Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 11:34:28 -0500 (EST)
From: "Wolfgang Mueller"
Subject: The "Last" Republic Day

Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 04:18:34 EST
From: Petokraka78
Subject: The "Last" Republic Day

The "Last" Republic Day

By: K. Kilibarda

Nov. 29, 2002 - Today is the "last" Republic Day to be celebrated in
Yugoslavia. The day was designed to commemorate the establishment of
communist Yugoslavia and to remember the forging of a national
liberation project out of a bloody conflict triggered by Nazi German
and Italian fascist occupation of the Balkans. It was a decisive
break with the old monarchical system and a step towards a new future
of free peoples.

The current nationalist and monarchist tendencies in the DOS regime
have sought to put an end to this "communist" holliday, fittingly
exised by the Yugoslav parliament as the country lurches into deeper
and deeper colonization and its final dissolution.

A "constitutional reform" is being foisted upon the country by Javier
Solana, who three years ago led the NATO aggression on Yugoslavia, in
a top-down process that nobody in the country really wants and has no
other purpose but to wipe the name "Yugoslavia" off the world map.

"Republic Day" and "Yugoslavia" aren't the only things
being "cleansed" by NATO from the Balkan space - new history books in
Serbia, for instance, now teach children that contrary to "myth" the
rulers of the medieval Serbian state didn't develop an advanced
Byzantine civilization, but instead probably lived in mud-huts and
were inferior to the kingdoms in Western Europe.

Yet the assumption that by wiping out memory one can wipe out
resistance is foolish. Next year Yugoslavia will remember the popular
deposition of the pro-Hapsburgh Obrenovic dynasty in 1903 - which
incidently shares many similiarities with the DOS regime, including
the contempt with which they are held in by the people - and in 2004
the 200 year anniversary of the first Serbian uprising that set in
motion the process of national liberation for the peoples of the
Balkans will also be marked (coincidently the same year that the
Haitian people liberated themselves from colonial oppression and
established the first state of freed slaves in the modern world).

History also has a lesson for fascist puppet regimes, like the one
that rules in Serbia currently under the DOS and its twin evil in
Montenegro, the DPS.

The people of Serbia rose up in 1941 against the regency that had
signed onto the Axis Pact and soundly rejected this policy of
collaboration and servility (and eventually defeating Serbian
fascists like Stojadinovic, Nedic, Ljotic, and of course Djurisic in

It is noteworthy that many DOS ideologues believe that "the Serbs"
made a "foolish" mistake for resisting Hitler, essentially arguing
that Serbia would have been better off if the Serbs never resisted
Nazi occupation.

In the late 1980s it was workers throughout Yugoslavia, but
particularly in Serbia - where 2 out of every three workers slated to
lose their jobs under Ante Markovic's reforms aimed at liquidating
nearly 2,500 state firms - that stood up and said no to the
neoliberal agenda.

In 1989, workers in Montenegro seized power of the government and
refused to cooperate with the neoliberal agenda (and this episode has
already long-ago been forgotten in discourses about the Yugoslav

In fact what happened in the republics of Serbia and Montenegro was
that the people chose the wrong script for what was supposed to
be "The End of History".

But why look to the past? In fact, resistance is fertile in
Yugoslavia at this very moment, with strikes, blockades, boycots,
protests and hunger fasts being employed by citizens to once again
resist the imposition of a neoliberal agenda on Yugoslavia.

The walls of the country proclaim the dissolusionment with
DOS: "propaDOSmo" (we've been ruined), "DOS-TA" (Enough!), and "GOTOV
JE DOS" (DOS is Finished) can be seen on most street corners.

While the colonizer and collaborators may relish in erradicating the
people's memory of resistence, the project will never be accomplished
so long as there are people to resist.

They may not have a party that represents them, they may not have a
leader yet, but the people of these lands will sooner or later show
the occupier the way out (as they have done so many times in the
past). It's only a matter of time before the people celebrate another
victory and another evil is relegated to the history books...