(srpskohrvatski / english / italiano)

The imperialist breakup of Serbia and Montenegro

1. Savez komunisticke omladine Jugoslavije -SKOJ-
Ne prihvatamo imperijalsticko razbijanje Srbije i Crne Gore / We do
not accept the imperialist break-up of Serbia and Montenegro


3. Il fratello di Milosevic: L'"Unione" era destinata a fallire /
Serbia-Montenegro union has been unsustainable from the beginning -

4. Transdnestr expert: Everybody who can will make use of Montenegro

=== 1 ===

Savez komunisticke omladine Jugoslavije -SKOJ-

Ne prihvatamo imperijalsticko razbijanje Srbije i Crne Gore

Zapadni imperijalizam, predvodjen Sjedinjenim Americkim Državama,
21.maja na «referendumu» u Crnoj Gori, uspeo je na žalost da
ostvari svoj rušilački cilj zapocet još 1990. godine,potpuno
razbijanje Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije,
ravnopravne zajednice jugoslovenskih naroda i nacionalnih manjina i
prve socijalističke države u istoriji jugoslovenskih naroda. Prva
faza finalnog udarca zapadnog imperijalizma na ostatke Jugoslavije
izvedena je 4. februara 2003. godine kada su proimperijalistički
buržoaski kontrarevolucionarni režimi u Beogradu i Podgorici doneli
odluku o ukidanju Savezne Republike Jugoslavije a druga konačna faza
sprovedena je u subotu na «referendumu» u Podgorici. Iako je Savez
komunističke omladine Jugoslavije(SKOJ), kao omladinska organizacija
Nove komunističke partije Jugoslavije (NKPJ), kategorički istupio
protiv razbijanja Savezne Republike Jugoslavije i stvaranja
konfederalne tvorevine Srbije i Crne Gore, pod kontrolom
proimperijalističkih režima u Beogradu i Podgorici, podržao je
poziv Partije da se radni ljudi, antiimperijalisti, patrioti i ostali
progresivni građani u Crnoj Gori izjasne protiv otcepljenja Crne
Gore, prvenstveno jer je tako nešto retrogradno bilo prvenstveni cilj
zapadnog imperijalizma predvođenog SAD. U intreresu zapadnog
imperijalizma, zarad političkog, ekonomskog i vojnog širenja na
Istok ka Rusiji je, između ostalog,i razbijanje jedinstva Srbije i
Crne Gore i raspirivanje međusobne netrpeljivosti između radničke
klase Crne Gore i radničke klase Srbije. SKOJ nepokolebljivo stoji na
pozicijama Međunarodnog omladinskog komunističkog pokreta protiv
menjanja granica na Balkanu,ustanovljenih nakon Drugog svetskog rata.
Politika «što gore to bolje» je osnovna ideja vodilja zapadnog
imperijalizma na prostoru bivše Jugoslavije.
SKOJ izražava duboko žaljenje i ogorčenje zbog razbijanja države
Srbije i Crne Gore na lažiranom "referendumu" pod pokroviteljstvom
Evropske unije.
Mnogobrojne nepobitne činjenice ukazuju da je secesija CG isplanirana
spregom Djukanovićevog proimperijalističkog buržoaskog
separatističkog režima i čelnika Evropske unije i SAD. O tome
svedoče mnogobrojni potezi i mere proimperijalističke vlade u
Podgorici uoči i u toku referenduma, preduzimani u dogovoru sa njenim
zapadnim mentorima. Referendumsko pitanje u velikoj meri sugeriše
odgovor u prilogu razbijanja zajedničke države. I pored toga,
organizatori "referenduma" su morali da pribegnu grubim
falsifikatima, uz aktivno učesće predstavnika EU Lajcika i Lipke.
Takođe, u kampanji uoči “refenduma” Djukanovićev
proimperijalistički separatistički režim je putem državnih medija
koje kontroliše podstrekivao separatističku atmosferu i antisrpsko
raspoloženje. Zabeleženi su I brojni primeri hapšenja aktivista za
očuvanje zajedničke države, pokušaja falsifikovanja biračkih
spiskova i druge nepravilnosti. Građanima Crne Gore sa prebivalištem
u Srbiji je uskraćeno pravo da se izjasne 21.maja.Separatizam Mila
Djukanovića i anticrnogorsku kampanju su podržavale I pojedine
proimperijalističke buržoaske stranke u Srbiji od kojih su one
najuticajnije deo vladajućeg režima u Beogradu. SKOJ sa gnušanjem
odbacuje priznanje rezultata “referenduma” od strane buržoaskog
režima u Beogradu, čime on i pored svog deklarativnog zalaganja za
zajedničku državu jasno pokazuje svoju proimperijalističku
Narod Srbije i Crne Gore sudbinski je predodreðen da živi u
zajedničkoj drzavi, da deli dobro i zlo. Ideja o zajedništvu živece
večito i nadživeće secesioniste i izdajnike svih boja. Doći će
dan kada će se radnička klasa Crne Gore i radnička klasa Srbije
ujediniti, reći ne svojim proimperijalističkim vlastodršcima i
pružiti ruku svojoj braći i sestrama proleterima sa prostora naše
socijalističke otadžbine Socijalističke Federativne Republike
Jugoslavije u borbi za istinsku slobodu, ravnopravnost i nezavisnost
do koje može doći samo proterivanjem imperijalizma sa ovih prostora.

Živelo bratstvo naroda Srbije i Crne Gore!

Živelo bratstvo naroda Socijalističke Federativne Republike

Balkan pripada balkanskim narodima!

23. maj 2006.




League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia -SKOJ- statement:

“We do not accept the imperialist break-up of Serbia and Montenegro”

Western imperialism, led by the USA, in the referendum of 21 May 2006
in Montenegro unfortunately realized its destructive goal of creating
the project begun in 1990 of totally smashing the Socialist Federal
Republic of Yugoslavia, which was the equal-rights union of Yugoslav
nations and ethnic minorities and the first socialist state in the
history of Yugoslavia.

The first phase of the final blow of western imperialism on the
remnants of Yugoslavia was carried out on 4 February 2003, when the
bourgeois pro-imperialist counter-revolutionary regimes in Belgrade
and Podgorica resolved to terminate the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, and the second and final phase was executed this past
Saturday in the “referendum” in Podgorica. Although the League of
communist youth of Yugoslavia (SKOJ), as the youth movement of the
new Communist Party of Yugoslavia (NKPJ), categorically stood against
the dissolution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and against
the creation of the union of con-federal creatures of Serbia and
Montenegro under the control of the pro-imperialist regime in
Belgrade and Podgorica. SKOJ supported the call of the Party to
working people, anti-imperialists, patriots and progressive citizens
in Montenegro to make clear their opposition to the secession of
Montenegro, primarily because something so retrograde was the primary
goal of western imperialism under the leadership of the USA.

The goal of western imperialism is to realize political, economic,
and military expansion to the east, toward Russia, among other
things, and to destroy the unity of Serbia and Montenegro was also
demolish the mutual tolerance between the working class of Montenegro
and the working class of Serbia.

SKOJ unshakably stands on the positions of the International
Communist Youth against change of borders in the Balkans that were
established after the Second World War. The policy “the worse, the
better” is the basic idea of western imperialism on the territory
of former Yugoslavia.

SKOJ expresses deep regret and bitterness at the destruction of the
state of Serbia and Montenegro by the fraudulent “referendum”
perpetrated under the umbrella of the European Union.

Many unassailable facts show that the secession of Montenegro had
been planned jointly by Djukanovic’s pro-imperialist bourgeois
regime with the leadership of the EU and the USA. Numerous moves and
measures of the pro-imperialist government in Podgorica on the eve
and in the course of the referendum were undertaken by arrangement
with the western masters.

The referendum question in large measure suggests an answer in favor
of termination of the common state.

Besides that, the organizers of the “referendum” had to resort to
gross fabrications together with the active participation of EU
representatives Lajcik and Lipka.

Also, on the eve of the “referendum” Djukanovic’s pro-
imperialist separatist regime used the controlled puppet-state media
to intensify the separatist atmosphere and anti-Serb mood.

Many examples were recorded of arrests of anti-secession activists
and of attempts to falsify lists of voters, as well as other
irregularities. Montenegro’s citizens resident in Serbia were denied
their right to vote on 21 May. Milo Djukanovic’s and Montenegro’s
pro-imperialist campaign was also supported by some pro-imperialist
bourgeois parties in Serbia, the most influential being the part of
the regime in power in Belgrade.

SKOJ, with disgust, rejects the recognition by the Belgrade regime of
the “referendum” results. This clearly shows, despite their pro-
forma support of a unified state their pro-imperialist orientation.

The people of Serbia and Montenegro are fore-ordained by destiny to
live in a unified state and to share the good and the bad.

The idea of living together in one state is eternal and will outlive
the secessionists and traitors of all stripes. The day will come when
the working class of Montenegro and the working class of Serbia will
unite and say NO to their pro-imperialist rulers and extend the hand
to their proletarian brothers and sisters from the territory of our
socialist fatherland, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
in the struggle for true freedom, equality and independence. This
will come about only by driving out imperialism from our territory.

Long live the brotherhood and unity of Serbia and Montenegro!

Long live the brotherhood and unity of the peoples of the Socialist
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia!

The Balkans belong to the Balkan peoples!

23 May 2006.

Central Committee of the League of the Communist Yout of Yugoslavia



=== 2 ===



Nova komunisticka partija Jugoslavije izrazava duboko zaljenje i
ogorcenje zbog razbijanja drzave Srbije i Crne Gore na laziranom
"referendumu" pod pokroviteljstvom Evropske Unije.

NKPJ u potpunosti podrzava Blok za Zajednicku drzavu koji ne priznaje

Mnogobrojne nepobitne cinjenice ukazuju da je secesija SG isplanirana
spregom Djukanovicevih separatista i celnika Evropske unije i SAD. O
tome svedoce mnogobrojni potezi i mere vlade u Podgorici uoci i u toku
referenduma, preduzimani u dogovoru sa njenim zapadnim mentorima.
Referendumsko pitanje u velikoj meri sugerise odgovor u prilogu
razbijanja drzave. I pored toga, organizatori "referenduma" su morali da
pribegnu grubim falsifikatima, uz aktivno ucesce predstavnika EU Lajcika
i Lipke.

Narod Srbije i Crne Gore sudbinski je predodredjen da zivi u zajednickoj
drzavi, da deli dobro i zlo. Ideja o zajednistvu zivece vecito i
nadzivece secesioniste i izdajnike svih boja.

sr Branko Kitanovic

=== 3 ===


(ANSA) - MOSCA, 22 MAG - Per Borislav Milosevic, fratello del defunto
presidente jugoslavo Slobodan, l'unione tra Serbia e Montenegro era
destinata a finire essendo una creatura ''senza sostanza''
dell'Unione europea e ''in particolare di Javier Solana''. ''Un amaro
ma vero proverbio russo dice che la tomba e' l'unico rimedio per un
gobbo'', ha sottolineato Borislav Milosevic, ex-ambasciatore della
Jugoslavia a Mosca, dove vive. A suo giudizio il referendun vinto
dagli indipendentisti montenegrini ''intensifica le spinte
centrifughe nei Balcani'' e indebolisce i serbi negli sforzi per
impedire l'indipendenza del Kosovo. Serghei Bagapsh, 'presidente'
dell'Abkhazia, una regione secessionista della Georgia che al pari
dell'Ossezia del sud rivendica l'indipendenza e gode della protezione
dei russi, ha da parte sua dato il benvenuto alla ''civile
separazione del Montenegro dalla Serbia'' e ha auspicato lo stesso
copione per la zona da lui governata. ''Adesso che il processo di
autodeterminazione e' ripreso Abkhazia e Ossezia del sud - ha
dichiarato - dovrebbero ottenere l'indipendenza''. (ANSA). LQ
22/05/2006 17:17



Interfax - May 22, 2006

Serbia-Montenegro union has been unsustainable from the beginning -

MOSCOW - The State Union of Serbia and Montenegro was
not viable and needed reform from the very start,
Borislav Milosevic, brother of the late Yugoslav
president Slobodan Miselovic and former Yugoslav
ambassador in Moscow, told Interfax on
"The State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, which was
put together by the European Union, primarily Javier
Solana, in early 2003, lacked substance and was not
viable. There is a bitter, but true, Russian
proverb, 'only a grave can cure a hunchback',"
Milosevic said, referring to the results of the Sunday
referendum on Montenegrin independence.
The Union was bound to witness serious changes
eventually, he said.
The European Union has played a sizable role in Balkan
political processes, Milosevic said. "The EU is
creating such space in the Balkans in which nothing
can be done without its mediation," he said.
The results of the Montenegrin referendum may affect
Belgrade's position on the Kosovo issue, Milosevic
"Serbian authorities have experienced a moral blow.
Serbian's position on Kosovo has weakened, since the
state UN Security Council resolution 1244 referred to
no longer exists," he said.
The Montenegrin referendum will speed up elections in
Serbia and "intensify centrifugal ambitions" in the
Balkans, he said.
"They say that certain Montenegrin Albanians are
already demanding an independence referendum for
future unification with independent Kosovo.
Albanians' separatist feelings will also intensify
in Macedonia," he said.

=== 4 ===


Regnum (Russia) - May 24, 2006

Transdnestr expert: Everybody who can will make use of
Montenegro precedent

In an interview to REGNUM in Tiraspol on May 23 chief
expert of the Transdniestr office of Russia’s National
Strategy Council Vladimir Bukarsky commented on the
May 21 independence referendum in Montenegro.
"In Montenegro over 55% of people voted for their
country’s withdrawal from the union with Serbia. The
outcome of the referendum is another step towards the
revision of the present world map and the further
change of the world borders.
"The recognition of Montenegro’s independence is one
more nail driven in the coffin of the chimera of
“inviolability of borders in Europe.”
"The first nail was driven when the Soviet Union and
federative Yugoslavia were destroyed. Today, nobody
doubts that very many “en route states” will follow
Montenegro’s example: Kosovo, Serbian, Croatian and
Muslim communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Albanians in Macedonia, Basques and Catalans in Spain,
Corsicans in France, Irishmen, Scotsmen and Welshmen
in Great Britain, Flemings in Belgium and the
Netherlands, French-speaking Catholics in Canadian
"Montenegro’s independence will have a direct effect
on the whole post-Soviet area and will give new
independence arguments to Transdnestr, Abkhazia, South
Ossetia and Karabakh.
"Unless the Ukrainian authorities change their policy
on the Russian-speaking South-East – the whole
Novorossiya from Odessa to Kharkov will get a moral
right to follow Montenegro’s precedent.
"By its persistent policy to liquidate Serbia’s
independence the EU itself is provoking new conflicts
and chaos on borders.
"At the same time, one cannot but admit that the
Montenegro precedent is good for Transdnestr and other
unrecognized states. This precedent means that if one
consistently moves towards independence, he will get
it sooner or later," says Bukarsky.