*** italiano / english / deutsch/ srpskohrvatski ***

Serbia: i lavoratori in piazza a Smederevo e Belgrado

Union calls mass protests
Union announces parliament sleepover
Police bans workers' rally in front of parliament
Mass rally against Serbian government
Protesters demand early elections in Serbia

U.S. Steel starts pay talks with Serbian strikers
US Steel pay talks on hold

Die Arbeiter im größten serbischen Stahlwerk streiken gegen U.S. Steel
(S. Deretic, Artel.com, 17.10.03. Übs. von J. Elsässer)
(S. Deretic. Tekst je objavljen u listu Junge Welt)

Kragujevac/J. Bergmann,
Hamburger Sparkasse (BLZ 200 505 50)
Konto-Nummer 1230 499 335
CAUSALE: Smederevo ***

La BNP Paribas guidera' la svendita ai gruppi occidentali
Serbia launches bank privatisation

=== 1 ===



(ANSA) - BELGRADO, 28 OTT - Circa 10.000 iscritti ai sindacati serbi
hanno manifestato oggi a Belgrado per le dimissioni del governo ed
elezioni politiche anticipate. I sindacati, che hanno annunciato
per domani nuove dimostrazioni, chiedono in particolare una moratoria
sulle privatizzazioni, a loro avviso condotte senza tenere conto dei
costi sociali. Tra le rivendicazioni, c'e' anche quella di un aumento
salariale, a fronte di stipendi medi mensili che si attestano
sull'equivalente di circa 200 euro. Dirigenti dei sindacati sono
stati ricevuti oggi dalla presidente del parlamento e presidente ad
interim della Serbia Natasa Micic, nonche' dai capi dei gruppi
parlamentari. La manifestazione, iniziata fra qualche tensione
per il divieto imposto dalla polizia per l'area circostante il
parlamento, si e' svolta senza incidenti. Le forze dell'ordine erano
comunque presenti in gran numero, anche con alcuni reparti speciali.
(ANSA). OT 29/10/2003 19:37


SRNA, October 28, 2003

Union calls mass protests

BELGRADE -- Monday – The Independent Serbian Trade
Union today called on disgruntled workers to protest
during the last three days of October, demanding early
elections and a moratorium on the privatisation
The union’s Belgrade leader, Vladimir Andric, told a
meeting of union officials that it was still not too
late for Prime Minister Zoran Zivkovic to ask the
parliament to call elections in order to alleviate the
tension in the country.
“If the prime minister fails to do so,” said Andric,
“he will hear the voices of the workers who he hasn’t
listened to much so far”.
Andric also urged members of the Nezavisnost union and
members of other unions to join the rally.
The president of the Independent Serbian Union,
Milenko Smiljanic dismissed government allegations
that the protest is political in nature, claiming that
the work, bread and union rights were the essence of
the workers’ demands.

SRNA, October 28, 2003

Union announces parliament sleepover

BELGRADE -- Monday – Members of one of Serbia’s
largest union alliances are to set up camp around the
parliament building in Belgrade until the government
resigns, union leader Milenko Smiljanic said today.
Smiljanic, president of the Alliance of Independent
Serbian Unions, said that members would begin building
a “city of the hungry” on Wednesday with tents around
the parliament. Parliament is due to sit tomorrow to
resume a no confidence debate in the parliament

Tanjug, October 28, 2003

Police bans workers' rally in front of parliament

16:28 BELGRADE , Oct 28 (Tanjug) - President of the
Alliance of Serbian Independent Trade Unions Milenko
Smiljanic has said the police has forbidden the
participants of the Wednesday rally on Saving the
Workers and Economy of Serbia to gather outside the
parliament, as envisaged by the organiser.
Pointing out that "after some time now, banning had
occurred in the new democratic Serbia," Smiljanic
explained that the document had been issued by the
Serbian Interior Ministry early on Tuesday, which said
that "according to the Law on Gathering of Citizens, a
public gathering could not be held in the vicinity of
the Serbian federal or republic parliament before or
during their sessions.

Beta, October 29, 2003

Mass rally against Serbian government

BELGRADE -- Wednesday – Thousands of workers rallied
in central Belgrade today to demand the dismissal of
the Serbian government.
Police in full riot gear guarded the parliament
building having banned a planned march by protestors.
Instead, workers led by the Association of Independent
Serbian Unions gathered on a nearby square while a
union delegation entered parliament for talks with
senior politicians.
The workers are demanding the government resign and
slate early elections. They have also called for a
halt to the government’s privatisation programme which
has resulted in thousands of redundancies. Beta news
agency said there were around 10,000 protestors.

Agence France-Presse, October 29, 2003

Protesters demand early elections in Serbia

BELGRADE, Oct 29 (AFP) - Serveral thousand unionists
protested in downtown Belgrade on Wednesday to demand
the dismissal of the Serbian government and early
general elections.
Organisers from a syndicate of independent unions said
up to 10,000 workers joined the demonstration,
carrying banners reading "Leave, the clock is ticking"
and "Our children are hungry".
The protest came amid a deepening political crisis in
the former Yugoslav republic, with the government
struggling to keep its parliamentary majority ahead of
a no-confidence debate which could precipitate early
About 100 police stood by as the protesters gathered
near the parliament building but there were no
incidents and the demonstration ended peacefully.
Workers complain that they have seen little
improvement in their standard of living under economic
reforms [sic] implemented by the government after the
ouster of former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic
in 2000.
Unemployment stands at around 30 percent and many
workers are concerned that they will lose their jobs
as the government sells off thousands of communist-era
businesses to private investors.

=== 2 ===


Vedi anche:
Strike At (Now) US-Owned Serbian Steel Plants (16/10/2003)
US Steel to buy Serbia's Sartid steel plant (31/7/2003)

Forbes / Reuters, October 23, 2004

U.S. Steel starts pay talks with Serbian strikers

BELGRADE, Oct 23 (Reuters) - United States Steel Corp
(nyse: X - news - people) said on Thursday it had
started pay negotiations with some 10,000 striking
workers in its recently acquired Serbia plants where
production had been halted for nine days.
Employees in the Sartid steel works in Smederevo, the
Sabac tin plant and the Kucevo quicklime factory went
on strike on October 14 over low pay, demanding an
increase in the hourly wage rate to 55 dinars ($1.38)
from 33 dinars.
A trade union member told Reuters the talks with
company management began on Tuesday and the pay rise
was on the agenda.
"They want us to explain why we want a higher pay. How
can a family survive on around $160, the average wage
a U.S. Steel employee takes home after one month's
work," he told Reuters.
"That is enough to pay for bills and maybe milk and
bread, but what about meat, fruit, books for children,
medicines, not to mention toys or holidays," the trade
union official said by phone from Smederevo, some 45
kilometres east of Belgrade.
U.S. Steel said in a statement that company officials
and the Strike Board had agreed to re-start
negotiations to resolve the issues and to resume
normal production as soon as possible.
"During the negotiations, the minimum process of work
will be assured to protect people, health, environment
and the company's property," the U.S. Steel statement
Last month, the second largest American steel maker
completed the acquisition of Serbia's sole state-owned
steel mill, Sartid, and six subsidiary plants for $23
million and pledged to invest $150 million to upgrade
the facilities over three years.
Wars and sanctions in 1990s' under the rule of former
leader Slobodan Milosevic slashed Sartid's annual
output to one-fourth of its 2.4 million tonnes
installed capacity.
Since U.S. Steel took over the plant in April, monthly
production increased by 50 percent to 70,000 tonnes,
another trade union official told Reuters earlier this
U.S. Steel plans to boost output to 2.2 million tonnes
per year in 2005.
Last year, Serbia's Commercial Court put Sartid into
receivership due to its accumulated $1.7 billion in
debts. U.S. Steel has bought the entity free of all
economic liability, but has pledged not to sack any of
its 10,500 workers for three years.

Reuters, October 29, 2003

US Steel pay talks on hold

BELGRADE -- Wednesday - Pay talks between United
States Steel Corp Serbia and 10,000 striking workers
have been put on hold until next week at the workers'
request, an employee told Reuters today.
He said strikers had stepped up their protest and were
not allowing rail shipments of semi-finished products
and coke to be unloaded at the Sartid steelworks in
Production in the three recently acquired U.S. Steel
plants in Serbia - Sartid, the Sabac tin plant and the
Kucevo quicklime factory - has been halted for two
weeks now over the issue of pay.
Workers are demanding an increase in the hourly wage
rate to 55 dinars ($0.950) from 33 dinars. The average
U.S. Steel Serbia worker takes home $160 a month,
below the $206 average net wage in Serbia.
"The talks, which began on October 21, were put on ice
after six days but will resume on November 3," said
the employee, who asked not to be named. No one in the
U.S. Steel Serbia management was available for


Die Arbeiter im größten serbischen Stahlwerk streiken gegen U.S. Steel


Spomenka Deretic, Journalisting
Belgrad, 17. oktobar 2003.

David kämpft

Jeder zehnte Bürger von Smederevo, der schönsten serbischen Donaustadt,
ist im Stahlkombinat Sartid beschäftigt. Vor knapp einem Monat wurde
das Werk endgültig von der US-Gesellschaft U.S. Steel gekauft, und
letzte Woche traten die 8500 Beschäftigten in den Generalstreik. Der
Ausstand wird sowohl von der unabhängigen Sartid-Betriebsgewerkschaft
als auch vom Gewerkschaftsdachverband Nezavisnost unterstützt.

Die Arbeiter bei Sartid sind hochqualifiziert. Der Output konnte dieses
Jahr im Vergleich zum letzten um 50 Prozent erhöht werden. Die
Monatsproduktion beträgt 60.000 bis 70.000 Tonnen Schwarzblech, nach
der Weiterverarbeitung im Walzwerk ergibt das 12.000 Tonnen Weißblech.
Es gibt keinen einzigen Arbeiter, der weniger als 100 Überstunden
angesammelt hat. Der Stundenlohn beträgt weniger als einen halben
US-Dollar pro Stunde. Das bringt für einen Spitzenarbeiter mit 35
Jahren Betriebszugehörigkeit selbst im Dreischichtbetrieb gerade 180
Euro im Monat. Damit kann er keine Familie ernähren. Im slowakischen
Stahlwerk in Kosice, das U.S. Steel ebenfalls gekauft hat, liegt der
Stundenlohn bei 3,74 Dollar, sieben mal höher als bei Sartid. Arbeitern
in den Vereinigten Staaten zahlt U.S. Steel 12,48 Dollar pro Stunde,
das ist 25 mal mehr als das Unternehmen einem Serben zahlt, der
dasselbe macht. Soll man das Neokolonialismus oder Rassismus nennen?

Smederevo ist nur eines, wenn auch das bekannteste Beispiel für die
Folgen der Privatisierung in Serbien. Seit dem Machtwechsel in Belgrad
am 5. Oktober 2000 wurden insgesamt 842 Betriebe mit zusammen knapp
110.000 Beschäftigten verkauft. Das hat der Regierung nach eigenen
Angaben knapp 1,2 Milliarden Euro gebracht, von denen weniger als ein
Viertel - 253 Millionen Euro - den entlassenen Arbeitern über
Sozialfonds zu Gute kamen. Die meisten Investoren stammen aus dem
benachbarten Slowenien, doch nach der Summe der Investitionen haben
US-Konzerne die Nase vorne - mit 600 Millionen Euro kam von ihnen mehr
als die Hälfte des ausländischen Aufkauf-Kapitals. Neben dem Stahlwerk
in Smederevo zählen die Tabakfabriken in Nis und Vranje sowie die
traditonsreiche Mineralwassermarke Knjaz Milos zu den Schnäppchen der

Die Streikenden bei Sartid fordern eine Lohnerhöhung auf einen Dollar
pro Stunde und die Entlassung des Generaldirektors von U.S. Steel
Serbija Tomas Kelij. Außerdem verlangen sie die Offenlegung des
Kaufvertrages. Die Art und Weise, wie die Amerikaner das Kombinat
gekauft haben, ist nämlich reichlich seltsam. Vor zwanzig Monaten hat
die slowakische Tochter von U.S. Steel mit Sartid und der serbischen
Regierung einen Vertrag über gemeinsame Fertigung und eine
Absichtserklärung über strategische Zusammenarbeit abgeschlossen. Es
gab aber keine öffentliche Rechenschaft darüber, ob U.S. Steel wirklich
den vereinbarten Minimalpreis in Höhe von 23 Millionen US-Dollar
bezahlt haben. Fraglich ist auch, ob sich die europäischen Banken das
gefallen lassen, die Sartid vor sechs Monaten noch einen Kredit in Höhe
von 100 Millionen US-Dollar bewilligt hatten. Diese Unterstützung war
noch vom früheren Premierminister Zoran Djindjic eingefädelt worden.
Als nach dessen Ermordung am 12. März plötzlich die US-Amerikaner den
Zuschlag für Sartid bekamen, regierte die deutsche Regierung mit einem
scharfen Protestbrief.

Durch den Kauf des Stahlwerks in Smederevo hat U.S. Steel für billige
Stundenlöhne Arbeitskräfte bekommen, die Hochpreisprodukte für den
Weltmarkt erzeugen können. Im Schnäppchenpreis inbegriffen ist der
Donauhafen von Sartid, die dazugehörige Freihandelszone und zwei
Außenstellen des Kombinats in Sapac und Kucevo. Fachleute aus den USA
haben eingeräumt, daß die Fertigungstechnik in Smederevo auf hohem
Niveau ist. Besonders interessant für die Käufer dürfte die
hochentwickelte Elektronik im Werk sein. Außerdem ergänzt sich die
Produktion in Smederevo mit der im slowakischen Kosice - U.S. Steel hat
also die gesamte Stahlbranche Osteuropas eingesackt.

U.S. Steel hat die Früchte der Arbeit, die mehrere Generationen von
Serben in mehr als fünfeinhalb Jahrzehnten geleistet haben, in einem
Handstreich geplündert. Einer der Streikenden hat ein Plakat getragen:
"Dies ist mein Serbien, und nicht der Wilde Westen." Die amerikanischen
Konzerne betrachten aber Osteuropa als den Wilden Westen. Sie wollen
alles für Glasperlen kaufen. Allerdings haben sie die Rechnung ohne die
Indianer gemacht. Der Streik in Smederevo geht weiter!

(Übersetzung: Jürgen Elsässer)

Spenden für die streikenden Stahlarbeiter in Serbien sind auf folgendes
Konto Hamburger Gewerkschafter zu überweisen: Zahlungsempfänger:
Kragujevac/J. Bergmann, Hamburger Sparkasse (BLZ 200 505 50),
Konto-Nummer 1230 499 335, Kennwort Smederevo




Spomenka Deretic, novinar
Beograd, 17. oktobar 2003. godine

Tekst je objavljen u listu Junge Welt

Grad gladnih

Svaki deseti gradjanin Smedereva, najlepšeg podunavslkog grada u
Srbiji, zaposlen je u metalurškom kombinatu "Sartid". Nije prošlo ni
mesec dana od kako je "Sartid" konacno kupila americka korporacija "US
Steel", a osam i po hiljada radnika stupilo je prošle nedelje u
generalni štrajk. Radnici primaju manje od pola dolara po satu i
njihova deca su gladna. Metalci traže samo jedan dolar ! Štrajk su
podržali i Samostalni sindikat Sartida i sindikat "Nezavisnost".

Rasna diskriminacija ?

Zaposleni u "Sartidu" su dobri radnici. Oni su povecali proizvodnju za
50% u odnosu na prošlu godinu. Predsednik sindikata "Nezavisnost"
Mileta Grujanicic kaže da se u Smederevskoj železari mesecno proizvede
60.000 do 70.000 tona crnog lima. Crni lim ide na preradu u hladnu
valjaonicu, pa u fabriku belih limova, gde se mesecno dobija 12.000
tona ovog cenjenog proizvoda.
Nema ni jednog radnika u "Sartidu" koji je ostvario manje od 100 sati
prekovremenog rada. Radnici za tako naporan rad dobijaju manje od pola
dolara po satu. Na primer: visokokvalifikovani radnik, vatrostalni
zidar u celicani, sa tridesetpet godina staža i radom u tri smene i
prekovremenim radom, dobija 180 evra mesecno. On tim novcem ne može da
prehrani porodicu.
U Slovackoj celicani u Košicama, koju je "US Steel" takodje kupio, cena
rada je 3,74 dolara po satu, sedam puta viša nego u "Sartidu".
Radnici "US Steel"-a u Americi dobijaju 12,48 dolara po satu, dvadeset
pet puta više nego radnici iste kompanije u Srbiji. Da li je u pitanju
americki neokolonijalizam, ili rasna diskriminacija?

Sumnjiva kupoprodaja

Osam i po hiljada strajkaca u srpskom "Sartidu" zahteva povecanje cene
rada na jedan dolar po satu i ostavku generalnog direktora "US Steel"-a
Srbija, Tomasa Kelija. Strajkaci zahtevaju i da vide kupoprodajni
Ugovor. Cudan je nacin na koji su Amerikanci kupili srpski
Pre dvadeset meseci slovacki ogranak kompanije "US Steel" potpisao je
sa "Sartidom" i vladom Srbije ugovore o zajednickoj proizvodnji i
nadzoru i "Pismo o strateškom partnerstvu". Nije jasna procedura kojom
su Amerikanci konacno kupili "Sartid" za samo 23 miliona dolara, što je
minimalmna cena. Pitanje je i šta ce uciniti konzorcijum evropskih
banaka koje su srpskoj korporaciji "Sartid" pre šest godina odobrile
kredit od 100 miliona dolara.
Kupovinom srpskog "Sartida", "US Steel" je dobio visokokvalifikovane
radnike, radnu snagu koju veoma jeftino placa i proizvode visokog
kvaliteta, namenjene izvozu. Amerikanci su dobili i luku na Dunavu i
Slobodnu zonu Smederevo i još dve fabrike u Šapcu i Kucevu. Prema
priznanju americkih strucnjaka i oprema u "Sartidu" je dobra. Narocito
je Amerikancima interesantan elektricni sistem valjaonice u Celicani.
Više od pet decenija rada nekoliko generacija u "Sartidu", poništeno je
ovom pljackom srpske privrede. Pogoni u "Sartidu" su komplementarni sa
slovackim u Košicama. "US Steel" osvaja celo podrucje jugoistocne
Juce je jedan strajkac u Smederevu nosio parolu: "Ovo je moja Srbija,
nije Divlji Zapad". Istocnu Evropu americke kompanije smatraju divljim
zapadom. Amerikanci kupuju Istocnu Evropu za perle od stakla.


Kragujevac/J. Bergmann,
Hamburger Sparkasse (BLZ 200 505 50)
Konto-Nummer 1230 499 335
CAUSALE: Smederevo

=== 3 ===

Beta, October 29, 2003

Serbia launches bank privatisation

BELGRADE -- Tuesday – Serbia launched its bank
privatisation programme today with the appointment of
French investment bank BNP Paribas as official advisor
in the sell-off of three state-owned banks.
A statement from the Bank Recovery Agency said that
BNP Paribas had been asked to assist in the sale of Ju
Banka, Novosadska Banka and Continental Banka.