(di seguito il testo dell'intervento della SKOJ - Lega della Gioventù Comunista di Jugoslavia - al festival della Gioventù Comunista Greca KNE.
Sulle attività della SKOJ si vedano anche i loro siti: www.skoj.org.yu * www.youtube.com/user/skoj05 
o i molti testi raccolti alla nostra pagina https://www.cnj.it/POLITICA/nkpj_skoj.htm#atak09 )

Speeches of comrade Vanja Zakanji

On Anti imperialistic tribune on 35th Festival Odigitis, Greece, Thessaloniki


 10 year of crime against  Yugoslavia

Dear comrades,

First I would like to greet you in the name of Young communist league of Yugoslavia-SKOJ.

Ten years ago Yugoslav people gave a heroic resistance to the largest military machinery which was directed against one sovereign, independent, small but proud country, since World War 2. The Aim was for FR Yugoslavia to capitulate, give up its freedoms, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

First explosions after the attack by the NATO alliance marked the end of public international law, suspended UN charter and opened new sad page in the history of the world. Leaders of NATO countries proved that they give no importance to the basic principles of international law. NATO aggression openly broke the UN charter, international war and humanitarian law, and many other international legal documents, from conventions regarding ecology to civilian protection in a war.

FRY and its 12 million people were ruthlessly attacked by the 19 most developed countries, members of NATO pact, under the leadership of the  USA .

Wild, ruthless and inhumane bombing of FRY brought great suffering, loss of people’s lives and destruction of material and cultural goods, and caused one of the greatest ecological catastrophes of the 20th century in  Europe .

Supreme commander of NATO forces at that time, Wesley Clark, who gave a speech on CBS television said: “The reason of the attack was not Kosovo, basically, it had nothing to do with ethnic cleansing, it was a battle for the future of NATO and for the credibility of  USA  as a power at the world’s stage”.

NATO’s goal was occupation of Kosovo and Metohija and its conversion into a military base for new aggressions and conquests, which imperialists accomplished by the Kumanovo agreement.

During the attacks which lasted continuously for 78 days, a great damage was caused to the infrastructure, civilian objects, factories, schools, healthcare facilities, media broadcasters, culture monuments, churches, monasteries etc…. More than 3500 people were killed, 100 of them being children, and over 10 000 people were wounded. Material damage amounted to over 100 billion dollars during the operation called “Merciful angel”.  Weapons forbidden by the international conventions were used (including weapons with depleted uranium) and horrific crimes were committed for which nobody took the responsibility. Reason for the aggression was the “incident” in the  village  of  Racak , where routine operation was carried out by the ministry of internal affairs and Yugoslav army in combat with Albanian separatists and terrorists, which was characterized as a genocide and ethnical cleansing. The background to the whole story was the road to Kosovo’s independence, confirmed by Kosovo’s recognition by the majority of NATO members in 2008 as well as creation of the biggest NATO military base – Bondstil – out of borders of NATO alliance, on the territory of southern Serbian province.

Heroic defense and struggle of Yugoslav people against the attack on its freedom, sovereignty, integrity and independence has universal value. It acts as an example for all the people of the world which want to enjoy freedom and peace.

Young communist league of Yugoslavia-SKOJ is grateful to all revolutionary communist and progressive parties, especially KKE and KNE for the actions taken regarding unconditional support which we received during the war which was lead against the FRY.

Fight continues all the way until the last NATO soldier leaves  Kosovo ,  Bosnia and Herzegovina  and the whole Balkan region.

To melon mas then ine o capitalismos

Ine o neos kosmos o sosialismos


Savez komunisticke omladine Jugoslavije SKOJ - The League of Yugoslav Communist Youth SKOJ 
Nemanjina 34/III , 11000 Beograd - Nemanjina 34/III, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia 
web: www.skoj.org.yu * 
web: www.youtube.com/user/skoj05 * e-mail skoj05@... * skoj@...