Deceiving the World with Pictures

Fighting Dirty: Pictures to Provoke Hatred and More Suffering

Remember the image of an emaciated Bosnian Muslim allegedlycaged behind"Serb barbed wire", in a "Serb concentration camp" Trnopolje? The fake photo filmed by a British news team became a worldwide symbol of the war in Bosnia. Even after it was proven that the "prisoner" wasn't a prisoner to begin with, and was filmed outsidethe gate, part of which had barbed wire, this picture had still continued to be proudly exhibited all over the world to this day as the "evidence" that Serbs ran the "concentration camps" in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Even the Hague tribunal's web site carries this fake image on its home page, offering another demonstration of its patent bias and voluntary blindness, a willful disregard for the facts and truth in all forms.

This photo was first published by the Reuters as an image of a "dead woman being carried by the Georgian soldiers from the town of Gori". But this "dead woman", incredibly, is clutching the nurse's arm. #

Deception through imagery is as old as man's ability to produce images. But photo-manipulation and staging the atrocitiesagainst one's own people to have them immediately filmed, disseminated throughout the world and used to provoke violent reaction -- retaliation -- against the designated culprit, was never used with so much success in propaganda war as during the 1990s, against the Serbs in all stages of Yugoslav civil wars.

This man exhibiting rage and grief happens to sit in the exact same place where the earlier picture was taken: the same pile of garbage is behind his back and scraps of metal from the picture of a "dead" woman being 'rescued' are lying around like in the earlier photo -- plus some, additional, unidentified scraps of metal. What are these supposed to represent? #

Someone Keeps Moving "Their Son"

Shameful role Western mainstream media has played in demonizing the Serbs and spreading the filthiest, basest propaganda against the Serbian nation and its leaders during the civil wars in the territory of former Yugoslavia, had dealt a fatal blow to Western news agencies' claims of neutrality, objectivity and impartiality. It turned out that Western mainstream media is a willing cobelligerent in the aggressive imperial wars West is constantly engaged in, being no more than a tool used by Western political powers to advance their own agendas.

# The caption Reuters gave to this photo is "Georgians stand next to the body of their son in the town of Gori". The woman is looking up towards the sky from where, presumably, death had stricken "her son"...

...But for the purposes of this photo the body of the "son" has been obviously moved quite a bit away from the curb. This was clearly not done in order to cover up the naked parts of the dead man's body, nor to allow some measure of dignity to the dead. Was it done for the light? (One should challenge Reuters to find a mother -- any mother -- who would allow the body of her child to be dragged through dirt half naked like this, while she is taking instructions from a photographer where to stand, where to look and what to do next) #

One will often hear Reuters, AP, AFP, DPA and others refer to, say, Serbian RTS as "Belgrade's official TV", as if BBC, CNN, CBC, ABC and others are "independent", far removed from the offices of their respective states' governments and administrations. Rubbish! If they are all independent and each on their own, then how come they're all always tooting the same horn and always rooting for the same side in every conflict, every war, every confrontation -- how can that be?! How was such a wide consensus achieved on every single international issue, when was this perfectly unison choir formed, spanning millions of newspapers, magazines, web sites, TV studios and news agencies? Are they all copying from each other because they are all border-line retarded, a world wide club of semi-retards who can't come up with a single original thought, or because they follow political instructions, an unwritten, unquestionable set of rules, a codex saying you either fall in line and follow the script, or you're out in the cold, and out for good? You decide.

But, when you see the rigged photo stories like these latest ones from British Reuters, be kind and remember -- they might be out to destroy entire nations, but someone's paycheck depends on it, so ...they had to do it.

Recommended: Russian analysis of two photos from Reuters set, photographed men switching roles and clothes in different takes; Did mercenaries help Georgia?, Russia Today

Posted by BBlog Staff on August 12, 2008 08:51 AM | Permalink




It looks like many photos signed by REUTERS/David Mdzinarishvili are fake.

The very same man from pictures #1 and #2 is playing his different roles on different pictures, eg. and eg. here:

It looks like made upon request.

There are also registration plates missing from the cars. I would understand one or two, but not so many...


These are typical US infowar or psyop war techniques. It is important to remember that US Army Psyops Specialists worked for CNN during the Kosovo conflict. CNN is nothing but Government-controlled media. Invariably, CNN parrots the Pentagon, CIA, and US State Department. CNN is actually just an arm of the US government and military.

If you notice on the web, AFP has photos of destroyed Georgian T-72 tanks in the capital city of South Ossetia. CNN and Reuters do not show any of those photos. Those photos show that the CIA installed Georgian Government, a puppet government of the US, has heavy weapons that it used against its own citizens in what amounted to genocide and war crimes. There were thousands of Ossetian refugees which CNN also did not show. Moreover, 2,000 Ossetian civilians were killed by US trained Georgian troops. Again, CNN did not show this.

CNN and Reuters focused on "collateral damage". These photos are particularly inane. What is that, Butt Crack Genocide? Butt Crack "aggression" against the Butt Crack "victims". CNN and Butt Crack go together.

What CNN is covering up is how the Ossetians and Russians wiped out that neocon Likudnik army in Ossetia. Ossetians report that the city is full of rotting corpses of dead US trained Georgian soldiers. There are piles and piles of dead CIA trained Likudnik necon corpses in the city. There are also rows and rows of destroyed Georgian tanks. Bill Kristol should check out those photos. His Likudnik CIA neoconservative troops got slaughtered. They are stincking up the place in Ossetia. I guess the Ossetians and the Russians "cracked some Likudnik CIA puppet skulls" in Ossetia! Bill Kristol gets to watch his puppets get slaughtered.

Ultimately, CNN is covering up the US role as the puppet master to this genocide. The US planned this aggression for the Georgian puppets and is bankrolling the Georgian army. This genocide is Made in the USA. So it is gratifying to see these US puppets get their skulls crushed. The US military training really helped them. Helped them right into body bags. The Ossetians and Russians crushed the skulls of these neocon puppets and stooges. CNN and Reuters cannot do anything about that. All they can do is show Butt Cracks. Inside Butt Cracks is where CNN belongs as does Reuters. What a big joke CNN is.

