NATO and US Government War Crimes in Yugoslavia

Michel Chossudovsky

Economic War Crimes:
Dismantling Former Yugoslavia, Recolonizing Bosnia-Herzegovina
Covert Action Quarterly, Spring 1996

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG), 19 February 2002




Compiled by Ian Johnson

At NATO's tribunal Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic has been portrayed as a perpetrator of
'medieval savagery.' The following items were compiled
from the mass media during the 1999 NATO bombing.
Unlike the false charges presented in The Hague
against Milosevic these public and verifiable facts
are irrefutable evidence of NATO's own high-tech
genocide. Pity then that the vigilantes in wigs have
decided that in their court the case against NATO
cannot be heard.

NATO and the bombing of Yugoslavia 1999.

5th April. The southern mining town of Aleksinac is
hit by three missiles which destroy a block of flats
and three streets of houses.

7th April. The Montenegrin capital of Podgorica sees
its residential area struck by four missiles.

9th April. The Zastava car plant in Kragujevac hit by
six missiles. The factory is occupied by its workers
trying to prevent it being destroyed and there are 132

11th April. Nine more missiles blast the Zastava car
plant. 124 casualties.

12th April. A passenger train travelling between
Leskovac and the Macedonian capital Skopje is bombed
and first reports confirm twenty civilians burnt

14th April. Seventy-five Albanian refugees killed when
NATO bomb a refugee convoy near Meja, between
Djakovica and Prizren in Kosovo. The column was two
kilometres long and NATO rained missiles on it for
twenty minutes.

14th April. NATO commences daytime bombing of Belgrade
while the city is packed with people going about their
daily business.

21st April. Refugee camp near Djakovica in Kosovo is

22nd April. Assassination attempt by NATO on Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic and his family. Three
laser-guided bombs hit the family home in Belgrade.
None of the family was at home.

This attack is reminiscent of the attempt to
assassinate Libyan leader Colonel Gadaffi, when US
planes, flying from Britain, attacked Gadaffi's
home in Tripoli. They missed Gaddafi but managed to
murder his daughter.

23rd April. The bombing of Yugoslavian television,
killing broadcasters, technicians, cleaners and
make-up ladies.

Robert Fisk, writing in the Independent of 24th April,
described the resultant carnage:

"Deep inside the tangle of cement and plastic and
iron, in what had once been the make-up room next to
the broadcasting studio of Serb television, was all
that was left of a young woman, burnt alive when
Nato¹s missile exploded in the radio control room. A
young technician could only be extracted from the
hundreds of tons of concrete in which he was encased
by amputating both his legs. A Belgrade fireman pulled

at one of the bodies for all of thirty seconds before
he realised that the man, swinging back and forth amid
the wreckage, was dead. By dusk last night, ten
crushed bodies, two of them women, had been tugged
beneath the concrete, another man had died in hospital
and fifteen other technicians and secretaries still
lay buried."

Tony Blair described this attack as 'entirely
justified' and Clare Short, then Secretary of State
for International Development, claimed that television
was a 'legitimate target'. Fisk wasn't so sure. He
continued his article: " I recall Croatian television
spreading hatred aplenty when it was ethnically
cleansing 170,000 Serbs from Croatia in 1995. But we
didn't bomb Zagreb. And when President Franjo
Tudjman¹s lads were massacring Serbs and Muslims in
Bosnia, we didn't bomb his residence. Was Serbian
television's real sin its broadcasting of film of the
Nato massacre of refugees last week?"

23rd April. Neighbouring Bulgaria hit by a third
missile. This time a suburb of the capital Sofia is
struck, thirty miles from the Yugoslav border.

26th April. The northern Yugoslav town of Nombor
suffers another bombing blitz.

The majority of the population of Nombor is of
Hungarian origin.

27th April. In a daytime bombing raid on the southern
town of Surdulica a quarter of the town is destroyed.

28th April. Twenty civilians killed instantly when a
2000lb laser-guided missile demolishes fifty homes on
the outskirts of Belgrade.

1st May. Forty people die after NATO missile hits a
civilian bridge in Kosovo, close to the capital,

7th May. Fifteen people are killed and sixty injured
when NATO bombers hit homes and a hospital in the
southern city of Nis.

7th May. NATO bomb the Chinese embassy in Belgrade.
Three dead and twenty injured. The Chinese government
accuses NATO of a 'barbarian act' and state that
three missiles were fired from different angles at its

13th May. Kosovo village of Korisa bombed killing
eighty-seven ethnic Albanian civilians.

22nd May. Intense bombing of Yugoslavia¹s electricity
grid begins, causing major disruption of power and
water supplies, most notably affecting the country¹s

30th May. NATO jets bomb crowded bridge in Varvarin,
central Yugoslavia. First reports confirm nineteen

This brief review by no means tells the full story of
the horror inflicted on the civilian population of
Yugoslavia, affecting all twenty-six ethnic groups who
make up the population of the Federal Republic. Truly
a confirmed and undeniable example of 'medieval

Ian Johnson. Feb. 2002.