*** Kosmet: privatizing the State-owned enterprises ***

About the privatizations and the robbery of refugees properties see

Vecernje Novosti Daily: Billions given to Albanians as gift
(by Z. Aracki)

Vecernje Novine Daily: Ancestral homes not for sale
(by D. Damjanovic)


ERP KIM Newsletter 15-04-03b

If an additional 20 billion in state-owned property is taken from it
by the Albanians, it turns out that Serbia has thrown billions down
the river. No one normal in the world would allow this and neither
will we, says Engineer Dragan Markovic, the long-term director of
"Elektro Kosmet"

Vecernje Novosti Daily, Belgrade
April 13, 2003

By Dragan Damjanovic

(photo: the power plant in Obilic)

PRISTINA - "Tenders cannot be published for about 400 socially
owned firms in Kosovo and Metohija until the expelled Serbs
and Montenegrins who used to work in them return. No one,
except the state, has the right to sell someone else's property as
their own; consequently, UNMIK, KFOR and the Kosovo Government must
stop the announced privatization of collectives in the Province." This
excerpt from a letter from the world association of syndicate workers
with over 130 million members was sent to the aforementioned Pristina
addresses. Blazo Milosavljevic, the chair of the Union of Syndicates
of Kosovo and Metohija, informed reporters in Kosovska Mitrovica of
the fact, adding that representatives of the world syndicate would
arrive in the Province next week.

UNMIK's decree on privatization legalizes the usurpation of Serbian
firms in the Province. According to Goran Bogdanovic, minister in the
Kosovo Government and member of the board of directors of the trust
agency, so far 16 firms have been commercialized, including "Progres"
in Prizren, "Sar" in Djeneral Jankovic, "Pivara" in Pec... where
approximately 5,000 are employed, and not one Serb or Montenegrin.


In addition to the previously mentioned 400 socially owned firms and
75 corporations, Serbia contributed 60 percent of the total investment
in the Fund for Underdeveloped [Regions] and Kosmet [Kosovo and
Metohija]. Four years ago, these firms were turned over to UNMIK for
administration, says Engineer Dragan Markovic, the long-term director
of "Elektro Kosmet". At the same time, the state suffered damage
because of the Albanians during the bombing of almost 30 billion
dollars. If an additional 20 billion in state-owned property is taken
from it by the Albanians, it turns out that Serbia has thrown billions
down the river. No one normal in the world would allow this and
neither will we.

An increasing number of Kosmet businessmen, Serbs and Montenegrins, as
well as Bosniacs, Turks and Goranis, is convinced that the announced
privatization is the product of "Steiner's haste" due to promises
given to the Albanians, as well as deferment of accumulated problems.
This would serve to fulfill at least part of what was promised to the
Albanians, while the Serbs and Montenegrins, instead of talks on
returns, need to be further subjected to this suffering, too.

"If Mr. Steiner's message is that it is too early to decide on the
final status of Kosovo, while at the same time transferring some of
his authorities to provincial provisional institutions, then it is not
too early to begin defining what belongs to whom in this province,"
says Arif Sulja, a Gorani businessman from Prizren. Sulja, like other
businessmen, believes that it would come as no surprise if other
former republics of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia as
for "their piece of the pie" upon launching tenders in the province.
Macedonia alone, for example, invested millions of German marks in the
construction of a TE Kosovo block for the use of the Skopje steel


(photo: Trepca smelting plant in Zvecan, near Kosovska Mitrovica)

Firms in the province were built by the former Yugoslavia;
consequently, it is impossible to calculate at this time how much of
the Yugoslav budget went into the Pristina till. Data indicates that
Serbia earmarked a fifth of its foreign debt for a budget from which
money was withdrawn for the construction of Kosmet firms.

"A lot was invested here. Instead of working in those firms, today
Albanians are working in commerce: smuggling drugs, weapons, white
slaves, various goods... Unemployment is close to 70 percent. The
giant "Trepca", which once employed 12,000 people, has stopped all
operations since it was taken over by KFOR on August 14, 2000. The
same thing happened with "Feronikal" and other big firms," stresses
Engineer Radomir Kilibarda, a respected businessman.

Stopping work at "Trepca" included stopping work at all 13 of its
mines, the lead and zinc smelting plant and the battery factory in
Kosovska Mitrovica.

"There are some indications that the English, who held Trepca prior to
World War II, are interested in continuing its operations," emphasizes
Engineer Branislav Kokeric, one of the former directors. He adds that
there are also rumors that it has also attracted the attention of some
businessman from Germany, so it's not hard to determine why the head
of the UNMIK administration is hurrying into privatization.

Even though something huge is brewing in Kosmet, say the Serb and
Montenegrin businessmen, it is nevertheless important that the
representatives of the world syndicate have understood that
state-owned property cannot belong to everyone, especially not those
who worked on destroying the state and today seek in that state, on
its territory and with its money to create their own state and fill
their own pockets.


"Approximately 50,000 Serbs and Montenegrins formerly employed in
Kosmet lack basic means of sustenance today. These are primarily heads
of households where few people in the family are working," says Blazo
Milosavljevic, the chair of the Union of Syndicates of Kosmet. He adds
that some of the workers, thanks to the Serbian Government's
assistance, are receiving part of their wages as if they were working,
while many are considered to be temporarily laid off (na sistemu


According to Goran Bogdanovic, in its plan UNMIK foresees the
privatization of all 400 state-owned firms in the province which once
employed 130,000 people. According to UNMIK, this change is to occur
through transformation, redistribution of the means of production and

Translation by S.L.


BELGRAD. In der serbischen Provinz Kosovo und Metochien wurden seit
der Besatzung durch die NATO mehr als 15 000 Immobilien serbischer
Vertriebener an die ethnischen Albaner verkauft. Die UN-Mission in der
serbischen Provinz bezeichnet diese Verkäufe als "freiwillig". Das
Leben und Eigentum serbischer Vertriebener wird weder von der
UN-Polizei noch von den NATO-Soldaten geschützt und so sind die
vertriebenen Serben gezwungen ihren Eigentum an die ethnischen Albaner
zu verkaufen.
Trotz dieser Verkäufe besitzen die Serben immer noch 62% an Grund und
Boden in Kosovo und Metochien. STIMME KOSOVOS+++
Balkan-Telegramm 5/3/2003 - www.amselfeld.com



BBC Business News
March 10, 2003

UN plans Kosovo asset sell-off
By Stefan Armbruster
BBC News Online business reporter

Of about 350 socially-owned enterprises (SOEs) - a
type of social ownership unique to the Communist-era
Yugoslavia - 50 will be sold and another 300 shut
down, Ms Hackaj said.

Kosovo's UN-run administration is preparing the first
privatisation of the protectorate's assets, but admits
that it does not know their worth.
The sales, which have been opposed by Serbia and local
trade unions, are described by the UN Interim
Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) as vital for
restarting the economy.

"We need to move the economy on, and the sales are
covered by (UN) resolution number 1244," UNMIK
spokeswoman Sarah Hackaj told BBC News Online.

Of about 350 socially-owned enterprises (SOEs) - a
type of social ownership unique to the Communist-era
Yugoslavia - 50 will be sold and another 300 shut
down, Ms Hackaj said.

She said the UN had no valuations for the assets,
which would be "left up to the market".

Kosovo is one of the poorest regions of Europe, the
majority of the working population is unemployed and
foreign donor support has dwindled in recent years.

Belgrade's opposition

Western analysts say the privatisation is vital for
attracting investment to reinvigorate the economy
after years of neglect by the former Yugoslav

In June last year, Serbia asked the UN Security
Council to suspend the privatisation programme in
Kosovo because of lack of consultation with Belgrade.

Legally, Kosovo remains a part of Serbia.

Belgrade has said it does not oppose privatisations
but wants Serbian interests to be protected.

The Serbian Government is particularly concerned about
$1.4bn in international debts it has guaranteed but
are owed by Kosovo's businesses.

A special chamber of the Kosovo Supreme Court will
deal with any outstanding claims and ownership

"They (Serbia) would have to go through the special
chamber," Ms Hackaj said.

Land rights

The sale of six companies, which were to have been
advertised this week, have been delayed because the UN
in New York has not passed special "land use"
regulations covering disputed or unclear titles.

"The regulation will allow people to use land, but if
there is no clear law which allow us to sell to
private businesses, then the whole process is
pointless," Ms Hackaj said.

"Once the regulation has been approved, it will be
full-steam ahead with the advertisements."

The six businesses are described as medium-size
businesses, with about 100 employees, in sectors
ranging from brickworks to refrigeration.

Kosovo became a UN protectorate in June 1999 after an
11 week bombing campaign by Nato led to a Serbian

While the province remains part of the union of Serbia
and Montenegro, its majority-Albanian population is
seeking independence.

More companies are expected to be offered for sale
later this year.