[ L'estradizione di Bobby Fisher negli USA pare essere stata finalmente
bloccata ! Sul caso del campione di scacchi, perseguitato dalle
autorita' USA per avere infranto l'embargo contro la Jugoslavia nel
1992, vedi anche:
Visnjica broj 412 + bis + ter
Altri aggiornamenti su Bobby Fisher
Bobby Fisher rinuncia a cittadinanza USA / Boris Spassky: "Arrestate
anche me" ]

Bobby Fischer: America's Disposable Hero (by T.V. Weber)

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 19:48:25 +0900
From: John Bosnitch

7:45 PM Tuesday, August 24th, 2004
Tokyo, Japan


Japanese Justice Minister Daizo Nozawa simultaneously issued two
decisions just before
5:00 PM today, in both cases deciding against requests filed by Bobby

The ministry rejected Bobby Fischer's demand for protection as a
political refugee, saying that the charges outstanding against him in
the United States are not political in nature. Bobby has been charged
for violating the sanctions against Yugoslavia by playing his 1992
championship rematch against former world champion Boris Spassky in
that country. Bobby violated those sanctions as a political statement.
He could have played Spassky in any place of his choosing -- the
decision to play in Yugoslavia was entirely political in nature and
Bobby Fischer is appealing the decision to reject his refugee claim. He
has seven days to appeal, but as it appears that the ministry is trying
to deny him due process by IMMEDIATELY deporting him, Bobby has already
tonight submitted the appeal papers to try to block any physical effort
to deport him.

Justice Minister Nozawa also formally rejected Bobby Fischer's appeal
of the deportation order issued against him by the Immigration Bureau.
The minister said that Bobby Fischer's grounds for appealing the
deportation were insufficient and that the deportation should take
place. The minister did not address even one of the clearly illegal
violations of procedure that were cited in Bobby's appeal.

John Bosnitch of the Committee to Free Bobby Fischer has been called by
Bobby several times since 5:00 PM to make sure that the two lawyers
handling Bobby's case act to block any physical deportation at this
time. Lawyers Masako Suzuki and Takeshi Ohashi are now contacting the
Immigration officials at the Ushiku Detention center as well as the
Justice Ministry itself to legally block a deportation on the grounds
that the whole procedure is now before the courts and a deportation
would be a flagrant violation of Bobby Fischer's right to full legal
recourse and protection under Japanese law.

The Committee is especially concerned that the ministry personnel who
delivered the decisions to Bobby Fischer told him that he will be
deported today, Tuesday, August 24th, with no further recourse, despite
the pending lawsuit and his immediate submission of his appeal
regarding his refugee claim. Even if he is not deported, their
intentional verbal threat constitutes cruel psychological intimidation
and abuse. The officials held up a kind of dog-tag identification badge
and told Bobby, "This is what you will have to wear on your neck on
your flight to the United States."

The normal MINIMUM time between the issuance of the minister's
deportation order and a physical deportation is three months. If Bobby
Fischer is deported tonight in violation of all Japanese customs and
practices, it will be the best proof so far that this entire unlawful
detention and entrapment is nothing more than the will of the United
States' government being dutifully executed in violation of the law by
Japanese authorities. Bobby Fischer's fear that Japan is nothing more
than a US-controlled colony would be proven true.

At this very moment, lawyer Takeshi Ohashi is rushing to bring an
action to the court in Tokyo and is moving to block actions to take
Bobby Fischer out of the detention center in Ushiku, Ibaraki
Prefecture. The first claim to the court is for the deportation order
to be overturned and the second is for a kind of injunction to stop all
action toward the physical transfer of Bobby Fischer to the airport.

If there is any real justice available in this land, let it stand up
for the rights of Bobby Fischer right now! The Committee to Free Bobby
Fischer is redoubling its efforts in his defense.

UPDATE 1: In the very latest development, Bobby Fischer's lawyers have
succeeded in contacting Immigration officials to officially notify them
of the filing of legal action to block any deportation and to inform
them that any action against Bobby at this time would be a violation of
the laws protecting his right to due process. We are continuing this
battle on every front!

UPDATE 2: Bobby Fischer's lawyer Takeshi Ohashi has reported to the
Committee to Free Bobby Fischer that at 7:20 PM he formally filed a
lawsuit at the Tokyo District Court to overturn the deportation order
and to seek an injunction against any action to physically move Bobby
Fischer to deport him to the United States. According to Bobby
Fischer's lawyer Masako Suzuki, the court will now typically take about
one month to consider the written request for an injunction on the
whole deportation process, and if that injunction is granted, we can
expect it to take up to one year for the entire lawsuit to be dealt
with in the Tokyo District Court. The lawyers have sent a written
formal notice to the Immigration officials by fax as of 7:35 PM
notifying them that this matter has now been received by the courts for
deliberation and that no further adverse actions should be taken
against Bobby Fischer. The Committee to Free Bobby Fischer is confident
that this battle to defend Bobby's inalienable rights and freedoms will
be successful and that Bobby Fischer will be freed.


John Bosnitch
The Committee to Free Bobby Fischer
email: john.b@ imcnews. com

Because of the high number of calls we are getting, email is the best
way to contact us at this time...



Bobby Fischer scores court victory!
Chess champ wins injunction against deportation

The Tokyo District Court on Wednesday granted an injunction to detained
chess champion Bobby Fischer, barring his deportation from Japan until
the court has heard and ruled upon the lawsuit that his lawyers have
brought to cancel the deportation order. It could take as much as a
year for the court to hear that case.

Bobby Fischer's lawyers, Ms. Masako Suzuki and Takeshi O'Hashi declared
the injunction a big win for their client's rights and urged the
Immigration Bureau not to appeal to a higher court. They called on the
Bureau to respect a longstanding practice in which it does not appeal
injunctions barring a physical deportation until the court has reviewed
and ruled on the matter. They warned that if the Bureau appeals the
injunction it would indicate that it is treating Bobby Fischer in a
biased and politicized manner.

Fischer also made headway on two other matters. His application to
marry to longtime Japanese companion Ms. Miyoko Watai has received
provisional acceptance by the local authorities at the administrative
office of Tokyo's Ohta Ward. The ward's acceptance has been sent for
review to the legal affairs department of the Japanese Justice Ministry
as a final step before a marriage certificate is issued. The ward
office had earlier refused to accept the marriage while the U.S.
embassy refused to notarize necessary files. Fischer's lawyers went
around the embassy with alternate documentation.

Also, Fischer formally filed his demand for a U.S. official hearing to
overturn the U.S. State Department's unlawful decision to revoke his
passport. Fischer has completed a written appeal of that decision to
be filed with US Secretary of State Colin Powell and the US embassy. A
U.S. appeal hearing must be held within 60 days.

John Bosnitch, the head of the Tokyo-based Committee to Free Bobby
Fischer, explained the expansion of the battle to the U.S. legal
system. "A fish stinks from the head, and the 'head' of all this
trouble is in Washington, D.C. So that is where we are going next,"
said Bosnitch.

John Bosnitch
The Committee to Free Bobby Fischer
john.b@ imcnews. com
Mobile Tel.: 090-8119-6679