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La seconda Ustica sul cielo del Donbass

Caccia ucraini hanno abbattuto il volo di linea malaysiano. Per provocare la guerra contro la Russia.

1) Une photographie satellitaire atteste que le vol MH17 a été descendu par un Sukhoï / Last seconds of MH17 flight were snapshot by a spy satellite
2) German FM plays down intel claiming Ukraine militia downed MH17 / Putin: la zona dove è caduto il Boeing nel Donbass viene bombardata


Families of German MH17 victims to sue Ukraine: lawyer (Reuters, Sep 21, 2014)

Analysis of the reasons for the crash of flight MH17 (by  Ivan A. Andrievskii, Voltaire Network, 27 september 2014)
TRAD.: Analisi delle cause del disastro del volo MH17 (di  Ivan A. Andrievskii, Rete Voltaire, 6 novembre 2014)

PTV News 9 ottobre 2014 – L’ONU si accorge dell’emergenza Ucraina
L’ONU si accorge dell’emergenza Ucraina / Volo MH17: Kiev tenta il depistaggio / Altro che sanzioni! / Quando il computer è una spia

Ancora il Boeing! (di Giulietto Chiesa, 20 ottobre 2014)
Gli 007 tedeschi, senza prove, dicono che il volo MH17 è stato abbattuto dai filorussi. I media pompano la bufala, ma continuano a tacere su quel che si sa… 

Crash du vol MH17 : le BND allemand avait été démenti par Frans Timmermans (RÉSEAU VOLTAIRE | 21 OCTOBRE 2014)
Absturz des MH17 Fluges: der deutsche BND wurde von Frans Timmermans dementiert (VOLTAIRE NETZWERK | 21. OKTOBER 2014)
Crash of Flight MH17: German BND belied by Frans Timmermans (VOLTAIRE NETWORK | 21 OCTOBER 2014)

24/10/2014 – Un documentario in esclusiva su Pandora TV, per far luce sulla tragedia del volo Malaysia Airlines MH17, costata la vita a 298 persone e i cui colpevoli sono rimasti nell’ombra…
VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_51UBl25SQ

Ucraina: le tante verità non vere sul Boeing malese (di Giampaolo Rossi, 24/10/2014)

MH17 might have been shot down from air – chief Dutch investigator (October 27, 2014)

PTV News 28 ottobre 2014 – MH17 abbattuto da caccia? Il PM: è possibile

Australian prime minister demands apology from Russia on MH17 (By James Cogan / WSWS, 12 November 2014)

PTV News 14 novembre 2014 – Mistero MH17: c’erano dei caccia in volo / La NATO e l’invasione fantasma / Obama a pezzi / Juncker e lo sconto ad Amazon


=== 1 ===

Une photographie satellitaire atteste que le vol MH17 a été descendu par un Sukhoï


Un courriel, signé « George Bilt », a été envoyé il y a quelques jours à l’attention de l’Union russe des ingénieurs qui avait publié un rapport préliminaire sur l’accident du vol MH17 [1]. L’auteur déclare être ingénieur du MIT et expert en aviation depuis plus de 20 ans.

Le mail contenait une photographie d’un jet tirant sur un Boeing.

Le paysage, les conditions météorologiques, les aéronefs sur la photographie sont pleinement compatibles avec les circonstances de la chute du vol MH17 Amsterdam/Kuala Lampur de la Malaysian airlines qui fit 298 morts.

Ivan Andrievsky, le premier vice-président de l’Union russe des Ingénieurs a déclaré : « Voici une photo de l’espace prise à partir d’une orbite basse. Selon les coordonnées indiquées dans l’image, on peut supposer qu’elle a été prise par un satellite espion états-unien ou britannique. Nous avons effectué une analyse détaillée de l’image et il n’y a aucun signe de trucage ».

Le 21 juillet, le commandant en chef de la Direction des opérations de l’état-major des Forces armées russes, le général Andrey Kartopolov, avait déclaré que, selon les données de contrôle, un jet militaire ukrainien SU-25 avait été détecté sur place juste avant la chute du Boeing.

La première chaîne de télévision russe a publié la photographie transmise par « George Bilt » que nous reproduisons.


Last seconds of MH17 flight were snapshot by a spy satellite


According to information obtained from the email of George Bilt, a former MIT alumni and aviation expert for more than 20 years, the Malaysian Boeing 777 flight #MH17 Amsterdam – Kuala-Lumpur, which tragically collapsed on July 17, 2014, was shot down by a Ukrainian fighter jet chasing it.

The email was sent a few days ago attention to the Russian Union of Engineers which published a preliminary Incident Report on MH17 [1].

“I fully agree with the results of your analysis of the causes of Boeing catastrophe. It was shot down by a fighter jet.”

– wrote the author who presented himself as George Bilt.

The assertion was supported by a space photo made presumably by a US or UK spy satellite at the moment of attack around 13:20 UTC on July 17, 2014. Russian Channel 1 has released satellite images edivencing that Malaysian Boeing MH17 (top of picture) was shot down by a Ukrainian warplane (bottom left).

Russian Channel 1 has released satellite images edivencing that Malaysian Boeing MH17 (top of picture) was shot down by a Ukrainian warplane (bottom left).

The picture, which clearly shows the launch from the left wing fighter exactly the cockpit, was attached to the e-mail. The landscape, weather, aircraft sizes on picture are fully consistent with the circumstances of the accident.

Ivan Andrievsky, the first Vice-President of the Russian Union of Engineers comments:

“Here is a space picture taken from a low orbit. According to the coordinates specified in the picture, we can assume that it was taken by a US or British spy satellite. We conducted a detailed analysis of the image and there was no sign of a fake here.”

On July 21 the head of Main Directorate for Operations of the HQ of Russia’s Armed Forces, Lieutenant-General Andrey Kartopolov stated that according to the data of objective control a Ukraine Air Force military jet SU-25 was detected moments before the downfall of Boeing.

Source: Oriental Review

What was the flight mission of Ukraine's jets in MH17 crash area?

31/ott/2014 – On July, 17 four Su-25 fighter jets of the 299th squadron of Ukraine Air Force took off the ground from Kulbakino airfield near the Nikolaev city. 
These upgraded jets can reach the altitude of 10 000 m or even higher.
There are five fighter jets in the 299th squadron: their tail numbers are 06, 07, 08, 38 and 40.
Ukraine’s Prime-Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk visited the 299th squadron on May, 21 2014 and inspected the airbase.
On the day of the crash Ukraine’s jets patrolled the area where flight MH17 was lost.
3 hours after the tragic event Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense stated that there were no combat aircraft or helicopters of Ukraine Air Force near MH17 plane crash site.
Russian radar stations recorded that there was at least one unidentified object near the Boeing airliner at the moment of the plane crash, i.e., military aircraft.
Data from cockpit voice recorders of military pilots and communication records of Ukraine’s air defense force are still not publicized.
Su-25 quickly approached Boeing at 600-800 m and attacked its cockpit and wings with a 30mm aircraft gun. 
The attack was carried out in seconds and MH17 pilots even didn’t understand what happened. 
Depressurized jet airliner began to fall to the earth and went to pieces at a height of 3000 m. 
Najib Razak, PM of Malaysia, addressing the 69th UN General Assembly:
“Malaysia will continue to seek justice for those who died. We urge all parties to continue cooperating with the investigation.”

=== 2 ===

Fonte: pagina FB "Premio Goebbels per la disinformazione", 10/11/2014

<< Ricordate le "clamorose rivelazioni" dei servizi segreti tedeschi sull'abbattimento del volo malese MH17? Tutti i media mondiali asserviti dissero che Berlino aveva le prove incontrovertibili della responsabilità delle milizie popolari del Donbass. Adesso il Ministro degli esteri tedesco è costretto ad ammettere che "l'interpretazione dei media della relazione del presidente dei servizi segreti federali (BND) dell'8 ottobre è incompleta ed arbitrariamente estrapolata dal contesto"... In pratica, nella relazione si parlava di tutte le teorie plausibili, compresa ovviamente quello di un coinvolgimento del regime golpista di Kiev, ma i nostri Goebbels hanno scelto di pubblicare solo lo scenario che faceva più comodo e confermava la versione fornita dalla propaganda di Washington. >>

German FM plays down intel claiming Ukraine militia downed MH17

November 10, 2014

The German Foreign Ministry maintains the media interpretation of an October statement by the president of national intelligence agency alleging self-defense militia downed MH17 flight in Ukraine was incomplete and taken out of context.

The Russian embassy in Berlin received an official response to note #3693 from October 27 regarding Germany’s Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND intelligence agency) President Gerhard Schindler’s allegations that local militia in eastern Ukraine shot down the Malaysia Airlines flight in July.

“The media interpretation of the report of the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) president delivered to the Bundestag Committee overseeing intelligence activities on October 8 is incomplete and arbitrarily taken out of context,” the note says.

German diplomats insisted that the BND’s analysis and evaluation was based “on information obtained from intelligence and from open sources,” which included data from the interim report of the Dutch investigation commission conducting the inquiry. The report delivered by Schindler “evaluated multiple valid scenarios with regard to their plausibility and probability,” the note said.

The ministry stressed that according to the decision of the International Civil Aviation Association (ICAA), investigation of the MH17 flight crash was handed over to Dutch authorities, authorized to exclusively deliver all information on the issue.

According to information made public by Germany’s Der Spiegel daily on October 19, Schindler delivered a statement in Bundestag on October 8 in which he claimed the militia in Ukraine’s Donetsk Region fired a rocket from a BUK defense missile system which it had captured from a Ukrainian base. It shot down the Malaysian Boeing as it was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, killing all 298 passengers and crew aboard.

Putin accuses Ukrainian troops of shelling MH17 crash site

Russian President Vladimir Putin, who met on Monday with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak on the sidelines of an APEC summit in China, has also spoken on the issue of flight MH17.

Having expressed condolences to the families of the perished passengers and Malaysian state, Vladimir Putin confirmed that Moscow insists on a complete and objective international investigation of the MH17 catastrophe in accordance with the corresponding UN resolution.

At the same time Putin disagreed with the Malaysian PM, who demanded greater access to the crash site “fully controlled by the local militia.”

“The reference that the crash site is fully controlled by so-called pro-Russian separatists is absolutely inconsistent, because it is not them, but the opposite side that is constantly shelling that territory,” Putin said. He noted that it is this shelling that prevents investigators from working properly at the crash site.

He welcomed the fact that Malaysian experts have finally got access to fully-fledged participation in the investigation.

“I’m sure your experts will contribute the necessary to the adequate investigation of this tragedy,” Putin told Razak.

An international team of investigators managed to recover more human remains from the MH17 crash site in eastern Ukraine, the Dutch prime minister announced in late October.

Still, investigators are intending to continue with the search operation and hire local contractors to collect plane debris beyond their reach, Reuters reported last week.


Putin: la zona dove è caduto il Boeing nel Donbass viene bombardata


Vladimir Putin in un incontro con il Primo Ministro della Malaysia, Najib Razak ha detto che i bombardamenti non consentono di lavorare sul luogo dello schianto e ha accolto con favore l'entrata di professionisti malesi nella partecipazione della indagini su vasta scala
Le forze armate bombardano costantemente il territorio nel Donbass dove è caduto il Boeing, non permettendo una completa attività sul luogo dell'incidente, ha detto il presidente russo Vladimir Putin in un incontro con il Primo Ministro della Malesia Najib Razak.
«Per questo non loro (i miliziani ndt) ma la parte avversa pone costantemente sotto il bombardamento questa porzione di territorio e non permette di operare a pieno regime sul luogo dello schianto. Ma in ogni caso accogliamo con favore il fatto che esperti malesi siano pienamente ammessi finalmente alla partecipazione all'inchiesta e non solo nel lavoro della cosiddetta commissione tecnica. Sono certo che i vostri esperti daranno il loro contributo a fare piena luce su questa tragedia» ha detto il Presidente della Federazione Russa.
«Putin ha anche espresso le proprie condoglianze alle famiglie delle vittime dello schianto. «Vorrei ancora una volta esprimere le mie più sentite condoglianze alle famiglie delle vittime e al popolo amichevole della Malesia in relazione all’incidente aereo della Malaysian Airlines in Ucraina orientale lo scorso 17 luglio» ha detto.