Fonte: yugoslaviainfo

May 22, 2006

Serbia-Montenegro union has been unsustainable from the beginning -

-"They say that certain Montenegrin Albanians are already demanding an
independence referendum for future unification with independent Kosovo.
Albanians' separatist feelings will also intensify in Macedonia."

MOSCOW - The State Union of Serbia and Montenegro was not viable and
needed reform from the very start, Borislav Milosevic, brother of the
late Yugoslav president Slobodan Miselovic and former Yugoslav
ambassador in Moscow, told Interfax on Monday.

"The State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, which was put together by
the European Union, primarily Javier Solana, in early 2003, lacked
substance and was not viable. There is a bitter, but true, Russian
proverb, 'only a grave can cure a hunchback'," Milosevic said,
referring to the results of the Sunday referendum on Montenegrin

The Union was bound to witness serious changes eventually, he said.

The European Union has played a sizable role in Balkan political
processes, Milosevic said. "The EU is creating such space in the
Balkans in which nothing can be done without its mediation," he said.

The results of the Montenegrin referendum may affect Belgrade's
position on the Kosovo issue, Milosevic said.

"Serbian authorities have experienced a moral blow. Serbian's position
on Kosovo has weakened, since the state UN Security Council resolution
1244 referred to no longer exists," he said.

The Montenegrin referendum will speed up elections in Serbia and
"intensify centrifugal ambitions" in the Balkans, he said.

"They say that certain Montenegrin Albanians are already demanding an
independence referendum for future unification with independent
Kosovo. Albanians' separatist feelings will also intensify in
Macedonia," he said.

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