Di seguito il comunicato emesso dal Partito Socialista
della Serbia in solidarieta' ai palestinesi per l'assassinio
del leader del Fronte Popolare di Liberazione della Palestina.

Seguono, per completezza di informazione, un comunicato ufficiale
dello stesso FPLP ed un documento di George Habash, ex leader
dell'organizzazione della sinistra palestinese.


Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 18:21:06 +0200
From: "Vladimir Krsljanin"

Socijalisti~ka partija Srbije

Beograd, 29. avgusta 2001. godine

S A O P [ T E W E

Socijalisti~ka partija Srbije je sa ogor~ewem primila
vest o ubistvu jednog od vode}ih lidera prijateqskog
palestinskog naroda, Abu Ali Mustafe, generalnog sekretara
Demokratskog fronta za oslobo|ewe Palestine.

Izra`avaju}i sau~e{}e porodici, saborcima, partijskim
drugovima i ~itavom narodu i rukovodstvu
Palestine, ponavqamo i ovom prilikom na{u punu
solidarnost sa pravednom borbom arapskog
palestinskog naroda protiv represije i za ostvarivawe
legitimnih prava i nacionalnih ciqeva.

Snage koje stoje iza ovog zlo~ina iste su one koje
u sprezi sa terorizmom i organizovanim me|unarodnim
kriminalom, vi{e decenija neka`weno razorno deluju
na Bliskom Istoku i isto~nom Mediteranu, i ve} punu
deceniju na Balkanu i u centralnoj Aziji, kako bi
ova podru~ja pretvorili u popri{te me|unacionalnih i
verskih sukoba u ciqu sopstvene vojne, ekonomske i
finansijske ekspanzije, na u{trb naroda u na{em delu
sveta i ne prezaju}i ni od otvorene vojne agresije i

Socijalisti~ka partija Srbije na ~elu sa predsednikom
Slobodanom Milo{evi}em }e i daqe predvoditi otpor
naroda Jugoslavije prete}oj kolonizaciji i zajedno
sa progresivnim, demokratskim i oslobodila~kim
snagama u svetu te`iti uspostavqawu me|unarodnih
odnosa zasnovanih na miru, po{tovawu suvereniteta
naroda i ravnopravnoj saradwi. Definitivni poraz
onih koji poku{avaju da raketama, bombama i
presudama borcima za slobodu nametnu globalnu
hegemoniju je blizu.

To join or help this struggle, visit:
http://www.sps.org.yu/ (official SPS website)
http://www.belgrade-forum.org/ (forum for the world of equals)
http://www.icdsm.org/ (the international committee to defend Slobodan


The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) mourns the
death of its leader, the general secretary, Abu Ali Mustafa, who was
assassinated by the Israeli army on the morning of 27 August 2001. Abu
Ali Mustafa, the head of the second largest group within the Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO), was murdered by Sharon and his
government. Sharon, however, acts with the full support and backing of
the U.S. administration who bears full responsibility for the new
escalation in the Middle East, due to its uncritical, unconditional,
and blind support of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.

Abu Ali Mustafa was elected general secretary of the PFLP last year,
after Dr. George Habash (Al-Hakim) stepped down from the role. Abu
Ali, a long-standing comrade of Al-Hakim, was a member of the PFLP
since its inception in 1967. Abu Ali held the position of deputy
general secretary until the PFLP�s Sixth National Conference, where he
was elected general secretary.

Born in Palestine in 1938 in Arraba, near Jenin, Abu Ali lived most of
his adult life in exile until he returned home in 1999. He was part of
the resistance movement against the Israeli occupation and fulfilled
his duties from abroad as well as from Palestine.

In representing the PFLP, Abu Ali understood clearly his role and the
role of the PFLP in expressing a radical humanistic vision for the
Middle East problem. He was adamant and articulate in presenting this
vision and loyal to the principles of the party. He defended the
Palestinian cause and the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people,
foremost among them, the right of refugees to return and the right to
establish a sovereign and independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem
as its capital. He called for the dismantling of all Israeli
settlements and for continuing the Palestinian resistance movement
until the Israeli occupation is brought to an end.

He presented the vision of an all-encompassing Palestinian state where
people would live together in freedom regardless of their race,
religion, or color.

He called for a true democratic society where the rights of the
majority are protected by the fulfillment of the rights of the
minorities. He called the Palestinian resistance movement against the
Israeli racist, colonialist occupation, a duty for every Palestinian
and for every person who believes in equality, justice, and peace.

Abu Ali Mustafa lived and died defending the Palestinian cause and the
rights of the Palestinian people.

As the PFLP, and all the Palestinian people, mourn its leader, the PFLP
vows to continue the Intifada and the Palestinian resistance movement
until the Israeli occupation is over.

The Life of Abu Ali Mustafa
Abu Ali Mustafa (Mustafa Ali Al-Ali Zabri) joined the Arab National
Movement in 1955 and became a member of the Arab National Association
in Amman.
Together with his comrades and colleagues, he confronted the Jordanian
government, calling for the annulment of the Jordanian-British pact and
the dismissal of British officers from the Jordanian army.

In April 1957, he was arrested and imprisoned for several months,
shortly after the Jordanian parliament was dissolved and the Suleiman
Nabulsi government was dismissed. During that time, political parties
were banned and Abi Ali was arrested again with many others who were
tried in a military court. He was sentenced to five years in Jafer
Prison in east Jordan.

After being released from prison in 1961, Abu Ali Mustafa continued his
political work with the Arab National Movement and became responsible
for the Northern District of the West Bank. He founded and built two
organizations, one public, and one underground.

In 1966, Abu Ali was arrested again during a widespread operation
organized by the Jordanian government against the Arab National
Movement. Abu Ali was imprisoned without trial for several months in
Zarka Prison in Jordan.

After the 1967 War, Abu Ali Mustafa joined Dr. George Habash in forming
the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. He led the first
commandos through the Jordan River inside Palestine and started forming
the underground body of the PFLP. The Israelis searched in vain for
him while he was hiding out in the West Bank. After several months, he
secretly returned to Jordan.

In addition to being responsible for the PFLP in the West Bank, Abu Ali
Mustafa became the commando-in-chief of the PFLP military forces
(including the period comprising the battles in Amman in September 1970
and the battle of Ajloun in July 1971). Afterwards, he left secretly
for Lebanon.

In 1972, at the Third National Conference of the PFLP, Abu Ali was
elected deputy general secretary. From 1987 until 1991 he was a member
of the Executive Committee of the PLO.

At the PFLP Sixth National Conference in July 2000, Abu Ali was elected
general secretary.


Founder and Former Head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of

27 August 2001 - Damascus

To the Palestinian people
To the Arab masses

Today I received with great sadness the news about the assassination of
the leader Abu Ali Mustafa by Sharon and his Zionist gang. This heinous
crime that has robbed us of our long-standing comrade for over half a
century, reaffirms that the Zionist enemy is determined to annihilate
the leaders of our revolution and its cadres in order to force us to

This enemy has apparently not learned the lessons of history. The enemy
has not yet learned that the Palestinian people, who have offered
hundreds of leaders and thousands of fighters, will not kneel in
surrender. On the contrary, we will persevere in the struggle no matter
how long it takes to regain our rights and the rights of our nation. We
will remain steadfast in the struggle until the Zionist, colonialist
project is defeated.

On this day we remember Ghassan Kanafani, Guevara Gaza, Al Amassi, Abu
Jihad, Abu Iyad, Faisal Husseini; and before them we remember Al-Qassam
and Abd al-Qader Al-Husseini, and countless others who have fallen in
the battle for Palestine. Their sacrifice and their memory motivates us
to persevere.

As I convey to our people and to the Arab Nation the loss of Abu Ali
Mustafa whose determination, courage, and strength distinguished him
over so many years, I assure you that the shedding of his blood will not
be in vain. His comrades and his people will inhale the strength of his
soul and become stronger and more determined to continue the struggle
for freedom and independence.

We are proud to remember that until his death, Abu Ali Mustafa
proclaimed loudly and clearly that the foul war of Sharon will not
frighten us. Neither will it subdue us or force us to deviate the path
of revolution -- the path to freedom and victory.

Our people, who have lost a teacher and a leader, know that Abu Ali
Mustafa was an exceptional man who had the charism of a great leader.
Our people will continue to learn from him and from his spirit of
resistance -- his patience, his determination, his strong will to force
out the occupier and fulfill the dream of the right to return and the
establishment of an independent, sovereign Palestinian state with
Jerusalem as its capital.

On this sad and painful occasion, I turn to all brave comrades of the
PFLP and all members of the Palestinian revolution at home and abroad: I
call on them to remain faithful, not only to Abu Ali Mustafa but also to
all those who have sacrificed their blood for the sake of Palestine and
for the Arab Cause. We promise you, dear Abu Ali, that the Popular
Front that you helped to establish on the foundation of a spirit of
resistance will continue to march on the same road, no matter how long
and treacherous it is, no matter how much we will have to sacrifice.
The destructive tactics of the enemy will never kill our steadfastness
or our will to resist.

(fonte: MiD-EasT RealitieS - http://www.MiddleEast.Org)


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