes ici plus de 200 observateurs venus de 53 pays (Russie,
> Argentine, Chili, Jordanie, Chine, Allemagne, etc) pour contr^oler la
> legalite des elections en Yougoslavie.
> Au parlement, nous avons rencontre la commission de supervision des
> elections qui nous a explique les regles. En fait, elles ressemblent
> tout a fait a ce quon voit dans les pays occidentaux: vote secret,
> bulletins controles, dans tous les bureaux de vote, commissions de
> controle ouvertes a tous les partis.
> En fait, les methodes electorales sont celles pronees par l'OSCE,
> Organisation pour la Cooperation et la Securite en Europe, qui avait
> d'ailleurs declare parfaitement correctes les elections yougoslaves
> de 1996.
> On se demande alors pourquoi la presse occidentale repete inlassablement
> que les elections seront truquees pour permettre a Milosevic de gagner.
> Parce qu'elle pense que l'opposition va perdre? Parce que l'Otan
> cherche un pretexte pour intervenir a nouveau?
> Nous avons essaye de repondre a cette question, ce samedi matin, en
> echangeant nos observations entre observateurs d'une vingtaine de
> pays. D'abord, nous avons constate qu'a l'etranger, on racontait des
> choses assez incroyables. En Hongrie, la presse pretend que les
> observateurs etrangers viennent seulement de quatre pays (Russie,
> Libye, Irak et Hongrie), qu'ils ne peuvent rencontrer l'opposition et
> que celle ci ne pourra etre dans les bureaux de vote pour controler
> les operations. Trois mensonges grossiers, nous avons pu le
> constater. Au Canada, les medias ont pretendu que tous les
> journalistes etrangers avaient ete expulses. Archi-faux: il reste ici
> des dizaines de correspondants internationaux meme si cest vrai,
> quelques journalistes ont ete expulses.
> Cest peut etre regrettable dans certains cas, mais il faut aussi
> comprendre: les Yougoslaves ont subi une guerre, des milliers de gens
> ont perdu la vie, leurs maisons, leurs biens, l'Otan a foutu des
> dechets nucleaires un peu partout et ca provoquer des millers de
> cancers dans quelques annes, et toute cette guerre a ete prepare par
> des mediamensonges occidentaux. Aujourdhui, ils sont a nouveau
> nerveux car les Etats Unis manifestement font monter la tension...
> Il y a dix jours, un journal de l'opposition yougoslave a revele que
> Madeleine Albright, ministre US des Affaires etrangeres, avait reclame
> qu'on bombarde a nouveau la Yougoslavie. Proposition non acceptee
> pour l'instant par les autres responsables americains, mais demain
> qu'arrivera-t-il? Avant les guerres precedentes contre la
> Yougoslavie, on avait constate aussi une campagne psychologique
> preparatoire: demonisation de l'adversaire, creation d'un etat de
> tension en lui attribuant des projets agressifs (ici on pretend que
> Milosevic va attaquer le Montenegro, ce qui ne tient pas debout),
> etcetera... Dans cette campagne psychologique, les sondages doivent
> etre consideres comme une arme de propagande parmi d'autres. Selon
> beaucoup de gens a qui j'ai parle, la lutte sera serree. Voteront
> Milosevic ceux qui, en depit de critiques qu'ils lui font, mettent
> pardessus tout la defense de l'independance. Voteront pour
> l'opposition ceux qui, lasses par des annes depreuves et de
> privations, s'efforcent de croire Kostunica et les promesses des
> EtatsUnis. Mais les medias occidentaux avancent que Kostunica serait
> sur de gagner. Ca ne repose pas sur des enquetes serieuses, en fait
> il n'existe pas de sondage scientifiquement fiable. Pourquoi alors ce
> pronostic trompeur? Pour decourager les electeurs yougoslave et pour
> preparer l'opinion occidentale a cette idee: si Milosevic gagne, ce
> ne pourra etre qu'en fraudant, donc nous devrons intervenir de
> nouveau contre la Yougoslavie (par une nouvelle guerre ou de nouveaux
> bombardements? Esperons que non, et faisons tout pour qu'il n'en soit
> pas ainsi). Les Etats Unis ont fourni a l'opposition une serie de
> consultants specialistes de la communication (le genre de ceux qui
> ont assiste Jamie Shea durant la guerre); les sondages trompeurs
> font partie de leur panoplie d'armes psychologiques. Les Etats-Unis
> font aujourd'hui plein de promesses, garantissant aux Yougoslaves
> qu'ils vivront prosperes s'ils votent bien. D'abord, il faut
> remarquer que ces promesses ils les ont deja faites aux Russes, aux
> Bulgares et aux Albanais avec les resultats qu'on sait....
> En Occident, on n'en parle guere, mais ici, on est tres choques par
> les 70 millions de dollars que les Usa reconnaissent verser aux
> partis, medias dits independants et a d'autres organisations. Acheter
> la Yougoslavie? Que diraient les medias occidentaux si Belgrade ou
> Pekin versait 5 milliards de FB (somme equivalente si on compare les
> niveaux de vie) pour aider un parti d'extreme gauche en France parce
> qu'elle ne respecte pas les droits des Corses ou des Basques? Ou en
> Belgique parce qu'elle enferme les refugies dans des prisons?
> Redevenons serieux: les Etats-Unis sont en train de preparer
> psychologiquement l'opinion internationale a la possibilite dune
> nouvelle agression (n'oublions pas qu'ils bobardemt impunement l'Irak
> depuis neuf ans!). Ils osent presenter comme une lecon de
> <democratie> le chantage <Votez pour nous ou crevez de faim a moins
> qu'on vous bombarde a nouveau!>
> Au moment ou ils preparent un Plan Colombie, veritable declaration de
> guerre contre toute l'Amerique latime et ses nouvelles luttes au
> Venezuela, em Argentine et ailleurs, au moment ou ils soutiennent
> ferocement Israel responsable d'une purification ethnique
> systematique depuis plus de cinquante ans, au moment ou le monde
> entier se mobilise tres positivement contre les injustices de la
> globalisation imposee par les multinationales, il est tres important
> d'arreter cette nouvelle menace d'agression.
> Demain, les 200 observateurs se disperseront dans tout le pays ou ils
> pourront tout controler dans les bureaux de vote et les operations de
> comptage. Nous avons convenu d'echanger nos impressions dimache soir
> et lundi matin tres tot. Les resultats devraient etre connus dans la
> nuit. Il me parait tres important de contrer IMMEDIATEMENT la
> desinformation que certains milieux essaient d'organiser au sujet de
> ces elections. Je suggere de contacter d'avance des journalistes
> honnetes pour leur expliquer qu'une autre information est disponible.
> On peut me joindre a l'hotel Intercontinental, chambre 313.
> Michel Collon
> samedi 23 septembre, Belgrade



>Election Day Meddling
>A letter from Blagovesta Doncheva in Sofia, Bulgaria

>Bulgaria Meddles in Yugoslav Vote
>'Monitor,' [Bulgaria] September 22, p. 1-2-3
>Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marin Raikov, is behind an unprecedented
>plan for parallel Yugoslav vote counting from Sofia. Kostov threatens
>Milosevic with "categorical/decisive actions" if he 'manipulates' the vote on



Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Sept. 28, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper


By John Catalinotto

With the big vote set for Sept. 24, the European Union and
the U.S. government have stepped up their already blatant
intervention in Yugoslavia's national election. Both the
Yugoslav government and anti-war forces in NATO countries
have reacted with anti-NATO actions.

The EU offered the carrot. In a "message to the Serbian
people" from a Sept. 18 monthly foreign ministers' meeting
in Brussels, the EU said it would lift sanctions if
Yugoslavs voted out President Slobodan Milosevic in the
presidential election.

"The elections ... will give the Serbian people the
opportunity to repudiate clearly and peacefully the policy
of Milosevic." Should they do so, "we will lift the
sanctions against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, we
will support the necessary economic aid for its
reconstruction, and we will support the reintegration of the
FRY into the international community," is how the EU
presented its bribe.

Washington continued to wave the big stick. The U.S. Navy
plans maneuvers in the Adriatic Sea off the Yugoslav coast
on election weekend. Both U.S. and NATO leaders have
threatened intervention should there be conflict in
Montenegro, the smaller republic, which along with Serbia
makes up what remains of Yugoslavia.

If Yugoslavia is treated like the other former socialist
countries of the Balkans, "reintegration" means that a
handful of Yugoslavs will grow rich while the bulk of the
population is driven deeper into poverty and the people as a
whole are forced to submit to Western imperialism.

An article in the Sept. 19 New York Times makes it clear
that the only job opportunities for young Bulgarian women is
to work as prostitutes in the Czech Republic near the German

The only serious candidates for president of Yugoslavia are
Milosevic and Vojislav Kostunica, who is backed by 18 small
opposition parties, some of them openly pro-NATO and all pro-
Western. Kostunica is a long-time anti-communist with
credentials as a Serbian nationalist.

Kostunica is also the only opposition figure who is not
tarnished by open association with NATO forces. He can
possibly attract voters who are weary of the assault on
Yugoslavia and who hope that removing Milosevic will end the

The U.S. and West European imperialists, however, want
Kostunica to defeat Milosevic in order to weaken the best-
organized anti-NATO structures inside Yugoslavia. These
structures include Milosevic's Socialist Party and the party
called the Yugoslav United Left, plus the security forces
and the army.

Weakening this apparatus would leave the road open for
imperialist penetration and for turning all of Yugoslavia
back into a colony of the West, whether or not that is what
Kostunica plans.

The Western media claim Kostunica is leading in election
polls. Pro-Milosevic sources point out that the polls were
taken by pro-NATO organizations that want to try to claim
Milosevic "stole" the election should he win.


Meanwhile, the Milosevic forces have run their election
campaign against NATO threats, pointing to the opposition as
NATO puppets.

In addition, the Yugoslav government has gone on the
political offensive against NATO. In Belgrade Sept. 18 the
government opened a trial of NATO leaders for war crimes
committed during the 1999 aggression and 78-day bombing

Yugoslavia charged Presidents Bill Clinton of the United
States and Jacques Chirac of France, British Prime Minister
Tony Blair, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, U.S.
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and nine other NATO
and Western government leaders with war crimes. Their names
were attached to 14 empty chairs in the front of a Belgrade

Serb authorities appointed a lawyer for each of the accused.
Yugoslav officials said it would take four days to present
the evidence.

"They are charged with inciting an aggressive war...war
crimes against civilian population...use of banned combat
means, attempted murder of the Yugoslav president...the
violation of the country's territorial integrity. ..," the
charge sheet read.

"They fired 600 cruise missiles and made 25,119 [air]
sorties during the 78-day aggression, attacking both
military and civilian targets, killing and wounding many
people, causing mass destruction of property," it added.

The charges were similar in structure to those presented at
the dozens of "People's Tribunals" held in Germany, the
United States, Italy, Austria, Greece, Russia and other
countries in the past 14 months, all of which found the NATO
leaders guilty. The Yugoslavs will be able to present more
detailed, eyewitness descriptions of the crimes.

Exposing NATO's crimes and especially the lies NATO leaders
used to justify their aggression has strengthened solidarity
with Yugoslavia in some of the NATO countries.

In Italy, a traditional annual peace march from Perugia to
Assisi will take place Sept. 24 with a more clearly anti-
NATO position than it has had in recent years. Last year
former Prime Minister Massimo D'Alema led the march--but he
also had led the war against Yugoslavia. This year march
organizers invited forces carrying a banner "Against NATO,
against the embargoes" to play a big role in the march and
promised that none of the war criminals from the Italian
regime would be present.

In Germany, a group of anti-war intellectuals have issued a
call from Berlin: "No new NATO-war on the Balkans!" The call
warns of U.S.-NATO military preparations for a possible new
assault on Yugoslavia, and asks for actions against this new
aggression. There are also vigils planned in Bonn on Sept.
22 and 29.

- END -

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BRUSSELS, September 23 (Tanjug) Yugoslavia has filed a protest
with the European Union in Brussels over a socalled "message" that E.U.
foreign ministers have recently sent Yugoslavs in connection with
presidential and parliamentary elections in Yugoslavia.
Yugoslav Charge d'Affaires Dragan Zupanjevac delivered the
note to E.U. Ministerial Council Director General Brian Crowe.
The note says, among others, that the E.U. ministers' "message"
constitutes gross and unacceptable interference in the internal affairs
a sovereign country, and is without a precedent in democratic practice.
Yugoslavia believes it is high time the European Union
its unprincipled and antiEuropean policy, its antiYugoslav policy of
sanctions and isolation, which is achieving nothing other than
to destabilise southeast Europe, the protest note says.



BELGRADE, September 23 (Tanjug) Yugoslavia will be electing a
president and federal parliament deputies, while its republic of Serbia
will be voting also for local administration officials on Sunday,
According to the Central Electoral Commission, Yugoslavia has
electorate of 7,861,327; of this number, 7,417,197 are in Serbia, and
444,130 in the other Yugoslav federal unit, Montenegro.
This will be the first time for the people to be electing a
president directly, and they will have the choice of five candidates:
Incumbent Slobodan Milosevic, nominated by a leftist coalition
made up of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), the Yugoslav Left (JUL),
and the Socialist People's Party (SNP) of Montenegro;
Vojislav Kostunica, nominated by 18 opposition parties rallied
into the Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS) bloc;
Tomislav Nikolic of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS);
Vojislav Mihailovic of the Serbian Renewal Movement (SPO);
Miroljub Vidojkovic of the Affirmative Party.
Should none of the candidates secure an outright majority of
votes cast in the first round, the two leading candidates will fight it
between them in a runoff two weeks later.
Serbs and Montenegrins will be voting in 27 electoral districts
elect 138 deputies to the Chamber of Citizens (lower house) of the
federal parliament, from among candidates nominated by 30 parties on 30
Of this number, Serbia will be giving 108 deputies to the
and Montenegro, 30.
Yugoslav citizens displaced from Serbia's U.N.administered
and Metohija province will be voting in Serbia's southern Prokuplje and
Vranje municipalities.
Deputies to the Chamber of Republics (Upper house) will be
by direct ballot another first with Serbia and Montenegro, as two
constituencies, giving 20 deputies each.
Parallel with the federal elections, polls will be held for
electing 120 deputies to the Serbian Vojvodina province's assembly
(Parliament), and local administrations in Serbia.
Also, 110 deputies to the Belgrade City Council will be elected
from among 548 candidates nominated by 21 parties.
Belgrade has an electorate of 1,351,365.
Apart from local monitors, the elections will be monitored by
than 200 foreign observers from 52 countries, who have already arrived

BELGRADE, September 23 (Tanjug) The Yugoslav Central Electoral
Commission on Saturday reviewed reports on a plot to illegally augment
number of ballots at polling stations and issued further instructions to
prevent fraud on the eve of Sunday's elections.
Yugoslavia votes for president and deputies to both chambers of
the federal parliament, while its republic of Serbia elects local
administrators on Sunday, September 24.
The Commission said in a statement it has come in possession of
information that, as part of subversive activities against Yugoslavia, a
plan has been hatched to sabotage and compromise the presidential
"Foreign factors have prepared a number of ballots for the
presidential election, which their stooges among the Yugoslav people
drop in the ballot boxes folded inside the regular ballot papers...
"This has been done because, under election rules, in case
is a single ballot in a box more than there were voters at that
polling station, the polling must be declared invalid", the Commission
In this way, a couple of hundred unscrupulous individuals could
invalidate the will of hundreds of thousands, it added.
The Commission has therefore decreed that the invigilators at
polling stations must check that the ballot paper of each voter in the
presidential election is a single paper, with nothing folded in it.
"The check will be made by each voter marking the ballot,
it and then handing it over to an invigilator to see that it is a single
paper, while not violating the secrecy of the voting, and then dropping
in the box", the statement said.
The Commission appealed to the people to respect the reasons
have made this kind of control necessary.

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

The Economist April 1st-7th, 2000

The next Balkan War

It could still be avoided with a relatively small amount of money, so
as it is spent wisely and soon

LOST in their cyber-dreams in Lisbon, the European Union's leaders must
have felt pleasantly far from the mess in the Balkans. They did, it is
true, offer some reassuring generalities about fast-track procedures for
effective assistance and so on in their conclusions; and EU panjandrums
and officials from a host of governments and international institutions
were taking stock of the Balkan imbroglio again in Brussels a few days
later. But there is little evidence that the Union's leaders are ready
devote the necessary attention to an issue that should be high on the
agenda of any European political summit right now: the avoidance of
another war in the Balkans, which remains all too real a possibility.

In case the summiteers have forgotten, the most dramatic event in Europe
last year was not, alas, the launch of some bold economic experiment but
the outbreak of the continent's most intensive war for half a
its conclusion on terms that offered no guarantee against a recurrence.
Since the end of the war over Kosovo last June, the West's adversary
Slobodan Milosevic has tightened his grip on power, at least in his
Serbia, and raised the rhetorical temperature. He is a man who thrives
wars, even though they invariably leave him king of an ever-smaller
castle, and several signs suggest that his next war could be fought over
Montenegro, the last remaining republic with which Serbia is linked in
shrunken Yugoslav federation.

Heading for the last bust-up

Montenegro is hardly a model democracy, neither is its president, Milo
Djukanovic, a model citizen. But he is pro-western and no friend of Mr
Milosevic. Indeed, he has been trying to put some distance between his
small republic and Serbia, and the West would rightly like to see him
succeed, so long as his efforts do not precipitate a bloody rupture.

That, however, is just what Mr Milosevic might welcome. As an indicted
war criminal, in charge of a country under sanctions, Mr Milosevic may
well calculate that he has nothing to lose by testing transatlantic
solidarity once again and drawing Russia's new administration, as well
NATO, into an international crisis. As the experience of the past
makes plain, European governments cannot keep the peace in the Balkans
without taking America into account. In the continent's potential
fields, moreover, there is a natural division of labour whereby
might serves as a strategic deterrent, while artfully applied economic
assistance from EU governments keeps local antagonisms from boiling

In sensitive spots like Macedonia, Kosovo and, above all, Montenegro,
swift dispatch of relatively small sums of financial assistance could
make the difference between peace and war. Many European politicians
understand this perfectly well, but their collective response to the
has shown up many of the EU's worst features: introversion, lack of
urgency and an obsession with arcane technicalities.

In the Balkans no less than in cyberspace, the EU is always capable of
conjuring up lofty visions. At this week's conference in Brussels on
economic development in south-eastern Europe, there was much talk-some
it sensible-about the need for bridges, roads, railway links and the
to create inter-dependence. There was also a realisation that
Montenegro's pro-western government needs aid over the next few weeks if
it is to fend off economic warfare from Serbia and maintain some
credibility at home: Mr Djukanovic says Mr Milosevic is trying to
a coup against him, using Yugoslav troops garrisoned in Montenegro.
was a realisation, too, that spending money wisely in the Balkans is not
quite the same as spending it freely: if the aim is to keep Mr
in power, it must go to pay the pensions of deserving Montenegrins
(including the Serb-minded) and so on, not to finance
by corrupt members of the regime. But did all that add up to action?

In Lisbon, the heads of government urged the "competent
institutions"-including, presumably, their own finance ministers-to
necessary decisions"
to help Montenegro. But if those decisions continue to be held up by
technicalities and buck-passing between different parts of the EU's
decision-making structure, they may come too late to bolster the
Montenegrin government against a takeover bid by Mr Milosevic-and hence
too late to avert another war in the Balkans. If Europe's minds are
indeed genuinely concentrated on high, no time should be wasted in
action lower down.

e-mail: crj@... - URL:

Kostunica: the New US Bait for the Serb People

The international media excitedly distributes Mr. Kostunica’s statements
against US interference in
Yugoslavia inner affairs (at the moment having in mind only the coming
Federal Presidential
Elections), the terror in Kosovo, etc.
He even called the World “Peacemaker”, USA, “an evil” for the Serbs.
And charmed by his patriotic statements, man is apt to forget he is only
one of the so-called Serb
Opposition’s two Candidates.
He is Zoran Djindjic and Co.’s candidate.
Same Djindjic who has worn out his shoes soles taking part in the
well-advertised meetings with the
USA Administration emissaries since USA-NATO occupation of the Serb
Province Kosovo in June
Who has repeatedly shaken hands with Mrs. MacDeath Alldark and the other
Clinton Administration
puppets on the string (the string being played on by the US
transnational corporations - especially
those, connected with the sophisticated weapon production, like
Lockheed, Raytheon, Boeing,
Microsoft, etc.)
Whom and his buddies the US Senate has voted millions of US dollars

Dear neighbours,
Do not get carried away by sweet talks: it is time for cutting off
emotions - it is time for a level
common sense logical thinking.
Remember: not only your country’s future is at stake.
The whole world is holding its breath now watching your steps!..

I feel like sharing with you my reasoning concerning Kostunica, based on
my experience as a former
activist of the Bulgarian Union of “Democratic” Forces (known now as the
“Union of Demonic
Forces”) and my life in “democratic” Bulgaria for more than ten years.

There are two possible scenarios if Kostunica comes into power.

First scenario: he proves to be really an honest person and patriot.

But what do you think he will manage to do by himself, notwithstanding
his eventual good intentions?
Could he possibly provide an independence from the Globo Cop?
Could he keep the US front line vultures, the International Monetary
Fund and the World Bank,
outside your country?
Could he keep Soros, that deadly pest of nowadays, on the outer side of
your boundaries?

Would the Globo Cop’s highly paid local lackeys like Djindjic let him do
Would Globo Cop’s highly paid agents of his own let him do it?

An example from Bulgarian last ten year history.
In that period of ten years there was only one attempt for a nation
responsible more independent
ruling, carried out by a single person and a handful of supporters. I
have in mind Jan Videnov’s
two-year rule.
That young man had been a Bulgarian Premier in the period from 1994
(October-November) till
December 1996.
He was a Bulgarian Socialist Party Leader and the Bulgarian Socialist
Party government Premier after
that party great election victory in October 1994.
The Stripes and Stars had allowed the concentration of so much power in
his hands sure their local
lackeys would easily manipulate him because of his being so young.
But they had brought their goods to the wrong market.
He proved to be first a Bulgarian, and then a member and a Party leader!

After February 4 1997 a well-known Bulgarian intellectual, Mr.Hristo
Genchev, an architect by
profession, wrote: “The last nation-responsible government has fallen
He was the only one in that ten-year period who had tried to fight IMF
and WB!
The only one who had shown he cared for his country and people.
(And he was in power just in the period when the Big Brother Beyond the
Ocean needed
servile governments in all the countries neighbouring Yugoslavia!)
Having in mind the planned assault against Yugoslavia, the Empire of
Evil could not take
risks. Orders had been dutifully sent and the Bulgarian political circus
had been reopened
with a flourish!
Everybody jumped against the young Criminal! Not only the Union of
Demonic Forces but the
people from his government and his party - the Bulgarian Socialist
Party: i.e., all the US
Bulgarian lackeys gobbling hungrily at the US trough!
After some months-orchestrated tension in the Parliament, the government
and inside the
BSP, the first actual step has been taken: flour disappeared magically
from the market and a
bread crisis had burst in August 1996. It provided the necessary tension
and negative
atmosphere of rejection among the population. The notorious bread crisis
continued only
some weeks and then disappeared as magically as it had appeared!
Presumably, that Circus
Director had decided the public was heated enough against the BSP
Premier and called
withdrawal in expectation that Videnov would hand his resignation and
step down.
Again wrong calculation: Videnov stayed and continued fighting his very
lonely fight. Then
the Russian governmental Mafia threaten him and served his head on a
tray to the Stars and
Stripes - just as Chernomirdin did later with a whole country:
He resigned but the US think-tanks dealing with the region had decided
then that it would be
more convenient for the US Balkans plans that the Bulgarian Socialist
Party should be
kicked out of power and replaced by the Union of Demonic Forces. It was
certainly evaluated
that UDF would support the aggression against Yugoslavia without any
voices of dissent, and
would readily provide all the necessary logistic collaboration or at
least would not create any
problems during the long time planned Great US “Humanitarian” War on the
So the US Ambassador, Mrs. Bowlen rolled her sleeves and stepped on it;
some of Mr.
Tenet’s tough CIA boys rushed to help armed with those special psychic
weapons they know
best about
* - and UDF called the famous jumping-up meetings in January 1997!
(“Jumping- up”
meetings because their essential part was the slogan: “If You Do Not
Jump, You Are Red!”
Those meetings were called everyday near the Parliament - the UDF
leaders and speakers
soon have worn out their anticommunist repertoire, and took refuge in
the quoted slogan and
started jumping eagerly in front of the crowds, making them jump too.
(By the way, not so
bad an idea: January 1997 happened to be rather cold indeed.)
The funniest thing was that both UDF and BSP came from the traitorous
Communist Party, and those from the UDF who jumped most eagerly to prove
they were not
“red”, were just the persons with many years of communist past and
communist party work
behind themselves. I am talking about people in the periphery of the
Bulgarian Communist
Party Central Committee, of the Communist Secret Police Force agents, of
paid Communist
Party secretaries at different levels. ( Ivan Kostov, the UDF Bulgarian
Premier now, had
applied several times for a membership of the Bulgarian Communist Party;
his wife and Mr.
Sokolov’s wife had been for many years paid Communist Party secretaries
in Sofia Institutes
- Mr. Sokolov is the Bulgarian Parliament UDF head at the moment, former
UDF Minister of
Inner Affairs and a high level UDF Party functionary!)
The last round of the “January Revolution” (they call that pitiable
circus so!) had been an
orchestrated currency crisis a la Soros: $1 reached 3000 leva!
Certain people got very rich for hours only.
Others lost their many year savings for hours only.
Some credit millionaires woke up innocent like newly born babies: the
millions of dollars they
had to pay back to the banks had melted away like last year snow!
Lots of small shop owners went bankrupt.
And the ordinary Bulgarians started hating Videnov’s guts and his party
just as they should -
just according to plan!

On February 4, 1997 BSP resigned and new parliamentary elections were

Mr. Sofianski (UDF), the present Sofia mayor, was appointed for a
temporary Premier till the
elections, and immediately the US dollar most magically fell to its old
level well below 2 leva!

And the Bulgarian public learned - at last! - who are the Good Boys, and
who - - the Bad

Elections presented no problem.

And Mrs. Bowlen, the US Ambassador in Sofia, clicked heels; reported
task fulfilled and was
assigned to a well- deserved higher post. The new Governor, Mr. Miles
swam heavily from
Belgrade and took to distributing power and money in Bulgaria, and to
keep generally the
newly acquired US province in line.

Videnov still keeps getting accused both from BSP and UDF for everything
happening here, in the world in general, and in the Milky Way, maybe. (I
would not be
surprised if he gets accused also for the recent food price drastic
rise, and even for the fires
both in Bulgaria and USA -to say nothing about those in Greece!)

So much for Kostunica’s chances - if he happened to be really an honest

Second possible scenario: Kostunica is the same shit as Djindjic and Co,
only his US trained
and supported image-makers have advised him to talk anti USA to make use
of the bitterness
and anti-US sentiments understandably prevailing in Yugoslavia after the
aggression, Kosovo occupation, and the ethnic cleansing carried there by
Thaci the Snake’s
Great Albanian Warriors, KFOR, Koushner and his pay masters from USA.

He will manipulate people before the elections and afterwards he will
kick them coldly into
the teeth, and will start energetically licking the Ugly Uncle’s boots.
And if the Great
Globalizer demands from him to level out Belgrade to start building
another Bondsteel Base
just there, he, Djindjic and Co. will do it without batting an eye -
just as Kostov and Co.
(UDF) gave all the possible corridors for US and NATO in that bloody
spring of 1999 - or
Parvanov and Co. (BSP) turned to 180? at their Convention on April 6-7,
2000, and declared
their passionate love for NATO!

Then most of you will be very sorry for having given your votes for him,
but it will be too late.

The same holds true for Drashkovic’s candidate Voislav Mihailovic. Let’s
leave Mihailovic
aside, let’s concentrate on Drashkovic.

He is like a sunflower: always ready to turn to the sun, i.e., to bent a
knee to the Power on a
Rise. Against Milosevic, thinking wrongly he is weak enough to be kicked
out and replaced
with his own great person - then with Milosevic, because the last has
proved strong enough to
keep the power - against Milosevic again, writhing in front of Uncle Sam
and kissing hands to
the Serb and Iraqis children Murderess, unique Mrs. Mac Death
Alldark!... What could you
expect from him and his candidate? He has many times proved that he
loves best Power with
a capital P, not his country and his people!
Drashkovic, the pitiable clown, who could not think of any other ways to
draw the public
attention to himself, besides the laughable staged assassination
Come on, you cannot be serious!

Something else: do not think he has stuck to a candidate of his own in
some defiance of Ugly
Uncle’s scenario for the Serb elections. Tenet’s boys and girls are not
orchestrating an
election in a sovereign country for the first time: they have rich
experience in the Latin
America countries and lately in the East European countries, especially
in Bulgaria! Their
strategy is as follows:
Stage One: find your men and play on their greediness and lust for
Stage Two: get as many candidates/parties in the political space in the
pre- election period as
it is possible.
In ten years we had four elections for a Parliament, two Presidential
Elections, to say nothing
about the mayor elections!
Every time They stuck to that scenario: as many candidates as possible -
for Presidents and
mayors, as many parties as possible - for Parliamentary elections!
My observations: It gets the people in a state of uncertainty; it
provides a second stage of
voting (balloting); an atmosphere of pressure, tension and fear is
usually successfully created
between the first and second date of voting (that is the great time for
blows under the waist!).
And most important: less apolitical persons take part in the second
voting (balloting).
And very often that decides the end result.

Mihailovic has already declared he will give his votes to Kostunica!
They are sure there will
be a second voting and follow strictly the US model!
Well-worked model for orchestrating elections in sovereign countries
with US supported and
lectured “opposition”!

I had taken an active part in the first two Parliamentary elections
(1990 and 1991) and in one
Presidential election (1992). I had gone to the country to canvass for
the UDF candidates, I
had talked with lots of people. My conclusions: the strategy with lots
of candidates is usually
The first “free” election in Bulgaria was in June 1990.
Dozens of parties popped up in the political space in the short period
of several months after
the coup in November 1989 - among them the Turkish party of Ahmed Dogan,
for Rights (!) and Freedom(!!)”. And that had proved to be the winning
Our UDF canvass team happened to work in a region with prevailing
Turkish villages. We
had been warmly welcome but we had been told they would vote for Dogan’s
party: “We
have our party now. If we hadn’t had it we would have voted for you...”
Surely somebody did not like the idea of an overwhelming UDF election
victory at that early

stage of Bulgarian US so-called “democratisation”...

The US New World Order think-tanks’ leading strategy is: ”Divide and
Conquer!” It is
applied everywhere - in the pre-election period too.
See what a simple psychological game it is.
The scenario is targeting the mass of people without clear understanding
of the political
situation, the apolitical persons. They are the most easily manipulated
ones. They vote
emotionally and usually their vote is unpredictable to the last moment.
Imagine a person who is critical to Miloshevic but dislikes Djindjc
more, so his decision is to
vote for M. But here the couple Drashkovic-Mihailovic crops up, and our
man says to
himself: “Aha! I’ll teach the other two a lesson and will vote for that
The poor man is duped by the false impression that he is offered a third
choice instead of only
two crystal clear possibilities, namely:
Should Yugoslavia exist - or not?
Should Yugoslavia be a sovereign country - or a USA province, cantonised
to six and more
different parts and killed altogether and forever?
Let’s simplify it even more:
Yugoslavia - or USA (IMF, WB, WTO, Soros, etc.)?
What those apolitical persons do not know is that the couple Mihailovic-
Kostunica is at the
one side of the barricade and Miloshevic and his people are on the other
What Ugly Uncle’s strategic brains rely on is that Mihailovic will take
votes from Miloshevic
- i.e., will add duped people under the USA banner. People who will not
know for some time
they have voted for their own death, for the death of their country, for
the isljamisation of the
Balkans, for killing the world in general in the name of the USA
corporations’ profit!...
Imagine a river with a USA banner at one bank and Yugoslavian - at the
Under the Yugo banner you see Milosevic and his supporters trying hard
to hold the banner
Under the USA banner you see Kostunica and Mihailovic in a brotherly
If you look more intently you will see behind their wretched small
figures of paid traitors the
deadly monstrous grin of USA terror-inspiring creations, IMF, WB, WTO,
Soros, the New
American Terrorist Organisation - NATO, and so on, and so forth!


Of course the election strategists will stress on the difference in
details between the “two”
opposition candidates - the public should be duped into believing they
are “different” - that
the Serbs are offered more than ONLY TWO possibilities!

Bulgaria is in a pre-election period too.
You look at the river’s two banks and you do not see the Bulgarian
banner on either of them.
You look at one of the banks - and you see only Mother Bulgaria on her
dead bed!...
You look at the other and you see only the Stripes and Stars cheerfully
flapping there!
And under it you see both Kostov - or the Union of Demonic Forces - and
Parvanov - or the
Bulgarian Socialist Party - clutching greedily to the Globo Cop’s
And behind both of them the deadly monstrous grin of USA
terror-inspiring creations, IMF,
WB, WTO, Soros, EU and NATO!

The election strategists here are trying hard to convince the so-called
electorate that UDF
and BSP are “different”, when the truth is there is no political choice
anymore in Bulgaria.

Nevertheless the BSP daily “Duma” keeps pouring horrible stories about
destruction, death,
hunger, poverty and screaming misery, rapes and madness flourishing in
Bulgaria. The daily
keeps instilling into its readers that only UDF, Kostov and Co. are to
be blame. When BSP
comes into power things will change. Blah, blah, blah...
The Genocide over my people and country is carried out for more than ten
years by ALL the
Bulgarian governments under the orders of IMF and WB!
The Big Brother wants only the territory, not the population on it. It
is superfluous and
should disappear.
All the Bulgarian Premiers since Lukanov (BSP) - who signed the first
agreement with the
IMF - till Kostov (UDF) are only the USA local lackeys, carrying out
How could BSP change things when Parvanov (BSP leader) and that most
greedy, traitorous
company around him had declared at their Party Congress in April 6-7
that they were
embracing eagerly IMF and WB, EU and NATO, and promised to be most
obedient servants
to all of them - just as the Union of Demonic Forces is!
They know very well they will change NOTHING, but they keep lying most
arrogantly their
members, sympathisers and the Bulgarian public in general that they will
save Bulgaria - if
they are elected.

Meanwhile the Governor of the newly acquired US province* Bulgaria on
the Balkans,
honourable Mr. Richard Miles, has given his pay masters’ order for a
coalition government:
BB (Big Brother) wants a coalition government and a Parliament of many
parties in
Bulgaria, and so it will be.
Again the principle “Divide and Master Them!” in action!

So much for the Bulgarian Parliamentary election next year.
If the Yugoslavians elect the opposition candidates - IT DOES NOT MATTER
THEM!!!! - Yugoslavia will be erased from the map forever, and the next
election in Serbia
will be just like the Bulgarian election in 2001.
(Of course if in the meantime the Global Master or UU (Ugly Uncle) has
not cut Serbia into
several cantons: i.e., has not wiped it from the world map too...)

That is what will happen to your country if you vote for the pair
Kostuniza- Mihailovic.
Let’s now answer the question what will happen to you if you vote for
What will happen to you under the IMF and WB yoke - i.e., under the USA

The same what is happening to us here!..
(See “Recent News From Bulgaria: Bulgaria Under USA Yoke”)

Here I will try only to answer one more question, namely:

Is Bulgaria an Independent, Sovereign Country?
“Ha, ha!... - said the Clown.”
(A line from a song.)

A/ Food prices, July-August, 2000; Cost of Living
Eleven years of “democracy” - USA style

The Union of Demonic Forces Congress took a decision “to freeze" the
electricity and
central heating prices for one year. (Scrambling after votes: there will
be elections in
Bulgaria in the spring of 2001.)
High positioned vultures from IMF poured into Bulgaria in June 2000, all
of them red in face
and stomping most angrily around. They had several classified
conversations with their boys
here - surely, garnered with some juicy reminders of Videnov’s plight,
evoking images of
Mrs. Bowlen as Jana d’Ark in the stone-pelted Parliament in January
Afterwards Mr. Kostov, the Premier, appeared on the TV looking as if
chewed by a
hippopotamus, to announce that the electricity prices will be raised
with 4 % since August 1.

And the food prices rushed merrily-merrily up!...

B/ Read this:
“On August 14 CIA Head George Tenet* made a round of the official
Bulgarian institutions
under severe security measures. He spared 115 minute from his most
precious time for our
statesmen. Tenet spoke to the President, the Premier and the Minister of
the Internal
Dimo Gjaurov, the Director of the Bulgarian National Investigation
Agency, and US
Ambassador Richard Miles were constantly with the US Spy Number 1...
The official announcements declared that Tenet had discussed with our
regional security in south-eastern Europe (i.e., the Balkans. Are They
going to obliterate the
name as well?),
Bulgarian Euro-Atlantic integration (i.e., NATO integration), and
the fight with the international crimes and terrorism.”* (Monitor,
August 15 2000, leading
article - p.1)

Some days later, on August 19, the daily “Monitor” announced in a
leading article again that
5 (five) FOREIGN businessmen were to be expelled from the country. “They
endangered the national security and have had connections with
international criminal
organisation.” End of quotation.
Were those five criminal and very dangerous businessmen Americans? NO!
Were they Germans, French, Italians, English or Spanish, Turkish or
Greek? No! No! No!
Were they all RUSSIANS? Yes, of course! YES!!!

On August 21 the Bulgarian media commented the information.
The daily “24 Hours”: “The CIA Boss declared that Sofia is a RRUSSIAN
spying centre.” (p.
1, leading article)

SEGA, August 22, p. 24: “For those who do not know: even in the years of
the greatest
dependence on the Soviet Union, KGB had not allowed itself to arrogantly
declare that Sofia
was a USA spying centre.”

But Great Boss Tenet, US Errand Assassin Number 1 - i.e., US Spy No.1,
as the Bulgarian
media calls him, had more orders for General Atanas Atanasov, Head of
the Bulgarian
Contra-Investigation Agency.

Yesterday evening (August 21) a TV speaker announced that more foreign
businessmen were
to leave Bulgaria for 7 days. They had been found to be a threat for the
Bulgarian national
security too!

Guess their nationality! If not RUSSIANS then - what?
SERBS, of course!!! No doubt about it!

“...They have been breaking the sanctions against Yugoslavia, organising
export of forbidden
goods or goods with possible double use.
A check in the State Newspaper has revealed that the eight Serbs had
firms registered in
Bulgaria after 1996. There is a speculation that some of them might be
in contact with the
Yugoslav Investigation Agency in Bulgaria.
As a threat to the national security might be construed also the
attempts for recruiting state
institution employees and ordinary citizens. During the Kosovo crisis
(i.e., US-NATO
aggression against Yugoslavia!) the ex-Minister of Internal Affairs,
Bonev, declared that the
participants in all the anti-US-NATO protests were “Serb mekereta”.
SEGA, August 23,

(“mekereta“, plural from “mekare” - Turkish.
1/ A beast of burden.
2/ Bootlicker, flunkey /lackey/, bastard /scoundrel, skunk, rat/.)

So much for the Bulgarian “open boundaries”: opened for some, closed for
others -
depending on the ethnic origin. (Hi, Amnesty International, Helsinki
Human Rights Watch,
Women in Stripes and Stars - forgive me, in Black, etc. where are you to
scream and cry in

Where is Soros the Opened - Soros the Great?
Doesn’t he hear? Doesn’t he see?
Or Soros the Vulture is highly paid
Countries to open only to a certain degree?

As one of the Bulgarian Serb mekereta, I have a question to Tenet The
World Errand
Assassin Number 1:
What are His Majesty’s orders concerning the Bulgarian Serb mekereta?
Are we going to be expelled from Bulgaria too? Not likely.
Then what? Threatened, arrested - what?
Or maybe silently extinguished in the dark of night, if we refuse to
shut up...
Only Tenet the US Errand Good Boy and CIA know... plus the ruling USA
mekereta in

By the way some bad boys and girls from the Bulgarian media have hinted
that Tenet the
Professional Killer is of Albanian origin. (No wonder about it!)

Come on, Tenet, boy, say it! Nowadays it is a pride to be from the Great
Albanian Nation that
is going to eat out the Balkans, as it seems the US plans are.
With the active passionate work of such like you and the Bulgarian USA
mekereta like all
those in power at the moment - plus valorous, most independent General
Atanas Atanasov!...

So, after 200 years of Byzantine yoke and 500 years under Turkish yoke
Bulgaria has been
“enjoying” USA yoke for more than ten years.

No fear of century-long yoke. Americans are neither Byzantines nor
Turks. They have all the
modern science last achievements at their disposal - all the economical,
all the possible
military means!...
Besides, they have a passionate love for speed, in addition.

Having in mind what is going on here in the last few months, we think
that the local colonial
administration boys have been rather severely scolded by Ugly Uncle for
the Bulgarians’
tenacious love for life. They have surely been kicked into quickening up
the desired
extermination of the remaining undesired population.
And the well-paid Bulgarian puppets-on-a-string clicked heels, rolled
sleeves and
energetically rushed to action!...

Monitor, August 28
Title: “The Balkans Are Second Latin America for CIA
CIA Lectures To Serb Opposition Representatives From “Otpor” in Sofia
Since Today”
“... 10 days special course is starting today in our capital in which
USA spies will lecture to
Serb activists from “Otpor”, according to BBC information...”

No comment.

Blagovesta Doncheva,
An ordinary Bulgarian and
a Serb Mekere, according to Gen. B.Bonev, Ex-Minister of Internal

August 23-29, 2000
Bulgaria, the Balkans
(Still outside Albania... Still not a part of Turkey... For how long,

e-mail: crj@... - URL: