(english / italiano)

Ucraina: Volo MH17 abbattuto da un cannoncino 30mm

1) Osservatore Osce: ‘Aereo abbattuto da caccia ucraino’ / MH17: Pockmarks look like from very, very heavy machine gun fire, says first OSCE monitor on-scene
2) Ucraina: dalla Spagna al Donbass per combattere il fascismo
3) Anti-fascist center launched in Ukraine
4) Immenso il numero dei profughi che dall'Ucraina trovano riparo in Russia
5) LETTERA APERTA sulla messa fuori legge del Partito Comunista Ucraino (PCU)
6) Anti-war protests sweep Ukraine (Greg Butterfield / WW, on August 6, 2014)
7) Ukraine: Who will pay for the war? (Sergei Kirichuk / Union Borotba)

Altri link:

Euro-Maidan, scontri e resa dei conti a Kiev (Marco Santopadre, 8 Agosto 2014)

Ucraina: arriva il capo della Nato, bombardato un ospedale (Marco Santopadre, 8 Agosto 2014)

Kusturica: Quello che sta accadendo in Ucraina è la continuazione degli eventi in Jugoslavia (RIA Novosti, 7 agosto 2014)

NATO to Train and Fund Ukrainian Army (TeleSur, 7 August 2014)

Ukrainian offensive against Donetsk raises threat of war with Russia (Christoph Dreier / WSWS, 7 August 2014)

Intera famiglia della città di Pervomaisk massacrata dagli europeisti di Kiev

Impunity reigns for abductions and ill-treatment by pro-Kyiv vigilantes in eastern Ukraine
Amnesty International, 6 August 2014

Capire la Russia
L'attacco, via Ucraina, è simultaneamente contro la Russia e contro l'Europa. Ma la vittoria implica lo sterminio del nemico, non più la sottomissione (Giulietto Chiesa, 5 agosto 2014)

Pepe Escobar, “Western plutocracy goes bear hunting”

Bob Parry 7/27 “Blaming Russia as Flat Fact”

Pepe Escobar, “Crime (Israel) and punishment (Russia)”

Stephen Cohen, “Kiev’s Atrocities and the Silence of the Hawks”


Inno del battaglione antifascista di autodifesa popolare "Vostok"
Гимн батальона "ВОСТОК" 1080p HD (Ополчение ДНР)

=== 1 ===

PTV News 2 agosto 2014 – Volo MH17: la parola all’OSCE
Il network canadese CBC ha intervistato un inviato dell’OSCE, Michael Bociurkiw. Bociurkiw, un canadese di origine ucraina, è stato tra i primi al mondo ad arrivare sul sito del disastro, quando il relitto del Boeing 777 era ancora fumante. Cosa ha notato l’inviato della missione internazionale dell’OSCE arrivato sul posto?

VIDEO: Osservatore Osce: ‘Aereo abbattuto da caccia ucraino’
Lombardia Russia 3/ago/2014 - In questo video la testimonianza di un osservatore dell’OSCE – un canadese di origine ucraina. Il video mostra le foto della fusoliera dell’aereo malese ‘caduto’ nell’Ucraina orientale, con inequivocabili fori di proiettili sparati da una mitragliatrice e le conclusioni dell’osservatore. Entrambe confermano la versione russa: un aereo Sukhoi-25 ucraino che seguiva da vicino il Boeing malese abbattuto.

PHOTO: The holes in the wreckage of Malaysia flight MH17 are believed to have come from 30mm cannon fire

MH17: Pockmarks look like from very, very heavy machine gun fire, says first OSCE monitor on-scene


KUALA LUMPUR: INTELLIGENCE analysts in the United States had already concluded that Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down by an air-to-air missile, and that the Ukrainian government had had something to do with it.
This corroborates an emerging theory postulated by local investigators that the Boeing 777-200 was crippled by an air-to-air missile and finished off with cannon fire from a fighter that had been shadowing it as it plummeted to earth.
In a damning report dated Aug 3, headlined “Flight 17 Shoot-Down Scenario Shifts”, Associated Press reporter Robert Parry said “some US intelligence sources had concluded that the rebels and Russia were likely not at fault and that it appears Ukrainian government forces were to blame”.
This new revelation was posted on GlobalResearch, an independent research and media organisation.
In a statement released by the Ukrainian embassy on Tuesday, Kiev denied that its fighters were airborne during the time MH17 was shot down. This follows a statement released by the Russian Defence Ministry that its air traffic control had detected Ukrainian Air Force activity in the area on the same day.
They also denied all allegations made by the Russian government and said the country’s core interest was in ensuring an immediate, comprehensive, transparent and unbiased international investigation into the tragedy by establishing a state commission comprising experts from the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and Eurocontrol.
“We have evidence that the plane was downed by Russian-backed terrorist with a BUK-M1 SAM system (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation reporting name SA-11) which, together with the crew, had been supplied from Russia. This was all confirmed by our intelligence, intercepted telephone conversations of the terrorists and satellite pictures.
“At the same time, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have never used any anti-aircraft missiles since the anti-terrorist operations started in early April,” the statement read.
Yesterday, the New Straits Times quoted experts who had said that photographs of the blast fragmentation patterns on the fuselage of the airliner showed two distinct shapes — the shredding pattern associated with a warhead packed with “flechettes”, and the more uniform, round-type penetration holes consistent with that of cannon rounds.
Parry’s conclusion also stemmed from the fact that despite assertions from the Obama administration, there has not been a shred of tangible evidence to support the conclusion that Russia supplied the rebels with the BUK-M1 anti-aircraft missile system that would be needed to hit a civilian jetliner flying at 33,000 feet.
Parry also cited a July 29 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation interview with Michael Bociurkiw, one of the first Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) investigators to arrive at the scene of the disaster, near Donetsk.
Bociurkiw is a Ukrainian-Canadian monitor with OSCE who, along with another colleague, were the first international monitors to reach the wreckage after flight MH17 was brought down over eastern Ukraine.
In the CBC interview, the reporter in the video preceded it with: “The wreckage was still smouldering when a small team from the OSCE got there. No other officials arrived for days”.
“There have been two or three pieces of fuselage that have been really pockmarked with what almost looks like machinegun fire; very, very strong machinegun fire,” Bociurkiw said in the interview.
Parry had said that Bociurkiw’s testimony is “as close to virgin, untouched evidence and testimony as we’ll ever get. Unlike a black-box interpretation-analysis long afterward by the Russian, British or Ukrainian governments, each of which has a horse in this race, this testimony from Bociurkiw is raw, independent and comes from one of the two earliest witnesses to the physical evidence.
“That’s powerfully authoritative testimony. Bociurkiw arrived there fast because he negotiated with the locals for the rest of the OSCE team, who were organising to come later,” Parry had said.
Retired Lufthansa pilot Peter Haisenko had also weighed in on the new shootdown theory with Parry and pointed to the entry and exit holes centred around the cockpit.
“You can see the entry and exit holes. The edge of a portion of the holes is bent inwards. These are the smaller holes, round and clean, showing the entry points most likely that of a 30mm caliber projectile.
“The edge of the other, the larger and slightly frayed exit holes, show shreds of metal pointing produced by the same caliber projectiles. Moreover, it is evident that these exit holes of the outer layer of the double aluminum reinforced structure are shredded or bent — outwardly.”
He deduced that in order to have some of those holes fraying inwardly, and the others fraying outwardly, there had to have been a second fighter firing into the cockpit from the airliner’s starboard side. This is critical, as no surface-fired missile (or shrapnel) hitting the airliner could possibly punch holes into the cockpit from both sides of the plane.
“It had to have been a hail of bullets from both sides that brought the plane down. This is Haisenko’s main discovery. You can’t have projectiles going in both directions — into the left-hand-side fuselage panel from both its left and right sides — unless they are coming at the panel from different directions.
“Nobody before Haisenko had noticed that the projectiles had ripped through that panel from both its left side and its right side. This is what rules out any ground-fired missile,” Parry had said.


Nel frattempo, per occultare le prove il governo di Kiev sferra un violento attacco militare sulla zona… e la dirigenza OSCE è sotto controllo:

Dalla pagina Facebook di Giulietto Chiesa, 7 agosto 2014

"Sorpresa! Il capo della missione OSCE in Ucraina è un ultranazionalista antirusso, cattolico uniate. Si chiama Michail (Mikhailo) Boziurkiv. E' figlio di un altranazionalista della ex Galizia polacca, Bogdan Rostislaw, rifugiato in Canada subito dopo la guerra mondiale dopo trascorsi con la Gestapo nella Galizia filo nazista di Stepan Bandera. Nella sua pagina Facebook, Mikhailo Boziurkiv fa sapere di avere già deciso chi sono stati i colpevoli dell'abbattimento del Boeing malaysiano: i separatisti russi e la Russia. Ciò pur non essendo una specialista, per suo esplicito riconoscimento. 
Ma questo la dice lunga sulla imparzialità e obiettività del suo lavoro. La domanda è la seguente: si può sapere chi ha nominato Mikhailo Boziurkiv in quella delicatissima funzione?"

=== 2 ===

Varios españoles se suman a las "brigadas internacionales" de Donetsk
VIDEO: Brigadas Internacionales en el Donbass

VIDEO: Иностранцы едут на юго-восток Украины, чтобы воевать на стороне ополченцев

Ucraina: dalla Spagna al Donbass per combattere il fascismo

Marco Santopadre, 7 Agosto 2014

Se nel campo golpista combattono fin dall’inizio centinaia di mercenari arruolati attraverso la multinazionale statunitense Academi e alcune decine di estremisti di destra arrivati da varie parti d’Europa, Italia compresa, da qualche tempo alle milizie popolari organizzate dagli insorti del Donbass si stanno unendo alcuni volontari stranieri. In nome dell’antifascismo e della solidarietà internazionalista. E’ il caso di tre giovani spagnoli arrivati in Ucraina nelle scorse settimane e che ora combattono nelle ‘Brigate internazionali’ organizzate dai responsabili militari delle Repubbliche Popolari di Donetsk e Lugansk. Secondo quanto hanno raccontato ad alcuni media dello Stato Spagnolo loro stessi, sono arrivati recentemente a Kiev “con 500 euro in tasca e uno zaino in spalla” e da lì hanno raggiunto le regioni dell’est integrandosi nei battaglioni che resistono all’assedio dell’esercito ucraino e alle milizie delle organizzazioni di estrema destra.

Uno di loro si chiama Rafael Muñoz Pérez, originario di Madrid ma residente dal 2010 nelle Asturie ed ex militante dell’organizzazione giovanile di Izquierda Unida di Gijon. Un altro si chiama Angel ed è un militante dei Collettivi dei Giovani Comunisti di Cartagena, l’organizzazione giovanile del Partito Comunista dei Popoli di Spagna. "Siamo qui affinché il mondo veda che ciò che le televisioni spagnole e nordamericane raccontano non è la verità – spiegano in un video che sta rimbalzando sulle reti sociali – Questa gente non ha nulla a che fare col terrorismo, non sono criminali, stanno solo difendendo le loro case e le loro famiglie”. 
Inoltre, in un post pubblicato sul profilo del Comité Asturianu de Solidaridá cola Ucrania Antifacista, Muñoz assicura che darà “tutto sé stesso per questo popolo come ho fatto finora perché se lo merita. Il vostro lavoro non è meno importante, abbiamo bisogno che diffondiate la verità che i nostri mezzi di comunicazione occultano e affinché il mondo smetta di guardare dall’altra parte come avvenne nelle nostre terre nel 1936”. 
In un aggiornamento del post Muñoz, che i miliziani del Donbass chiamano Republikanieskt (il Repubblicano) informa che a loro due si è aggiunto un terzo volontario proveniente dallo Stato Spagnolo: “Ora siamo in tre”. I volontari stranieri si sono integrati nel Battaglione Vostok – il ‘Battaglione Orientale’ – nel quale combattono già altri volontari stranieri. Secondo la tv libanese Al Manar nelle ultime settimane a Donetsk sono arrivati attivisti provenienti anche da Russia, Francia, Canada, Polonia e altri paesi, per unirsi alle milizie popolari oppure per fornire sostegno logistico e umanitario alle popolazioni colpite dall’assedio governativo e dai bombardamenti. I volontari sarebbero stati messi agli ordini di Igor Strelkov, il comandante delle forze militari della Repubblica Popolare di Donetsk il cui primo ministro, qualche settimana fa, richiamava in un’intervista le similitudini con quanto avvenne in Spagna negli anni ’30. “L’analogia tra quanto avviene oggi in Donbass e la resistenza antifascista in Spagna nel 1936 è evidente. Siamo disposti ad accettare volontari da qualsiasi paese senza eccezione (…) la prima cosa che raccomandiamo ai volontari delle Brigate Internazionali è che agiscano come professionisti in campo civile: medici, infermieri, pompieri, psicologi. Abbiamo bisogno dell’aiuto nei confronti della popolazione civile e della ricostruzione delle infrastrutture distrutte dagli aggressori” spiegava Alexandr Borodayen.

=== 3 ===


Anti-fascist center launched in Ukraine

By Borotba on August 4, 2014

Support Center for Anti-fascists in Ukraine launched in Simferopol, Crimea — Your help is needed!

The objective necessity of a Support Center for Anti-fascists in Ukraine in Simferopol:

Currently, it is extremely difficult for leftist forces opposing fascism in Ukraine to work in the territory controlled by the Kiev government, in particular for the most active left organization — Union Borotba (Struggle). In the cities of the southeast, there were mass arrests of Antimaidan supporters, and today hundreds of people are behind bars. The Security Service of Ukraine now searches and arrests our comrades even for simply posting on social networks (Facebook, Vkontakte), material which is classified as “separatist” propaganda.

Under these conditions, cells of Union Borotba and other left-wing, anti-fascist organizations operate semi-underground. Any prominent leader or organizer immediately becomes the object of reprisals. The organization is now able to work only on the network principle — as a network of small, autonomous groups that direct agitation, propaganda and organization, as well as protect themselves from attacks by neofascist combatants.

Operation of a central leadership of the organization has become impossible in the territory controlled by the Kiev authorities — there is too great a risk of exposure for such a center and for destruction throughout the network.

This situation creates the need for a coordinating center for Borotba and other friendly organizations and leftist groups outside of Kiev government-controlled territory. An example in this respect is the work of the Russian Social-Democrats of the early 20th century to create a center abroad to coordinate the activities of clandestine cells.

Activists involved in the anti-fascist struggle in Ukraine, who risk arrest, torture and even death, need to know that they will not be left without shelter and livelihood if needed, so that they will be able to continue to participate in the struggle for the liberation of Ukraine from the Nazis.

Subjective conditions of the Support Center for Anti-fascists in Ukraine in Simferopol:

Due to repression by the Kiev authorities against Union Borotba and other left-wing and patriotic organizations, many activists were forced to leave the territory of Ukraine. Currently, about 20 members of Union Borotba from Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kiev and other cities, who left Ukraine under threat of arrest or violence, are in the Republic of Crimea in Simferopol. There are also representatives of other leftist groups that fled Ukraine.

For now, emigrant anti-fascists have only their own scarce resources for rent and other necessities; they do not have jobs or other sources of income. At the same time, our comrades do not want to become refugees and receive Russian citizenship — we want to return to Ukraine and defeat the neofascist regime.

Union Borotba, under the direction of Odessa Regional Council Deputy Alexei Albu and Coordinator Victor Shapinov, has already started work on coordinating Borotba and other left-wing forces within Ukraine. From July 5 to 8, the first school for political activists was held near Simferopol, which was attended by 30 people who left Ukraine.

Tasks of the Support Center for Anti-fascists in Ukraine:

1. Coordination and management of the cells of Borotba and friendly leftist organizations.

2. Ensuring secure communication channels and delivery of funds for anti-fascists in Ukraine.

3. Training new political activists who came to the resistance movement in the wake of the Antimaidan protests. Creating a cadre of powerful left-wing political forces, which will be an essential element of the political system of the new Ukraine, liberated from fascism.

4. Creating a press center of left and anti-fascist forces in Ukraine to inform the public about the fight on the territory controlled by the Kiev authorities.

5. Creating promotional materials (leaflets, videos, etc.) for use by the left and anti-fascist forces within Ukraine. Maintaining a constant videoblog for leftist forces of Ukraine, expandable to a full-fledged online channel.

6. Translation of materials of the anti-fascist resistance to foreign languages. Spreading global awareness of the fight by the anti-fascist forces of Ukraine. Dissemination of accurate information about the repression and killings of activists.

7. Maintaining a register of crimes and human rights violations by the Kiev government and its controlled ultraright units.

8. Liaison between the leftist forces in Ukraine and worldwide.

9. Ensuring evacuation of Ukrainian comrades who risk persecution or violence where they live and work.

We, the representatives of the Support Center for Anti-fascists in Ukraine appeal to all progressive movements and organizations as well as individual activists for help. Any, even the most modest, help would be greatly appreciated by the Ukrainian anti-fascist emigrants.

=== 4 ===



6 Agosto 2014 - Secondo le autorità russe, dal 1 gennaio al 1 agosto 168.677 persone si sono rivolte al Servizio Federale per l’immigrazione: 6.347 hanno richiesto lo status di rifugiato, 48.914 l’asilo temporaneo, 28.134 la cittadinanza, 59.858 la residenza temporanea, 19.943 il permesso di soggiorno e 5.481 rientranti nell’ambito del programma di reinsediamento dei connazionali.
Si registra l’arrivo di un numero maggiore di cittadini ucraini che arrivano e rimangono in Russia grazie all’esenzione dall’obbligo del visto. Secondo le autorità russe sono circa 730mila le persone di nazionalità ucraina arrivate dall’inizio del conflitto, delle quali circa l’80 per cento alloggia in zone di confine, mentre altre si spostano per stare con amici o parenti in altre zone del paese.
Più di 585 strutture temporanee ospitano 42.486 persone. Le autorità russe hanno adottato vari regolamenti per facilitare il soggiorno temporaneo dei cittadini ucraini che arrivano sul proprio territorio.

Fonte: http://www.unhcr.it/news/ucraina-crescono-i-bisogni-umanitari-a-fronte-di-un-numero-di-sfollati-interni-che-ormai-supera-quota-117mila

=== 5 ===

Also to read:
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia,  Solidarity with the CPU: Fascism will not pass

---------- Messaggio inoltrato ----------
Da: MARX VENTUNO <marxventuno.rivista@...>
Date: 06 agosto 2014 17:42
Oggetto: NO alla messa al bando del partito comunista ucraino!






Dopo le ripetute aggressioni fisiche e le minacce contro i comunisti ucraini, e in particolare contro il Segretario generale del Partito, Pëtr Simonenko, verificatesi in questi ultimi mesi, abbiamo appreso con sgomento la notizia secondo cui il governo di Kiev, che gode del sostegno di forze apertamente neofasciste come “Pravyj Sektor” e “Svoboda”, si accinge ora a mettere fuori legge il Partito Comunista Ucraino (PCU).

Il PCU, riorganizzatosi nel 1993, si è sempre battuto legittimamente nella Rada e nel Paese per evitare  che l’Ucraina diventasse membro della Nato o di altri blocchi aggressivi,  dichiarandosi invece a favore di un nuovo sistema di sicurezza collettivo pan-europeo. Mai, il PCU, si è mosso al di fuori delle leggi e della Costituzione ucraina. Nonostante ciò esso è stato oggetto di aggressioni e intimidazioni di ogni tipo; molte sue sedi sono state attaccate e date alle fiamme e diversi suoi militanti e dirigenti sono caduti sul campo per mano delle forze neofasciste. Sono dinamiche che in Europa si sono già viste, negli anni ’20 e ’30 del Novecento, con sviluppi ed esiti tragici per tutto il mondo.

Mettere fuori legge il PCU vorrebbe dire mettere a tacere la voce dell’opposizione parlamentare più coerente e autenticamente popolare rispetto al nuovo potere, volto a fare dell’Ucraina un altro avamposto della Nato ai confini della Federazione Russa. Vorrebbe dire dunque far compiere un altro passo al Paese verso un regime totalitario, apertamente neofascista.

In questi mesi, da più parti sono venuti autorevoli ammonimenti per fermare questa escalation. La parlamentare europea Gabriele Zimmer, presidente del Gruppo GUE/NGL (Sinistra unita europea/Gruppo della sinistra ecologista), si è rivolta direttamente al presidente Poroshenko per chiedergli di fermarsi prima di rendere irreversibile la deriva autoritaria del suo Paese. Gli stessi ex-ambasciatori italiani a Mosca, Sergio Romano e Ferdinando Salleo, hanno espresso motivate critiche su quanto sta accadendo in Ucraina, anche per responsabilità della Nato.

D’altra parte, se il governo ucraino volesse davvero ispirarsi all’europeismo, esso dovrebbe in primo luogo rispettare e garantire il rispetto di quei principi affermati già nella Dichiarazione universale dei diritti dell’uomo e del cittadino del 1789, ribaditi nella Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea approvata a Nizza nel 2000.

Da parte nostra chiediamo alla Corte costituzionale ucraina, alla Corte di Giustizia europea e al Consiglio europeo di non avallare questo atto illegittimo, che porrebbe l’Ucraina al di fuori del consesso dei paesi democratici, e di ribadire l’intangibilità dell’Habeas corpus, i principi della libertà di espressione e di organizzazione e il pluralismo politico e culturale come basi essenziali della convivenza civile.


Domenico Losurdo – filosofo, Università di Urbino

Cesare Procaccini – segretario nazionale del Partito dei Comunisti Italiani

Oliviero Diliberto – docente di Diritto Romano all’Università “La Sapienza” di Roma – già Ministro della Giustizia

Giulietto Chiesa – giornalista, saggista, direttore di Pandora TV

Angelo Baracca - professore di fisica all'Università di Firenze

Marco Albeltaro - storico, Università di Torino

Fosco Giannini, già Senatore della Repubblica e Capogruppo Commissione Difesa al Senato della Repubblica

Ruggero Giacomini - storico della Resistenza e del movimento operaio

Andrea Catone – storico del movimento operaio, condirettore della rivista Marxventuno

Alessandro Hobel , storico del movimento operaio

Maurizio Governatori - artista

Banda Bassotti – Gruppo musicale

Marino Severini – musicista – “voce” e chitarra de “La Gang”  

Angelo d'Orsi - docente di storia delle dottrine politiche, Università di Torino

Giuseppe Casarubbea – storico della società italiana

Luigi Marino – già Capogruppo al Senato della Repubblica

Cristina Carpinelli – Comitato Scientifico CESPI, Milano

Giorgio Inglese  -  docente all’Università di Roma

Donatello Santarone - docente all’Università degli Studi Roma Tre

 Ada Donno – docente di Letteratura, giornalista, co -fondatrice dell’ “Association of Women of the Mediterranean Region”

 Demostenes Floros - analista geopolitico, collaboratore della rivista “Limes”

 Stefano Azzarà - docente di filosofia, Università di Urbino

Federico Martino - docente di Storia del Diritto, Università di Messina

 Delfina Tromboni- storica, direttrice dell’Istituto di Storia della Resistenza di Ferrara

 Andrea Martocchia- dottore di Ricerca in Fisica, storico dell’astronomia; studioso di storia dei Balcani


 per adesioni: marxventuno.rivista@...

=== 6 ===

Anti-war protests sweep Ukraine

By Greg Butterfield on August 6, 2014

Aug. 5 — Women gather in the dozens to block major highways, carrying signs and banners reading “Save our boys” and “Stop the slaughter.”

Protesters shout down politicians spouting pro-war rhetoric, telling them to “Go fight your own war.”

Young men burn their draft cards, amidst reports of hundreds of soldiers surrendering or deserting to a neighboring country.

Is it a scene from a college town in the U.S. during the 1960s?

No. It’s happening today, in hundreds of cities and villages across Ukraine.

You won’t see it in the corporate media. But people in western, central and even embattled eastern Ukraine are taking to the streets — with women of all ages in the lead — to oppose the new “mobilization law” (military draft) enacted July 22 by the far-right junta of oligarchs, neoliberal politicians and fascists in Kiev.

In the town of Bogorodchany in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, protesters broke into the military registration office and burned draft documents, saying they would not allow their sons to be used as “cannon fodder.”

In Volovka, angry villagers confronted the mayor and military commissioner with a petition to Ukraine President Peter Poroshenko demanding the withdrawal of 50 draft cards to local residents. When no response was received, people blocked the roads and 10 were arrested.

In Novoselytsya in Chernivtsi region, women beat down a far-right politician who tried to break up their anti-draft protest outside a military recruitment office.

Actions like these are taking place daily from the suburbs of the capital, Kiev, to Lviv on the Polish border and from Transcarpathia to the Black Sea.

Videos of some protests, with English-language transcripts, can be viewed at slavyangrad.org and ukraineantifascistsolidarity.wordpress.com.

The imposition of a mandatory 1.5 percent “war tax” on workers’ wages went into effect Aug. 1, further fueling the flames.

The regime’s response to the mass anti-war sentiment? Repression.

Anton Gerashenko, an official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, announced that police will begin arresting people who agitate against the war on social media. (Navigator, July 29)

Resistance in primarily Russian-speaking southeastern cities like Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk has been driven underground by relentless repression from Kiev’s official political police, the SBU, and its unofficial death squads, the neo-Nazi gangs.

In these cities and Odessa — where at least 48 people were massacred by the fascists on May 2 — activists have been imprisoned, “disappeared” or forced to flee for their lives to liberated areas like the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics or Crimea, now an autonomous region of the Russian Federation.

Activists living in exile in Simferopol, Crimea, have established a Support Center for Antifascists in Ukraine to build solidarity for political prisoners, share information and help coordinate underground political activity.

The Support Center reported that young men in Kharkov are being rounded up off the streets and forcibly inducted into the brutal war against the Donbass mining region of Donetsk and Lugansk, where people voted overwhelmingly May 11 for independence from the U.S.-backed coup regime.

Mass resistance to the coup, which manifested in large demonstrations last spring, is still there, simmering just below the surface.

But in the West — which the junta considers its base of support — the spreading anti-war movement is causing alarm.

Media openly call for genocide in Donbass

The junta and its backers in Washington were counting on a quick victory over the volunteer people’s militias in Donbass, especially after the fraudulent election of oligarch Peter Poroshenko as president to “legitimize” the coup.

Instead, they were met with a powerful popular resistance, rooted in Soviet-era Ukraine’s deep anti-fascist sentiment, working-class traditions and partisan military tactics.

Several military offensives by the regime — each with more and more powerful weapons, resulting in greater casualties for both civilians and combatants — have failed to crush the resistance, despite horrific carnage by the Ukrainian military targeting homes, schools and hospitals in Donbass.

Lugansk, the besieged capital city of the Lugansk People’s Republic, declared a humanitarian catastrophe on Aug. 5. More than 250,000 people seeking to leave to take refuge in Russia are unable to escape the city, the people’s government reported, as so-called “humanitarian corridors” established by the Ukrainian military have actually been used for target practice. Tens of thousands in the city are without water, food or electricity. (RT.com)

Ukraine continues to lash out at civilians in the suburbs of Donetsk, capital of the Donetsk People’s Republic, as it unsuccessfully tries to blockade the city. Seventeen people, including three children, were killed by shelling in the town of Gorlovka on July 29, while the same day five seniors were killed when a retirement home was shelled in Lugansk.

Eighteen civilians were reported killed in the Donetsk town of Dokuchayevsk Aug. 4.

Ukraine continues to drop white phosphorous bombs, prohibited by international law, most recently in the town of Makeyevka near Donetsk city. (ITAR-TASS, July 30)

At the end of July, the United Nations reported 1,129 people killed and 3,500 wounded in Donbass since Kiev’s “Anti-Terrorist Operation” began, with 100,000 people forcibly displaced. But, as even the U.N. admits, these numbers are partial at best, and the real number of civilian casualties is far greater — perhaps more than 10,000, according to some reports.

As with the Israeli settler state’s war against the Palestinian people, collective punishment — even genocide — is the junta’s weapon of choice.

That was made crystal clear by pro-Kiev journalist Bogdan Boutkevitch, appearing on Hromadske TV, a network funded in part by the U.S. and the Netherlands:

“Donbass, in general, is not simply a region in a very depressed condition; it has got a whole number of problems, the biggest of which is that it is severely overpopulated with people nobody has any use for.

“If we take, for example, just the Donetsk region, there are approximately 4 million inhabitants, at least 1.5 million of which are superfluous. That’s what I mean: we don’t need to ‘understand’ Donbass. …

“Donbass must be exploited as a resource, which it is. … The most important thing that must be done — no matter how cruel it sounds — is that there is a certain category of people that must be exterminated.” (video and English transcript at slavyangrad.org, Aug. 1)

Pentagon: $ for fascist National Guard

Money to keep the war going is running out as austerity programs imposed by the International Monetary Fund and European Union begin to bite.

The harsh Ukrainian winter is not far off. Having made an anti-Russia alliance with the U.S. and NATO, the new rulers in Kiev no longer have access to cheap fuel on credit.

On July 29, CNN, citing Pentagon sources, reported that the Ukrainian military had fired three ballistic missiles against the Donbass, calling this a “major escalation” in the war.

On Aug. 1, a NATO spokesperson confirmed the Ukrainian use of ballistic missiles to the German newspaper Deutsche Welle. Then on Aug. 2, NATO backtracked, calling it a “communication error.”

Why would the Ukrainian military employ such heavy weaponry against an enemy with limited firepower and no air force or large bases?

Similar questions should be asked about Kiev’s deployment of BUK anti-aircraft batteries in eastern Ukraine in connection with the unravelling propaganda campaign to blame the rebel militias for downing Malaysian Airlines flight MH-17 on July 17.

According to intelligence reported by Igor Strelkov, the Donetsk Minister of Defense, at an emergency news conference July 31, Kiev plans to utilize ballistic missiles to hit water treatment facilities in Donetsk and Lugansk, along with a factory in Gorlovka, and unleash toxic chemicals on the civilian population. (slavyangrad.org)

The mass deaths would then be blamed on the rebels, as the junta and the U.S. attempted to do with the Malaysian airliner.

“The idea is so monstrous that it is probably hard to believe, especially for those who haven’t see the bombardment of populated areas by phosphorous bombs, people injured by chemical weapons, howitzers shooting at the city center,” said Strelkov.

It’s in this context that President Barack Obama announced new sanctions against the banking, fuel and defense sectors of Russia July 30, followed two days later by the European Union, after significant arm-twisting by Washington.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon has notified Congress that it plans to increase direct funding to the Ukrainian National Guard by $19 million to “equip and train its … troops to conduct various missions.” (Washington Times, Aug. 1)

That comes on top of $23 million already committed by the U.S. to Ukraine’s military.

As Congress and Obama well know, the National Guard is not only the backbone of Ukraine’s terrorist campaign in the southeast — it is composed of neo-Nazis in uniform, culled from the likes of the Right Sector, Maidan Self-Defense and other fascist gangs by Interior Minister Arsen Avakov.

The brutality and desperation of the Kiev junta and U.S. imperialists increase not only the humanitarian crisis in Donbass, but the danger of an open military confrontation with Russia — whose conquest is the Pentagon and Wall Street’s ultimate goal.

=== 7 ===

Ukraine: Who will pay for the war?

By Union Borotba (Struggle) on August 6, 2014

By Sergei Kirichuk
Union Borotba (Struggle)

The militant nationalist sentiments of supporters of the “Anti-Terrorist Operation” (ATO) have always been combined with expectations that the most difficult work for the Kiev government will be done by the West. At first it was thought that the European Union and the International Monetary Fund would pay for European integration, offsetting economic losses from the introduction of new standards. Ukrainians were then told that the IMF would provide money to “stabilize” the economy.

However, we learned that in reality the international financial institution imposes a neoliberal reform plan that includes cannibalistic cutbacks in social spending, increases in utility tariffs, freezing of pensions and salaries, and large-scale privatization — this time with the requirement “to establish control over all the territory of the country.” Thus, the IMF played an important role in pushing the Kiev junta toward a bloody war in the east.

Then, after the tragic destruction of the Malaysian aircraft, predictions widely spread of an imminent invasion by NATO troops, who would quickly inflict a crushing defeat of the “separatists.” Significantly, in the first hours after the tragedy, the notion quickly spread in the Ukrainian segment of social networks that many U.S. citizens were aboard [Flight] MH-17 and a U.S. invasion was inevitable.

However, most Ukrainian citizens simply do not understand the structure of public opinion in the EU and the U.S. The majority of voters, both in the EU and the U.S.,

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