(srpskohrvatski / english)

(Il Nuovo Partito Comunista di Jugoslavia ha fatto appello a votare
NO al referendum svoltosi domenica 21 maggio 2006, su istigazione
della "Unione" Europea e della NATO, per sciogliere l'Unione di
Serbia e Montenegro. In un altro testo che qui riportiamo, la NKPJ
spiega che la partecipazione dei comunisti alle "libere elezioni"
delle nuove repubblichette post-socialiste di tutta l'Europa
centroorientale è impedita di fatto da regolamentazioni-capestro,
soprattutto di carattere finanziario...)

NKPJ on global policies of capitalism and against splitting

Intervention of NKPJ at the International Meeting of Communist and
Workers’ Parties “Current Trends In Capitalism: Economic, Social
And Political Impact. The Communists’ Alternative”, Athens, 18-20
November, 2005


=== 1 ===

<< ... After the counterrevolution in Yugoslavia, the current power,
in fact, doesn't allow the communists to participate in the
elections. They adopted a law according to which we are supposed to
present 10,500 signatures ... We have to pay a 15,000-euro tax, in
advance ... >>

Source: http://www.solidnet.org

International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties
“Current Trends In Capitalism: Economic, Social And Political
Impact. The Communists’ Alternative”
Athens, 18-20 November, 2005

Branko Kitanovic, Secretary-General of the New Communist Party of
Yugoslavia (NCPY)
Branimir Ivanovich, member of the SECRETARIAT of NCPY


Dear comrades:

I salute you on behalf of the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia. I
will try to briefly present the points of view of our Party regarding
the principal subject of our meeting.

As you all know, the propagandistic, subversive, economic, political
and military expansion and aggression of imperialism, headed by the
United States and the European Union, is ongoing and growing. Now,
the imperialists, with the pretext of implementing “democracy”
and “human rights” are focused on continuing to fraction Russia,
on the indirect appropriation of natural resources, in particular in
the Near and Middle East, on turning the Balkans into their military
range, a political protectorate and an economic neocolony. In
Eastern Europe and in most of the former Soviet republics, the most
reactionary forces have been placed in power. The United States
continues trying hard to increasingly strengthen colonial domination
in Latin America; but thanks to the progressive forces of this
region, the Bush policy suffered a shameful defeat recently, at the
Argentina continental conference. The process of the imperialist
siege on China continues, but we are firmly convinced that it will
also be defeated.

The imperial globalization policy, besides being based on fire and
the sword, relies on the use of many exploitation levers, such as the
IMF, the World Bank, the European Bank, the World Trade Organization
and other military, economic and political partnerships.

What should the communists’ answer be to the challenge of
capitalism? Of course, it cannot be of a single type, since
communists today act under different conditions, in different States
with different politico-economic systems. In seven or eight
countries of the world the communists are in power; in some
countries, they are part of the state and regional power together
with a patriotic bourgeoisie; in many States, bourgeois are
represented in parliaments as powerful or small fractions.
Regrettably, there is a large group of countries where communists are
forced to act illegally or semilegally. In most countries, though,
they exist legally just formally and the prevailing power subjects
them to strict or great discrimination.

This is particularly typical for most countries in Eastern Europe,
the Balkans and in most of the republics of the post-Soviet space.
All these countries are in a total relationship of vassalage
regarding the United States and the European Union. Their domestic
policy is much worse than that of their masters, and their foreign
policy is determined by Washington, London and Berlin. We are
referring, in the first place to the republics of former old
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY), Poland, Bulgaria,
Hungary and Rumania.

We couldn’t receive anything from the former communist parties; all
the assets of these parties were forcibly seized by the bourgeoisie.
With the exception of the Workers Party of Hungary, all the remaining
new parties have been left without locales, without the indispensable
administrative inventory or the elementary technical instruments and,
of course, without monetary resources. Also, the power imposes very
hard financial and legal obligations upon us. Under such conditions,
it is very difficult to fight against the vassal power and against
its masters.

Nevertheless, we believe that, for example, in the split Yugoslavia
(Serbia and Montenegro), the communists, having elementary conditions
for their work –even at present—have been one of the political
leading forces in Parliament.

Nevertheless, we continue the class struggle under the existing
conditions. It is clear that you cannot carry out an effective class
struggle without a precise Marxist-Leninist orientation and without a
mass party that can attract to its ranks youth, certain forces of the
unions, the progressive part of the women’s movement, the poor and
middle-class layers of the peasantry, the antifascist fighters, and
the peace movement. In this respect, the Communist Party of Greece
provides a very useful example.

Today, in the territories of the former Socialist Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, most of the youth is hypnotized by the bourgeois
propaganda, which acts through the movies, decadent music and songs,
television, computer techniques, through different forms of
amusement, a distorted understanding of sports, narcotics, erroneous
education and diverse aberrations. Of course, a certain part of
youth receives money for its political behavior and activity. Some
of them receive large sums of money; for example, the members of the
pro-fascist organization “Otpor”, that is “Resistance”, which
the American, English and German agencies used in the coups d'etat in
Yugoslavia, Georgia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and failingly in Belarus.

On the other hand, 95 percent of the young people in Yugoslavia –and
I think that in other former socialist countries—are comparatively
worse off than under socialism. Youth accounts for almost 65 percent
of two million unemployed in Yugoslavia (in split Yugoslavia).

Bourgeois propaganda, consciously and skillfully, with the help of a
powerful propaganda industry, seduces young people with deceitful
ideas that the bourgeois way of life, allegedly, offers people the
possibility to become millionaires. On the other hand, it
systematically influences to achieve the loss of national identity,
of national dignity, to turn youths into the capitalists' obedient
puppets, to distort their points of view and the system of values.

Unfortunately, in the struggle to strengthen the ranks and positions
of communist parties in the former socialist countries, they have no
help other than verbal support. Without some material aid, the
communist parties of this region are not in a position to effectively
wage the fight against the vassals of world capitalism that seized

We don't have enough support on the media of the socialist countries
or in the big parties of the bourgeois countries. Of course, we are
thinking of the communist parties. For example, after the
counterrevolution in Yugoslavia, the current power, in fact, doesn't
allow the communists to participate in the elections. They adopted a
law according to which we are supposed to present 10,500 signatures
to be able to participate in the parliamentary elections. This is
not a problem; we used to gather 50,000 signatures in the past and
under the law it was necessary to have 25,000. The problem is that
each signatory is supposed to show up with all their documents before
a tribunal in a certain place. But the law doesn't call for the
tribunal to send an employee to a certain place to certify the
signatures. The time is short and the tribunal justifies itself by
saying that it doesn't have enough officials (not for the communists)
to do this job.

To participate in the elections, we have to pay a 15,000-euro tax, in
advance, and the tribunal officials come to cover, on average, 10% of
the seats (of the locale)* , and the last two times we couldn’t
participate in the elections. We have informed many of the communist
parties on this and other forms of discrimination related to the
electoral processes many times, but not one of them has paid attention.

We have stated all this because we believe the support and solidarity
from the sister countries should be materialized in a concrete
manner, and the fight against imperialism and its vassals should be
waged as one.

We are convinced that the meeting in Athens will positively impact
the future solidarity in the anti-imperialist struggle.

(Many thanks to CP of Cuba for the translation into English)

=== 2 ===


Nova komunistička partrija Jugoslavije, koja deluje u svim
republikama bivše SFRJ, apeluje na radne ljude, narode i narodnosti,
sve rodoljube i sve progresivne ljude Crne Gore da na referendumu 21.
maja 2006. godine kažu _NE!_ Svim separatistima koji pokušavaju da
razdvoje bratske narode Crne Gore i Srbije.

Narodi Crne Gore i Srbije su iz hiljadu razloga predodredjeni da žive
u istoj državi. To je bio san, to je bila vekovna težnja i borba
naših slavnih predaka. To je bila i ostala i ponosna obaveza naše
generacije. Preko NKPJ apel za jedinstvenu državu Crne Gore i Srbije
uputile su i sve komunističke partije slovenskih zemalja: Rusije,
Ukrajine, Belorusije, Poljske, Češke, Bugarske i Slovačke. Na
jedinstvo pozivaju i Sveslovenski komitet i sve patriotske snage u
slovenskim zemljama.
Licemerno i petparačko tvrdjenje separatista da ćemo tobože biti
„jači-kada smo slabiji, manji i drugačiji“, odnosno
„evropskiji“ je besmislica koja ne zaslužuje ni da se pobija.
Liliputanska „država“ Mila Djukanovića, odvojena od Srbije
postala bi meta ekspazionista, pretvorila bi se u carstvo
belosvetskih mafijaša, izgubila bi svoj indentitet i slobodu.
Razbijanje naše države, naše zajedničke otađbine dugoročno je
planirano u sprezi separatista Crne Gore, svih neprijatelja našeg
naroda, zajedničke države i progresa.
Slobodarski i ponosni gradjani Crne Gore, ne dozvolite da na našu
generaciju padne istorijsko prokletstvo, ne dozvolite da zarad tudjih
i mafijaških interesa budu razdvojeni bratski narodi Crne Gore i
Ma kakve probleme savladjivali, ma gde išle, u radosti i nevolji,
Crna Gora i Srbija pre će stići i biće uspešnije kao jedinstvena




The CC of the NCPY, which is active in all republics of former
Yugoslavia, appeals to the working people, nations, ethnic groups,
patriots and all anti-fascists of Montenegro to say *NO* in the
referendum of 21 May 2006 to all separatists seeking to split the
brother-peoples of Montenegro and Serbia.

The peoples of Montenegro and Serbia have been destined for thousands
of reasons to live in one and the same state.That was the centuries-
old dream of our glorious ancestors' striving and struggling. It was
and remains the honorable obligation of our generation. Through the
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia, all communist parties of the
Slavic countries make this appeal: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland,
Bulgaria, the Czech republic and Slovakia. They call on all patriotic
forces in the Slavic lands to unity.

The hypocritical and cheap claim of the separatists that we will be
"stronger" -- when we are weaker, smaller and "different"; that we
will be "more European" is idiocy not worthy of a rebuttal. The
Lilliputian "state" of Milo Djukanovic, separated from Serbia, will
be on the hit list of all the expansionists of the world. It will be
the kingdom of the world mafias and lose its identity and freedom.

The disintegration of our state, our common fatherland has been long
in the planning by the separatists of Montenegro in harness with all
the enemies of our people, our unitary state, and of progress.
Freedom loving and proud citizens of Montenegro! Do not allow a
historic curse to befall our nation! Do not permit the brothers of
Montenegro and Serbia to be divided to the profit of foreign mafias!

Whatever the problems and wherever things may lead, in joys or
troubles, Montenegro and Serbia will have more success as a unified


Beograd May 20th 2006