1. Milosevic in Wonderland (ICDSM 15/4/2003)
2. Press freedom in the New World Order (D. Johnstone 9/4/2003)
3. A Fax from The Hague Refutes NY Times Apologia for the Tribunal
(J. Israel 15/4/2003)


LIVE ENGLISH VIDEO FEED http://www.domovina.net/Icty/eng/room1.ram
LIVE SERBIAN VIDEO FEED http://www.domovina.net/Icty/bcs/room1.ram
ENGLISH VIDEO ARCHIVE http://hague.bard.edu/video.html
SERBIAN VIDEO ARCHIVE http://tribunal.freeserbia.com

=== 1 ===

Subject: Milosevic in Wonderland: Dignity vs. Absurdity in the New
World Order
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 11:33:31 -0600 (MDT)
From: icdsm@...

Newsletter of the International Committee to Defend Slobodan Milosevic

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Milosevic in Wonderland: Dignity vs. Absurdity in the New World Order
By Andy Wilcoxson

[Posted 15 April 2003]


If they ever put me on trial, or what passes for trials in today's
world, I hope I have half the intestinal fortitude of Slobodan

I watched The Hague proceedings via live feed on my computer last
night (it was morning in The Hague). If you would like watch live or
check out any of the archived videos, I've posted instructions at the
end of this text. [1]

Mr. Milosevic has been brilliant recently, but what struck me today
was his patience and politeness. Given the pressure on him, and faced
with what he faces, starting with the vicious attacks on his family
and his party and his people and then having to deal with this truly
bizarre 'trial,' I am afraid I would run screaming from the room.

Today Mr. Milosevic cross-examined a secret witness, so I have no idea
who the fellow is. Making him secret of course creates the impression
that he is under grave danger because, hearing what he said, Mr.
Milosevic's friends would supposedly want to harm him. Listening to
this man's testimony, I can't see why they'd care.

Although the witness claimed a crime had been committed against him -
he said he was beaten up - he also said he had no idea who might have
attacked him. Nevertheless he was sure Slobodan Milosevic was

Did soldiers in the Yugoslav Army attack him? Maybe.

Was it the army of Republika Srpska, the Bosnian Serb Republic? Maybe.

But it also could have been anyone else from Bosnia. Maybe.

In fact, he might have been attacked by visitors from somewhere else.

Noting this basic confusion, Mr. Milosevic asked the witness if he
could identify *any* of the people who committed the alleged crime
against him, to which the witness replied, with annoyance, that *he*
certainly had no idea, why didn't Milosevic tell him?

If you've read Alice in Wonderland or watched the Walt Disney cartoon
movie, this will sound familiar.

In a normal court of law a man who claimed he had been attacked by
persons unknown would not be put on the stand as a witness for the
very good reason that he could not provide evidence of anything.

Isn't it remarkable that in the midst of this parody of a legal
process Mr. Milosevic remains calm and polite?

I wouldn't.

-- Andy Wilcoxson


Instructions for accessing the video of the 'trial' follow the appeal


* The ICDSM urgently needs your help! *

In order to assist in President Milosevic's defense, we must pay phone
bills, travel expenses, and operational costs for our office and legal
work in the Netherlands. For this we depend entirely on those who care
about President Milosevic's attempt to tell the truth at The Hague.

** Here is how to make a donation **

* Donate at our secure server. Go to
You can use Visa, MasterCard or Discover

* Mail a check. Please make payable to ICDSM
Mail to:
831 Beacon St., #295
Newton Centre, MA 02459 (USA)

* Donate by credit card over the phone. Call us at:
ICDSM, 1 617 916-1705
SLOBODA, 381 11 3282491 or 381 638 862 301

* Donate using PayPal. Go to
PayPal accepts Visa and MasterCard

Thank you!


Footnotes and Further Reading


[1] Using your computer, you may access the trial proceedings in
English or Serbian. You may watch live or from archive. You will need
Realplayer. If you don't have it, go to

Here are the hyperlinks and URLs to get you to the videos.

LIVE ENGLISH VIDEO FEED http://www.domovina.net/Icty/eng/room1.ram
LIVE SERBIAN VIDEO FEED http://www.domovina.net/Icty/bcs/room1.ram
ENGLISH VIDEO ARCHIVE http://hague.bard.edu/video.html
SERBIAN VIDEO ARCHIVE http://tribunal.freeserbia.com


=== 2 ===

De : Diana Johnstone
Date : Wed, 9 Apr 2003 05:50:56 -0400
Objet : Press freedom in the New World Order

As you know, the only person convicted for civilian deaths during the
NATO bombing of Yugoslavia is the chief of Yugoslav television,
judged by the current Serbian puppet government guilty ... for not
having got everyone out of the way of the bombs. Sentence: ten years.
It is also dangerous to cover the "International Criminal Tribunal" in
The Hague.

Les USA les bombardent, le TPI les inculpent...

Hague charges journalist with contempt | B92

THE HAGUE -- Tuesday 8 April 2003 - The Hague Tribunal has issued an
indictment against Dusko Jovanovic, a journalist for the Podgorica
daily Dan, according to B92's special correspondent.
The indictment states that Jovanovic revealed the identity of a
protected witness in the trial of Slobodan Milosevic, and the witness,
code-named K-32, was then subjected to numerous death threats.
Jovanovic published the name of K-32 in Dan, and the tribunal will
demand that he attend the first hearing at a date yet to be scheduled.
Failure to make an appearance in court will result in the issuance of
an arrest warrant.
Jovanovic has been charged with contempt of court, which carries a
maximum sentence of seven years imprisonment and a fine of up to
100,000 euros.

=== 3 ===

Please send this text or the link to a friend.

Emperor's Clothes
[ www.tenc.net ]

* New Resource at Emperor's Clothes *

We have put together a list of 55 of our most informative articles on
the breakup of Yugoslavia, organized by category. More will be added.
This list can be accessed at


** A Fax from The Hague Refutes NY Times Apologia for the Tribunal **

by Jared Israel
[Posted 9 April 2003]


A March 3rd New York Times article entitled, 'Milosevic Trial Settles
Into Slow But Judicious Routine,' offers the following description of
The Hague proceedings against Slobodan Milosevic:

[Start NY Times Quote]

"The proceedings are almost excruciatingly fair," said Geoffrey
Robertson, a London-based lawyer who has just been selected to head
the new special court for war crimes in Sierra Leone.

"The court is bending over backward, perhaps even a little too far. In
a serious crime trial in London or any American court, you would not
see so much leeway given to a defendant."

-- The New York Times
March 3, 2003, Monday, Late Edition - Final
Section: Section A; Page 4; Column 3; Foreign Desk
By Marlise Simons; Dateline: The Hague

[End NY Times Quote]

Reading the above, I feared for the people of Sierra Leone. Haven't
they suffered enough?

For in the real world, The Hague Tribunal manages to violate *every*
standard of modern legal practice. For example, in the U.S., Canada
and Great Britain, it is the right of accused persons, including if
they are acting as their own attorney, to meet in private with
advisors of their choice. But the Tribunal decides whether or not to
allow privacy. And the Tribunal vetoes visits if a) they think the
visitor will later tell the media something unfavorable to the
Tribunal or b) they want (or claim to want) some *other* visitor to
discuss a particular matter with the defendant instead.

In the legal system favored by Attorney Robertson, slated to head a UN
court, and apparently by the NY Times, this flagrant denial of rights
is described as "bending over backward, perhaps even a little too

Below is a photo image of the fax sent by The Hague Tribunal, denying
the visit by a delegation from the International Committee to defend
Slobodan Milosevic, as requested by President Milosevic. The
delegation was to have included the ICDSM's Attorney, Tiphaine
Dickson. Attorney Dickson spent a week at The Hague trying to reverse
this ruling, but despite President Milosevic's protest, the Tribunal
denied this basic right.

-- Jared Israel

** Note: To view fax please go to

=== 4 ===

ARTEL GEOPOLITIKA by www.artel.co.yu
Date: 20 January 2003



Done in Belgrade on 19 January 2003

The Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals (Forum)
expresses its deep concern about the emergence of two new
types of witnesses in the trial of Mr. Slobodan Milosevic
before the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
(ICTY) in the Hague. In addition to protected witnesses,
there are now "blackmailed witnesses" as well as "the
prosecution team witnesses".

The blackmailed witnesses are persons who are under an
investigation by the ICTY and the outcome of the
investigation depends on their willingness to satisfy the
prosecution with the "quality" of their testimonies. Or else:
they will be indicted. An example of such witness whose
destiny depended on the Office of the Prosecutor is Mr. Milan

The prosecution team witnesses are persons who are
presently, or were previously, employed by the Office of the
Prosecutor. Although Mr. Fred Abrahams of The Human
Rights Watch, as a witness and former employee of the
Office of the Prosecutor, was already noted in one of our
previous statements, the "real" prosecution team witness will
appear before the Chamber shortly. That will be Mr. Graham
Blewitt, Carla del Ponte's deputy.

The clearer example of confict of interests is difficult to
imagine and testimonies of these witnesses can not be held as
reliable. Will Ms. Carla del Ponte be the crown witness in the
Milosevic case? Will Mrs. Florence Hartmann, her
spokeswoman, be called by Mr. Nice to read the excerpts
from her book on Mr. Milosevic?

As far as protected witnesses are concerned, their appearance
in great numbers before the Chamber in the Croatian &
Bosnian case is now a good excuse for the Presiding Judge
May to switch from a public into a private session at will.
The trial is thus slowly but surely becoming a secret one. For
instance, Milan Babic testified for days in private sessions; in
the end, his identity was made public. What was the purpose
of the closed sessions anyway?

In spite of this, the prosecution claims to have a "certain
problems with witnesses" and went on to blame the Yugoslav
authorities for a "lack of collaboration". The prosecution
certainly does have problems with the witnesses and reasons
are twofold: the first is that Mr. Milosevic regularly
demolishes their testimonies and credibilities; the second lies
in the fact that the prosecution rely too much on witnesses
who are suspected of, indicted or sentenced for various
criminal acts. In spite of our calls for such a practice to be
stopped by the Chamber, at the very beginning of the
proceedings in 2003 the prosecution called yet another such

- K2. He admitted to have been involved in the liquidation of
Mr. Zeljko Raznatovic-Arkan! The company the prosecution
keeps is nothing but - suspicious.

The Forum expresses the hope that all human rights
organisations will recognise that all the quoted practices
represent a violation of the right to a fair trial and a shame
for the international justice and that they will take the action
they deem appropriate.

Finally, we remind that the page 11,467 (10 October 2002) is
now the "legendary" page of the transcript. It is there that the
Presiding Judge May declared that the Chamber accepts the
hear-say evidence. We call upon all international lawyers
and human rights organisations to start a fight for the
international justice and the right to a fair trial of Mr.
Milosevic by reading that transcript page.

11000 Beograd, Jugoslavija
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