1. Prison Camp Lora and the Trial of the Lora 8 (LINK)

2. Sul criminale di guerra Roberto Delle Fave (messaggio pervenuto)
3. An Open Letter to the Washington Post: Georgie Anne Gayer's VUKOVAR

=== 1 ===

Prison Camp Lora and the Trial of the Lora 8 (by Gregory Elich)


"...Prison camp Lora was situated in the former Yugoslav naval
compound in Split. Once Yugoslav Federal forces were forced to
withdraw during Croatia's violent war of secession in 1991, the Lora
compound was seized by secessionist forces and the following year a
prison camp was established on its grounds..."

=== 2 ===

Subject: AVVISO
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 13:40:42 +0100
To: <jugocoord@...>

Vi scrivo per comunicarVi che se l'AIA vuole condannare MILOSEVIC'
deve anche condannare il MERCENARIO ITALIANO: ROBERTO DELLE FAVE che
attualmente vive indisturbato a BORDIGHERA (ITALIA - IMPERIA) che
nella zona di DIVO SELO - GOSPIC ha fatto dei veri e propri massacri
stando nelle file del fantomatico esercito CROATO contro i SERBI delle
KRAINE e degli stessi abitanti SERBI della zona !!!
Solo che malgrado i massacri fossero documentati non solo dai mezzi
d'informazione ma da Lui stesso che se ne è sempre fatto un vanto
l'AIA lo ha sempre "protetto"!!!
Controllate la cronaca Italiana fra il 1991 e il 1992 oppure inviatemi
un vostro riscontro e vi invierò i vari dati !!! inoltre ricordatevi
che ad uccidere il giornalista francese Xavier è stato LUI che fra
l'altro è tutt'ora indagato dal momento che Xavier scrisse un attimo
prima di morire "RED DEVIL TRADITORE" e va fatto notare che RED DAVIL
è il suo nome di battaglia in CROAZIA mentre in BOSNIA esattamente a
Butmir fondò la BRIGATA "CIGNO NERO"

=== 3 ===

Subject: Prof: R.K.Kent:An Open Letter to the Washington Post:
Georgie Anne Gayer?s VUKOVAR
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 00:41:13 -0400
From: "minja m."

An Open Letter to the Washington Post:
Georgie Anne Gayer's VUKOVAR


From a "special to the Washington Times" (August 11, 2002) sent by
Georgie Anne Gayer it would appear that the "savage" Serbs took
Vukovar manu militare because this civilized City was "too perfect for
the Balkans." "It was the special vengeance," she writes, "of the
mountain people of the Dinaric Alps" (read "Serbs") "against the
cultured and tolerant European elites of the valleys and plains" (read

Apart from thus taking the Croats out of the Balkans she is simply
parroting the racist ideas which evolved toward the end of the
Nineteenth century. These ideas in action led ultimately to the
mass extermination of hundreds of thousands of Serbs in the
Independent State of Croatia (1941-1944). The cultured elites of the
Third Reich did the same thing to the Jews but their Croatian
counterparts lacked Teutonic efficiency. The killings of the Serbs
were done, for the most part, in the facon artisanale, with bestiality
that even shocked some officers of the Wermacht in situ.

The whole scenario served by Gayer is either meant to mislead or else
rests on nothing more than historical ignorance. It was not quite
the Serb Army (under the banner of the Yugoslav People's Army) that
attacked Croatia but quite the opposite. Let me cite a report of
January 1991, some six months before the local war even started. It
proposed a secret course of action by Martin Spegel (Croatia's
Minister of Internal Affairs) to his collaborators while the Yugoslav
People's Army was still extant. "We are in a war with (this) army.
Should anything happen, kill them all in the streets, in their homes,
through hand grenades, fire pistols in their bellies, women,
children... We will deal... by butchering." In fact, the Croatian Army
and para-military began, in August 1991, the first post-WWII
campaign of "ethnic cleansing," in Western Slavonia. Their pogrom led
to the flight of some 40,000 Serbs, the looting of their properties
and destruction of all the local Orthodox Christian Churches.

Vukovar happens to be the capital of Western Salvonia. Its
baroque-style Elc Palace housed the Museum of Vukovar which was used
to stage the war. The Croatian Guard Corps and police took the
Museum over in the summer of 1991, storing weapons and explosives.
Mortars and machine-guns around the palace were turned then on Serb
villages across the Danube as well as against the positions of the
Yugoslav People's Army (already deserted by its Croat officers and
men). One does not have to invent pseudo-intellectual canards in order
to "explain" why Vukovar became the target of the as yet "Yugoslav"
People's Army. One could add that hardly a Serb civilian remained
alive in Vukovar under Croat control and torture, using gym and other
equipment, appears to have been commonplace.

Raymond K. Kent,

History Department
University of California,
Berkeley, CA. 94720