Subject: Deep Concern about the conduct of the trial
of Mr Slobodan Milosevic
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 23:20:50 -0700
From: "Artel" <artel@...>
To: "ICTY Hag" <e@...>

ICTY- Den Haag

To: Claude Jorda

Belgrade,15 May 2002

Dear Mr. CLaude Jorda

I express my deep concern about the conduct of the
trial of Mr. Slobodan Milosevic before the
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia (ICTY) in the Hague and growing evidence of
partiality of the Tribunal.

I am especially concerned about the Tribunal's
acceptance of Mr. Riddle-Mayer as an independent
expert in the field of historical monuments of
culture. This acceptance came in spite of the fact
that Mr. Riddle-Mayer had obtained funding for his
one-sided Kosovo research project from his own sources
and then offered his services to the Office of the
Prosecutor of the ICTY. On the other hand, I am aware
that it is a well-estabilished practice of impartial
criminal courts anywhere in the world that experts for
a particular expertise are appointed by courts
themselves, while the financing of these expertises is
strictly determined by the rules governing the

I am also concerned by a large and growing number of
issues which the presiding Judge Richard May declares
as irrelevant during the cross-examination of the
witnesses by Mr. Milosevic. To this end, strict time
restrictions are imposed on Mr. Milosevic, even when
he is cross-examining some of the most important
witnesses such as Mr. Ibrahim Rugova, President of
Kosovo, on 3 & 6 May 2002. I consider it unacceptable
that issues such as, for instance, the ascertainment
of the role, character and sources of financing of the
KLA are declared as irrelevant. At the same time, no
significant effort has been made by the presiding
Judge May to make Mr. Rugova give precise, concise and
concrete answers to the questions posed by Mr.
Milosevic and amicus curiae. Mr. Rugova's testimony
was characterised as a shame for international justice
by many lawyers and journalists present in The Hague,
reported Belgrade daily Glas Javnosti on 4 May 2002.

Noting that great many witnesses from Kosovo testify
not to have ever heard of the KLA, I am concerned that
not a single witness has been warned that a false
statement is subject to penal measures under Article
91 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence. These
measures must be applied in order to prevent
incredible testimonies, abuse of power by the
Prosecutor's Office and undue exhaustion of Mr.
Milosevic who is exposed to a rather long trial.

Finally, I am deeply concerned about the constant
changes in order of appearance of witnesses by the
Prosecution which the Chamber allows too lightly.

The Milosevic case is a complex one, raising complex
issues and too narrow, selective and impatient
approach by the Chamber to these issues can have
detrimental consequences for the rights of Mr.
Milosevic. Considering that such an approach has
already started affecting his right to a fair trial, I
call upon all human rights organisations to appoint
its observers at the trial, or to follow the
proceedings in other appropriate manner. I also calls
upon all human rights organisations to take any action
they deem appropriate in order to stop the violations
of the right to a fair trial of Mr. Slobodan

Yours sincerely,

Vladislav Jovanovic,

Acting President of

The Belgrade Forum for

the world Of Equals

Belgrade, Misarska 6

Tel/Fax: (+381 11) 3245601



Subject: Baghdad Conference: RELEASE MILOSEVIC!
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 17:28:39 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

The Seventh Session of the Committee
of Follow-up and Co-ordination of
the Baghdad Conference has been
finished in Baghdad on May 9, with
participation of 160 representatives
of about 90 political parties and
organizations from more than 40
countries of all continents,
including the MPs from Belgium,
Belarus, Canada, France, Greece,
Great Britain, India, Italy,
Pakistan, Russian Federation, Spain,
Ukraine, ministers from South Africa
and Malaysia, as well as high
representatives from all Arab
countries and from several countries
of Africa and Latin America.

Representatives of several Yugoslav
parties also took part.

The Conference has adopted a joint
Declaration, reflecting the common
views on the contemporary
international processes, and
condemning the imperialist

A special joint Statement containing
the strong demand for release of
President Slobodan Milosevic, has
also been adopted, upon initiative
the SPS representative and Head of
Human Rights Commission of Yugoslav
Parliament, Mr. Zivorad Igic.

The full text of the joint statement:

"At the Seventh Session of the
Committee of Follow-up and
Co-ordination of the Baghdad
Conference held in Baghdad on 7-9
May 2002;

Having discussed the question of
putting President Slobodan Milosevic
before a so-called "Ad Hoc UN
Tribunal" at The Hague;

The Conference adopted the following


1. The Conference does not
accept the legality of the said
Tribunal because it is politically
motivated and was not legally

2. It is the people of
Yugoslavia who are the only
authority competent to deal with any
matter pertaining to their country,

3. President Slobodan Milosevic
should be released immediately from
illegal detention, as this is the
only step, which conforms to
international law and the Charter of
the United Nations."

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of
equals) (the international committee to
defend Slobodan Milosevic) ('morning news' the only
Serbian newspaper advocating liberation)